HAVE YOU EVER WONDER WHEN YOU GO INTO A SUPERMARKET or any where you brought food or drinks and you look on the label to see what was put in this product and you did not know what the hell it was saying?
the breakdown of what you eat and drink
may or may not be harmful to you
NAMES FOR SUGAR: Sucrose,Fructose,Corn Syrup
SUGAR FREE or SUGAR LESS: still contain calories from sugar alcohols such as Mannitol, Xylitol, Sorbitol, Saccharin is a nonnutritive sweetner, that is, it has no calories. Asparatame has the same calories as sugar, but is much sweeter that only small amounts are needed to provide the desired sweetness in a product.
Acacia: Acacia vera,GUM Arabic.Egyptian Thorn. Acacia is the odorless, colorless, tasteless dried exudate from the stem of the Acacia tree grown in Africa, The Near East,India, and the southern United States. It dissolve rapidly in water. Gum Acacia is a foam stabilizer in soft drinks and brewing industries. Medically, it is used as a demulcent to soothe irritations, particularly of the mucous membranes. It slightly reduces cholesterol in the blood. It can caused allergic reactions such as asthmatic attacks ,skin rash. Oral toxicity is low.
Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI): An estimate of the amount of a food additive, expressed on a body-weight basis, that can be ingested daily over a lifetime without appreciable health risk, according to the World Health Organization (1987).
Acenaphtene: White needles derived from coal tar, insoluble in water. Used as a dye intermediate in pharmaceuticals, insecticides, fungicides, and plastics.
Acephate (O-S-Dimethyl acetylphospheramidothioate and O, S-Dimethyl Phosphoramido Thioate): A contact and systemic pesticide used on cottonseed meal resulting from application to growing crops. The FDA permits a tolerance of 8 ppm in cottonseed and 4 ppm in soybean meal resulting from application to growing crop.
Acerola: Used as an antioxidant. Derived from the ripe fruit of the West Indian or Barbados cherry grown in Central America and the West Indies. A rich source of ascorbic acid. Used in vitamin C. No known toxicity.
Acesulfame K: Acesulfame Potassium. Sunette. Ace K. IN a petition filed in September 1982, the American Hoechst Corporation asked for approval to make this nonnutritive sweetener two hundred times sweeter than table sugar for use in chewing gum, dry beverage mixes, confections, canned fruit, gelatins, puddings, custards, and as tabletop sweetener. The petition, including fifteen volumes of research studies, said the sweetener is not metabolized and would not add calories to the diet. The FDA approved acesulfame K on July 27, 1988, for use in dry food products and for sale in powder form or tablets that can be applied directly by the consumer. It has about the same sweetening power as aspartame, but unlike aspartame, has no calories. Hoechst obtained approval to use acesulfame K as an ingredient in liquids and baked goods and candies. The sweetener had previously been approved for use in liquids and baked goods and candies. The sweetener had previously been approved for use in twenty countries including France and Britain. Pepsi and Coca-Cola use it in Europe and Canada in their diet drinks.
The Food and Drug Administration said that four long-term animal studies in dogs, mice, and rats had not shown any toxic effects that could be pinned on the sweetener. However, the Center for Science in the Public Interest, a Washington, DC-based consumer group, sent a warning to the FDA more than six months before the sweetener’s approval saying that animals fed acesulfame K in two different studies suffered more tumors than other s that did not receive the compound. In another study cited by CSPI, diabetic rats had a higher blood level of cholesterol when fed the sweetener.
The FDA said in a press release that it had considered the Center’s concerns and concluded that “any tumors found were typical of what could routinely be expected and were not due to feeding with acesulfame K.”
Hoechst said that acesulfame is not metabolized by the body an is excreted unchanged by humans and animals. When heated to decomposition emits toxic fumes.
Acetal: A volatile liquid derived from acetaldhyde and alcohol and used as a solvent in synthetic perfumes such as jasmine. Also used in fruit flavorings (it has a nutlike aftertaste) and as a hypnotic in medicine. It is central nervous system depressant, similar in action to paraldehyde but more toxic. Paraldehyde is a hypnotic and sedative whose side effects are respiratory depression, cardiovascular collapse, and possible high pressure reactions. No known skin toxicity.
Acetaldehyde: Ethanal. An intermediate and solvent in the manufacture of perfumes. A flammable, colorless liquid, with a characteristic odor, occurring naturally in apples, broccoli, cheese, coffee, grape fruit, and other vegetables and fruit. Also used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber and in the silvering of mirrors. It is irritating to the mucous membranes, and ingestion of large doses may cause death by respiratory paralysis. Its ability to depress the central nervous system is greater than that of formaldehyde, and ingestion produces symptoms of “drunkenness.” Acetaldehyde is thought to be a factor in the toxic effect caused by drinking alcohol after taking the anti-alcohol drug Antabuse. Inhalation, usually limited by intense irritation of lungs, can also be toxic. Skin toxicity not identified. GRAS.
Acetaldehyde Ethyl Cis-3-Hexenyl Acetal: A synthetic flavoring. The FDA has as of this writing not yet done a thorough toxicology search.
Acetaldehyde Phenethyle Propyl Acetal: Petital. A synthetic fruit flavoring agent for beverages, ice cream, ices, candy, and baked goods.
Acetanisole: Asynthetic flavoring agent, colorless to pale yellow solid, with an odor of hawthorn or hay, moderately soluble in alcohol and most fixed oils. Acetanisole is used in butter, caramel, chocolate, fruit, nut, and vanilla flavorings, which go into beverages, ice cream, ices, candy, baked goods, and chewing gums.
Acetate: Salt of acetic acid used in liquor, nut, coffee, vanilla, honey, pineapple, and cheese flavorings for beverages, ice cream, sherbets, cakes, cookies, pastries, and candy. Also used in perfumery. May be irritating to the stomach if consumed in large quantities.
Acetic Acid: Occurs naturally in apples, cheese, cocoa, coffee, grapes, skimmed milk, oranges, peaches, pineapples, strawberries, and a variety of other fruits and plants. Vinegar is about 4 to 6 percent acetic acid and essence of vinegar is about 14 percent. It is used in cheese, baked goods, and animal feeds. Can be used in standardized foods and thus need not be listed on the label. Solvent for gums, resins, and volatile oils. Styptic, it stops bleeding when applied to a cut on the skin. It is used in freckle-bleaching lotions, hand lotions, and hair dyes. Potential adverse skin reactions include irritation or itching, hives, and overgrowth of organisms that do not respond to germ-killers. In its glacial form (without much water) it is highly corrosive and its vapors are capable of producing lung obstruction. Less than 5 percent acetic acid in solution is mildly irritating to the skin. It caused cancer in rats and mice when given orally or by injection.
Acetic Acid, Citronellyl Ester: A flavoring agent found in oils of citronella geranium, and about twenty other oils. Colorless liquid; fruity odor. Used as a flavoring agent in mayonnaise, salad dressings, and sauces. Mildly toxic by ingestion. A human skin irritant.
Babassu Oil: A nondrying edible oil expressed from the kernels of the babassu palm, which grows in Brazil. Used in foods and soaps but is expensive. No known toxicity.
Bacitracin: An antibiotic. White to pale with a slight odor. Used as an animal drug in beef, chicken, eggs, milk, pheasant, pork, and turkey. Used to increase weight gain, improve feed efficiency, and treat bacterial infections in swine. Tolerance set by the FDA is 0.5 ppm in uncooked tissue of cattle , swine, chickens, turkeys, pheasants, quail, and in milk and eggs. Moderately toxic by ingestion and injection. Possibly mutagenic.
Bacitracin Methylene Disalicylate: White to brownish-gray powder used as an animal feed drug that the FDA permits at a level not in excess of the amount reasonably required to accomplish the intended effect.
Bacteria: Microscopic single-cell organisms. Bacteria are among the most common microorganisms responsible for diseases in humans. Many are harmless. Those from lactic acid and propionic acid are harmless and used to produce chesses and margarine.
Cacao Shell: Cocoa shells of the seeds of trees grown in Brazil, Central America, and most tropical countries. Weak chocolate-like odor and taste, thin and peppery, with a reddish brown color. Used in the manufacture of caffeine and theobromine, which occurs in chocolate products and is used as a diuretic and nerve stimulant. Occasionally causes allergic reactions from handling.
Cadinene: A general fixative that occurs naturally in juniper oil and pepper oil. It has a faint, pleasant smell. Used in candy, baked goods (1,200 ppm), and chewing gum (1,000 ppm).
Cadmium: A naturally occurring metal used to control molds, and diseases that attack home lawns, golf courses, and other grasses. However, less than 0.1 percent of the annual U.S. consumption of twelve million pounds of cadmium is used in pesticides – most of it in industries. Cadmium in drinking water has been correlated with cancer of the pharynx, esophagus, intestines, larynx, lungs, and bladder. Cadmium is believed to cause mutations. It is poisonous when ingested and is also a potential cancer-causing agent. It has an extremely long biological clearance in humans and accumulates in body tissues, particularly in the liver and kidney. There are no available chelating agents to enhance cadmium excretion. The FAO-WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives allocated a Provisional Tolerable Weekly Intake (PTWI) of 400-500 nanograms of cadmium per person. The average dietary intake, according to the United Nations, is approximately 10 to 50 nanograms per day in areas of normal exposure. The Committee noted there was a question about how much biologically active cadmium was available from various foods, such as rice or grains. For example, in a study in New Zealand, the blood concentration and urinary excretion of cadmium were found to be “surprisingly low” in a population with oysters, which contain high levels of cadmium. The Committee maintains the current PTWI of 7 nanograms per kilogram of body weight pending future research. The FDA, which previously allowed cadmium as a colorant in polystyrenes, no longer allows its use. Being reviewed by NTP as a carcinogen.
Caffeine: Guaranine. Methyltheobromine. Theine. Trimethylxanthine. An odorless white powder with a bitter taste that occurs naturally in the coffee, cola, guarana paste, tea, and kola nuts. Caffeine is the number one psychoactive drug. Obtained as a byproduct of caffeine-free coffee. Used as a flavor in root beer beverages and other foods. It is a central nervous system, heart, and respiratory system stimulant. Caffeine can alter blood sugar release and cross the placental barrier. It can cause nervousness, insomnia, irregular heartbeat, noises in ears, and in high does, convulsions. It has been linked to spontaneous panic attacks in persons sensitive to caffeine. It has been found to be addictive. It also causes increases in calcium excretion. Because of its capability to cause birth defects in rats, the FDA proposed regulations to request new safety studies and to encourage the manufacture and sale of caffeine-free colas. One regulation would make the food industry’s continued use of caffeine as an added ingredient in soft drinks and other foods conditional upon its funding of studies of caffeine’s effects on children and the unborn. A University of Montreal study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, December 22, 1993, said that women who consume the amount of caffeine in one and a half to three cups of coffee a day may nearly double their risk of miscarriage. Under present regulations, a soft as cola or pepper, and the FDA wants soda producers to be able to use this name when caffeine is not used. The FDA has asked for studies on the long-term effects of the additive to determine whether it may cause cancer or birth defects. The final report to the FDA of the Select Committee on GRAS Substances stated in 1980 that while no evidence in the available information on it demonstrates a hazard to the public at current use levels, uncertainties exist, requiring that additional studies be conducted. GRAS status continues while test are being conducted.
2,4-D (2,4-Dichlorophenoxy) Acetic Acid: Prepared from phenol and chloroacetic acid, it is an herbicide that belongs to the same class as dioxin and is widely used by home gardeners and farmers. The FDA permits it in milled fractions (except flour) derived from barley, oats, rye, and wheat to be ingested as food or converted into food or feed as a residue. The FDA tolerances for residues are 2 ppm in milled fractions, 1 ppm in potable water in western United States, and 5 ppm in processed feeds using sugarcane bagasse or molasses. 2,ose not cause acute toxicity, but its long-term effects are a matter of controversy and it has been linked to cancer. An excess of non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma among farmers has been strongly associated with its use. It does cause eye irritation and gastrointestinal upsets.
Daily Value (DV): Substitued for the percentage of U.S. Recommended Dietary Allowances. It is a guideline based on the daily needs of the general population. The percentages are supposed to help you compare the nutrients in a particular food with dietary recommendations that help reduce risk for some chronic diseases.
Dairy-Lo: A fat replacer containing whey protein concentrate. It can be used in other foods including reduced-fat versions fo butter, sour cream, cheese, yogurt, salad dressings, margarine, mayonnaise, and baked goods, coffee creamers, soups, and sauces.
Dalapon: 2,2-Dichloropropanioic Acid. Used as a herbicide in citrus pulp for cattle feed. FDA tolerance is 20 ppm.
Damiana Leaves: The dried leaves of a California and Texas plant used as a flavoring. Formerly used as a tonic and aphrodisiac. Now used as a flavoring. There is reported used of the chemical; it has not yet been assigned for toxicology literature.
Daminozide: Alar. Butanedioic Acid Mono (2, 2-dimethyl hydrazide). An apple growth regulator was a particular focus of alarm in 1988-89 when its residues were reported to be hazardous to children. The FDA residue tolerances were 10 ppm in dried tomato pomace, 90 ppm in residues of peanut meal (both for animal feed), 0.2 ppm in fat, meat, or meat byproducts of cattle, goats, hogs, poultry, and sheep, 0.02 ppm residues in milk, 0.2 ppm as residues in eggs, 20.0 as residues in apples, and 30.0 as residues in cherries, nectarines, and peaches. Probable human carcinogen. Causes multiple tumors in animals. Diaminozide was removed from the market in 1989 and now permitted for use only on flowerbeds.
Dammar: Resin used to produce a gloss and adhesion in nail lacquer. It is a yellowish white, semitransparent exudate from a plant grown in the East Indies and the Philippines. Comes in varying degrees of hardness. It has a bitter taste. Also used for preserving animal and vegetable specimens for science laboratories. May cause allergic contact dermatitis.
Earth Wax: Gerneral name for Ozocerite, Ceresin, and Montan Waxes.
Echinacea: Echinacea angustifolia. Snakeroot. Stoneflower. Coneflower. The roots and leaves of this herb served as a medicine for the Plains Indians. Said By herbalists to be a natural antibiotic and immune enhancer. contains an antispetic volatile oil, glycosides, and phenol, which is also an antiseptic. It was widely used by Dr. Wooster Beach, who in the mid-18800’s founded Eclectic medicine, a blending of homeopathic and North American herbalism. Echinacea has been found to increase the ability of white blood cells to fight, destroy, and digest toxic organisms that invade the body. It s taken to combat colds, infections, and inflammations.
E. Coli (Escherichia Coli): A type of bacteria normally found in the gut of most animals including humans. Much of the work scientists have done using recombinant DNA techniques has used E. coli as a carrier because it is well understood. Some types of this bacteria class have been causing food poisoning, some of it fatal. Factory farming and overuse of antibiotics are believed to be contributing to the problem of resistant and dangerous types of E. coli.
Eczema: INflammatino of the skin.
Efrontomycin: An antibiotic to improve swine-feed efficiency.
Egg: Particularly associated with eczema in children. May also cause reactions ranging from hives to anaphylaxis. Eggs may also be found in root beer, soups, sausage, coffee, and in cosmetics.
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA): Found in fish oil, it reduces production of thromboxane, a clotting agent, in the blood, thus making the platelets less “sticky.”
Elder Flowers: Sambucus canadensis. A natural flavoring from the small white flowers of a shrub or small tree. Used in fruit, wine, and spice flavorings for beverages, ice cream, ices, candy, baked goods, and wine. The leaves and bark can cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. GRAS. There is reported used of the chemical; it has not yet been assigned for toxicology literature.
Elder Tree Leaves: Flavoring for use in alcoholic beverages only. There is no reported use of the chemical and there is no toxicology information available.
Famphur: 0,0-Dimethyl 0-P (Dimethylsulfo/amoyl) Phenyl Phosporothiaoate. An insecticide to combat grubs in animal feed. The FDA residue tolerance is 0.1 ppm in meat, fat, and meat byproducts of cattle.
Fantesk: A fat replacer developed by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and licensed exclusivly to Opta Food Ingredients. It is based on a combination of starches or gums with a small amount of oil. It has the taste and texture of regular fat but provides less than 0.5 grams of fat per serving.
FAO-WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives: An international group of experts from the World Health Organization and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. The members meet periodically to evaluate the safety of various food additives and contaminants with a view to recommending acceptable daily intakes for humans and to prepare specifications for the identity and purity of food additives. the preparatory work for toxicological evaluations of food additives and contaminants by the Joint FAO-WHO expert Committee on Food Additives is actively supported by certain of the member states that contribute to the work of the International Program on Chemical Safety.
Farnesol: A flavoring agent that occurs naturally in ambrette seed, star anise, cassia, linden flowers, oils of muskseed, citronella, rose, and balsam. Used in berry, apricot, banana, cherry, melon, peach, citrus, fruit, raspberry, and strawberry flavorings for beverages, ice cream, ices, candy, baked goods, and gelatin desserts. Used in perfumery to emphasize the odor of sweet floral perfumers such as lilac. Mildly toxic when ingested. Caused mutations in laboratory animals.
Faseb: Abbreation for the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, members of which evaluate studies for the FDA.
Fat: The most concentrated source source of food energy and very necessary to health. fat deposits provide insulation and protection for body structure as well as a storehouse for energy. Food fats are carriers of fat-soluble vitamins and include certain essential unsaturated fatty acids. Saturated fats contain only single-bond carbon linkages and are the least active chemically. They are usually solid at room temperature. Most animal fats are saturated. The common saturated fats are acetic, butyric, caproic, caprylic, capric, lauric, myristic, palmitic, stearic, arachidic, and behenic. Butterfat, coconu7t oil, and peanut oil are high in saturated fats. Unsaturated fats contain one or more double-bond carbon linkages and are usually liquid at room temperature. Vegetable oils and fish oils most frequently contain unsaturated fats. Among the unsaturated fats are caproleic, lauroleic, myristoleic, palmitoleic, oleic, petroselinic, vaccenic, linoleic, linolenic, elaesosearic, gadoleic, arachidonic, and erucic.
Fat Cal: Listing on labels signifying calories from fat.
Fat Free: Less than 0.5 grams per serving. However, manufacturers are permitted to “round down” and claim zero fat even if a product contains 0.6 grams of fat. Very few foods are actually complete fat free.
a-Galactosidase: Derived from Mortierella vinaceae, it is an enzyme used in sugar beet production.
Galangal Root: East INdian Root. Chinese Ginger. The pungent aromatic oil of the galangal root is a bitters, vermouth, spice, and ginger ale flavoring agent for beverages. The extract is a bitters, fruit, liquor, spice, and ginger ale flavoring agent for beverages, ice cream, ices, candy, baked goods, and liquors. Related to true ginger, it was formerly used in cooking and in medicine to treat colic. No known toxicity. GRAS. There is reported use of the chemical; it has not yet been assigned for toxicology literature.
Galbanum Oil: A yellowish to green or brown aromatic bitter gum resin from an Asiatic plant used as incense. The oil is a fruit, nut, and spice flavoring for beverages, ice cream, ices, candy, baked goods, and condiments. Has been used medicinally to break up intestinal gas and as an expectorant. No known toxicity. There is reported use of the chemical; it has not yet been assigned for toxicology literature.