Exposing the Greatest Cover- ups in “His-Story”
By: Suzar
Marsha Stewart.
Copyright © 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004 – All rights reserved.
Revised: April 10, 2004 12:06 AM -0400
Blacked Out Through
Whitewash (1992)
Part I:
Exposing the Greatest Cover- ups in
By: Suzar
(Because the need is critical this book may be copied and distributed. Sections of this book may be copied as long as credit is given to the book or author). Like Christ, ALL founders of world religions on ALL continents
were BLACK and “woolly” haired, including the earliest gods.
Buddha was Black, that’s why his woolly hair is always shown in small tight curls, peppercorn style or cornrows. Early sculptures of him clearly reveal his Aficoid features …wide nose and full lips. So was Zaha of Japan, Fu-Hsi of China, Tyr of Scandinavia, Quetzalcoatl of Mexico, Sommonacom of Siam and Isis of Egypt and Rome. Krishna of India was “blue-black,” in fact his means black, or the Black One! (See dictionary). He is always portrayed with blue or blue-black skin.
Mohammed, founder of Islam was also ‘bluish’ in color with ‘frizzy’ hair. His grandfather was “black as the night.” Moses was Black according to Mohammedan tradition and early portraits. His hand would turn white, then back to his “other flesh” when God wished to give him a sign. (Ex. 4:6,7).
Lao Tse of Taoism was “a divine incarnation …born of a virgin
black in complexion and as beautiful as jasper.” (Thorton: History of China Vol. 1) The chief title of Osiris, the greatest of Egyptian gods means “Lord of the Perfect Black.” He was also called “The Great Black,” similar to Krishna. The chief title of Zeus, greatest of the Greek gods was “Ethiops” which means, “burnt faced.” Early statues of gods in India have Africoid features and woolly or locked hair. The name of the Mexican god Ixtliton means “blacked faced.” In fact, many ancient Mexican gods are portrayed jet black with Africoid features.
Once banned, The World’s Sixteen Crucified Saviors, by Kersey
Graves reveals remarkable knowledge on this subject, along with Anacalypis by Godfrey Higgins and African Origins of the Major World Religions by Amon Saakana, (Editors).
Nappy hair is ‘divine’ – the choice of God!
Like Christ, “His son” and all the founders of world religions, God Himself has kinky, nappy hair -according tot he Bible, where God or the “Ancient of Days” is described as having “hair like the pure wool.” (Dan. 7:9) The Power that causes galaxies to spiral, and planets & atoms to spin; that causes the double helix spiral of the
DNA molecules -this same spiraling power causes spiraling hair… otherwise known as NAPPY, kinky, curly, frizzy, wavy, WOOLLY hair!
The words, SPIN, SPIRAL, and SPIRITUAL have common roots! The Supreme Power spins; spirals; it is spiritual. It moves or spirals the universe! The entire universe dances in spirals and rotations; everything in it reflects the “SPIRaling, SPIRitual” essence out of which it is made! The “SPIRal,” especially the Golden Spiral, is simultaneously the most profound motion and design in the universe -built into all life forms, from seashelss to
man, to spiraling nappy hair! Your blood spirals through your veins! Plants spiral up from the soil! And nappy hair spirals out from the hair roots! Ball your hand into a fist and slowly extend each finger.
Did Jesus have dreadlocks?
Jesus was a Nazarite: a vow of Nazarites was to never cut his hair but “let the locks of the hair of his head grow.” (Nm. 6:2,5, Lev. 19:27; 21:5) The word Nazarite is from nazar, meaning unshorn. Woolly nappy hair, if simply washed & dried but never combed or brushed, will naturally entwine into long locks as it grows.
Samson, the most famous example of locked hair, had seven locks. (Jg. 13:5, 16:17,19)
Hair is a really antenna that can receive and transmit energy! A Rastafarian explains that dreadlocks are a quality of Black people; they “are high-tension wires,” which transmits divine energy and inspiration from Jah [God], the creator, to Rasta, the mirror.” (Nicholas/Sparrow: Rastafarian -A Way of Life) As Blacks awaken to true self-knowledge and self-acceptance this brings, the negative racist conditioning with respect to their natural spiraling, nappy hair as “bad” and straighter hair as “good” will cease!
Ancient Egypt was a Black African Civilization. The word itself means Black!
The ancient Egyptians called themselves Kam or Kam-Au (Black people/ Black God-people), and their country Kamit (or Khemit), both meaning land of the Blacks and the Black Land. The word Egypt is derived from the Greek word Aigyptos (or Aiguptos) that means Black! Europe’s first historian, Herodotus said, “the Egyptians, Colchians, and Ethiopians have thick lips, and broad nose, woolly hair and they are of burnt skin.” Egyptian civilization evolved from the Ethiopians. The Bible equates Ham (Africans) with Egypt. (Ps. 78:51; 105:23, 27; 106:21, 22)
The Black identity of Egyptian mummies is proven by their high melanin content. Also, Egyptians made wigs from sheep wool to match their woolly hair! A superb summary of the first Egyptians, their culture & achievements is documented in Legrand Clegg’s video Egypt During the Golden Age. Other great works include Gerald Massey’s scholarly Egypt, Light of the World, and James Brunson’s Predynastic Egypt. Ra Un Nefer Amen presents a powerful synthesis of the esoteric sciences of ancient Egypt, India & Canaan, in Metu Neter.
Whites blew off the Africoid nose of the Sphinx! And destroyed much ancient Africoid art.
Carved from a single rock, the Sphinx was a portrait of the Black Pharaoh Khafre (Cephren). The blatant, undeniable evidence of Black African achievement blew off the Africoid nose and part of the lips with cannon fire! Reporting on the “riddle” of the racial identity of the ancient Egyptians, Count C. Volney, a distinguished
French scholar who visited Egypt in the late 1700’s, wrote with astonishment “…when I visited the Sphinx, its appearance gave me the key to the riddle. Beholding that head typically Negro in all its features…” He later added “…the Egyptians were true Negroes of the same type as all native-born Africans.” The Sphinx’s broad nose and full lips are evident in an early drawing of the Sphinx as it was found in the 19thcentury.
The willful and systematic destruction of Africoid art has also occurred in the Americas, Asia and India: Inscriptions and hieroglyphics are defaced or bleached, noses are shot off or chiseled down, confusing nomenclatures are pasted over the evidence, photos are taken from misleading angles or filters, and some evidence is outright destroyed. Europeans replaced the African inscriptions with new ones that credited themselves for the achievement.
Western (white) civilization was founded on a Black African civilization.
You may recall being taught in school that Western (white) civilization is founded upon the ancient Greek civilization that seemed to suddenly appear. What European historians are trying to hide or deny is that the Greek civilization was primarily the offspring of the advanced Black African civilization of ancient Egypt that preceded it by thousands of years. Greek legends relate that Egyptian & Phoenician conquerors ruled all or parts of Greece until the 14th or 15th century B.C.
Books about Western civilization’s African origins include Cheikh Anta Diop: The African Origin of Civilization – Myth or Reality and Martin Bernal: Black Athena Vol. 1, 2.
The earliest Greek & Roman gods were all Black, including the Trojan heroes! The early Greek-Roman gods & goddesses such as Apollo, Zeus, Hercules, Athena, Venus, were all Black, being renditions of the Black Egyptian gods. The historian Herodotus himself wrote “the names of nearly all the gods came to Greece from Egypt.” The
Aeneid, like the Iliad, Odyssey and all the other great epics of the world, is a poetic story dealing with Black people! Aeneas, the Trojan hero of Virgil’s Aeneid, was in direct descent from Dardanus, the African founder of Troy.
Africans gave us Math, Algebra, Geometry, and Trigonometry! – Including the Arabic Numbers! Africans also originated the world’s first known universities.
The falsely credited Pythagoras and Euclid learned their knowledge from Egypt’s “Sacred Mystery Schools,” which were the first universities known to man (with branches in other parts of the world, including China!) Estimated by computer analysis to have approached a mile in length, the temple-university of Luxor housed an elite faculty of priest-professors and catered to some 80,000 students at all grade levels! Temples were at the center of religion, politics and education.
The Ethiopians and Egyptians originated Mathematics and Trigonometry. The African Moors originated Algebra and
developed Trigonometry into a science. The word Algebra is derived from “Al-Jabr wa’l Muqabala,” the title of the first textbook on the subject. From the name of the Black author, “Al-Khowarizmi.” We get the word algorithm (a math procedure).
The Arabic numbers we use today came from he ancient Arab people who were originally Black Africans! And many of them still are!
Chemistry & the word itself is from Black Egypt. And where would the world be without PAPER and ALPHABET? Africans gave us both! The words Chemistry/ Alchemy are from the word Kam or Khem, the name that the ancient Egyptians called themselves that means BLACK. Africans invented paper and papermaking. Paper was made from papyrus, hence the name. Before this, writing was done on stone tablets. The alphabet used by Western civilization originates from the Black Phoenicians who copied the principles from the Africans of the Nile Valley.
The real ‘Father of Medicine’ was the African multi-genius Imhotep of ancient Egypt, not Hippocrates who lived 2000 years later. Imhotep brought the knowledge of medicine to Greece and Rome. He was a world famous physician, architect, high priest, diplomat, economist, poet, philosopher, sage, magician, astronomer, engineer, and designer of the Step Pyramid of Sakkara. He was so revered that he was deified while still living and worshipped as the Great God of Medicine. The Greeks renamed him Aesclepios, the God of Healing. The phrase “drink and be merry…” is traced to him.
The symbol of the medical profession, the caduceus (a winged staff entwined by two serpents), was the insignia found on his temples. Imhotep temples in fact were the first hospitals known to man! Stlen from Africa, his many volumes are at Karl Marx University in Leipzig, Germany “From Egypt comes the earliest medical books, the first observatory for anatomy – human and comparative – the first experiments in surgery and pharmacy, the first use of splints and bandages, compresses and other appliances, and the first anatomical and medical vocabulary, and an extensive one at that.”
(S. Glanvile: The Legacy of Egypt p196) European medicine is founded on the works of Imhotep and Black Muslims, Avicenna and Rhazes. For rich details, see Llaila O. Afrika: African Holistic Health. This race of black men… is the very race to which we owe our arts, our sciences, and even the use of speech!” !
Wrote the amazed, distinguished French scholar, Count C. Volney in 1787. ! Later he wrote Ruins of Empires, a book which so delighted scholars of the day that it was translated into English with a ‘special edition’ for the racist Americans, in which the following quotation was left out: “There are a people, now forgotten who discovered
while others were yet barbarians, the elements of the arts and sciences.! The Black man is rejected now for their black skin and woolly hair founded, on the study of the laws of Nature, those civil and religious systems which still govern the universe.”
The name by which whites are known -Caucasian- originated from Africans -and is from Caucasus, which is derived from the Ethiopian words “Caer Cush Aur.” (Bryant’s Ancient Mythology Vol. III, p158 [1807]).! Ancient African civilizations were flourished while Europeans were living as barbarians in the caves of the Caucasus mountains.
Whites stole the word “Aryan” from the Sanskrit language of India’s Blacks where it meant noble cultivator or the holy.
Europe is named after the Black Phoenician princess, Europe!! (See dictionary) -who was kidnapped by Black Zeus.
“Slave” is from “Slav.”! So many Slavic people of Europe were enslaved that the word “Slav” came to mean, “slave.”
Paris is named after the Egyptian goddess, Isis!–From an early temple of Isis (Pari Isidos).! At the site of this temple is the Cathedral of Notre Dame; the Grande Dame referred to Isis herself!
The heroes & people of the Bible were primarily Black African people.! Moses was an Egyptian priest whose hand turned white under special circumstances. ! (Ex. 4:6,7) ! Black Samson had dreadlocks.! Solomon declares, “I am black” as does Job; “My skin is black…”! (Sol. 1:6, Job 30:30) Simon was a Canaanite.! (Mt. 10:4)! Paul is mistaken for an “Egyptian.”! (Acts 21:37-39)! !
The early church fathers, persecuted Christians and martyred saints were also Black, such as St. Barbara – a female saint after which Santa Barbara city is named, St. Augustine, St. Maurice, Clement of Alexandria and five popes, including St. Peter!
(Rogers: Nature Knows No Color Line)! For details McCray:The Black Presence in the Bible.! Dunston: The Black Man in the Old Testament & its World; and Barashango:
God, The Bible & The Black Man’s Destiny. !
Seeking to further discredit African legacy, white historians try to displace Egypt from Africa by classifying it as part of Asia, but the ancient people of West Asia were also Black!! The original people of West Asia were the Sumerians, who called themselves the “Black-Heads.”! They founded the rich Black cultures of Mesopotamia that included the ancient Babylonians, Chaldeans, Canaanites, Phoenicians and Elamites (original Persians).! !
Cush or Nubia means Ethiopia. The Biblical table of nations (Gen. 10) tells us that Cush and Canaan were brothers (sons of Ham), and that Sumer (Shina) is descended from Cush. Old Testament compilers assign Ham (father of Africans) to Egypt, Canaan, Cush and Phut (Libya). The Bible refers to Egypt as Ham. (Ps. 78:51; 105:23, 27; 106; 21,22)
The original Biblical Jews were a Black African people. !
The original Jews in Africa 2000 years ago were a Black African people as an ethnic group. (Massey: Egypt Light of the Word p501) Many of them still are Black, in northern Africa such as the Falasha Jews of Ethiopia. A New York Times editorial (3/2/84) described them as “a lost tribe that has kept it identity for more than 2,000 years in a remote corner of Africa.”
Abraham, ancestor of the Hebrews, was from Chaldea; the ancient Chaldeans were Black. In fact, Africa takes it name from Ophren, a son of Abraham by his wife, Keturah (Whiston: The Life and Works of Flavius Josephus p50) Like Jesus, Mary and Joseph, the lineage of Ethiopian Emperor, Haile Selassie also goes back to Judah -through Solomon/Queen of Sheba and King David. Roman historian Tacitus wrote that many of his time believed that the Jews “were a race of Ethiopian origin.”
The Bible classifies the Ethiopians & Jews together, “Are ye not as children of the Ethiopians unto me, “O children of Israel? Saith the Lord.” (Amos 9:7) Black Paul is mistaken for an “Egyptian” and declares he himself to be a “Jew.” (Acts 21:37-39, 22: 2,3)
The Jews got their language, religion & culture from the Canaanites & Sumerians through Babylon is well documented by historians. The original ancient Hebrew alphabet was identical to that of the Phoenicians. “Semitic languages” are really dialectical variants of African languages.
The word Semite is from semi that means half. Half what? Half BLACK! (Mulatto!) Semite refers to the descendants of Shem, one of Noah’s sons. The word originates from the Latin prefix semi that means half. “Half Black and half white… therefore Black (since Black is genetically dominant)” points out Dr. Cress Welsing.
Historian Cheikh Anta Diop also points out that the “Semitic” arises in the 4th millennia B.C. from crossbreeding between Black inhabitants of the holy land and white northern invaders. While many Semites (such as Jews & gypsies) have mixed so much with whites that they’ve forgotten or deny their African roots, racism (white supremacy) will never let them forget this no matter how light-skinned they become, as proved by Hitler, who mandated their destruction because they were classified by whites as “nonwhite” people originating in Africa. The very word gypsy means “out of Egypt.”
African Americans are largely descendants of the original Black Jews! The original Biblical Jews were Black African people who were ruthlessly persecuted by the white man (Romans). The prophet Jesus was a Black Jew who was born during this time. The Roman-Jewish War in A.D. 66 marked the peak of this persecution and the end of the original Black Jews (Hebrew- Israelites) as a nation. As predicted by Jesus, in this war Jerusalem was overthrown, the Temple was destroyed and the Black Hebrews were scattered. (Mat. 24:15-21, Luke 21: 5,6, 20-24)
The loss of life was appalling. So many Hebrews were slain that the whole lake of Galilee was red with blood and covered with corpses. The noted historian, Osephus estimated that one million one hundred thousand perished in the siege of Jerusalem alone, reports Hugh Schonfield in his book The Passover Plot p192-195, which describes this massive genocide. • Seeking to escape destruction, millions of original Black Biblical Jews fled into AFRICA!
• Centuries later, their descendants were captured and sold into slavery in the Americas! Ella Hughley’s remarkable booklet The Truth About Black Biblical Hebrew-Israelites exposes and summarizes important details of this suppressed subject. She writes “Many of the Israelites… who managed to escape their persecutors during the Roman-Jewish War subsequently migrated to West Africa, and 16000 years later their descendants were captured and brought to America in chains by cruel slave-traders.”
She quotes the noted Jewish historian, Josephus from his book The Great Roman-Jewish War: 66-70, where he writes about this Jewish dispersion and captivity. “General Vaspasian and his son Caesar Titus fought against the Jews. ! Millions of Jews fled into Africa, among other places, fleeing from Roman persecution and starvation during the siege.”! In African Origins of Major Western Religions p75, Dr. Yusef ben-Jochannan writes: ! “There were many
Hebrew (Jewish) tribes that were of indigenous African origin. ! These African Jews were caught in a rebellion in Cyrene…during 115 C.E.! This rebellion also marked the beginning of a mass Jewish migration southward into Sudan of West Africa.” ! Arab historian, Ibn Battuta writes of finding Jews scattered across North and West Africa
during his travels.! The Hebrewisms of numerous tribes, especially in West Africa is well documented.
Khazar Jews & Original Jews
If the original Jews were Black, where did white Jews come from? There are two main types of white Jews the Edomites and the Khazars. Edomites are the descendants of Esau, who was born ruddy (red) and hairy according to the Bible. (Gen. 25:25) This describes the “white” man; he is red (all shades) and hairy. Esau was the albino, fraternal twin brother of Jacob, the father of the original Black Israelites. The white Edomites and Black Israelites were constantly in strife against one another. In fact, the Edomites fought the Black Jews in the Roman-Jewish War. At a later period in history, the Edomites (Idumeans) were conquered and forced to become “Jews.” The European Khazars became “Jews” in 740 A.D. (see below) Neither groups are descended from the house of Israel!
Khazars make up over 90% of the so-called “Jews!” (Hatonn) The world’s best kept secret? Hugley writes “These groups… [Khazars esp., plus Edomites & other ethnic groups] make up modern Jewry today. Although the black Hebrew-Israelites are the real descendants of ancient Israel, this truth is not known by many and it is ‘the world’s best kept secret.’
Because of slavery and scattering, the Hebrew-Israelites are not known to the world as true Israel… Some scholars, teachers and ministers teach that God has completely cast them away, but God said, ‘I have chosen thee, and have not cast thee away.’! (Isa. 41:9, last part.)! [& Rm. Ch. 11]!
Although the children of Israel went into captivity, a remnant has returned as was predicted.! The prophecy of Ezekiel 37thchapter tells of the spiritual resurrection of the people of Israel, who will be perpetually betrothed to their God in truth and in righteousness.” ! There are numerous Black-Hebrew congregations in America. ! “Temple Bethel” is the largest& oldest (in Belleville, VA). “Jews” were a heavy part of the African slave trade in the America!! Compiled from Jewish documents, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks & Jews by the Nation of Islam reveals the vast Jewish involvement in the Atlantic slave trade.! “Jews” were also major slave sellers during the Middle Ages. (Van Sertima: African Presence in Early Europe, p161)!
These “Jewish” slave-sellers were probably not “real Jews” at all but Khazars. (See below) Counterfeit Jews: the hated, white “Khazars” who have usurped the real Jews! Historians are now recognizing that the majority of eastern socalled “Jews” are actually “Khazars” and have NO Semitic roots whatsoever! The Khazars are impostors: well-suppressed knowledge is emerging about this war-like tribe of whites that rose to power in Eastern Europe and were hated by the other whites they conquered due to there severe, exploitative treatment of them.
The Khazars all converted to Judaism as a political ploy during the Middle Ages. It appears that they learned all they could from he real Hebrews before usurping them, selling them into slavery (or killing them) and taking over in their place, using the corrupted form of Judaism to hide behind while continuing their treachery right into modern times. Much of Europe’s historical hate for “Jews” is hate for the ruthless Khazars who continued to
be hated in spite of becoming “Jews.”
In fact, the word “Jew” originated during the 1700s to label them! (Hatonn: p3, 17) ! Counterfeit Blessings – The Anti-Christ by Any Name: Khazars by G.C. Hatonn, exposes that the Khazars are the real “anti-Semites” who have labeled themselves as Zionists and “Jews” to deceive the world in furthering their own plans for global &
political conquest. ! (See pages 22-24 in this document) In the 13th Tribe. ! Arthur Koesler traces the history of the Khazars and their rise to power.
The African Moors sparked the European Renaissance! Ruling Spain, southern France, much of Scotland & North Africa during the middle ages for 700 years, the Black African Moors gave Europe one of its finest civilizations. The word Moor is from the Greek word mauros, meaning scorched. In the introduction of The Story of the Moors in Spain by Stanley Lane-Poole, John Jackson writes: “Eurocentric historians argue that Europe gave
civilization to Africa, which is a complete inversion of the truth. The first civilized Europeans were the Greeks, who were chiefly civilized by the Africans of the Nile Valley.
The Greeks transmitted this culture to the Romans, who finally lost it, bringing on a dark age of five hundred years. Civilization was restored to Europe when another group of Africans, the Moors, brought this Dark Age to an end… During the Golden Age of Islam, the Moorish Empire… was the most advanced state in the world… Cordova was the most wonderful city of the tenth century; the streets were well paved, with raised sidewalks for pedestrians… Public baths numbered in the hundreds… at a time when cleanliness in Christian Europe was regarded a sin… Moorish monarchs dwelt in splendid palaces, while the crowned heads of England, France, and Germany lived in big barns, lacking both windows and chimneys, with only a hole in the roof for the emission of smoke.”
The Moors had an insatiable lust for knowledge, and acquired it from East and West, translating into Arabic all they could find, even ransacking monasteries for rare books.! One king had a private library of 600,000 books! ! In Moorish Spain education was available to the most humble, while in Christian Europe 99% of the populace were
illiterate, including kings.!
The incredible city of Cordova had 800 public schools! The Moors made great advances in mathematics, physics, astronomy, medicine, botany, and chemistry. The Moors also introduced the first shooting mechanisms or rifles known as fire sticks! -Which revolutionized European military science, ultimately causing their downfall when their enemies used gunpowder to drive them back into Africa.
Their contributions to European civilization are vast – with no credit given to them. For more details, Ivan Van Sertima, Ed: The Golden Age of the Moors, and Samuel Scott: The History of the Moorish Empire in Europe. The white Founding Fathers built America on Black Egypt’s knowledge.
As revealed in Anthony Browder’s fascinating From the Browder File, the Founding Fathers sought to recreate in America the same energies which guided the Africans of the Nile Valley by using African science, architecture and symbols (with no credit to them) as shown:
• The Founding Fathers and all the U.S.
• presidents were Masons (except Lincoln and Kennedy).!
• Masons and other secret orders such as the Rosicrucian’s 7 Illuminati are patterned after the Sacred Mystery Schools (universities) of ancient Egypt.!
• The word ‘Mason’ means ‘child of the sun’ and is derived from the African terms Sons 7 Daughters of Light (or
Children of the Sun).
• The sun symbolizes enlightenment; hence these metaphors mean ‘enlightened people.’ The Declaration of Independence and U.S. Constitution are Masonic documents, written in the Masonic code and have different meaning to members of the Masonic order.
• Look on the back of the dollar bill and see for yourself how the Founding Fathers composed the Great Seal of America with African symbols: The Eye of Horus/God, pyramid, sixpointed star (made up of 13 stars), and the eagle -their imitation of Egypt’s sacred sun Falcon, a symbol for Horus. Stan Deyo’s provocative Cosmic Conspiracy provides more insights.
• The Washington monument, a symbol of America, is an African obelisk! The obelisk was the symbol of the very
Black Egyptian god, Osiris who represented the regenerative powers of God and was worshiped as the impregnating force of the universe. The obelisk later became part of the worship of the Egyptian Sun God, “Ra,” from which we get the words “ra, radiation.” The obelisk is also found at the Vatican in St. Peter’s square and in every major city in the world. It is the origin of church steeples!
• Egyptian Design: The Lincoln Memorial is patterned after an Egyptian temple honoring the pharaoh, Ramsese II.
Meridian Hill Park (AKA Malcolm X Park) was designed to align Washington D.C. to the same meridian (pathway to the
sun) which passes through Egypt. So-called European architecture (like the Capitol, Parthenon, cathedrals) is
copied from African architecture! (Mosques, obelisks, temples)
• A Black scientist designed the city. The layout and design of Washington D.C. was accomplished by America’s first Black man of science, Benjamin Banneker – astronomer and mathematician.
Albinos: Why do whites seek to hide their origins? Are whites the albino offspring of Black Africans? White skin is a form of albinism. It appears that whites have “come into being” through a number of ways: In The Isis Papers p123, Dr. Frances Cress Welsing states “whites are undoubtedly a genetic mutant albino population… from the original Black (hue-man) beings.” The story of ‘Snowflake’ dramatically illustrates how it is possible for whites to come into being from blacks: Born of coal black parents, this albino gorilla named “Snowflake” has platinum blond hair, white (pink) skin, and blue eyes! (National Geographic: Mar. 67, Oct. 70). Similarly in Panama, particularly among the San Blas Indians are albino natives that also have blond hair and blue eyes!
They are often indistinguishable from blond Northen Europeans! In the Bible, Edomites are whites that descended from an albino named Esau who was born ruddy (red) & hairy. (Gen. 25:25) The Bible refers to white skin as leprosy (Num. 12:10-12, Lev. 13) and reports that a race of people (Gahazites) was born white due to being cursed! (II Kings 5:27) Bible scholars credit Japheth (a son of Noah) as fathering a (Black) people who settled in the north, ultimately becoming the Caucasian Race.
Similarly, other scholars theorize that Africans who migrated to Europe and were caught in the Ice Age, gradually lightened until their genes mutated to adapt to the scant sunlight, thus producing a race of whites.
Interestingly, the ancient Egyptians recorded the Tamahu, which means created white people. Egyptian writings also refer to whites as Typhonians or People of Seth, both meaning “the devils.” After these “white devils” were first released into the Black community of the Near East 6000 years ago, they caused sever strife, thus the
Africans rounded them up, stripped them of everything and exiled them to the caves and hills of the Caucasus Mountains. This explains the sudden appearance of white people in this region. To prevent their escaping Africans installed a series of guarded walls blocking all exits along that area from one sea to the other!
Thus “roping” them off (hence the word Europe). These walls have been witnessed and recorded by many European writers, including Pliny. Thus, totally cut off from civilization, the whites degenerated into uncivilized, nomadic savages. They remained this way for 2000 years until ‘Allah mercifully sent an Egyptian priest named Musa or Moses to civilize them.’
This explains the otherwise unknown reason why suddenly about 2000 B.C., vast hordes of these white barbarians left the Caucasus region and stormed all the (Black) centers of civilizations throughout Mesopotamia, the Near East, Africa and India, destroying and usurping them. Thus, the Whiteman’s arrival signaled destruction for all these civilizations and the beginning of the Whiteman’s rise to power.
Whites proclaim their origin is Greek. Whites can avoid confronting the true meaning of skin whiteness as a mutation and genetic deficiency state from the Black norm – the ‘hue-man’ norm’… Deep within the unconscious psyche of the white collective is an awareness; of their origin amongst Blacks, that Blacks were their parents and that they (whites) were the offspring of Blacks who suffered from the skin condition of Albinism.”
What is the big deal about the Moors anyways?
Check out these historical facts and see for yourself.
One of the curiosities of Spain is the seeming denial by the Spanish of the past existence of the Moors in their country.
Certainly, much is made of the ‘heroic’ Christian Reconquista, but rarely is the Moorish invasion of Spain looked upon as having provided any intrinsic benefit.In fact, apart from a few scintillating buildings, such as the Alhambra and the Cordoba Mezquita, it would be easy to imagine that, during their 780 years presence, the Moors contributed nothing of consequence to Spain.
In fact, the Moors had a profound influence not just upon Spain but the whole of Western Europe. Indeed, it has been said that they laid the foundations of the Renaissance that brought Europe out of the intellectual and physical gloom of the Middle Ages.
In the 10th Century, Cordoba, for example, was not just the capital of Al Andalus (Moorish
Spain) but also one of the most important cities in the world, rivaling Baghdad and Constantinople. It boasted a population of 500,000 (200,000 more than now) and had street lighting, fifty hospitals (with running water!), three hundred public baths, five hundred mosques and seventy libraries – one of which held some 500,000 books. All of this, at a time when London had a largely illiterate population of around 20,000 and had forgotten the technical advances of the Romans some 600 hundred years beforehand. More importantly, the Moors brought enormous learning to Spain which, over the coming centuries, would percolate through to the rest of Europe. In fact, it was the intellectual achievements of the Moors that were to have a lasting effect, well beyond their more prosaic contributions towards construction, irrigation systems and agriculture. Indeed three of the greatest thinkers of the Middle Ages emerged from Moorish Spain: Ibn Rushd (Averroes), Ibn Arabi and the Jew Maimonides.
Strange though it may seem now, Islam actively promoted learning and scholarship during its Golden Age (750 – 1258) with rulers across the Arab world vying with each other to develop and patronise great centres of learning. This was totally consistent with the teaching of the founder of Islam, Mohammad, who believed that ‘the scholar’s ink is holier than the martyr’s blood’ and that ‘seeking knowledge is required of every Muslim’. So dynamic was Islam during its Golden Age, that Arabic became both the international language of scholarship and the language into which original, and often ancient and nearly forgotten, manuscripts in Greek, Latin, ancient Egyptian and Chinese were translated. The vast body of work created was of the first importance, as it preserved ideas and thoughts from previous ages and amalgamated them into a form capable of rigorous study. In turn, this nurtured an environment that generated great intellectuals, who were able to expand upon a range of vital matters from philosophy to astronomy through to medicine, the development of higher mathematics, navigation and dramatically new farming techniques.
The Umayyad Moorish rulers of Spain ardently wanted their Al Andalus possessions to equal Page 2 of 5 that of Baghdad in both splendour and learning and, in Cordoba, actively sought out and patronised scholarship. By the time Abd al-Rahman III had established a formal Caliphate,Cordoba had become a magnet for scholars from both the East and Western Europe, irrespective of religion. This tradition reached its apogee during the reign of his son Al Hakim, before the Umayyad dynasty collapsed and Al Andalus descended into anarchy.
However, by good fortune, the libraries of Toledo, in particular, survived the conquest of that city by the Christian King Alfonso VI in 1085 and Toledo quickly became a European center for the translation of Arabic texts into Latin – the universal, educated language of Western Europe. Under some enlightened rulers, most notably Alfonso X (The Wise), the scientific and philosophical works of the Moors were translated and their knowledge dispersed around Europe.
One of the most influential Moors was the philosopher Ibn Rushd (Averroes) who was born in Cordoba. He translated the largely lost works of Aristotle (perhaps the greatest thinker the world has known and someone committed to logic and intellectual rigour; personal opinion) whilst commenting upon the texts. These had a lasting effect upon Western philosophy, were taught in universities for the next four hundred years and were highly commended by St Thomas Aquinas himself.
Meanwhile, an almost contemporaneous philosopher, Ibn Arabi, born in Murcia was to have a possibly greater impact on the Muslim world. A prolific writer of some 800 texts, Ibn Arabi was a radical thinker and teacher who is still revered today for his articulation and development of Sufism, the Islamic tradition of mysticism.
Finally, in this hot-house time for philosophers, Moses Maimonides, a Jew from Cordoba was writing seminal works on Jewish philosophy, law and ethics. So influential were his writings that even today he is considered one of the foremost Rabbi’s and thinkers of the Jewish religion. Somehow, at the same time, he also managed to rise to such pre-eminence as a doctor that he was also considered to be the greatest medical practitioner of his era.
But, of course, the Moors did not just support great translators and developers of ideas and cerebral concepts. Moorish Spain was nothing if not diverse and produced a range of important practical advances, particularly in the field of medicine. Spurred on by Mohammad’s order to: ‘make use of medical treatment, for Allah has not made a disease without appointing a remedy for it…’ a real urgency to improve medical care occurred throughout Muslim controlled territories.
In Spain, the ‘father of modern surgery’, Abu al-Quasim (Al Zahrawi), was born in Cordoba. During a practice that lasted fifty years, he developed a range of innovative and precise surgical instruments, whilst writing a text book that was to be a cornerstone of Western medical training for the next 500 years.
Around the same time Ibn Zuhr (Avensoar) 1091 – 1161, from Seville, was practising as one of the greatest physicians of the Middle Ages and using inhaled anesthetics on his patients. He was the first person to describe diseases caused by parasites, was an expert in anatomy and wrote books that, when translated into Latin, were used until the eighteenth century. Meanwhile, al-Baytar (died 1248) wrote authoritatively on drugs and medicinal
plants, al-Nafis (1213 – 1288) was the first to discover the pulmonary circulation of blood and Ibn Hasim tackled medical ethics and hygiene (a concept virtually unknown in Western Europe).
The Moors in Spain were also famous as astronomers and mathematicians. Indeed, algebra comes from the Arabic al-jabr and the previously unknown, and critically important, Eastern concept of zero (probably originating from Babylonia) was introduced to Europe via Spain. Certainly, the Moors had a keen interest in mathematics and in al-Zarquali (Arzachel) from Toledo they produced a man of prodigious gifts who contributed to the Toledan Tables (a compilation of astronomical data). He also developed a flat astrolabe, precision astronomical instruments and compiled tables of latitude and longitude.
The Moors scientific curiosity had even extended to flight with the polymath Ibn Firnas
making the first scientific attempt to fly, in a controlled manner, in 875. This evidently worked, although the landing was less successful.
Of more practical daily use, was the introduction by the Moors, into Spain, of new food crops such as rice, hard wheat, cotton, oranges, lemons, sugar and cotton. Importantly, along with these foodstuffs came an intimate knowledge of irrigation. This was complemented by sophisticated metalworking and weaving techniques and complex interior design skills that took buildings to new heights of intensive and intricate decoration. Paper making was also brought to Spain, allowing the growth of books and,thereby, the accurate preservation and dispersal of knowledge – with Xativa, in Valencia, having the first paper factory in Europe.
Of course, now, much of what the Moors achieved has been lost in time and largely appears to be restricted to a few ostentatiously gorgeous buildings. However, we still meet traces of the Moors in the language of Spain, as it is peppered with Moorish words. Hola derives, from the Middle Eastern greeting of ‘Allah’, Ojala from ‘in sha’Allah’, Madrid was Majrit (water channel) and Beni, which is used in many place names, is Moorish for ‘son of’. Perhaps, they should act as daily reminders of the past importance of Moorish influence and make us a little more tolerant of Islam’s current dangerously hysterical intellectual insecurity.
The Moors were important and contributed greatly, ironically, to the development of Christian civilization in Western Europe. In the Dark Ages, when Europe had descended into medieval ignorance, it was the Moors who kept alive the lost philosophy and analytical powers of reasoning of the Greeks, together with the learning of ancient civilizations. They preserved this knowledge and, through their burning desire for scholarship and advancement, greatly improved upon what was then known, across multifarious spectrums.
Accidentally, though it was, they kept alive the flame of Western progress when it was most in danger of being extinguished. It was a flame that was, during the Renaissance, to explode the West to the forefront of world civilization.
711 Moors cross into Spain. Tariq ibn-Ziyad brings Moorish army Moors defeat last Visigoth King (Roderick 1 at Battle of Rio Barbate)
719 Moors control almost all of Spain and their control reaches to the Pyrenees
732 Moors defeated by Charles Martel at Poitiers in France – the limit of their northern advance
750 – 1258 The Golden Age of Islam
756 Abd al-Rahman I (Umayyad prince from Syria) makes Cordoba the capital of Al Andalus
912 – 961 Reign of Abd al-Rahman III. Established Caliphate and intellectual tradition of Cordoba
1031 Umayyad dynasty collapses
1031- 1086 Anarchy
1085 King Alfonso V1 captures Toledo
1118 Christians capture Zaragossa
1145 Almohad Dynasty come to power
1147 Almohads capture Sevilla and make it the capital of Al Andalus
1212 Moors defeated at the Battle of La Naves de Tolosa by the united armies of Castille,Aragon, Navarre and Portugal
1232 – 1492 Granada is the only Moorish territory on the Iberian Peninsular
1232 King of Granada is Muhammad 1
1238 – 1358 Construction of the Alhambra palace (Granada)
1238 Valencia re-captured by the Christians
1492 Moorish rule ends with the fall of Granada to Ferdinand and Isabella.
Muhammad 570 – 632
Founded the religion of Islam
Promoted the importance of learning and scholarship
Abd al-Rahman 731 – 786
Reigned 756 – 786
Founder of Umayyad dynasty that ruled Iberia for 300 years
The ‘Falcon of Andalus’
Started construction of the Mezquita of Cordoba
Abd al-Rahman III 891 – 961
Reigned 912 – 961
Caliph and greatest Umayyad ruler
Patron of the arts and fine administrator
Cordoba became the greatest centre of learning in Europe
Al Hakim unknown – 976
Reigned 961 – 976
Had a library in Cordoba of over 500,000 books
Expanded Cordoba’s mesquita
Alfonso X of Castille 1221- 1284
Nicknamed ‘El Sabio’ (The Learned)
A writer and intellectual
Patronised The School of Translators of Toledo
Abbas Ibn Firnas 810 – 887
Born Ronda
Polymath – scientist, musician , inventor
The first man to try flying scientifically
Abu al-Quasim (Al Zahrawi) 936 – 1013
Born in Cordoba
Father of modern surgery
Wrote a 30 volume medical encyclopedia (Kiab al-Tasrif)
Influenced medicine for 500 years
Designed new surgical instruments and techniques
Al Zarquali (Arzachel) 1028 – 1087
Lived in Toledo
Mathematician, astronomer and inventor
Contributed to the Tables of Toledo
Influenced the re-birth of mathematical astronomy
Ibn Rushd (Averroes) 1126 – 1198
Born Cordoba
‘The Commentator’
Father of secular thought in Western Europe
Intellectual and polymath
Brought Aristotle’s ides of logic and analytical thinking back to the West
Moses Maimonides 1135 – 1204
Born in Cordoba
Jewish scientist and philosopher
Considered the greatest doctor of his time
Greatly influenced by Averroes
Ibn Arabi 1165 – 1240
Born in modern day Murcia
Philosopher and mystic
Wrote some 800 works
Has exerted a huge influence on Islamic spiritual thought
Sharif Ali ☪ ✡ – 2:50 PM
BY NICK SNELLING (www.culturespain.com)
Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World – DrAlimElBey
Serious information here
As stated in “THE MUQARRABEEN FILES”are the following information is results of a historical research quest that I took upon myself over two decades ago. Many of the documents appear just as they were presented to me i.e., old, yellow, cracked and, sometimes, faded. My reasoning? So that you, the reader, could see the data in the same manner as I did. This approach allows the reader to see just how or upon what, my conclusions were reached. If you agree or disagree with my conclusion, just consider and remember, my conclusions are based upon my “findings”, personal experiences, background, academic advancements and height of spiritual consciousness. You will note that the sources from which much of this information has been obtained has also been included for the reader’s personal investigation. This information is not designed to answer all your questions. But, rather, to give the reader a framework of facts and information that could lead to or allow the reader to arrive at the truth. It shows us what was i.e., those things/events that did take place and gives us some insight into the actions that brought about many of die decisions of the past, correct or incorrect as they may have been.
The earliest source we have on the Tribe of Ben Ishmael is Rev. Oscar C. McCulloch, “THE TRIBE OF ISHMAEL: A STUDY IN SOCIAL DEGRADATION” (1888) Another source on the “Ben Ishmael Tribe” per se is an essay by Hugo Prosper Leaming, “THE BEN ISHMAEL TRIBE: FUGITIVE NATION OF THE OLD NORTHWEST” originally published in 1977.
Update, Jan. 2009: New scholarship on this subject, including a new book and revisited primary documents, refutes the central aspects of the accepted mythology of the “Ben Ishmael tribe.” Nathaniel Deutsch, “INVENTING AMERICA’S “WORST” FAMILY: EUGENICS, ISLAM, AND THE FALL AND RISE OF THE TRIBE OF ISHMAEL” (University of California Press, 2009)… all three comes from an Euro-centric point of view… in other words, racist. Nevertheless, we will put together the pieces of the puzzle the best way we can.
In the late 18th/early 19th century groups of runaway slaves (African Mandinka descent) from Florida (Seminoles / Yamassees), the eastern seaboard (Tuscaroras, Cherokees), and serfs fled from Kentucky (the fewest) ‘poor (so-called) whites’ (indentured “servants” from Scottish-Irish [Celtic] descent) who became known as the ‘Melungeons’, into the Ohio Territory (Ben Ishmaelite Tribe) estimated to number about 10,000 – hence they were called “tri-racial isolates”. Some of these groups had clearly been “founded” (at least partly) by Moslem maroons (escaped slaved). The Melungeons descend from Moorish “convertados” brought as slave-labor to Florida by Spain and abandoned there. The Delaware Moors, the Louisiana Turks, and the Ben Ishmael Tribe of Ohio, all reveal Islamic connections.There they inter-married with Natives (Shawnees) who had lost their land to the early colonists and had moved inland to territory set aside for them by their allied tribes. Together they formed a new tribe – called the Ben Ishmael tribe. The Ishmaelites followed an annual nomadic route through the territory, hunting & fishing, and finding work as tinkers and minstrels, carpenters and tradesmen. They were polygamists, drank no alcohol, & sang and danced to show their reverence for life. Every winter they returned to their original settlement, where a village had grown.”After a century of fierce culture conflict with the majority society, the tribe was forcibly dispersed. Camp sites became nuclei of present-day (so-called) black communities, and Ishmaelites of the diaspora participated in the rise of ‘Black Nationalism’, perhaps even contributing memories of African (American) Islam to the new (so-called) Black Muslim movements.”
Early History of the Ben Ishmael Tribe
“The first appearance of the organized tribe occurred between 1785 and 1790 in the hills, or ‘Refuse land,’ of Bourbon (then Noble) County, Kentucky. Those who became Ishmaelites had gathered from Tennessee, the Carolinas (North and South), Virginia, and Maryland, in a region still largely wilderness and at a time still turmoiled by the Native American wars and mass slave escapes of the American Revolution.”
The first patriarch of the Ishmaelites was Ben Ishmael, who led the group along with his wife and the group’s first “queen”, Jennie Ishmael (“a warrioress of mighty physique”). According to Ishmaelite tradition, sometime between 1802 and 1810 Patriarch Ben Ishmael and Queen Jennie “at an advanced age…set forth into the unknown, toward the setting sun, never to be seen again by their people.”
Their eldest son John became the second patriarch and, due to Kentucky’s increasing settlement as a slave state, led the Ishmaelites northward across the Ohio River. Initially, they settled in an area between present-day Cincinnati and Dayton but by 1819 or so they had moved into what was still “Indian territory” and settled in the deep woods along White River in the area that became Indianapolis. The Ishmaelites enjoyed extremely friendly relations with the local Native American peoples (including the Delaware Moors, called the Nanticokes, a branch of the Lenni Le’Nape people), who evidently viewed them as a kind of “defeated brother-nation.”
According to an 1884 history of Indianapolis and Marion County by B.R. Sulgrove, in 1821 when the first white surveyors and officials came to the area to stake out what was to become the capitol of the new state of Indiana they discovered the Ishmaelites living there along both sides of White River. Since they refused to budge, Indianapolis grew around their settlement. These Ishmaelite settlements became, much later, the loci of the oldest and longest-lasting black neighborhoods of the city.
There are modern-day cities and towns along the Ishmaelite migration route which have names showing an obvious Islamic influence: Morocco, IN; Mahomet, IL (the oldest settlement in Champaign County); and Mecca, IN being three. This is in stark contrast to all other place-names in the area, which are of French, British, and other white provenance.
Ishmaelite Tribal Structure
“Reports frequently mention nobility and other notable members of the tribe of Ishmael, persons of striking character who were especially esteemed by the Ishmaelites. The reports are silent on the tribe’s system of government, its assemblies, whether there was a council of elders, and the relationship between leaders and members in decision-making. However, there was clearly a social hierarchy; and the reverence for paramount families, the character ascribed to notables, and the general pride of Ishmaelites in their tribe indicate the existence of a leadership and prestige group that warrants the term nobility.”
The Ben Ishmael tribe consisted of 13 clans, each of which drew its name from the paramount family within the clan. All nuclear families within the Ben Ishmael tribe belonged to one of these clans, and new members joined by birth, marriage, or adoption into one of the nuclear families. Of the family names reported to state authorities, with the exception of Ishmael (Hebrew) and the African and Native name, few were “unremarkable Celtic names.”
Child rearing was shared amongst members of extended families and clans, which likely fed later charges by white authorities of child neglect, due to their fundamental misunderstanding of the Ishmaelite culture in this regard.
The Ishmaelites had their own marriage traditions, another source of conflict with the surrounding white settler culture. For wedding ceremonies, “officiants” were respected figures who stepped forward, but were not ministers in any western European sense. Most families were monogamous, but polygamy was occasionally practiced by both men and women — when it was, it was done openly and apparently without shame. Divorce was not common, but was not stigmatized as in the so-called white Christian culture of the time. Divorce could be obtained “by mutual consent or on the demand of either partner.”
Women in Ishmaelite Society
“In contrast to the majority society, Ishmaelite women played important public roles in activities requiring physical strength and courage, as spiritual leaders, and as leaders of clan and tribe. More female than male nobles or notables of the clans appear in the case studies. The queens of the tribe were not merely the consorts of the patriarchs but important personages in their own right.”
Spiritual Traditions of the Ben Ishmael Tribe Suffice to say that Professor Leaming claims there are clear indications of a strong Islamic (or neo-Islamic) influence. Even so, the remnant of Al Islam and African spirituality, mixed with Native American and Celtic traditions and customs became the bulk of spirituality amongst the Ben Ishmaelites.
Music and the Ishmaelites
Music was a crucial focal point for the Ben Ishmael tribe. It “has been reported as a distinctive kind of music. The tribe was well known for its large and frequent gatherings to sing. The voices could be heard far away, singing ‘the jollyest, noisiest songs.’ These were not the songs of the majority community; they are described as ‘quaint,’ with ‘some jingle of words’ and ‘some music.’ There were many instrumentalists, some sought after by the majority community for its social events, such as a highly esteemed harpist and ‘the blind fiddler,’ who was reported to have been one of the finest musicians in the Midwest.
“…There was a…dance hall in each Ishmaelite neighborhood. The dance was the tribe’s passionate recreation. In the centers the Ishmaelites, cramped into winter quarters, passed the time dancing, singing, listening to their musicians, talking flirting, eating, but not drinking alcohol, a habit they eschewed.”
Ishmaelite Buildings and Architecture in Indianapolis
During their annual migrations, the Ishmaelites mainly employed simple one-night lean-tos. However, more substantial structures were built at the cardinal points of their migratory route, as well as small cabins — “sturdy and well proportioned, with tightly crafted windows and doors” — used by tribe members for winter quarters in Indianapolis.
“Identifiable cabins still stood in 1970, [then] used as sheds behind more recent homes. Also in that year, at the Ishmaelite or river end of the oldest black neighborhoods of Indianapolis, there stood sizable wooden ‘Gothic’ houses, apparently not designed by professional architects, with unusual decorations across their fronts: stars, circles, triangles, and other geometric shapes cut out of flat pieces of unpainted wood and attached in regular order to the structure. That these might relate to the Ishmaelites is suggested by a similar but larger cutout of the sun, with rays attached, across the upper front of one of the still existing Ishmaelite cabins…”
There is a surviving description of a large home at the White River wintering grounds, owned by Robert Chism (called “Papa” and “Grandpa” by the community) and his wife Milly Brown. It was a “three-story house with the unusual design that may have been characteristic of the homes of Ishmaelite leaders. The access system was particularly strange and — it would appear — difficult to describe: the second and third floors were entered by a small stairway, and by a ‘half stairs’ and ‘half ladder’ arrangement in the rear, apparently over the roof of a detached kitchen shed. The mansion [sic] was a refuge, with a dozen places for hiding and escape. In particular, Chism gave sanctuary to the poor who were sought for imprisonment in the poor houses or for sale as bound servants.”
“…The tribe sometimes built in monumental dimensions. The winter home of Tom Ishmael, son of Patriarch John and grandson of Ben Ishmael, located in the northern sector of the migration route, was a vast log cabin, three-cornered and in other unspecified ways of a most curious design. In the majority community it was famed as the most unusually shaped structure in the state of Indiana…
“Another monumental building of the tribe was its central communal dance hall on the west bank of the White River, across from downtown Indianapolis. Its great size, its posts sunk twenty feet into the muddy ground, and materials obtained entirely from Ishmaelite scavenging, excited the pride of Ishmaelites and the gruding admiration of outsiders…
“[Other] central Ishmaelite dance hall social centers were the Christian Hill Place, the Crib, and the Big Bonanza; outlying were Brighton Beach, Hop-light Station, and the Nest, which may be the present well-to-do neighborhood ‘The Crow’s Nest,’ elevated ground commanding a long view up and down the river.”
Forced sterilization of social undesirables was first introduced in the US (as a kinder alternative to castration) at the Indiana State Reformatory. Its superintendent, Dr. Oscar C. McCulloch (author of one of the eugenics-oriented Ishmaelite studies), began to agitate for the enactment of eugenics laws. In 1905 such a bill was introduced in the Indiana legislature, and in 1907 the first compulsory sterilization law in the world was enacted by the state of Indiana. These laws and the ideas embodied within them became known as “The Indiana Plan,” and served as the basis for eugenics laws later passed in 29 states by 1931 and, ultimately, in Nazi Germany and six other European countries.
It is precisely during this period of 1900-1910 that the Ben Ishmael tribe vanished, fleeing Indiana and blending into the surrounding communities, perhaps as far as Detroit. In the early 1970s, one researcher found faint traces in oral tradition among the black communities of the Great Lakes region that spoke of the Ben Ishmael tribe. According to one account, as late as the 1950s or early 1960s a man “encountered persons who referred to themselves as Ishmaelites by descent and identified with the heritage of a Midwestern Tribe of Ishmael. They were still nomadic, traveling by car between Detroit and Philadelphia. They were definitely black nationalists and also had their own dietary laws; but he was never able to determine whether they considered theirs to be a religious or political movement.”
When the Eugenics movement was looking for examples of ‘degenerate peoples’ to prove their ideas, they found the perfect scapegoats in the non-conformist Ishmaels, and they became their first success story. They succeeded in nearly whipping out the population and drove the surviving members underground. There the Ishmaels, sometimes called “REDS” in part due to their mixed ancestry and often-reddish hair, became founding members of the American Black Islamic movement and strong civil rights fighters. They have added much culture and variety to the American cultural landscape, and for it have received almost no recognition at all in mainstream culture.
As suggested by the above, some of these accounts as well as wisps found in other research suggest the Ishmaelite diaspora played a role in the development of secular and Muslim black nationalist groups and movements throughout the Midwest, as well as the founding of mosques and small Islamic sects in the region, notably Moorish Science (which was associated with Marcus Garvey’s movement in the ’20s and was also later acknowledged as a forerunner by the Nation of Islam). It has been suggested by Hakim H.Y. Bey
Paschal Beverly Randolph
Paschal Beverly Randolph [October 8, 1825– July 29, 1875]. According to Herald’s College of England, Dr. Randolph’s mother was of Moorish
descent. According to A.E. Waite, establishing the earliest known Rosicrucian order in the United States. Paschal Beverly Randolph was an American medical doctor, occultist and writer. He visited England, Scotland, Ireland, France, Malta, Egypt, Arabia, Syria, Palestine, Turkey and Greece. “Randolph introduced the principles of sex magic (Tantra Yoga) to North America. Two twentieth century occultists and practitioners of sex magic, Theodor Reuss of Germany and Aleister Crowley of Great Britain, were heavily influenced by Randolph in both organizing the Ordo Templi Orientis (O.T.O.) and in their sex magic rituals. He was also a teacher of Helena P. Blavatsky. She referred to him as “Morya”, one of the “Ascended Master.” Randolph, who traveled to Europe in 1854, and he met occult magician Éliphas Lévi. In Paris, Yarker met Pascal Beverly Randolph, he was initiated by a secret priestess of the Ismaili Muslims. Yarker passed on the tradition of the Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor, which was reborn as the Hermetic Brotherhood of Light, a continuation of the Frates Lucis or Asiatic Brethren. In 1858 the Supreme Grand Dome met in Paris. The Conclave was opened by the Supreme Grand Master Eliphas Levi. In due order, at the behest of the Supreme Hierarch, gave up his seat as Supreme Grand Master of the Supreme Grand Dome(4), and Randolph was inducted before the Altar of the Three Fleur de Lis, and took the oath of both L’Ordre du Lis and as a Supreme Grand Master of the Supreme Grand Dome. After taking his seat, the Grand Ritual was performed, he stepped down from the chair, handed the Wand to Count Guinotti, who proceeded to recall Supreme Grand Master Levi to his seat and the proper officers proceeded to Initiate Dr. Randolph into his office as Supreme Grand Master of the Fraternitas Rosæ Crucis for the Western World [North, Central and South America] and the Isles of the Sea; (essentially, he was the Supreme Grand Master of All the Rosicrucians in the World, i.e. Head of the Illuminati).
Sayyid Jamāl-al-Dīn al-Afghānī ud Din Bey Effendi
Sayyid Jamāl-al-Dīn al-Afghānī ud Din Bey Effendi [1838-1897]. He was a Pan-Islamist, a Master Adept, a Sufi scholar and teacher, a Muslim politician and a journalist. He founded a Masonic lodge, the Eastern Star. In Egypt during the mid 1800s Madame Blavatsky met and was taught by Jamal ad-Din al-Afghan, who she refers to a “Serapis Bey” one of the “Secret Chiefs”, or “Ascended Masters”, (others were “Morya” [Paschal Beverly Randolph], “Tuitit Bey,” “Koot Hoomi” and“Hilarion”, all pseudonyms, who purportedly belonged to the “The Asiastic Brethren” or “The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor,” who were aiding humanity to evolve into a race of supermen. The Master Adept Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani turned up in America around the winter of 1882-1883. Al-Afghani is said to have been joined by his disciple chief initiate, Mohammed Abduh. the two missionaries had come to the united States to propagate the doctrine of ancestral and cultural pride under the banner of Pan Islam, which is meant to insure that the divine teaching of the ancestors are not forgotten among the Moors of North America (Amexem). It is said the Moorish National Divine Movement was founded on these teachings (Sufism) by Prophet noble Drew Ali. Eliza Turner and John Drew Quitman studied under Jamal al-Afghani, who were the parents of the man who would one day establish (M.H.T.S.) Moorish Holy Temple of Science / (M.S.T.A.) Moorish Science Temple of America and etc… At the hand of Jamal al-Afghani,the Drew family was inducted into the “sacred order”, known as “The Asiastic Brethren” or “The Brethen of Purity” brotherhood or “The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor.” In his early teenage years of Timothy Drew traveled to Egypt and study among the great “neophytes,” of Jamal al-Afghani and Muhammad Abduh. while at Alzhar University, Drew Ali came under the influence of Mohammed Rashid Ridi (1865-1935) and Aziz al-Masri Bey(1878-1965), as well as the great Egyptian nationalist Duse Mohamed Ali-Effendi (1866-1945) who lived in London, England at the time. Drew Ali is said to have studied at the old Ethiopian College in Vatican City (Rome, Italy) (read more below “THE MOORISH AMERICAN PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI” by Professor Ravanna Bey).
Madame Blavatsky
Madame Blavatsky (1831-1891) In Egypt during the mid 1800s Madame Blavatsky studied Sufism, Coptic Christianity, and the Druze order which she described as “a last survival of archaic wisdom.”
Claiming to be a student of her Master “Serapis Bey,” while in Cairo Madame Blavatsky met Jamal ad-Din al-Afghani, an outstanding Muslim thinker, radical political leader and Sufi teacher. After
writing monumental works such as “ISIS UNVEILED”, and “THE SECRET DOCTRINE”, the Theosophical Society was formed in 1875. Among the early members was also Rudolph Steiner, founder of the Anthrosophical Society, Albert Pike 33rd degree Mason and Manly P. Hall, a leading Masonic historian and founder of the Philosophical Society (Read “THE MOORISH AMERICAN PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI” by Professor Ravanna Bey).
Annie Besant (1 October 1847 – 20 September 1933), in 1907 she became President of the Theosophical Society. She was a women’s rights activist, a writer and an orator and a Woman Freemason, initiated into known now as The International Order of Co-Free
masonry, Le Droit Humain. She became the Most Puissant Grand Commander.In 1909, Leadbeater “discovered” fourteen-year-old Jiddu Krishnamurti (1895–1986), and declared him the probable “vehicle” for the expected World Teacher. In 1929, Krishnamurti, grown disenchanted with the World Teacher Project, repudiated the role that many Theosophists expected him to fulfill. He dissolved the Order of the Star in the East, an organization founded to assist the World Teacher in his mission, and eventually left the Theosophical Society.
Muhammad Abduh – (Nile Delta, 1849 – Alexandria, July 11, 1905) was an Egyptian jurist, religious scholar and liberal reformer, regarded as the founder of Islamic Modernism. A book titled “ISLAM AND LIBERTY” regarded Muhammad Abduh as the founder of the so-called Neo-Mutazilism. He was educated by a private tutor and a reciter of the Quran. When he turned thirteen he was sent to the Aḥmadī mosque which was one of the largest educational institutions in Egypt. He enrolled at al-Azhar in 1866. Abduh studied logic, philosophy and mysticism at the Al-Azhar University in Cairo. He was a student of Jamal al-Din al-Afghani, a philosopher and religious reformer who advocated Pan-Islamism to resist European colonialism. Under al-Afghani’s influence, Abduh combined journalism, politics, and his own fascination in mystic spirituality. Al-Afghani taught Abduh about the problems of Egypt and the Islamic world and about the technological achievements of the west. In 1877, Abduh was granted the degree of Alim and he started to teach logic, theology and ethics at al-Azhar. He was appointed professor of history at Cairo’s teachers’ training college Dār al-ʿUlūm in 1878. He was also appointed to teach Arabic at the Khedivial School of Languages. According to Abduh, a teacher’s role was to direct men towards study. He believed that Islam encouraged men to detach from the world of their ancestors and that Islam reproved the slavish imitation of tradition. He said that the two greatest possessions relating to religion that man was graced with were independence of will and independence of thought and opinion. It was with the help of these tools that he could attain happiness. He believed that the growth of western civilization in Europe was based on these two principles. He thought that Europeans were roused to act after a large number of them were able to exercise their choice and to seek out facts with their minds. Abduh was appointed editor and chief of al-Waqāʾiʿ al-Miṣriyya, the official newspaper of the state. He believed that education was the best way to achieve this goal. He was in favor of a good religious education which would strengthen a child’s morals and a scientific education which would nurture a child’s ability to reason. In his articles he criticized corruption, superstition, and the luxurious lives of the rich. He was exiled from Egypt in 1882 for six years, for supporting the Urabi Revolt. He had stated that every society should be allowed to choose a suitable form of government based on its history and its present circumstances. Later that year (1882-1883), he joined his teacher Jamal al Afghani in the United States. Abduh often quoted, “I went to the West and saw Islam, but no Muslims; I got back to the East and saw Muslims, but not Islam.” Abduh spent several years in Lebanon where he helped establish an Islamic educational system. In 1884 he moved to Paris, France where he joined al-Afghani in publishing “THE FIRMEST BOND” (al-Urwah al-Wuthqa), an Islamic revolutionary journal that promoted anti-British views. Abduh also visited Britain and discussed the state of Egypt and Sudan with high-ranking officials. In 1885, he returned to Beirut and was surrounded by scholars from different religious backgrounds. During his stay there he dedicated his efforts toward furthering respect and friendship between Islam, Christianity and Judaism. When he returned to Egypt in 1888, Abduh began his legal career. He was appointed judge in the Courts of First Instance of the Native Tribunals and in 1890, he became a consultative member of the Court of Appeal. In 1899, he was appointed Mufti of Egypt and he held this position until he died. While he was in Egypt, Abduh founded a religious society, became president of a society for the revival of Arab sciences and worked towards reforming al-Azhar by putting forth proposals to improve examinations, the curriculum and the working conditions for both professors and students. He travelled a great deal and met with European scholars in Cambridge and Oxford. He studied French law and read a great many European and Arab works in the libraries of Vienna and Berlin. The conclusions he drew from his travels were that Muslims suffer from ignorance about their own religion and the despotism of unjust rulers. He believed in a form of Islam that would liberate men from enslavement, provide equal rights for all human beings, abolish the religious scholar’s monopoly on exegesis and abolish racial discrimination and religious compulsion. Muhammad Abduh died on 11 July 1905. People from all around the world sent their condolences (Read “THE MOORISH AMERICAN NOBLE DREW ALI” by Professor Ravanna Bey).
Muhammad Rashid Rida – Ottoman Syria, 23 September 1865–Egypt, 22 August 1935) is said to have been “one of the most influential scholars and jurists of his generation” and the “most prominent disciple of Muhammad Abduh” Rida was born near Tripoli in Al-Qalamoun, now in Lebanon but then part of Ottoman Syria within the Ottoman Empire). He attended the National Islamic School in Tripoli, founded by Shaykh Husayn al-Jisr (1845-1909). The curriculum offered both traditional subjects normally studied by the ‘ulama’ and some modern subjects like European languages and mathematics. In 1884-5 he was first exposed to al-`Urwa al-wuthqa, the journal of the Jamal al-Din al-Afghani and Muhammad Abduh. In 1897 he left Syria for Cairo to collaborate with Abduh and the following year they launched al-Manar, a weekly and then monthly journal comprising Quranic commentary at which Rida worked until his death in 1935. Rida’s desire to reform religious practices of his time found expression when he joined the Naqshbandiyyah sufi order and decided to study with the pan- Islamist thinker Jamal ud-Din al-Afghani. Upon al-Afghani’s death, Rida went to Cairo to study with the al-Afghani’s most eminent student, Muhammad `Abduh. `Abduh’s father was the headman of a village in the Egyptian delta, and had sent his son to study at al-Azhar in 1896 (Read “THE MOORISH AMERICAN PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI” by Professor Ravanna Bey).
Aziz Ali al-Masri Bey (1879-1965), was the co-founder of Al-gahtaniyya and al-‘ahd (The Covenant). Egyptian officer and Arab nationalist politician. Born in Cairo, of mixed Arab and Circassian parentage, Aziz Ali al-Masri Bey was trained at the Istanbul Military Academy and was commissioned as an Ottoman army officer in 1901. He joined the Committee for Union and Progress (CUP) (Young Turks), but after the Young Turks seized power in 1908, he turned against the organization and became an Arab nationalist. It is often alleged that Masri’s change of heart occurred because of a personal quarrel that erupted between him and CUP leader Enver while both were serving in the Ottoman army during the Libyan war. Misri formed secret Arab societies called al-Qahtaniyya in 1909 and al-AHD (Covenant) in 1913. He was arrested by the Ottoman government, tried for treason, and condemned to death, but the Turks let him go to Egypt instead. When the Arab Revolt broke out in 1916, he served briefly as Sharif Husayn’s chief of staff. After World War I, he joined several Egyptian fringe groups committed to Arab nationalism. He directed the Cairo Police Academy from 1927 to 1936 and was inspector general of the Egyptian army in 1938. In 1939, Premier Ali Mahir named him chief of staff, but he was dismissed from that post in 1940 at Britain’s insistence. He deserted the Egyptian army and tried to reach the Axis forces in the Libyan desert but was caught and court-martialed in 1941. After Aziz Ali had helped the Free Officers prepare for the revolution of 1952, they named him ambassador to Moscow in 1953 and considered making him president in place of Muhammad Naguib, but he retired in 1954. Fiercely nationalistic, Aziz Ali al Masri Bey was hampered in his career by his political idealism, which got the better of his discretion (Read “THE MOORISH AMERICAN PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI” by Professor Ravanna Bey).
Jamal al-Afghani taught the family of Prophet Noble Drew Ali.
The family of Timothy Drew were members of the “Moorish Zionist Temple” in Brooklyn, New York, which was formed in 1889 (some books date its formation in 1899), by Rabbi Leon Richelieu. The Congregation of the Moorish Zionist Temple of the Moorish Jews in Harlem c.1929, Rabbi Israel Ben Newman wearing shawl, President Mordecai Herman on his right. Rabbi Mordecai Herman, a member of Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA).
Rabbi Arnold J. Ford
Rabbi Arnold J. Ford (23 Apr. 1877-16 Sept. 1935), black nationalist, who became the musical director of the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) in 1917. He was a member in the Scottish Rite Masons, where he served as Master of the Memmon Lodge. Ford and Benjamin E. Burrell composed a song called “Ethiopia,” which speaks of a halcyon past before slavery and stresses pride in African heritage—two themes that were becoming immensely popular. Ford was thus prominently situated among those Muslim and Christian clergy, including George Alexander McGuire, Chaplain-General of the UNIA, who were each trying to influence the religious direction of the organization. Ford and E.L. Gaines wrote the handbook of rules and regulation for the paramilitary African Legion (which was modeled after the Zionist Jewish Legion) and developed guidelines for the Black Cross Nurses. He served on committees, spoke at rallies, and was elected one of the delegates representing the 35,000 members of the New York chapter at the First International Convention of Negro Peoples of the World, held in 1920 at Madison Square Garden. It is possible that Drew Ali had in fact borrowed elements of his African genealogical narrative from Ford’s. Other evidence suggesting that Drew Ali was influenced by the Moorish Hebrews was the importance he gave to Marcus Garvey—a feature notable among Ford’s group—and the introduction of the word “El”
(along with “Bey”) as a suffix to Moors’ surnames, which is consistent with the Hebrew (Israelite) —and not the Islamic—tradition (Note: Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s familly were members of the Moorish Zionist Temple and Prophet Noble Drew Ali did know Rabbi Arnold Ford who was a leader of the Moorish Zionist Temple and was the teacher of Rabbi Chief Rabbi Wentworth Arthur Matthew. Ford taught both Ahmaric, Hebrew and Arabic in his Beth B’nai Abraham congregation).
Chief Rabbi Wentworth Arthur Matthew
Chief Rabbi Wentworth Arthur Matthew (1892-1973) Yoseh ben Moshe ben Yehuda, also given as Moshea Ben David was leader of the Moorish Zionist Temple of the Moorish Jews of Harlem. Matthew created a Masonic lodge called The Royal Order of Ethiopian Hebrews the Sons and Daughters of Culture. The lodge functioned as a secret society where the initiated explored a branch of Jewish mysticism called “Kabballah.” Matthew was also a member of the UNIA under Marcus A. ‘Mosiah’ Garvey.
Dr. Suleiman Mohammed
Dr. Suleiman Mohammed (Dr. Prince de Solomon, Abdul Hamid Suleiman) – allegedly, he was an “Egyptian” (recognizing that, at the time, Sudan was officially part of Egypt); he was an Arabic speaker (i.e., an Arab, or an“Arabian,” as the 1922 newspaper article described Suleiman); he worked as a“minister” (i.e., a promoter of religion); and he had immigrated at some point before his October 1909 appearance, possibly in 1908. Yet, there has been founded a 1906 reference to a black Baptist named “Rev. Dr. P. D. Solomon from 1906,” but whether this is the same figure as Prince de Solomon is unknown (See“COLORED BAPTISTS,” The Sun [Baltimore], June 10, 1906). The name of Suleiman’s movement was the “Canaanite Temple”. Timothy Drew (Professor Drew, later known as Prophet Noble Drew Ali) was a co-founder. Timothy Drew (Professor Drew) meet him in Egypt and persuaded him to come to America. (To the left pic) In one front-page article, this man of African (Afrakan / Afurakan) descent was depicted wearing a fez and it was reported that he had been proclaiming his movement to be both Islamic and Masonic — a “Mohammedan Masonry” — and spoke of his mystical and Egyptian connections. According to Martin Bernal “Masons ‘saw their religion as Egyptian, their signs as hieroglyphs, their lodges as Egyptian temples, and themselves as an Egyptian priesthood'” – “OTHELLO’S CHILDREN IN THE ‘NEW WORLD'” by Jose V. Pimeienta-Bey, Ph.D). Dr. Suleiman communicated to the group’s head, Caesar R. Blake, Jr., his demand for the African-American Shriner community, known as the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine [AEAONMS] to come under the protection of what he called the “Mecca Medina Temple of Ancient Free and Operative Masons from 1 to 96 degrees,” the “true Shrine.”
“In August 1922 after he attended the African-American Masonic convention held that month in Washington, D.C. At the convention, he formally presented himself to the leadership of the main faction of the African-American Shriner community, known as the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (AEAONMS). There, Suleiman communicated to the group’s head, Caesar R. Blake, Jr., his demand for the AEAONMS to come under the protection of what he called the “Mecca Medina temple of Ancient Free and Operative Masons from 1 to 96 degrees,” the “true Shrine,” which, in a later interview, Suleiman claimed to have incorporated himself in New York City, though he gave no date for its “JOURNAL OF RACE, ETHNICITY, AND RELIGION” Volume 2, Issue 13 (September 2011). Because of conflicting reports, it is unclear as to whether Blake was present in Washington, though it is almost certain that he was not. incorporation. The news report, which contained a picture of the man, who clearly looked to be of African descent, indicated that he was an “Arabian.” By the end of the month, Suleiman had written a letter to The New York World newspaper providing more information about his background: I, Abdul Hamid Suleiman, of the City of Khartoum, Sudan, Egypt, a Mohammedan by birth, Master of the Koran, having pilgrimaged to Mecca three times and thus become an Eminent High Priest and head of all Masonic degrees in Mecca, Arabia, from the first to the ninety-sixth degree, am now in the United States for the purpose of establishing the rite of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. I am here to answer all questions relative to these degrees until I return home to Mecca to enroll the names of the true Shriners of this country.” Patrick D. Bowen examined new evidence concerning a “Caananites Temple” that was active in Newark in 1923 and which may have influenced the Moorish Science Temple. (“ABDUL HAMID SULEIMAN AND THE ORIGINS OF THE MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE” by Patrick D. Bowen).
Suleiman told the reporter that he was aware of the so-called white Shriners’ attempts to sue the AEAONMS in order to prevent them from having their own separate Shriner organization; and Suleiman was “arranging to receive” the Negro Masons and Shriners into his “Islamic Masonry.” He insisted that the so-called Negro Shriners did not have an authentic Masonic charter, but he would “now…make them authentic by virtue of his authority as Eminent High Priest to grant a charter in a Masonry which he declares to be ancient and widespread throughout the Islamic world.” Suleiman said that American Negroes would be allowed into his group on two conditions: that they vow, “‘by the beard of Prophet Muhammad,’ that they will live according to the moral code of the Koran,” — “becoming…Muslim (Mohammedans),” as one newspaper described it —and “that they will pay to Mecca, through none but Suleiman, a proportion of their lodge dues.” Suleiman presented his credential as High Priest, and his Masonic authority “signed by Hassan Hissein, Grand Sherif of Mecca,” The reporter described this patent :It was a nice sheet of white paper about two feet by three, with a field of blue sky, down the centre of which ran a wide column of sprawling characters bearing a ragged resemblance of the Arabic lettering in the Koran. The borders were decorated with three camels on one side and three pyramids on the other and various symbolic stones, incense pots, beehives, square and compasses. At the top was the English lettering, “MECCA ARABIA,” and below it, “A.F. & O.M.” [which was explained as standing for] “Ancient,Free and Operative Masonry.” As for Islamic Masonry, Suleiman informed the reporter that it pervades the whole Mohammedan world and controls both religious worship and civil government—that the titles of sheriff, sheik, pasha, khedive, marabout, sahib are nothing but the topmost of the Masonic degrees, in this order given, with the sheriff as the highest.… [Furthermore] these titles will be open to American Negroes who join… Blake, for his part, did not deny the existence of Islamic Masonry, but insisted, just as the founder of the so-called Negro Shriner movement, John G. Jones, had before him, that so-called Negro Shriners were not Muslims and would not be willing to convert—“American Negroes are Christians.
In a later interview, Suleiman claimed to have incorporated a Mecca-Medina Temple in New York City and New Jersey. On February 4, 1910, it was reported that an African-American Masonic lodge by the exact name referred to by Suleiman had been incorporated in New York City “with the approval of Supreme Court Justice Gerard.” Between 1910-1913 Timothy Drew (Prophet Noble Drew Ali) became a member of his Mecca-Medina Temple. According to author and researcher Patrick Bowen, a newspaper article from 1922 confirms Suleiman met with Duse Mohammed Ali and other leading Garveyites. Dr. Suleiman Mohammed in 1922 reiterated assertions about the true Shriner system only being the one out of Mecca, and its requirement of converting to Islam. Suleiman even went as far as publishing a letter from the Grand Lodge in England to prove that all Prince Hall masonry was illegitimate. Dr. Suleiman Mohammad declared, “There Are No True Shriners Among Either Colored or White Americans,” “NEW YORK AGE”, September 16, 1927. By the end of the month, Suleiman had written a letter to “THE NEW YORK WORLD” newspaper providing more information about his background: I, Abdul Hamid Suleiman, of the City of Khartoum, Sudan, Egypt, a Mohammedan by birth, Master of the Koran, having pilgrimaged to Mecca three times and thus become an Eminent High Priest and head of all Masonic degrees in Mecca, Arabia, from the first to the ninety-sixth degree, am now in the United States for the purpose of establishing the rite of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. It was later relayed that he had been leading a number of New York City Muslims in attempting to “win Negroes to their Mohammedan faith by stressing the fact of the absolute equality of races and genuine brotherhood under Mohammedanism, as in opposition to the well-known attitude of white Christians” (JOURNAL OF RACE, ETHNICITY, AND RELIGION” Volume 2, Issue 13). We hear of Suleiman’s Masonic ties is in early 1928 when it was reported that he had once “won notoriety as the founder of the Oriental Branch of the Masonic Order.” In the following year, “Prince Abdul Hamid Sulyman of Khartoum, Egypt, priest of Mecca”—note the use of the title “Prince”—appeared as a speaker at the second annual banquet of the “Grand Orient of Ancient, Free and Accepted Scottish Rite Masons of Union Faith.” This order was said to have been founded in 1923 by a J.B. Thornton, and in 1929 claimed to have 800 members in New York and 15,000 nationally. It is notable, however, that one of the past masters of the latter order (the “Grand Orient of Ancient…”) who was making a speech at the banquet was “Rabbi A. J. Ford,” presumably Arnold J. Ford. Also, author of “ABDUL HAMID SULEIMAN AND THE ORIGINS OF THE MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE” and researcher Patrick D. Bowen has in his possession the incorporation form for the “The Grand United Masonic Orient Inc.,” which lists Arnold J. Ford. In the early 1920s, Ford had in fact led two different Black Hebrew movements which incorporated Islamic themes and practices, the Moorish Zionist Temple and Beth B’nai Abraham (“Scottish Rite Masons Give Annual Banquet,” “NEW YORK AMSTERDAM NEWS”, February 27, 1929).
Muhammad Ibn ‘Abd al-Karim al-Khattabi (Emir Abdul Karim El)
Emir Abdul Karim El, (Abd el-Krim (1882 – February 6, 1963) was a Moroccan Riffian political and military leader. He was a Moroccan Sheik who fought against the Spanish and French in 1921-23. He helped establish the “very first temple” for Moors; the Canaanite Temple…along with…Doctor Solomon Mohammed (Sulaiman Mohammed), its co-founder.” From there he received certain books, lessons, and knowledge to think on greater things; and the Canaanite Temple was born from this union. It is said that Karim El “anointed” Timothy Drew {Prophet Noble Drew Ali}. It was obviously symbolic to Drew taken his place when El went back to Africa.
Father George William Hurley
Father George William Hurley, Prophet and Founder Universal Hagar’s Spiritual Church (February 17, 1884 – June 23, 1943). He was raised as a Baptist by his mother, Tina Hurley. At the age of seven he began to preach and challenge the traditional Baptist doctrine. He was ordained at the age of 11. After high school he went to Tuskegee Institute and Phelps Bible Hall Training School to receive ministerial training from Dr. E. J. Penny. In 1918-19 Reverend Hurley met Father Elias D. Smith, founder of the Triumph the Church and Kingdom of God in Christ (Note: The same church that raised Rev. James F. Jones, also known as, Prophet Jones. In 1938 The Triumph sect sent the 21-year-old Jones to Detroit as a missionary Jones soon broke away and founded the Church of Universal Triumph, the Dominion of God Inc.). Hurley was moved by Father Smith and his teachings and consequently joined. After several years, he reached the level of Elder and the presiding Prince of Michigan, but became dissatisfied with the teachings of the Triumph Church. After this he briefly joined the International Spiritual Church, but again he was not completely content. Soon after he became involved with the Moorish National Divine Movement / Moorish Holy Temple of Science under Prophet Noble Drew Ali. However, by 1923, he founded the Universal Hagar’s Spiritual Church Association. He founded Temple #1 or the “Supreme Temple” in Detroit, Michigan. After two moves Temple #1 found a permanent home on Napoleon Street. It is this stability that led to the opening of the School of Mediumship and Psychology in 1924. One of the major influences from Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s movement was that Father Hurley’s used of the “AQUARIAN GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST” written by Levi and Eva Dowling of 1908. In 1933, Father Hurley, influenced by the“AQUARIAN GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST” began to espouse that he indeed was the “God of the Aquarian Age.” By 1938, the U.H.S.C.A had grown from one to 30 temples piercing the boundaries of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, and Illinois etc. Also, during this period of growth, structural organization can be seen in the establishment of various auxiliaries. For instance, the Knights of the All Seeing Eye (K. of the A.S.E. in 1934 with Prince Thomas Surbadger) as extensions to the church. The Knights of the All Seeing Eye represents a co-ed secret auxiliary, which is structurally divided into national chapters with the two highest offices being that of the Most Royal Exalted Master and the Royal Noble Mistress. Although secrecy encompasses this auxiliary, the members make public their overarching mission, which involves racial uplift. Another prominent auxiliary is the Wiseman Board — the even member executive branch of this ecclesiastical body. Hurley was taught Arabic by Elias Mohammed Abraham, a missionary associated with the Islamic Mission of America led by Trinadad born – Moroccan descent El Hajj Sheikh Daoud Ahmad Faisal. Hurley’s descendants maintain that he knew Elijah Muhammad when he was still known as Elijah Pool(e) and also knew many of the other black urban sect leaders, people such as, Prophet Jones of Detroit, Sweet Daddy Grace, and Father Divine of Harlem. Hurley’s statement that “a true Moslem is a true Spiritualist.” In 2012, the U.H.S.C.A. boasted over 35 temples and missions in 14 states—Michigan, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Wisconsin, Maryland, Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama – and was headquartered at 555 South Oakwood Blvd., Detroit, Michigan 48217.
Universal Hagar Spiritual church 1929 convention. The MSTA had a 1928 convention. Noble Drew Ali flew the Moroccan Flag with the American flag. Rev. Hurley flew the Red black and green flag with the American flag. Notice!!!
George Baker
George Baker was known as “Father Divine” (c. 1876 – September 10, 1965). In 1906 sojourn in California, Father Divine became acquainted with the ideas of Charles Fillmore and the New Thought Movement, a philosophy of positive thinking that would inform his later doctrines. Among other things, this belief system asserted that negative thoughts led to poverty
and unhappiness. Father Divine attended a local Baptist Church, often
preaching, until 1907. He became known as “the Messenger” during this time. Father Divine was joined by Samuel Morris called Father Jehovia and both were later joined by John A. Hickerson, who called himself Reverend Bishop Saint John the Vine. In 1912, the three-man ministry collapsed, as John the Vine denied Father Jehovia’s monopoly on godhood, citing 1 John 4:15 to mean God was in everyone:”Whoever shall confess that Jesus is the Son of God, God dwells in him and he in God.” Father Divine denied both that Father Jehovia was God and that anyone could be God. Instead, he declared that he himself was the only true expression of God’s spirit. In 1914, George Baker (Father Divine) traveled to Brooklyn, New York, with a very modest number of followers and an all-black congregation. He founded the International Peace Mission movement, formulated its doctrine, and oversaw its growth from a small and predominantly black congregation into a multiracial and international church. While, John A. Hickerson, who called himself Reverend Bishop Saint John the Vine headed to Harlem, New York where he joined the UNIA under Marcus A. ‘Mosiah’ Garvey and also became affiliated with the Moorish Zionist Temple. He soon corrected his name to Rabbi Eshof ben Dovid. He passed on esoteric teachings through the Garvey movement. It is even claimed that Rabbi Eshof ben Dovid taught Hebrew to Rabbi Ford, who taught it to Rabbi Matthews. Even so, by 1919, George Baker had adopted the name Reverend Major Jealous Divine. “Reverend Major” was chosen as a title of respect and authority, while “Jealous” was a reference to Exodus 34:14, where the Lord says he is a “jealous god”. His followers affectionately called him Father Divine. While in New York George Baker (Father Divine) between the years 1914-1916, he became very familiar with the Canaanite Temple teachings of Prophet Noble Drew Ali. In early 1932 Father Divine did a brief prison stay and after his attorneys secured release through an appeal on June 25, 1932, he declared that the foundational documents of the United States of America, such as the Constitution and Declaration of Independence, were inspired. Father Divine also taught that contemporary leaders strayed from these ideals, but he would become increasingly patriotic through his life. As a leader, Divine created a patriarchal and messianic image that transcended his theological and intellectual limitations by denying the pervasiveness of color and race, as well as the dominance of white society and the marginal nature of Black society. He went on to state that everyone could be a part of the American society. However, this could only be actualized in a government under God, and Father Divine was God. Father Divine was conceptually contradictory. On the one hand, he was attracted to white America, and he even married white American women; on the other hand, he accentuated and actualized Mr. Garvey’s position which stated Black people were superior and whites were inferior. Father Divine made numerous contributions toward his followers’ economic independence and racial equality.
Marcelino Manuel da Graça
Marcelino Manuel da Graça (January 25, 1884 – January 12, 1960), better known as Charles Manuel “Sweet Daddy” Grace, or Daddy Grace. Sweet Daddy Grace, was born in Cape Verde Islands, Portugal off the coast of West Africa. He came to America in 1903, and settled in New Bedford, Massachusetts. He was influenced by Pentecostal and Evangelic ministers. But sometime between 1914-1916, he became affiliated with the Canaanite Temple. In 1919, he built the first United House of Prayer For All People by hand in West Wareham, Massachusetts. Sometime after a trip to Egypt, Grace received another calling to move to the Brooklyn community of Charlotte, North Carolina and found the United House Of Prayer For All People in 1925. Sweet Daddy Grace moved his headquarters to Washington, DC, he returned to Charlotte one week each September. Parades celebrating his visit became well known for their large attendance and pageantry.”Sweet Daddy Grace,” was an effective evangelist who preached revival in a Pentecostal tradition that included brass “shout bands” and public baptisms. The United House of Prayer for All People prided itself on an ecstatic worship style that included speaking in tongues. He was said to have owned one of the largest fleets of Cadillac’s, had his own line of soaps and healing medicines, performed miracles, baptisms. Grace developed a line of products including “Daddy Grace” coffee, tea, soaps, and hand creams reputed to have healing properties. Members of his church were expected to attend service every day. At church, the congregation would take an hour “coming to the mountain” by singing, clapping, speaking in tongues, and feeling the spirit. There were also many claims the Sweet Daddy Grace healed people and changed lives for the better. His followers believed he was capable of performing miracles such as bringing the dead back to life as well as healing. He taught from the Bible and accentuated his doctrine on the Biblical “grace.” He told his followers that he was the “Grace of the World” and only he had the divine power to wash away their sins. He did not advocate an African or nationalist philosophy of any kind; nor did he preach any kind of race pride. With such frequent attendance, fervent followers and reports of good works, the church collected far more than average weekly offerings, enabling Sweet Daddy Grace to expand his church empire around the country and several places abroad. Sweet Daddy Grace and his church’s from a materialistic standpoint, work should note their extensive track record, providing shelter, food, clothing, employment and elevating the status of the poor. In 1960, he died in his Los Angeles mansion and the body of Bishop Charles Emmanuel Grace was returned to Charlotte for a final parade around his original church before burial in Massachusetts. Fitting the bravado of his life, the eulogy was delivered by … Sweet Daddy Grace on tape. Based on the good he did and other principles he taught, the legacy of Sweet Daddy Grace endures with over 3.5 million followers in the United House of Prayer for All People.
Bishop Rev. S. C. Blackledge
Bishop Rev. S. C. Blackledge D. D. author of “AN OPEN
BOOK ON HIDDEN MYSTERIES” (Copyright 1925 A. D.) was a good friend of Prophet Noble Drew Ali.
Hadhrat Dr. Maulana Mufti Muhammad Sadiq
Hadhrat Dr. Maulana Mufti Muhammad Sadiq, who came from India, was the first (modern recorded) Ahmadiyya Muslim Missionary to America. Dr. Mufti Muhammad Sadiq, arrived in Philadelphia on February 15, 1920, the United States Immigration authorities refused to allow Dr. Sadiq to enter the country (Note: It has been reported Dr. Sadiq actually arrived in 1910, during which time Timothy Drew [later Prophet Noble Drew Ali] and David Ford [W. D. Fard Muhammad] became members of the Islamic sect. They spend the next two years with the Ahmadiyya). After the authorities interrogated him for several hours and established that Dr. Sadiq was a representative of a religious group that practiced polygyny, they asked him to leave the United States. Dr. Sadiq refused to go and asked for an appeal to the Secretariat in Washington D.C. He was incarcerated in the Philadelphia Detention House until the decision of the appeal was handed down. Later, he moved to Chicago and in 1921 established the first headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, at 4448 Wabash Avenue, giving it the name “Al Masjid.” Muhammad Sadiq, in 1921, sent 500 letters to various U.S. Masonic lodges. His purpose, as a representative of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, was to convert Americans to the religion of Islam. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the only Islamic organization to believe that the long-waited Messiah has come in the person of Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835-1908) of Qadian. Ahmad claimed to be the metaphorical second coming of Jesus of Nazareth and the divine guide, whose advent was foretold by the Prophet of Islam, Muhammad. Ahmadiyya Muslim Community believes that God sent Ahmad, like Jesus, to end religious wars, condemn bloodshed and reinstitute morality, justice and peace. Ahmad’s advent has brought about an unprecedented era of Islamic revival. He divested Islam of fanatical beliefs and practices by vigorously championing Islam’s true and essential teachings. He also recognized the noble teachings of the great religious founders and saints, including, Zoroaster, Abraham, Moses,
Jesus, Krishna, Buddha, Confucius, Lao Tzu and Guru Nanak, and explained how such teachings converged into the one true Islam. Because of its teaching and practice of universal brotherhood, the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community attracted many said black Americans, who assumed leadership roles within the Movement. Black Americans were told that Islam was the religion of their fore-parents before slavery. Apparently, through their connection with the UNIA’s internationalist perspective, the Ahmadi Muslims had acquired a keen understanding of the ordinary black man that enabled them to connect Islam with Pan-Africanism and race pride. The adoption of Muslim names by all new converts was further commitment to the Islamic world view as was the wearing of veils by some of the female converts.
During this period, Dr. Mufti Muhammad Sadiq became friends with Jamaican born Marcus Garvey, the founder of the Universal Negro Improvement Association, (UNIA). In 1923, Dr. Sadiq gave five lectures at the UNIA meetings in Detroit. Eventually, he converted forty Garveyites to the Ahmadiyya Muslim faith. The most noteworthy of these converts was a former Christian minister, Reverend Sutton, who was named Sheik Abdus Salaam and was appointed the leader of the Detroit branch of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community. A number of Islamic oriented organizations sprang up among said black Americans in the 1920’s and 30’s, apparently influenced by both Dr. Sadiq’s teachings and by the philosophy of the UNIA. Prophet / Master Fard Muhammad (David Ford-El, Wali(d) Farad Muhammad) and The Honorable Elijah Muhammad, (Robert Pool, Robert Poole, Paul Robert ‘Elijah’ Poole-Bey, Robert Karriem, Ghulam Bogan) leaders of the most successful of these American Islamic organizations, the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, is stated that Robert Pool (Robert Poole) was a corporal in the uniformed ranks of the UNIA. Wali(d) Farad Muhammad was David Ford-El’s name used as a member of the Ahmadiyya group. Also Robert Pool(e)’s (Elijah Muhammad’s) name as a member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim group was “Ghulam Bogan.” Mizra Ghulam was the name of the founder of the Ahmadiyya Muslims. According to “A CONCISE HISTORY OF THE NATION OF ISLAM AND ITS EVOLUTION” Published on Friday, 09 July 2010 08:21, written by Imam Benjamin Bilal, it states, “Mr. Fard was a member of the Ahmadiyya Anjuman community of Muslims that were popular throughout the African American communities of cities like Detroit, Chicago, and Newark at that time.” During his time in the United States, Dr. Sadiq had made many devoted friends. The Muslims in Chicago were so attached to Dr. Sadiq that they sent a letter to the international head of the Ahmadiyya Movement, requesting that he be allowed to stay in the United States indefinitely. However, at the end of September 1923, Dr. Sadiq left the United States and stayed in Paris, France for several weeks, where he lectured and secured converts there. Then he returned to India. When Dr. Sadiq began his missionary work in the United States, most Americans had never heard of Islam or the name “Muslim,” and had never seen a mosque. Today, Islam is the fastest growing religion in the United States, with millions of converts to various sects. The Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is continuing its missionary efforts across the United States and around the world. It has established missions in 170 countries. It has communities in fifty-three U.S. cities, where new mosque and mission houses are established. Dr. Sadiq’s work has grown from one small seed of faith into a tree whose branches are spreading from coast to coast.
Paul Nathaniel Johnson (Sheikh Ahmad Din, Ra Rasool, Prophet of Amun Ra)
The Honorable Paul Nathaniel Johnson, The Fahamme Prophet of Amun-Ra and Master-Mystic was born June 10, 1888 in Hempstead County, Arkansas. He is of African-Arab ancestry. He attended and graduated from Philander-Smith College in Little Rock, Arkansas. Soon after he met Dr. Mufti Muhammad Sadiq of Qadian, Punjab, India. Dr. Mufti was the first Moslem missionary sent to America, representing the Hazrat Mirza Bashir-ud-Din Mahmud Ahmad, head of the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, which was founded by Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the World-Promised Messiah of the prior age. During subsequent meetings with Dr. Mufti he engaged in discussions of some of the philosophical conclusions being offered about Islam. Dr. Mufti inquired as to how the Honorable Paul N. Johnson understood and knew the things he knew and Paul’s response was I don’t know how, I just know. At this point he was offered a job teaching Islam and recruiting for the Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. Given the name Ahmad Din by the Ahmadiyya Movement, the Honorable Paul N. Johnson became the first ordained Moslem Minister in Saint Louis and Missouri. His title was Sheikh, which indicates special religious authority.
He also appeared to have been a Mason, or at least from a related group, such as, the “Mecca Medina Temple of Ancient Free and Operative Masons from 1 to 96 degrees,” the “true Shrine” under Dr. Suleiman Mohammed. Hence, he too were a member of the Canaanite Temple until 1919, the alleged year that Professor Drew (later Prophet Noble Drew Ali) left Newark, New Jersey to move to Chicago, Illinois. Sheikh Ahmad Din (Honorable Paul Johnson), in one of the Ahmadiyya magazines from that time, there is a picture of him wearing a fez, the headpiece of the Shriners. While the fez may in fact be reflecting the North African heritage that Johnson claimed, it is note worthy that in Johnson’s own break-off group, called the Fahamme Temples of Islam and Culture, the fez was a common headpiece for male members (and one member wore what was clearly a Shriner fez) and the teachings explicitly stated: “We are the true SHRINERS.” He is the revealer and author of “THE HOLY FAHAMME GOSPEL,” the Holy revealed bible for the black race, and several other booklets, poems, songs, and essays. The following questions and answers reflects a Moorish / Masonic (Shriner) overtone (connection).
Q. What is Fahamme? A. It is understanding, and it is also the name of the new Afro-American culture founded on the background of our Ancestor—Worship with due reverence for our Noble Ancestors, Ancient and Divine, whose wisdom graced the lands of Egypt, Ethiopia, Kaldea, Arabia, Canaan, and the entire torrid zone. The torrid belt of the mystic name of Ethiopia.
Q. Who were the first Muslims? A. The Ancient Ethiopians, the Hamites and Canaanites all from ancient Africa, which was originally call HAM. Ancient Hamites from what is known as Ethiopia and Egypt long before Arab occupation.
Above Pic: Grand Governor (Grand Sheik) Isaac Cook -Bey. The Illinois newspaper article to the left illustrates that “Isaac” Bro. I Cook-Bey was called “Grand Governor of the Fahamme Temple… possibly an error on part of the newspaper writer? Because, according to M.S.T.A. records, Bro. I. Cook Bey was Grand Sheik of M.S.T.A. Temple No. 19, in Baltimore, Maryland, at 456 Albert Street. However, also according to M.S.T.A. records, on September 26th, 1930, Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El sent Charles Kirkman-Bey an official Temple letter and to other Temples, that the credentials of those listed were REVOKED; I. Cook-Bey name was listed. Based on the article Mrs. Edna Bey married Robert Bey on October 18, 1932. Therefore, we do know that this was two years after the revoking of I. Cook-Bey from the M.S.T.A. enrollment under Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El. Therefore, Bro. I. Cook-Bey could have possibly been a Fahamme Temple member … Note: It was definitely sure that Mrs. Edna-Bey was a member of the Fahamme Temple ‘and’ the Moorish Science Temple No. 57. Nevertheless, the article demonstrates that the Fahamme Temple and the Moorish Science Temple were close. (see Bro. Al Mohadiz El Hajj)
Satti Majid
Satti Majid was a Sudanese Muslim missionary who lived in the U.S. from the early 1900s to 1929. During that time, he helped establish several Islamic organizations in the country. He is best known today for his work with said African Americans, a number of whom converted to Sunni Islam under his influence. Patrick D. Bowen published an article on Satti Majid in the “JOURNAL OF AFRICANA RELIGIONS”, examining new evidence about Satti Majid’s efforts organizing Muslims in Buffalo, proselytization efforts with African Americans, and his attempt to establish perhaps the first national Islamic umbrella organizations in the country. The article also discusses new evidence concerning the early life Sheik Daoud Ahmed Faisal, who became Satti Majid’s representative in Harlem and later continued his legacy in Brooklyn.
El Hajj Sheikh Daoud Ahmad Faisal
El Hajj Sheikh Daoud Ahmad Faisal (1891 – 1980) of Caribbean (Trinadad) and Moroccan background, he founded the Islamic Propagation Center of America, at 143 State Street, Brooklyn, New York in 1928. He also started the Islamic Mission Society, which was active from 1934-1942. Sheikh Faisal was granted a charter by Sheikh Khalid of Jordan and King Saud of Saudi Arabia to propagate. He could be found plying his trades among such contemporaries such as Noble Drew Ali and Fard Muhammad, as well as, among his West Indian counterpart Marcus Garvey. Although deeply entrenched in The Harlem Renaissance he cannot be thought of solely as a ‘race man’ – Sheikh Daoud was by no means limited to any one sphere of social or racial activity. He was a true international man – universal might be a better word to describe him. He spoke favorable of Noble Drew Ali and his efforts to reunite said Negroes with their Moroccan past.
Major Martin Robison Delany
Martin Robison Delany (May 6, 1812 – January 24, 1885) was an abolitionist, journalist, physician, and writer, arguably the first proponent of African Nationalism (see Paul Cufee – 1759-1817) and is called the “Father of Black Nationalism” (Pan-Africanism). Of course, Delany never referred to himself as a “Black Nationalist,” however, he has been ‘philosophically’ labeled as such. He was born in Charles Town, Jefferson County (present-day West Virginia) to a free mother and slave father, Pati and Samuel Delaney. Delan(e)y’s paternal grandparents were of Gola ethnicity (from modern-day Liberia), taken captive during warfare and brought as slaves to the Virginia colony. Family oral history said that the grandfather was a chieftain, escaped to Canada for a period, and died resisting slavery abuses. Pati’s parents were born in the Niger Valley, West Africa, and were of Mandinka (Mandingo) ethnicity. Her father was a Prince named Shango, captured with his betrothed Graci and brought to America as slaves (P.O.W.s). After some time, they were given their freedom in Virginia, perhaps based on their noble birth. Shango returned to Africa. Graci stayed in America with their only daughter Pati. Pati, taught him and his siblings to read and write using “THE NEW YORK PRIMER AND SPELLING BOOK,” given to them by a traveling peddler named Rankin. They were cited for violating state laws against literacy instruction for black children. So, in 1822, Pati moved the family to Chambersburg, Pennsylvania, after it was discovered the Delany children were being taught to read. In 1831, Martin Delany moved to Pittsburgh to continue his education at a school for (so-called) Negroes. Delany became a student of Rev. Lewis Woodson of the Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church. Rev. Woodson, who would go on to help establish Wilberforce University, was a strong advocate of black economic independence and was active in the Underground Railroad, which helped slaves escape to freedom in Canada. Delany was soon involved in the Underground Railroad himself. Shortly after, Delany began attending Jefferson College, where he was taught classics, Latin and Greek by Molliston M. Clark. During the national cholera epidemic in 1833, Delany became apprenticed to Dr. Andrew N. McDowell, where he learned contemporary techniques of fire cupping and leeching, then considered the primary techniques to treat disease. He continued to study medicine under the mentorship of Dr. McDowell and other abolitionist doctors, such as Dr. F. Julius LeMoyne and Dr. Joseph P. Gazzam of Pittsburgh. He was one of the first three so-called Negroes admitted to Harvard Medical School. In 1835 he attended his first National Negro Convention, held in Philadelphia since 1831. He was inspired to conceive a plan, which became the “Back to Africa” movement, specially to set up settlement(s) on the east coast of Africa (Afraka) and later the west coast of Africa (Afraka).
Delany began publication of an abolitionist newspaper called “THE MYSTERY” in Pittsburgh in 1843. While Frederick Douglass and William Lloyd Garrison were in Pittsburgh in 1847 on an anti-slavery tour, they met with Delany. Together the men conceived the newspaper that became the “NORTH STAR.” It was first published later that year in Rochester, New York and published until June 1851. Delany began writing and published “THE CONDITION, ELEVATION, EMIGRATION AND DESTINY OF THE COLORED PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES, POLITICALLY CONSIDERED IN 1852.” This book supported the emigration of (so-called) Colored outside the United States. He became convinced that the so-called white ruling class would not allow deserving persons of color to become leaders in society. He suggested they should leave and found a new nation elsewhere, perhaps in the West Indies or South America. Delany also authored a novel in response to Harriet Beecher Stowe’s “UNCLE TOM’S CABIN” called “BLAKE, OR THE HUTS OF AMERICA, OFFICIAL REPORT OF THE NIGER VALLEY EXPLORATION PARTY, AND PRINCIPIA OF ETHNOLOGY” in “THE (WEEKLY) ANGELO-AFRICAN MAGAZINE.” He believed that Stowe had portrayed slaves as too passive, although he praised her highlighting the cruelty of Southern slave owners. This was the first novel by a so-called Negro man to be published in the United States. Masonically, Worship Master Martin R. Delany on June 24th, 1853 at St. Cyprian Lodge No. 13 delivered his Treatise, “ORIGIN AND OBJECTS OF ANCIENT FREEMASONRY: ITS INTRODUCTION INTO THE UNITED STATES, AND LEGITIMACY AMONG COLORED MEN.” In this work Delany credited Africa as being the place where Freemasonry originated. The central argument which Delany was attempting to make, was that the so-called Black man had an inherited right to become Freemasons and therefore they are legitimate. This published work by Delany is the earliest printed work on Prince Hall Freemasonry, which also makes him the first published Prince Hall Freemason. In August 1854, Delany led the National Emigration Convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Delany advanced his emigrationist argument in his manifesto “POLITICAL DESTINY OF THE COLORED RACE ON THE AMERICAN CONTINENT.” The convention approved a resolution stating, “As men and equals, we demand every political right, privilege and position to which the whites are eligible in the United States, and we will either attain to these, or accept nothing.” In 1858, Delany attended John Brown’s Chatham Convention, where Brown presented his Provisional Constitution and revealed a plan to free slaves that led to the raid on Harpers Ferry in October 1859. In May 1859, Delany sailed from New York for Liberia, to investigate the possibility of a new African nation in the region. He traveled in the region for nine months. He signed an agreement with eight chiefs in the Abeokuta region that would permit settlers to live on “unused land” in return for using their skills for the community’s good. In 1861, Delany began planning settlement of Abeokuta. He gathered a group of potential settlers and funding. Delany decided however to remain in America to further work for the emancipation of his people. In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln called for a military draft, and Delany was drafted. He began recruiting black men for the Union Army. His efforts in Rhode Island, Connecticut, and Ohio raised thousands of enlistees; whom joined the newly formed United States Colored Troops. Abraham Lincoln, after basking in Delany’s presence early one February morning in 1865, exclaimed in a letter to Secretary of War Edwin Stanton: “Do not fail to have an interview with this most extraordinary and intelligent black man.” He proposed a corps of so-called colored men led by colored officers who could serve to win over Southern Negroes. Delany was commissioned as a major a few weeks later, becoming the first colored line field officer in the U.S. Army and achieving the highest rank a so-called Negro would reach during the Civil War. He was later transferred to the Freemen’s Bureau, where he shocked (so-called) white officers with his strong call for the right of freed (so-called) Negroes to own land. He ran unsuccessfully for Lieutenant Governor and was appointed a Trial Judge, since he was also a lawyer by trade. In 1877, they formed the ‘Liberia Exodus Joint Stock Steamship Company’, with Delany as chairman of the finance committee. A year later, the company purchased a ship, the Azor, for the voyage. Delany worked as president of the board to organize the voyage. Delany began practicing medicine again in Charleston. On 24 January 1885, he died of tuberculosis in Wilberforce, Ohio.
Edward Wilmot Blyden
Dr. Edward Wilmot Blyden (1832-1912) was called “The Apostle of Blackness.” Blyden was born on August 3, 1832 in St. Thomas, Virgin Islands. His free and literate parents were of Ibo descent. In 1851, he emigrated to Liberia, which had become an independent republic only four years earlier, after the settlement of freed African American slaves. Blyden was a Liberian educator and statesman. He is one of the modern day founding Father of Black Nationalism. Blyden popularized the powerful term, “Africa for the Africans,” which was sparked by Dr. Martin Robison Delany, another Father of what is now called “Black Nationalism!
During a visit to Egypt in 1866 he recorded that: I felt that I had a peculiar heritage in the Great Pyramid built . . . by the enterprising sons of Ham, from which I descended. The blood seemed to flow faster through my veins. I seemed to hear the echo of those illustrious Africans. I seemed to feel the impulse from those stirring characters who sent civilization to Greece…I felt lifted out of the commonplace grandeur of modern times; and, could my voice have reached every African in the world, I would have earnestly addressed him…: `Retake your fame.
In 1869, Blyden’s essay entitled “THE NEGRO IN ANCIENT HISTORY” appeared in the “METHODIST QUARTERLY REVIEW.” He edited ‘NEGRO,’ the first pan-African journal in West Africa. In Freetown, Blyden helped to edit the “SIERRA LEONE NEWS,” which he had assisted in founding in 1884 “to serve the interest of West Africa…and the race generally.” He also had helped found and edit the Freetown “WEST AFRICAN REPORTER” (1874-1882), whose declared aim was to forge a bond of unity among English-speaking West Africans. While in Lagos, Nigeria he wrote regularly for the “LAGOS WEEKLY RECORD.” Blyden wrote “AFRICAN LIFE AND CUSTOMS.” In 1887 Blyden’s phenomenal book “CHRISTIANITY, ISLAM AND THE NEGRO RACE” was published and in it he argued that Christianity has had a demoralizing effect on blacks whereas Islam, on the other hand, has had a unifying and elevating impact. Between 1901 and 1906 Blyden was director of Moslem education; he taught English and “Western subjects” to Moslem youths with the object o building a bridge of communication between the Moslem and Christian communities. He also believed that education was being used as one of the critical instruments to support and continue the colonization and exploitation of Africa. According to him, “All educated Negroes suffer from a kind of slavery in many ways far more subversive of the real welfare of the race than the ancient physical fetters. The slavery of the mind is far more destructive than that of the body.” Blyden waged a battle for what he called the “decolonization of the African mind.”
His famous quote are: “We need some African power, some great center of the race where our physical, pecuniary and intellectual strength may be collected.”
“Among the free portion of the descendants of Africa, numbering about four or five millions, there is enough talent, wealth, and enterprise, to form a respectable nationality on the continent of Africa.”
Of Blyden, the great Marcus Mosiah Garvey (1887-1940) stated that: “You who do not know anything of your ancestry will do well to read the works of Blyden, one of our historians and chroniclers, who has done so much to retrieve the lost prestige of the race.”
Dusé Mohamed Ali
Dusé Mohamed Ali (Bey Effendi), (November 21, 1866 – June 25, 1945) Pan-Islamist, Pan-African-Asianist, African Nationalist and etc… He was born in Alexandria, Egypt, to an Egyptian father, Abdul Salem Ali (who was an army officer), and a Sudanese mother. In 1911,
at the First Universal Races Congress held at the University of London, Ali meet W.E.B. Du’Bois and right after he founded the “AFRICAN TIMES AND ORIENT REVIEW” in London. The journal
covered issues in the United States, the Caribbean, West Africa, South Africa, and Egypt, as well as in Asia, including India, China, and Japan. As a political, cultural, and commercial journal advocating Pan African-Asian nationalism and a forum for African intellectuals and activists from around the world it drew the attention of a wide variety of contributors. Among the writers in the ATOR were George Bernard Shaw, H. G. Wells, Lord Lytton, Annie Besant, Sir Harry H. Johnston, Henry Francis Downing, William H. Ferris, Booker T. Washington and Marcus Garvey. “Duse was active in Pan-Afrikan circles in London where he tutored the young Garvey.” (Lemelle, 1992, p. 86). It is Duse from whom Garvey got the concept “One God, One Aim, One Destiny,” “Africa for the Africans, those at home and those abroad.” Duse Mohamed Ali, a 96 degree Shriner of the Memphis Rite (and Rosicrucian) met and taught Timothy Drew and after completing studies with the Asiatic Brethren (Rosicrucians) in Cairo, Drew went to Mecca. Author of “ABDUL HAMID SULEIMAN AND THE ORIGINS OF THE MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE” and researcher Patrick D. Bowen tells of the Rosicrucian articles written by Duse Mohamed
Ali’s wife, Gertrude La Page, for Duse’s journal, “THE COMET”. Regardless, Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s later Adept Chamber 3rd Heaven is based on the Asiatic Brethren Initiatic degrees.
1st Degree Initiation
2nd Chief Degree, Wise Masters
3rd Royal Priests, or True Rosicrucians, or the Melchizedek Degree
“When Noble Drew Ali arrived and registered in Havana, Cuba, He autographed His High Name of “El Hajj Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali” (allegedly) given to Him by Sultan Abdul Aziz Ibu of the Saudi Family upon completing the Pilgrimage in the Holy City of Mecca, Saudi Arabia. That event occurred during 1912 shortly after receiving the Kemetian Adept Degree of “Prophet” from the Noblest Authorities of the Ancient Egyptian Order (Order of the Asiatic Brethren or The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor). It was there He was bestowed the name of ‘Faithful’ (Moslem) in order to be accepted into the Holy City of Mecca.” It’s also been stated, in 1924 it is said the Professor Drew had an INFINITE EXPERIENCE, and this event was the beginning of his PROPHETHOOD and the usage of the attribute “Ali” annexed to his surname “Drew.” Hence, from 1912, receiving the “High name” El Hajj Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali…he did not openingly use it. He went by Professor Drew, then in 1924, he began going by the name Noble Drew Ali. Prophet Noble Drew Ali did state, “I was given a high name over there but you can not use it over here. Be good Moors and I will hand it down to you” (El Hajj Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali). In 1926 Ali established the Universal Islamic Society in Detroit, Michigan (which in turn influenced the creation of the Allah’s Temple of Islam, which later became the Nation of Islam by Wallace D. Fard Muhammad in 1930) (read, “ISLAMIC ORIGIN OF THE ROSE-CROIX? 2006 02 18 by Emile Dantinne [Sar Hieronymus]) (Read “THE MOORISH AMERICAN PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI” by Professor Ravanna Bey).
Marcus Aurelius “Mosiah” Garvey, Jr.
Marcus Aurelius “Mosiah” Garvey, Jr., (17 August 1887 – 10 June 1940) was a publisher, journalist, entrepreneur, Negro Nationalist, Pan-Africanist, and orator. Marcus Garvey was founder of the Universal (United) Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL). He organized the first branch of UNIA in June 1917 and began published the “NEGRO WORLD”, a journal that promoted his African nationalist ideas, which by 1920 had a
circulation somewhere between 50,000 and
200,000. AFRICA’S WEALTH by Marcus Garvey excerpt taken from an article originally published in the “NEGRO WORLD” on April 18, 1923. “If the oil of Africa was good for Rockefeller’s interest; if iron ore was good for the Carnegie Trust; then surely these minerals are good for us. Why should we allow Wall Street and the capitalists group of America and other countries to exploit our country when they refuse to give us a fair chance in the countries of our adoption? Why should not Africa give to the world its Black Rockefeller, Rothschild, and Henry Ford? Now is the opportunity. Now is the chance for every Negro to make every effort toward a commercial, industrial standard that will make us comparable with the successful business men of other races.” In 1919 Mr. Garvey created an international shipping company called the Black Star Line. Also, in 1919 Garvey purchased an auditorium in Harlem and named it Liberty Hall. There he held nightly meetings to get his message out, sometimes to an audience of six thousand. Garvey’s organization was extremely popular. Garvey and the UNIA established 700 branches in thirty-eight states and over 2 million members by the early 1920s. In At one point, Garvey claimed to have six million members.
Scheiderer states, “Marcus Garvey was a member of Prince Hall Freemasonry.
Mary Lefkowitz states “To a large extent, the UNIA was organized along Masonic lines: it had a significant benevolent function: It had
a constitution based on the Masons’; it also had a“potentate,” an potentate’s helmet closely resembled the ceremonial hat worn by Masons in special parades.”
According to “FAMOUS NEGRO MASONS” Marcus Garvey-Founder of the United Negro Improvement Association was a freemason and belonged to a lodge in Ponce, his native city (www.trosch.org/msn/mason-graphics.html).
1. The last Prophet in these days is Noble Drew Ali, who was prepared divinely in due time by Allah to redeem men from their sinful ways; and to warn them of the great wrath which is sure to come upon the Earth.
2. John the Baptist was the forerunner of Jesus in those days, to warn and stir up the nation and prepare them to receive the divine creed which was to be taught by Jesus.
3. In these modern days there came a forerunner of Jesus, who was divinely prepared by the great God-Allah and his name is Marcus Garvey, who did teach and warn the nations of the earth to prepare to meet the coming Prophet; who was to bring the true and divine Creed of Islam, and his name is Noble Drew Ali who was prepared and sent to this earth by Allah, to teach the old time religion and the everlasting gospel to the sons of men. That every nation shall and must worship under their own vine and fig tree, and return to their own and be one with their Father God-Allah.
Interestingly, it is reported by the UNIA that in 1927 Garvey claimed to know nothing about Ali or his organizing efforts using his name. Obviously, this is not completely true! The following post card and article states otherwise.
On the picture above on the right hand side from the book “BLACK CRESCENT: THE EXPERIENCE AND LEGACY OF AFRICAN MUSLIMS IN THE AMERICAS” by Michael A. Gomez pg. 227, states that Garvey in September of 1927 had never heard of Noble Drew Ali and this may be true, however, based on the post card above, it is dated October 23, 1927, which is a month later. Obviously, by this time Prophet Noble Drew Ali and Marcus ‘Mosiah’ A. Garvey had met. Further research on behalf of the author was not done. Therefore, it is necessary to update the Moorish legacy. This was also the year (1927) that the “MOORISH HOLY KORAN CIRCLE SEVEN” was published – stating “All authority and rights of publishing of this pamphlet of 1927.” As previously mentioned, it also states, CHAPTER XLVIII – “THE END OF TIME AND THE FULFILLING OF THE PROPHESIES” : 3. In these modern days there came a forerunner (John, the Baptist) of Jesus, who was divinely prepared by the great God-Allah and his name is Marcus Garvey, who did teach and warn the nations of the earth to prepare to meet the coming Prophet. Therefore, this passage was written in 1927. Now we know for sure that Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s met with Marcus ‘Mosiah’ A. Garvey. We can assume that the “MOORISH HOLY KORAN CIRCLE SEVEN” was soon written after October 23, 1927 of the same year (1927). The following passage is taken for the “NEGRO WORLD” Editor Marcus ‘Mosiah’ Garvey and it states the origin of the concept that Marcus ‘Mosiah’ Garvey came as “John, the Baptist”, which is founded as previously stated in the “MOORISH HOLY KORAN CIRCLE SEVEN”.
Timothy Drew
Timothy Drew was born January 8th 1886 near by Clinton, Sampson County, North Carolina. According to “BEFORE THE FEZ- The Life and Times of Noble Drew Ali 1886-1924”, Journal of Race Ethnicity and Religion, Vol 5, No. 8 (Aug 2014): by Fathie Abdat, states “From Ancestry.com … details in the draft card verified that Thomas Drew was the same person as Noble Drew Ali even though the former’s first name “Thomas”. Above is also a 1920 Federal Census Records for Newark. note line 35 under Thomas Drew where he lives on 181 Warren St. (same address as advertising card of Prof Drew, Egyptian Adept) and his occupation as “preacher on public streets” confirming him as Drew Ali in Newark’s Canaanite Temple.
The “101 MOORISH QUESTIONNAIRE” states, 011. Where was Noble Drew Ali born? In the State of North Carolina, 1886 (Note: “THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER” dated Sunday, August 15th 1993, stated that “North Carolina in 1690 reported the presence of Moors and that they are the ancestors of a people erroneously called Melungeons.” Dr. Barry Fell (Harvard University) introduced in his book ‘SAGA AMERICA” – The descendants of the Muslim visitors of North America are members of the present Iroquois (Chiroquois, Cherokee [Shariqi]), Algonquin, Anasazi, Hohokam and Olmec native people [Choctaw, Washitaw]). Nevertheless, it’s reported that his Aunt (Sarah Turner), who beat him often, once threw him into a blazing furnace; yet Allah saved him from the flames. Later on he ran away from home and one night while walking on the road, he heard a voice which stated, “Where thou goeth, I goeth!” It was Sarah Turner (Tunica) who raised Timothy Drew after the deaths of his parents and taught him his true heritage (history), lineage and legacy. In 1902 at the age of 16, Timothy Drew became a merchant sea mariner and traveled to Egypt where he was initiated into the Lesser Mystery Systems of the great pyramids and also traveled to Morocco, Hijaz (Saudia Arabia) and etc… where he studied Islam under some of the top Imams of North Africa. After Timothy Drew proved his Prophethood before Hierophants of Egypt, he made his only pilgrimage to Mecca and received a new name “El Hajj Sheik Abdul Sharif Ali” and charter to teach Islam in America from Sultan Abdul Aziz Bin Abdul Rahman Bin Faisal AI-Saud (1876- 1953) who was the head of the Holy City of Mecca and direct descendant of Hagar (allegory). Allegedly, in 1924, Professor Drew had a dream in which soon after he annex his name with Ali. The is not true. According to “THE MOSLEM SUNRISE – AHMADIA NEWS ABROAD shows a picture of Professor Drew, while a member of the Ahmadiyya movement, name was Maulvi Mubarak Ali, B.A. (Bachelors of Arts degree). He later become known as Prophet Noble Drew Ali. The Prophet honored the Sultan by placing his image in the first edition of the “THE MOORISH HOLY KORAN CIRCLE SEVEN.” (Note: According to the Moorish Science account, at the age of 16 he befriended a band of Roma [‘Gypsies’] with whom he traveled the world, although other accounts state he shipped out on a merchant seaman, became a railway express manor. He was a struggling agricultural and port laborer in Norfolk and Richmond, Virginia. “The essay “BEFORE THE FEZ: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF DREW ALI, 1886-1924” by Fathie Abdat represents one of the first academically published journal that critically examines the early roots of Noble Drew Ali before 1925 from an empirical, scientific perspective through scrutinizing authentic documents such as World War I documents, federal censuses, street directories, etc. As a result, for the very first time in American Islamic scholarship, one is able to unveil his elusive mystical past. Followers are able to glean insights into Ali’s adopted family structure in Norfolk, Virginia, his employment records as a farmhand, longshoreman (Norfolk, Va.), porter (Richmond, Va.), port laborer and preacher (Newark, N.J.). Moorish Americans are also able to examine Ali’s early religious experimentation in Warren St., Newark, N.J. as Prof. Drew, the Egyptian Adept demonstrating his abilities as a genius proselytizer in organizing the Moorish Science Temple from the decaying ruins of Abdul Hamid Suleiman’s Canaanite Temple between 1923 and 1925. This essay also illuminates on reasons for Ali’s selection of material for the Circle 7 Koran and his early organizational maneuverings in the evolution of Moorish Temple’s names. It’s a piece of work all American Muslims need to delve into to discover the real Noble Drew Ali, by stripping the various layers of myths that has veiled his true identity for more than a century. And it is even told that he joined a circus and became a stage magician. Some researchers wonder whether Timothy Drew actually left the States at all. Well, no need to wonder. The article bear witness to this fact that he was an Ahmadi Moslem Missionary in England and opened a mission in Germany.
(Timotheos) meaning “Honoring God”. The name Drew is of Welsh origin and means “Wise”. Ali (Arabic: علي, ʿAlī) is a name, from the Arabic root ʿ-L-Y which literally means “high” or “Elevated”. Therefore his name means “Honoring God, who is Wise, High and Elevated.” The Prophet has been with us always. Here he is in the Ahmadiyyah movement under his name Maulvi Mubarak Ali. The MST of A is the culmination of the great works of the Asiatic Brotherhood, the Mahdist
movement, the Ahmadiyyah movement, the Moorish Zionist Temple, the Canaanite Temples, and etc… (see Aseer, the Duke of Tiers).
In 1906 Timothy Drew was a train expressman called a Pullman Porter working for Illinois Central B & O Railroad, also known as Mainline of Mid-America Railroad. He was raised in a Baptist church and moved to Newark, New Jersey in 1907, and attempted to build a militant Christian organization to combat racism and segregation. This group was known as the Drew Baptist Movement. Drew had to compete with the growing influence of major black churches such as the African Methodist Episcopal Church (first Bishop Henry Mc’Neal Turner was a relative of the Prophet) and the Black Baptist church. Drew soon discarded the notion of founding a Christian organization and turned to the new concept of Islam. Between 1908 and 1910, it is alleged Timothy Drew return from the east to the states and joined the Prince Hall Masons (PHO) (read, “ISLAM IN THE AFRICAN-AMERICAN EXPERIENCE” by Richard Brent Turner). Timothy Drew became a Noble of the Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Mystic Shrine. But unlike others, he became attached to the principles, creed and faith of the ONE GOD principal as taught by Prophet Mohammed (read, “WHO IS PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI?” by Chief Minister Dr. Ra Saadi El). In fact, the “Black Shriners” had sometimes been referred to as “Moorish Nobles,” and apparently even capitalized on the association in American culture of the image (in its more favorable manifestations) of the Moor with physically and sometimes morally strong, free blacks. In 1912, he united himself with two other individuals: one by the name Sulaiman Mohammed, the other Emir Abdul Karim El of Morocco (his Masonic-Shriner Brothers…to form a Masonic Temple you need three individuals). From there he received certain books, lessons, and knowledge to think on greater things. Muhammed al-Ahari speaks on the founding of the Canaanite Temple. “In 1905, Drew Ali met an Egyptian, Dr. Sulaiman, and invited him to come back to the United States with him. By 1913, Timothy Drew had also become a high level Shriner and a member of the Grotto under Dr. Sulaiman’s Medina-Mecca Temple, prior to the establishment of the Canaanite Temple. However, in the same year — the Canaanite Temple — with Dr. Sulaiman Mohammed, Emir Abdul Karim El and Professor Drew was established” (“ABDUL HAMID SULEIMAN AND THE ORIGINS OF THE MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE” by Patrick D. Bowen). Professor Drew began his teachings of law and history in the 1st floor Barber Shop at the corner of the building. R. Dixon El, the Owner, became His first Adept and often taught when the Prophet was on the road. Moorish Men became the founding Sheiks of the Temple and later brought their women and children to the meetings. The temple grew rapidly and was moved upstairs to the 2nd floor and by 1913, the (Old) Canaanite Temple was born from this union on May 1, 1913, Newark, New Jersey (Jerusalem). The Canaanite Temple building was located in Newark, New Jersey. The address of that building was: Seven Rutgers Street corner 12th Avenue, and West Market Street (see above picture). (Note: The late J.A. Rogers of Helga Rogers Publications was also one of Professor Drew’s students and wrote about the sciences he learned in “FROM SUPERMAN TO MAN.” There also came Father Divine, Daddy Grace, “God”, and etc. who had come out of the earlier attempts to establish the Faith of Mohammed). Suleiman’s assistant was a twenty-two-year-old man named Wali(d) Abdul Farrad Muhammad Ali who lived at 332 Halsey St. in Newark, and had conducted meetings for the group. Professor Drew’s was challenged by Wali(d) Abdul Farrad Muhammad Ali (same name used by David Ford-El later on, but some speculated that they were two different persons) and in 1916 while teaching Arabic classes at Canaanite Temple in Newark, New Jersey, him and Professor Drew got into a dispute where he claimed the Professor Drew was teaching a version of Islam that was watered down. Here is the account according to Bro. Claudas M. El in his book “THE BIOGRAPHY OF THE MOORS,” “Later as time went on, the Prophet’s accomplishments were temporarily stopped. He received his first of many troubles to be faced him. A New Comer came into the picture. He was an Arab named (Farrad Muhammad…a Syrian Egyptian man named Walid Abdul Farrad Muhammad Ali) from a Moslem Middle Eastern Country of Arabia who came to Newark teaching Arabic. Being that the Moslem religion and the National side was new to the followers of Noble Drew Ali, the Arabian became more interesting to most of the people. The Prophet never taught a foreign language to his followers. He taught the people in the language they knew all their lives, English, a language that has been with the people since slavery time; 134 years ago or so. The Prophet’s followers began leaving the Canaanite Temple, following a foreign stranger they knew nothing of. The Prophet spoke to some of his followers elaborating on the event that had taken place. He told the gathering how the foreigner had come in and scattered his children, (his followers). The Prophet predicted that something would over take the Arabian for what he had done.” However, based on the latest information, it may not have been Walid Abdul Farrad Muhammad Ali, but the ‘Arabian’ known as Dr. Suleiman Mohammed. Nevertheless, this split caused the the disbandment of the Canaanite Temple and the formation of the “MOORISH DIVINE MOVEMENT” under its umbrella the”Holy Moabite Temple of Science of the World” (also called the “Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World”) on May 1st, 1916 (the same year of 1916 the “so-called” Jewish people established the Zionist Movement). According to various sources, a few members of “Holy Moabite Temple of Science of the World” began taken issue(s) with Professor Drew and by 1919, Professor Drew and several members moved from Newark, New Jersey to Chicago, Illinois and re-established the “MOORISH DIVINE MOVEMENT,” the name used on the official seal (later known as the Moorish National Divine Movement of North America, the Moorish National and Divine Movement, and / or the Moorish Divine and National Movement). Even so, unofficially, the members still referred to the movement as the Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World (read, “ENCYCLOPEDIA OF AFRICAN AND AFRICAN-AMERICAN RELIGIONS” by Stephen D. Glazier, and “THE MUQARRABEEN FILE BOOK VOL 1” by Brother R. Edwards-El, A.S.D.M., Author Brother J. Barnes-Bey, Co-Author).
By 1926, the “Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World” would become incorporation under the name “Moorish Temple of Science” (also by this time unofficially called “Allah’s Temple of Islam”…this name would later go on with various members to become the “Nation of Islam”), which had been set aside in 1925. However, it was not until November 29, 1926 that the Articles of Incorporation were filed Essentially, making it a civic corporation of the State of Illinois. Remember, the states retained sovereignty at this time and thus, the Moorish Temple of Science was established before the “New Deal” of 1933 under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and the 501c3 under President Lyndon Baines Johnson. Therefore, the “Moorish Temple of Science” had its own jurisdiction, as a sub division of the City of Chicago (private sector), just like the Catholic Church (Vatican City) did a year later to be incorporated within the City of Rome, Italy. This is the importance of the Certificate of Corporation #10580, known as the Charter. In fact, the first nationality cards, as well as, the adept chambers were formed under the original (civic) corporate status and it was in these adept chambers Moors were instructed and sent out with the learning truths of the Prophet Noble Drew Ali, who were instructed to teach our people and erect temples in the name of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World, (officially, the Moorish Temple of Science) between 1926-1928 (Sheik D. Hubbert-Bey).
Note: James Lomax-Bey was a director (trustee) on the 1926 paperwork for the Moorish (Holy) Temple of Science, but was not a director on the paperwork for the Moorish Science Temple of America.
In the “MOORISH LITERATURE” – “MOORISH LEADER’S HISTORICAL MESSAGE TO AMERICA”, Prophet Noble Drew Ali states,…”We organized as the Moorish Temple of Science in the year of 1925. and were legally incorporated as a civic organization under the laws of the State of Illinois… November 29th. 1926… “Since the work of the Moorish Science Temple of America was largely religious, the organization has been legally changed to a religious corporation and an affidavit to this effect has been properly filed in the Cook County Recorder’s office in Illinois”… The name Moorish Temple of Science was changed to the Moorish Science Temple of America, May 2, 1928, as a special meeting was called by July 20th 1928, the first Governors / Sheiks of the Temples (the Supreme Grand Council) were named as the new board of directors for the now Moorish Science Temple Of America. On August 1, 1928 at 2:52 P.M. the affidavit known as our Authority or form 1099 was filed in the County Clerk’s office as notification of the reorganizing of the Temple (forced to make change) changing it’s status from a civic organization to a religious organization (on paper) this was in accordance with the legal requirements of the Secretary of the State of Illinois”… Noble Drew Ali, Prophet shut them down in 1928, on August 1, when he had the Express Trust Recorded … He was the first Moorish-American in the Western Hemisphere to proclaim our sacred heritage (Our Birthrights is the Legacy of our Forefathers) and that’s what the Prophet transferred into the Express Trust after he created the lawful estate (1925-26) / legal corporation (1928) in the land. He did it by way of the Settle Land Act of 1925 and later in 1928 through the Revised Hurd Statutes of the Religious Corporation Act of 1872. Once again, I must note, “The MSTA Moorish Science Temple of America is not solely a religious organization (unless you decipher “religion’ to mean re-alignment in all matters, heaven and earth), it was first set up as a civic organization. It’s a part of the MDNM Moors Divine and National Movement of the world. Have you not read or heard from where we derive our power and authority, or Islamism and Moslem Law? This “Our Authority” record placed the corporate STATE OF ILLINOIS on notice accordingly for their files, not to ask for permission. It is an “affidavit of organization” on form 1099 as an INDEPENDENT contractor. Not a 501 c 3.”
(Note: Below, the name Moorish Holy Temple of Science was still used. Thus, the civic side was never meant to be abandoned and this is obviously seen in the following two flyers, the first to the left states… “THE MOORISH HOLY TEMPLE OF SCIENCE” dated May 16, 1927 and the second to the right states… the “MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA” ‘AND’ the “MOORISH HOLY TEMPLE OF SCIENCE” dated September 15th to the 20th, 1934… six years after the establishment of the “MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA” in 1928; five years after the passing of form of Prophet Noble Drew Ali and the same year (1934) as the Charles Kirkman-Bey’s established “MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA, INC”).
Grand Sheik Hommett Anderson-El
The late Grand Sheik Hommett Anderson-El said, “When I became a member, in March 1928, the Charter on the wall in the meeting hall read Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World. Our Nationality cards read Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World. Later on in the year of 1928, The Prophet said that he “had to strike his Charters.” By that, in most of his Temples he had a strip of paper, which read “Moorish Science Temple of America; and this was pasted on the Charter, covering up Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World. There was a few Moorish Charters that he did not touch; one in Chicago, one in Charleston, W. Va., and at that time, the questionnaire and The Koran read, Moorish Holy Temple of Science.”
Prophet Noble Drew Ali organized the Moorish Science Temple along lines similar to Masonic lodges, with local temple branches and “Adept Chambers” teaching the esoteric wisdom derived from the secret circle of Eastern Sages, the Master Adepts of Moorish Science. “The faith of Islam practiced by those, who are members of the Moorish Science Temple of America is liken to that of a Sufi degree of Islam” – The Moorish Science Temple of America 1928. In the Moorish Divine and National Movement our Religion is Islamism, that Old-Time Religion. In the “101 MOORISH QUESTIONNAIRE” 017. What is our religion? Islamism. 018. Is that a new, or is that the old time religion? Old time religion. In the “ORAL STATEMENTS AND PROPHECIES OF PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI,” He stated, “You (Moors) don’t recognize Islam because it is yours”… “Your religion is Islamism, something you live everyday.” In “SUFISM”, by Hazrat Inayat Khan states, “Sufism originated from the ancient school of Egyptian mysteries, a school which existed even before Abraham (allegory), the father of three great religions: Christianity, Judaism, and Islam. Those who know Sufism from superficial writings, and, sometimes, from translations of the Arabic or Persian literature, are apt to think that Sufism is the mystical side of Islam. In reality, it is not true. Sufism existed before Mohammed, before Jesus Christ, before Abraham (allegories).” Read “AFRICAN AMERICAN RELIGIOUS CULTURES” by Anthony B. Pinn, Stephen C. Finley, Torin Alexander, it states, “The Moors teach that Al-Islam is the translation of the wisdom of the Egyptian (Kemetic) System into the Arabic language [which is more than 68% Medu Neter] by the Prophet Mohammad (allegory)…When Ali taught he called (it) Islamism. Islamism was to be understood as much older than al-Islam, the “Old-Time Religion” that descends from the ancient mystery systems of Kemet (Egypt). The mysteries of Kemet represents humanity’s (modern) earliest recorded understanding of God or the Divine, and as such it is the foundation of all the world’s religions.” The esotericism (called in Arabic tasawwuf) of Islam is today identified with the Sufis (a word commonly thought to come from the Arabic suf meaning ‘wool’, after the woolen hair by early Muslim mystics). Sufism is not a religion (in the traditional sense), and ultimately exists above and beyond all labels. It is said Sufism is older than Islam and that it really had no beginning. In the words of Sir John Glubb Pasha: “Sufism cannot be defined in words, nor can it be comprehended by the human intellect. It can only be imperceptibly ‘caught’ or imbibed by association with a Sufi master.” Sufi masters are also renowned for communicating with their followers through dreams. There are numerous stories of Sufi saints appearing in a disciple’s dreams and using telepathy to direct followers to undertake a special mission. The Sufi master is revered by his disciples for being in contact with a level of higher consciousness, his mission on Earth directed by higher powers. Studying the lives of some of the greatest Sufi masters we often find them to be wandering holy men (& women) whose actions are usually misunderstood by orthodox believers. The shrines of Sufi masters are centers of trance dancing, exorcism, and miraculous healings. The Sufi tradition is integral to Moorish Science (read, “THE MASONS AND THE MOORS” by Mehmet Sabeheddin).
The initiation methodology of ancient Moorish Science was designed to provide the necessary instruction and guidance for the use of the tools that would lead the apprentice toward mastery of the physical, mental/psyche (soul) and spiritual planes. These keys, for the higher functions and laws of the universe, were imprinted, via frequency, into the minds of the adepts to foster the understanding of the greater gnosis that created, governed and guided the universe and its cosmic cycles. The elect, of the “visible order” of the “Revealers of Light,” that encompassed this great body of knowledge were termed, by the
ancients, “the ones that death had forgotten.” Names and titles for these elect illuminaries differed depending upon the language and degree (phase of consciousness) earned by worthy initiates and adepts of the Mysteries of ALLAH (UR RA). An example of this can be found in the title and seat of Melchizedek and Imhotep. In Hebrew, Melchizedek is defined as the King of Righteousness and Peace (Hebrews 7:1-3), just as Imhotep is defined in the Kemet (Egyptian) mysteries as the King of Peace. This seat, power and title, like most attainment phases in the “Hierarchical Command,” is available for those worthy entities that have completed their phase work in their respective consciousness quadrants. This is evidenced by the (allegorical) initiation of Yashua (Jesus), the Christ into the ancient order of Melchizedek (Note: Christ and Melchizedek are one and the same…Supreme Consciousness) as mentioned in the book of Hebrews 7:15-24 and in “THE AQUARIAN GOSPEL OF JESUS THE CHRIST” by Levi Dowling… The esteemed scholar and researcher Dr. George G.M. James in his monumental book titled, “STOLEN LEGACY” that was written in 1954, wrote about the Egyptian Mystery Schools, which he maintained that a complex system of neophyte initiations were developed and worked in Kemet (Egypt). Freemasons or Masonry – As veiled in the Coptic Gnostic Egyptian text, the term Pree-Messen (Freemason) meant “Sons of Light.” These“Sons of Light” are the same divine entities identified in the “MOORISH HOLY KORAN CIRCLE SEVEN” as the “Revealers of Light.” (Dr. John G. Jackson (1972) in “MAN, GOD, AND CIVILIZATION”… stated that the term Free Mason was traced back to the ancient Khametic empire (Egypt). It comes from a combination of two Khametic words Phre [the Sun] and Mas [a Child] meaning “Children of the Sun” and / or “Sons (and Daughters) of Light”. These two words combine to make the word Freemason. The term originated in Egypt and proves that the first Freemasons were ancient Africans (Afrakanu). It also shows that the order originated in Africa. Frank C. Higgins also defines Freemason the same as above, and he has it as Phre-Messen (from Egypt) [Higgins, 1923]. A Freemason is supposed to be an adept or master of the ancient esoteric knowledge of the arts, sciences, mathematics and other great aspects of learning of the old world). The ancient super scientists were the ones that left the Earth with codes written in astrological ideographs, sacred language hieroglyphs and codified measurements and mathematical ratios. This is evidenced by the “HOLY QUR’AN” of Mecca being coded with the mystic number 19 which is connected with the great pyramid and other great structures of the galaxy, which are encoded with the mystic mark of 19.5 degrees. As demonstrated and hidden within the great and sacred text of this Earth, the greater Gnosis of the “Higher Life Intelligence” was never lost, but veiled in code from those that were “ruffian” in mind. The operative science of the “Revealers of Light” was designed to teach the initiate how to press past the material boundaries to free him/herself from the prison of matter and the wheel of Karma (Zodiacal Wheel) to further ascend and connect themselves to the greater universal temple as a “Perfect Ashlar” within the temple’s structure. Under the umbrella of Moorish Science is the department, currently known as Masonry in this age and time. However, the Masonry of today does not reflect the higher life intelligence gnosis, as that science, ancient Masonry was and is for the liberation of the spiritual Man from the fetters of flesh, not for the subjugation and suppression of the ancient wisdom to oppress the minds of masses from self mastery and planetary ascension. (This is the reason why Prophet Noble Drew Ali said, “I have come to pull the covers off all secret societies… The Preachers and the Masons will be the last to accept the truth and the last to come in [to the oneness of being a pure nation])” The greater Gnosis and instruction from the hierarchical command was and is available for those that are willing to submit to the cosmic laws of ALLAH (UR RA) and surrender to the divine path of the higher intelligence, contained in “Self.” However, it must be known that greater Gnosis is only bestowed upon the eager and willing adepts that are loyal and disciplined enough to “earn” that level of knowledge, as nothing comes without a price, test or process of distillation. To be deemed worthy to manifest and carry the message of the greater Gnosis of ALLAH (UR RA), the apprentice must first experience the greatest of all mysteries: The Job Mysteries…(read, “THE ESOTERIC CONNECTION BETWEEN THE MOORISH “REVEALERS OF LIGHT” AND THE MASONIC “SON OF LIGHT” by Z. A. El).
Levi H. Dowling
Levi H. Dowling (May 18, 1844 – August 13, 1911), a Theosophist (Rosicrucian),
and Mystic. He wrote “THE AQUARIAN GOSPEL OF JESUS THE CHRIST OF THE PISCEAN AGE,” first published in 1908. He said he had transcribed the text of the book from the Akashic records and connects very strongly to what Edgar Cayce said about the life of Christ.
Bro. J. Blakely-Bey said that the Holy Prophet said, “The third and fourth generation will see the good of my work.”
Professor Ravanna Bey (3rd generation Moorish American and the Minister of Education for the Washitaw de Dugdahmoundyah Empire) states, “Moorish Americans are required to master the “HOLY KORAN,” a text written in 1926 by the prophet Nobel Drew Ali. It is not to be confused with the Orthodox Qur’an inspired by the (said) Arabian Prophet Muhammad. Drew Ali’s “HOLY KORAN” is an abbreviated version of a Tibetan Text written in the Pali Language before being translated into English. The more complete version of the Tibetan Text is the “THE AQUARIAN GOSPEL OF JESUS THE CHRIST” (written by Levi H. Dowling 1844-1911). Professor Drew took parts of his book from the Rosicrucian work, “UNTO THEE I GRANT” (1925) (previously titled the “INFINITE WISDOM LESSONS” (1923) published by AMORC (Ancient Mystic Order of the Rosae Crucis) and most of it from THE AQUARIAN GOSPEL OF JESUS THE CHRIST, published in 1908 by esoteric Ohio preacher Levi Dowling. In THE AQUARIAN GOSPEL OF JESUS THE CHRIST, Dowling described Jesus’s supposed travels in India, Egypt, and Palestine during the 18 years of his life which are not accounted for by the New Testament. Noble Drew Ali did not claim to be the author of the work, per se, although the final section of the Koran, Chapters 45-48, are in his proverbial hand. The Koran is in three major sections. Chapters 2-19 contain the lost history of Jesus as a child and young man, His travels and teachings in Palestine, Egypt, Europe (Asia Minor), and India. The ministry of John the Baptist also figures heavily in this section. The most probable source for this material is THE AQUARIAN GOSPEL OF JESUS THE CHRIST, although the man credited with this work, Levi H. Dowling, as in the case of Noble Drew Ali, did not claim authorship, but rather suggests that it is a revealed, pre-existing text (Akashic Records). The second major section of the Koran, Chapters 20-44, seems to be derived from the Ancient Egyptian text From clues in the text, it has been suggested by twentieth century scholars familiar with archeological discoveries in Egypt that most of the book was written some time after 1360 BCE by Amenhotep IV, Pharaoh of Egypt, or by some of his successors in the great Egyptian school of mysticism.
“SACRED DRIFT: ESSAYS ON THE MARGINS OF ISLAM” by Peter Lamborn Wilson stated, “According to my informant M. A. Ahari, Noble Drew Ali was a Pythian Knight, a Shriner, a Prophet of the Veiled Realm, and, of course, a thirty-second degree Mason.” (Note: The Ralph McNeil Jr. of the Prince Hall Phylaxis Research Society mentioned that he has a new book coming out documenting that Prophet Drew Ali was member of the Odd Fellows organization – Fahim A. Knight-El).
Prophet Drew Ali was a Mason ([PHO] Prince Hall Origin not [PHA] Prince Hall Affiliate), Shriner,
Rosicrucian, Odd Fellow, Knight of Pythias (the reason MSTA meeting were held at the Pythian Hall?) and etc… and I stress was… this is why, it is stated by Bro. O. Payton-Bey of Temple 4 and 25 said that the Holy Prophet said, “I took the cover off all the secret organizations.” The Prophet states in the “MOORISH HOLY KORAN CIRCLE SEVEN,” “The reason these lessons have not been known is because the Moslems of India, Egypt and Palestine had these secrets and kept them back from the outside world, and when the time appointed by Allah they loosened the keys and freed the secrets, and for the first time in ages have these secrets been delivered in the hands of the Moslems of America. FREEMASONRY AND ISLAM: WHAT DO THEY SHARE?” by Fahim A. Knight states, “Noble Abdul Sharif Ali (Noble Drew Ali) the founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America in 1913 formalized the first Islamic organization in America in Newark, New Jersey, he himself was 33rd degree Mason.” Noble Drew Ali was initiated in several branches of Masonry—a movement which has translated certain elements of Islamic into occidental culture. One possible link with Islam might have risen from the meeting between ‘Assassins’ and Knights Templar during the Crusades; Rosicrucian’s also claim an Eastern origin (in Yemen). From the point of view of ‘heretical’ Westerners, Islam represents a source of esoteric knowledge. From “XEROX MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE TEXT,” 1973. 59. Of course, we have a few so-called scholars that try to deny this, but it is quite apparent for those who can see. In the various oaths taken in these so-called secret socieities, one has to state, “I am a citizen (of the United States)!” Prophet Noble Drew Ali exposes this fraud. He states “By you being born here doesn’t make you a citizen.” Negroes, Blacks and Colored People are names given to slaves during the time of slavery. Those born under the powers of the 14th and 15th Amendments are not true Citizens but are declared ‘Persons’ (Commercial property) under the assumable jurisdiction of U.S. Congress.The word ‘Persons’ as used in these Amendments do not legally translate into Men and Women. Furthermore, he states, “I know all true American Citizens are identified by national descent names to answer and apply to the free national constitution of this free National Republic of the United States of America. That’s why I am calling on all true national citizens (non-citizen national (i.e. a person who is a U.S. national but not a U.S. citizen) to help me morally and financially in my great work I am doing to help this national government. For without a free national name, without a descent flag of your forefathers, there is not a national divine title of the government in which we live.” The Prophet make a stark difference between an U.S. citizen (Commercial property) and an American Citizen (non-U.S. National). Thus, the Prophet had no alligence to the various oaths taken.
Arthur H. Fauset, in his pamphlet, Moorish Science Temple of America supports the contention that of Peter Wilson and Robert Uzzel who maintained that Ali’s Islamic movement was heavily influenced by the Mystic Shrine and he indeed borrowed their philosophy, lingo, ritual and the Masonic world view; Fauset states, “Note the extensive use of ritual regalia reminiscent of the ‘Ancient Arabic Egyptian Arabic Orders of the Mystic Shrine of North and South America and its Jurisdiction, known as ‘Black Shriners’. The (so-called) ‘Black Shriners’, consisting of 32 and 33 degree Masons were incorporated as an organization in 1893 in Chicago. They used such titles as ‘Noble’ (Sharif) and ‘Sheik’; called their meeting places ‘Temples’ claimed an ancient origin in Islamic countries and wore fezzes on ceremonial occasions. The Moorish Science Temple utilize the symbols of the symbols of the star and crescent, the’ All -Seeing-Eye’ and two hands shaking (in a Masonic grip) their letterhead.”
In the “MOORISH HOLY KORAN CIRCLE SEVEN” chapter titled, “After the Feast—-the Homeward Journey– The Missing Jesus— The Search for Him—His Parents Find Him in the Temple—-He goes with them to Nazareth—-Symbolic Meaning of Carpenter’s Tools.
It states: “One day as he was bringing forth the tools for work he said: These tools remind me of the ones we handle in the workshop of the mind where things are made of thought and where we build up character. We use the square to measure all our lines, to straighten out the crooked places of the wiry and make the corners of our conduct square. We use the compass to draw the circles around our passions and desires and keep them in the bounds of righteous. We use the ax to cut wiry the knotty, useless, ungainly parts and to make character symmetrical. We use the hammer to drive home the truth, and pound it in until it is a part of every part. We use the plane to smooth the rough, uneven surface of joint and block and board that go to build the temples for the truth. The chisel, line, the plummet and saw all have their uses in the workshop of the mind. And then this ladder with its trinity of steps, faith, hope and love; on it we climb up to the dome of purity in life. And on the twelve step ladder, we ascend until we reach the pinnacle of that which life is spent to build the Temple of Perfected Man.
Why did Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali give us a book that has classical Masonic philosophy in it? What are we to learn from this Masonic language? Well, in each degree in Masonry the candidate is provide a set of working tools, but we as Free and Accepted Masons are taught to use them for the more noble and glorious purpose. This is what separate Operative Masonry from Speculative Masonry, the former used artistic trades to beautify the external, and the latter Speculative Masonry teaches how to subdue one’s passion and improve themselves in Masonry by instilling the principles of God, friendship and brotherly love. The sublime teachings of right angles, perpendiculars and horizontals, etc., it is also designed to inculcate moral edification and spiritual values. The construction tools have a meaning of duality in Masonry that can only be interpreted from it rites and sacrament (“FREEMASONRY AND ISLAM: WHAT DO THEY SHARE?” by Fahim A. Knight).
Prophet Noble Drew Ali stated “I am a universal Prophet, and my philosophy will be universal”
In the lecture, Prophet Noble Drew Ali, “RELIGIOUS CONTROVERSY, states, “The remedy brought by Jesus, Mohammed,
Confucius, and all of the other prophets, which remedy is truth. In the speech “SAVIOUR OF HUMANITY” states, “Coming as he does with a message for the nations in somewhat the same manner as did Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius and other prophets of their day.”
Consequently, on each and every one of our Nationality cards, it states, “We honor all the Divine Prophets: Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, and Confucius.” This is masonic tone. In Carl Claudy’s book, “INTRODUCTION TO FREEMASONRY” (1931), he writes, “In his private petitions a man may petition God or Jehovah, Allah or Buddha, Mohammed or Jesus; he may call upon the God of Israel or the Great First Cause. In the Masonic Lodge he hears petitions to the Great architect of the Universes…This tolerance of all religions is further clarified, “Masonry does not specify any God of any creed; she requires merely that you believe in some Deity, give him what name you will … any god will do …” Albert Pike, former Supreme Pontiff of Universal Freemasonry, likewise exults: “Masonry [is that religion] around whose altars the Christian, the Hebrew, the Moslem, the Brahman [Hindu], the followers of Confucius and Zoroaster, can assemble as brethren and unite in prayer…” (Albert Pike, “MORALS AND DOGMA,” 1906, pg. 226.) (Note: Albert Pike wrote many of the ritual for the Prince Hall masons. “Thornton A. Jackson, Sovereign Grand Commander United Supreme Council, 33°, SJ, PHA from 1887 to 1904 was a personal friend of Albert Pike. Pike gave him an autographed, complete set of the Scottish Rite rituals.” Yes, the founder of the [KKK] Ku Klux Klan, but the PHA is not the origin, it is the PHO).
In the “ORAL STATEMENTS AND PROPHECIES OF PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI” Sister M Payton-Bey of Temple 4 and 25 said that the Holy Prophet said, “Try to have your temples in buildings, where the meetings are on the second floor, like the Masons.”
The National Compact or National Grand Lodge – Roundtree and Bessel investigation point to numerous
references in the proceedings of Prince Hall Independent Grand Lodge minutes from 1877 on alluding to the continued existence of the National Compact with no mention of its dissolution; while disbandonment was a proposal in 1878 it never was voted upon and approved. What the authors say is that, “ It appears that William H. Grimshaw (Grand Master in PHA) might have taken unofficial resolutions from the Chicago convention that were supposed to be returned to the Grand Lodges for ratification and made them official.” If
this be true then the ramifications are enormous. If the National Compact was never dissolved, and because it was constituted by Grand Lodges tracing their lineage to African Lodge #459 and thus was their offspring, then PHO today cannot be declared irregular or clandestine. The charge against PHO of reforming itself illegally can be reversed against those PHA Lodges that withdrew from The Compact. For if they withdrew and reconstituted themselves then they are clandestine (PHO vs. PHA)? (Note: William H. Grimshaw’s 1903 “OFFICIAL HISTORY OF FREEMASONRY AMONG THE COLORED PEOPLE OF NORTH AMERICA” began the story that Prince Hall was born in Barbados to a European father and an African-European mother who fled to the British colony of Massachusetts where Hall became a Methodist minister. Black Freemasonry scholars have for the most part, rejected Grimshaw’s account due to inconsistencies. In 1940 Harold V.B. Voorhis wrote “NEGRO MASONRY IN THE UNITED STATES”. Voorhis based much of what he wrote on Grimshaw’s book. A short time later Voorhis discovered Grimshaw’s book was loaded with errors and fanciful writing, so Voorhis removed his book from distribution. Harry E. Davis wrote “A HISTORY OF FREE MASONRY AMONG NEGROES IN AMERICA” in 1946. He also found Grimshaw’s book full of myths and outright untruths. The question is…”Why would G.M. William Grimshaw make things up or lie?” Well, if you read my book “THE FIRST WORLD ORDER: The Global Paths of the Ancient Ones”, I end the confusion, “Prince Hall, a mystic name is none other than Benjamin Banneker, known as Chief Justice ‘Big Ben’ Bey Emmanuel Mu Ali).
In the article “FREEMASONRY AND ISLAM: WHAT DO THEY SHARE?” by Fahim A. Knight, he writes, “This article will perhaps assist those who are member of Shrine Masonry and hold offices such as: Potentates, Chief Rabbans, Assistant Rabbans, Oriental Guides and High Priest and Prophets, etc., as well as Masons in general, to get a brief understanding of Islam and Moslem (Sons) and their historical, theological, and ritualistic roots.
“MOORISH CIRCLE SEVEN: The Rise of the Islamic Faith Among Blacks in America and It’s Masonic Origins” by Keith Moore 32′. Ali a high degree freemason, incorporated various Masonic teachings from an auxiliary group. Known as the AEAONMS ancient Egyptian Arabic order of noble of the mystic shrine A pseudo Islamic / Arabic oriental organization that served as a wake up call to a lost knowledge. A knowledge that was taken away from Africans during the slave trades. Finally It explores the Masonic symbolisms of Ali’s Moorish science dogma digging deeper into the esoteric side of his Aquarian / Masonic teaching explaining their origins and discovering an age old wisdom that had been kept hidden from the human eye. One would think that Africans in the Americas would have rejected the religious tradition of their European oppressors taking into consideration that African religions are far older & they possess more sources of knowledge & spiritual salvation.
In the Shriners recognition test, it is formatted in a Question and Answer sequence it reads:
Are you a Noble of the Mystic Shrine?” ANSWER: “I am so accepted by all men of noble birth.” QUESTION: “Have you traveled any?” ANSWER: “I Have.” QUESTION: “From where to what place have you traveled?” ANSWER: “Traveled east over the hot burning sands of the desert.” QUESTION: “Where were you stopped at?” ANSWER: “At the Devils Pass.” QUESTION: What were you requested
to do?” ANSWER: “I was requested to give a few drops of urine.” QUESTION: “Why were you requested to do this?” ANSWER: “As a token of my renouncing the wiles and evils of this world, and be granted permission to worship at the shrine” QUESTION: “At what shrine did you worship?” ANSWER: “At the Shrine of Islam.” QUESTION: “Did you ride?” ANSWER: “Yes I rode the camel, until I was caused to dismount.” QUESTION: “Then what you do with your camel?” ANSWER: “I tied him.” QUESTION: “Where did you tie him?” ANSWER: “I tied him to a date tree where all true and good Shriners so do.” Timothy Drew, then known as Noble Drew Ali. Drew Ali borrowed the title “Noble” from Masonic rituals (“THE ORIGINS OF THE NATION OF ISLAM [The Farrakhan Controversy-Part IV]” by Sergeant Sam Smith).
“AFRICAN ORIGINS OF FREEMASONRY: Treatise of the Ancient Grand Lodge of Khamet”
by Zachary P. Gremillion, 90th degree Zachary P. Gremillion…”Upon studying the teachings of Noble Drew Ali and the Honorable Elijah Muhammad among many, Mr. Gremillion discovered the original roots of the Masonic order came from Ancient Africa Civilizations.
Noble Drew Ali is often shown in the Master Masonic stance.
We see him in a classical masonic stance with his hand outside of his chest as opposed to inside as he is one that came and revealed the secrets. In order to reveal the secrets he had to first know what they are. Here is the step chart in the masonic stances.
Grand Sheik Messiah Aziz-El of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World 2F (www.HolyMoorishEmporium.com) states, “Its been often mis-construed by our asiatic brothers and sisters that the Moorish Science Temple is a Masonic lodge of the European accepted orders of Freemansonry. I must specify the term ” accepted,” because the European orders which have the title “accepted,” will not tell you who it is they are accepted by. The body of information and degrees in which they go through is a science that was given to them by the Moors. The Ancient Moors. The Ancient Moors are ones who accepted them! It is not the Moorish Science Temple that gave this system of degrees to the Europeans, as we have organized as a civic organization in 1913/1916 and 1928. The European orders of Freemasonry go back at least to the first crusade(1099 A.D.) Of course, freemasonic lore attempts to tie itself to the Ngu (Pharoah) Thutmose of Ancient Egypt (Kemet / Ta Mare).
Keep in mind that during the time of the crusades, the Moors ruled Spain as well as other parts of Europe. We ruled Spain from 711 A.D. to 1492 A.D. Consequently, when the Europeans, during thier occupancy in Islam at the crusades, learned the arts of the Moors. The arts of the Moors, which they learned from us, is what is known today as Advanced Science or Freemasonry.
Understand that these are all of the sciences that they will publicly tell you to stay away from, because they use them to rule you. Once you are aware of these these sciences they can rule you no longer.
He further states, “Most Moors will not acknowledge the fact that Prophet Noble Drew Ali was masonic and taught masonic principles, as laid out in the adept chamber of the MHTS, MSTA.
Chapter V, in part (Holy Koran of MHTS)
13. “These tools remind me of the ones we handle in the workshop of the mind where things were made of thought and where we build up character.
14. We use the square to measure all our lines, to straighten out the crooked places of the way, and make the corners of our conduct square.
15. We use the compass to draw circles around our passions and desires to keep them in the bounds of righteousness.
16. We use the axe to cut away the knotty, useless and ungainly parts and make the character symmetrical.
17. We use the hammer to drive home the truth, and pound it in until it is a part of every part.
18. We use the plane to smooth the rough, uneven surfaces of joint, and block, and board that go to build the temple for the truth.
19. The chisel, line, the plummet and the saw all have their uses in the workshop of the mind.
20. And then this ladder with its trinity of steps, faith, hope and love; on it we climb up to the dome of purity in life.
21. And on the twelve step ladder, we ascend until we reach the pinnacle of that which life is spent to build the Temple of Perfected Man.”
It is self evident in chapter V that the principles of masonry were laid out by Prophet Noble Drew Ali in the MHTS. For those who have ever studied masonry or endured in any of the orders of masonry, the above teachings are masonic without a doubt or contradiction!
Prophet Noble Drew Ali was an Egyptian Adept, A.E.A.O.N.M.S. Prophet and Noble are titles within the shrine and Fezzes/turbins are the headress during rituals.”
Grand Sheik Messiah Aziz-El goes on further and asks the question…”What is the shrine?” The shrine of Islam!
Know your history/science Moors! Study up! Study and learn the true nature of yourself and why our ancient forefathers/foremothers, laid down certain schools of thought which are still carried out till this day. What our ancient forefathers were we are today without a doubt or contradiction.
We, the Moors, are the fathers of the mystic shrine and all orders of freemasonry. This is the science of law and government and for commercial purposes we have shared a great deal of these sciences with the pale-skin nations of Europe. Consequently, we have multiple European orders of freemasonry and shriners. Master and Honorable are also titles in the Mystic Shrine. The Honorable Elijah Muhammed states in “Supreme Wisdom,” that we gave the pale-skin Nations of Europe the principles of Islam that he may come around us to do trade and where our flag (cresent moon and star) with the schimitar above it.
“9. Why does Muhammad make the Devil Study from thirty-five to fifty years before he can call himself a Muslim son? And wear the greatest and only Flag of the Universe? And he must add a sword on the upper part of the Holy and Greatest Universe Flag of Islam?
Answer: So that he could clean himself up. A Muslim does not love the Devil regardless to how long he studies. After he has devoted thirty-five or fifty years trying to learn and do like the original man, he could come and do trading among us and we would not kill him as quick as we would the other Devils – that is, who have not gone under this Study. After he goes through with this Labor from thirty-five to fifty years, we permit him to wear our Holy Flag, which is the Sun, Moon and Star. He must add the sword on the upper part. The sword is the emblem of Justice and it was used by the original man in Muhammad’s time. Thus, it was placed on the upper part of the Flag so that the Devil can always see it, so he will keep in mind that any time he reveals the Secrets, his head would be taken off by the sword. We give him this chance so that he could clean himself up and come among us. The Holy Flag of Islam is the greatest and only Flag known.The Universe is everything – Sun Moon and Stars. They are planets. Planets are something grown or made from the beginning. And holy is something that has not been diluted, mixed or tampered with in any form.”
Notice the Prophet giving the grand hailing Salaam, of the Mystic Shrine
The Ancient Tarbush/Fez called Khepresh
To the left is (Pharoah) Khufu of the 4th Dynasty (2551 – 2580) donning a type of Khepresh, the earliest name for the Tarbush (Fez) while on the right is J. Edgar Hoover in the 1960’s wearing what’s today is called a Fez.
Shriners, deal with Islam in secret. The principles in which the Prophet Noble Drew Ali laid down for us, in the MHTS, MSTA are the science of that which the pale-skin Nations of Europe practice in secret, which is Islam. The Prophet was sent to un-veil these secrets that have been held back by Moslems/Masons/Shriners.
“The lessons of this pamphlet are not for sale, but for the sake of humanity, as I am a prophet and the servant is worthy of his hire, you can receive this pamphlet at expense. The reason these lessons have not been known is because the Moslems of India, Egypt and Palestine had these secrets and kept them back from the outside world, and when the time appointed by Allah they loosened the keys and freed the secrets, and for the first time in ages have these secrets been delivered in the hands of the Moslems of America.”
Nevertheless, by this first convention of the MSTA in 1928, its Membership had flourished (The Second Supreme Grand Business Manager, Aaron Payne-El was quoted that the number was over “12,000” in 1928) and fifteen temples were established in 10 different states. However, when Prophet Noble Drew Ali veiled form July 20th, 1929, Prophet Noble Drew Ali had established 19 branch temples, 20 subordinate temples, and his membership ran well over one hundred thousand. Faithful members and followers had established Moorish businesses, newspapers and schools and Prophet Noble Drew Ali became an early voice in the “Nationalist” movement.
Temple No. 1, Bro. E. Mealy-El, Governor / Grand Sheik (Chicago, IL.), established on October 15th, 1925, at Unity Hall, 3603 Indiana Ave., Chicago, Illinois. Unity Hall was the meeting location for Subordinate Temple #1 (Note: S.G.S. David Bailey-El, states, “I have seen and held in my hands the Charter issued by our Prophet Noble Drew Ali to Temple # 1. It does not say issued to the Grand Major Temple, it says “Issued to Subordinate Temple # 1… Therefore, the Grand Major Temple and the Grand Body are synonymous. Even so, historical Moorish Guides called Temple #1 a Grand Temple. As a matter of fact while our Prophet Noble Drew Ali was here in the flesh there were eight [8] Grand Temples. Prophet Noble Drew Ali purchased some land at 37th & Federal Street and planned to consolidate the Temple # 1 functions from Unity Hall and the Home Office functions from 3603 Indiana into a building to be built there).
Temple No. 2, Bro. White-Bey, Grand Sheik (Charleston, W. VA.), established March 17th, 1927. at 209 Ross Street
Temple No. 3, Bro. Pryor-Bey, Grand Sheik (Milwaukee, WI), established August 27th, 1927. at 587 Fifth Street / other records states, Bro. T.W. Owsley-Bey, Grand Sheik, 52 Seventh Street
Temple No. 4, Bro. J. Lomax-Bey, Governor (Detroit, MI), established October 1st, 1927, at 1023 Illinois Street / 632 Livington Street
Temple No. 5, Bro. T. Crumby-Bey, Governor (Pittsburg, PA.), established Nov. 15th, 1927. at 1709 Arcana Street
Temple No. 6, Bro. Mosby-El, Governor (Richmond, VA.), established January 11th, 1928. at 1225 N. James.
Temple No. 7, Bro. Childs-Bey, Governor (Cleveland, OH.), established April 1928. at 2334 East 37th Street
Temple No. 8, Bro. Brown-El, Governor (Pine Bluff, ARK.), established May 1st, 1928. at 2511 West End Station
Temple No. 9, Sis. Whitehead-Bey, Governor (Chicago, IL.), established July 16th, 1928. at 862 Townsend Street
Temple No. 10, Bro. Pollard-Bey, Governor (Newark, NJ.), established July 29th, 1928. at 84 Springfield Avenue
Temple No. 11, Bro. Thompson-El, Governor (Philadelphia, PA.), established August 3rd, 1928. at 817 South Broad Street
Temple No. 12, Bro. Gluvier El, Governor, (Youngstown, OH.), at 84 Hines Street
Temple No. 13, Bro. G. Cook-Bey, Governor, (Baltimore, MD.), at 705 South Sharp Street
Temple No. 14, Bro. Sheppard-Bey, Governor, (Petersburg, VA.), at 458 Harding Street
Temple No. 15, Bro. Robinson-Bey, Governor, (Lansing, MI.), at 910 Williams Street
Temple No. 16, Sis. Mintor-Bey, Grand Sheikess (Toledo, OH)
Temple No. 17, Sis. C. Halsop Bey, Governor (Chicago, IL)
Temple No. 18, Bro. L. Gray El, Grand Sheik (East Toledo, OH)
Temple No. 19, Bro. I. Cook Bey, Grand Sheik (Baltimore, MD), at 456 Albert Street
Below is a YouTube – Blog Talk Radio Show “Prophet Noble Drew Ali and the Infiltration of the MSTA
By 1929, Noble Drew Ali had created a multi-million dollar empire.
Jealously provoked several of his MSTA high-level businessmen. One of his officers, Sheik Claude D. Greene-Bey accused Drew Ali of wasting MSTA revenues on himself and a succession of women. One Drew Ali’s wives was a lady that Greene-Bey admired and loved…Pearl Drew Ali…It is alleged that her and Sheik Claude D. Greene-Bey had an affair.
This Timothy Drew’s (Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s) and Mary Foreman’s (Mary Drew-Ali) marriage license from April 22, 1929. Mary Foreman is Timothy Drew’s second wife. We must understand that this was the 1920s…this is before driver licenses, and before social security card. The average person did not have these privileges (instruments). Therefore, it was not necessary to put your Free National name into the public side.
Prophet Noble Drew Ali was already warning Supreme Grand Governor James Lomax-Bey (later called Professor Ezaldine Muhammad) since December 27, 1928. Yet, nearly two months later. The Prophet attended a meeting on February 15th, 1929 where Supreme Grand Governor James Lomax-Bey stated that he was now in power and the finance was now his in front of 1,500 members and he brought charges against the Prophet claiming the Prophet embezzled ($8,000.00) eight thousand dollars, when in reality, it was Supreme Grand Governor Lomax Bey who embezzled the (8,000.00) eight thousand dollars from the Prophet and the Moorish Science Temple of America with the help of Supreme Business Manager Claude Greene-Bey attempting to set up Prophet Noble Drew Ali with rape charges and stage a coup to take over the movement. Supreme Business Manager Claude Greene-Bey and Supreme Grand Governor James Lomax-Bey accused the Prophet of spending temple funds on his extra curriculum activities. By this time (1929), Drew’s movement boasted more than 100,000 followers, and his annual salary was listed at $36,000; a fortune at the time. The Prophet received additional stipends for his living expenses, including the mortgage payment for his luxurious trappings on Chicago’s south side, and the salaries for his chauffeur, maid, butler and other domestic attendants. Allegedly, he kept several wives, a host of concubines, and fathered, at least, twenty children. When he tired of one wife, he would quietly “divorce‚” her and “marry another.‚” He also kept four women at the same time and paid for each to live in separate homes.
Prophet Noble Drew Ali was also the founder of the Moorish Manufacturing Corporation, which produce remedies, such as, Moorish mineral and healing oil, antiseptic bath compound, and Moorish tea. Also, his followers began to establish a variety of business enterprises, including restaurants, grocery stores, furniture stores, clothing stores, laundry mats, real estate firms, and “THE MOORISH GUIDE” (also “THE MOORISH REVIEW” and “THE MOORISH VOICE”), a national newspaper etc…). Supreme Business Manager Claude D. Greene-Bey held a special meeting with Supreme Grand Governor James Lomax Bey about removing the Prophet, placing Supreme Grand Governor James Lomax-Bey as the new head, and even starting their own organization, if necessary, because it was believed by them that Supreme Grand Governor James Lomax-Bey had enough followers in Detroit, and Supreme Business Manager Claude D. Greene-Bey had enough followers (including, Grand Sheik Small-Bey, Supreme Grand Secretary Pearl Drew Ali, and Adept Charles Kirkman-Bey) to pull it off. The original members of the Supreme Grand Council: 1. Prophet Noble Drew Ali. 2. Brother George Blackwell-Bey Chicago, Ill 3. Brother Richard Ross-Bey, Chicago, Ill 4. Governor James Lomax-Bey Detroit, Mich., Temple No. 4, 5. Governor Edward Mealy El, Chicago, Ill, Temple No. 1, 6. Brother Claude D. Greene, Chicago, Ill, Temple No. 1, 7. Sister Pearl Drew Ali, Chicago, Ill, Temple No. 1. The Supreme Grand Council positions were Supreme Grand Chairman, Supreme Grand Sheik, Supreme Business manager, Supreme Grand Governor, Supreme Historian, Supreme Treasurer and Supreme Secretary. Nevertheless, James Lomax-Bey, Claude D. Greene-Bey, Small-Bey believed that they had followers (including Pearl Drew Ali, and Charles Kirkman-Bey) in Temples 3, 4, 7, 9, 15 and 18. The Prophet heard about the coup and held a special meeting with the Supreme Grand Council, who issued a Proclamation, signed by Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Edward Mealy-El, T. Crumby-Bey and C. Childs-Bey removing four members Bro. James Lomax-Bey, Bro. Claude D. Greene-Bey, Sis. Pearl Drew-Ali, Bro. Small-Bey immediately, having all of their credentials revoked and dismissed them from official position and enrollment. The prophet changed the Supreme Grand Council around, the board of directors, and the Moorish guide newspaper, with Aaron Payne El replacing Claude D. Greene-Bey, as the Supreme Business Manager. Richard H. Ross-Bey replaced Claude D. Greene-Bey, as Managing Editor of the Moorish Guide Newspaper, Supreme Grand Governor James Lomax was replaced by Grand Sheik David Ford-El and Supreme Secretary Sis. Pearl Drew Ali was replaced by Supreme Secretary Sis. Mary Drew Ali.
By March 12, 1929 a struggle for power erupted between Prophet Noble Drew Ali
and his former Business Manager Claude D. Greene-Bey. Claude D. Greene-Bey now stages his own coup by pronouncing himself the Supreme Grand Chairman (Note: Claude D. Greene worked for Julius Rosewald, a Jewish Philanthropist who fund the purchase of Unity Hall). Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s files and furniture were thrown out onto the street. Claude Greene-Bey took a number of Noble Drew Ali’s followers along with him. So, Prophet Noble Drew Ali request the assistance of the Moorish Grand Governor, T. Crumby-Bey. Ira Johnson-Bey nicknamed “The Hammer,” from Pittsburgh (and others) were sent to quell the rebellion. After a meeting Ira Johnson-Bey (and the others) had with the Prophet about this situation, Ira Johnson-Bey took it upon himself to “REMOVE” the problem (called the bad tooth) all together. Ira Johnson-Bey and three other members paid Claude D. Greene-Bey a visit on March 21st, 1929, there was a fight at the “Booster Club.” Claude D. Greene-Bey was stabbed multiple times on the 2nd floor of Unity Hall (located on 3140 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, Illinois), shot by Ira Johnson Bey and his dead body was taken down to the alleyway behind Unity Hall. Later, Bro. Small-Bey admitted it was Ira Johnson-Bey that had done the shooting to police. It was also Sheik Small-Bey’s testimony that spoke on the meeting the Prophet held before the shooting… that caused the police to charge the Prophet in connection to it. (Note: The murder of Bro. Claude Greene-Bey was allegedly plotted during this meeting between the Prophet and Sheik Ira Johnson-Bey. Sheik Small-Bey would later testify to the police that Sheik Ira Johnson-Bey approached him asking him to remove Brother Claude D. Greene-Bey. He, according to Sheik Small-Bey, offered to pay the expenses of a court trial if he should be arrested in the matter). The police had difficulty obtaining collaborating statements from other members of the organization. However, they did discover that Grand Governor J. Lomax-Bey, Grand Sheik, subordinate Temple #4 in Detroit was also a marked man. And, that Brother Lomax-Bey was allied with Brother Greene-Bey to establish a rival organization (Note: James Lomax, who formed what may have been called the “Mohammedan Church Temple). Brother Greene-Bey, who was Supreme Business Manager, is said to have known many of the Prophet’s inner most secrets. When the split came. Police were also able to obtain from internal sources, a proclamation bearing the signatures of Grand Governor T. Crumby-Bey, Governor C. Child-Bey, Supreme Grand Sheik E. Mealy-El and Prophet Noble Drew Ali dismissing both Bro. James Lomax-Bey and Bro. Claude Greene-Bey from the Moorish Science Temple of America. It was this document and Sheik Small-Bey’s testimony that caused them to originally charge the Prophet in this matter). Sheik Small-Bey was upset about being removed from office and replaced by William Morris-El, by the Supreme Grand Council for supporting Bro. Claude D. Greene-Bey and Bro. James Lomax-Bey also. On March 22nd, 1929, shots were also fired at James Lomax-Bey at Temple No. 4 (supposedly by Ira Johnson-Bey, who was said to have been seen outside on a local phone), but he was missed, a fight broke out between those loyal to James Lomax-Bey, and those loyal to the Prophet, then a full riot broke out and two police officers and two Moors got hurt badly. They were S. Stone-Bey and Z. Lowe-Bey.
Prophet Noble Drew Ali was out of town at the time, as he was dealing with Supreme Grand Governor James Lomax-Bey. However, it has also been stated that he was at a celebration”James Lomax-Bey had also supported Supreme Business Manager Claude Greene-Bey’s attempted coup as he staged his own a month earlier. James Lomax-Bey eventually left the country during the proceeding turmoil, and went to Turkey and changed his name to Professor Ezaldine Muhammad. He returned in the late 1930s from Egypt, founds Adenu Allahe Universal Arabic Association, a Sunni organization. Timothy Dingle-El wrote a book, used by both brothers (Richardson and Timothy), entitled “THE RESURRECTION: MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA, INC. – THE TRUTH: BE YOURSELF AND NOT – SOMEBODY ELSE,” (Note: Timothy was also called “Timothy Dingle-El-Noble-Drew-Ali”, the Reincarnated Prophet) states, “The Noble said that he have a bad tooth in his mouth and he is going back to Chicago and get his dentist and have him to pull it out. When he got back to Chicago he called his Adept Chamber together. The Chamber members consisted of people from various secret orders or societies. The Noble told the Chamber his story and asked who would pull this bad tooth out. A Sheik (Ira Johnson-Bey) volunteered and done the job. In “SACRED DRIFT: ESSAYS ON THE MARGINS OF ISLAM” by Peter Lamborn Wilson, he states,Timothy Dingle-El asserted that Prophet Noble Drew Ali really did order the death of Sheik Claude Greene-Bey, and that he was fully justified to do so. Timothy went further, stating, “The Noble Drew Ali was arrested as he sat with his wife (Mary Drew Ali, the daughter of Grand Sheik Foreman-Bey) and a group of his followers celebrating.” The police arrested him and other members of the community on suspicion of having instigated the killing (accessory to homicide). When the Prophet was questioned by authorities he stated that he knew nothing about a hit squad or the murder and allegedly beaten by police, and released on bond (bail) pending an indictment. While release on bail, Prophet Noble Drew Ali issued the following:
“To the Heads of All Temples, Islam: “I, your Prophet, do hereby and now write you a letter as a warning and appeal to your good judgment for the present and the future. Though I am now in custody for you and the cause, it is all right and it is well for all who still believe in me and my Father-God Allah. I have redeemed all of you and you shall be saved, all of you, even with me. I go to bat Monday, May 20, before the Grand Jury. If you are with me, be there. Hold on and keep the faith, and great shall be your reward. Remember my laws and love ye one another. Prefer not a stranger to your brother. Love and truth and Peace I leave all. Peace from Your Prophet, Noble Drew Ali” (“THE MUQARRABEEN FILE BOOK VOL 1” by Brother R. Edwards-El, A.S.D.M., Author Brother J. Barnes-Bey, Co-Author).
Prophet Noble Drew Ali promoted David Ford-El, a.k.a. Master Fard Muhammad (eventhough, the Nation of Islam publically deny this), as the acting head Supreme Grand Chairman, in place of Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El? It has been stated the Supreme Grand Sheik was allegely threaten and beating by Adept Charles Kirkman-Bey and was in hiding. Prophet Noble Drew Ali said, “If you want European Grand Sheiks, I can give them to you.” Personal research has proven that Fard knew Noble Drew Ali well. Fard (Ford) moved secretly throughout America for 20 years before he started the open aspects of His work, according to the Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad.
Prophet Noble Drew Ali passed form on Saturday, July 20th, 1929, at his home on 3603 Indiana Ave. at 10:10 P.M. at the young age of 43 (the same date one year earlier when the corporate body also officially changed/reorganized in its form). At his bedside were Dr. Clarence Payne-El, Attorney Aaron Payne-El, his father in-law, Bro. Foreman-Bey, and the Prophet’s 2nd wife, Sis. Mary Drew-Ali. Dr. Clarence Payne-El filed the death certificate, which proclaimed that the Prophet died of “Tuberculosis Broncho Pneumonia” (which is to the left). It does not make sense that Prophet Noble Drew Ali died of Tuberculosis when he was a Master-Herbalist and stated in the above article that “I have the secret of destroying the germs of Tuberculosis and Cancer of the Lungs in 10 to 30 days.” Nevertheless, in the below article taken from the “CHICAGO DEFENDER” August 3, 1929, stated, “Attorney Aaron Payne-Ali (wearing the white gloves left) becomes the new head of the society.” Notice, how the article changed Aaron Payne-El to Aaron Payne-Ali, as several other did as they “self-proclaimed” themselves to be the newly re-incarnated Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Less than (3) three months after the passing of Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Attn. Aaron Payne-El walked out the 2nd Moorish Science Temple of America Annual National Convention in 1929 with the M.S.T.A.’s Charter. “Was he simply protecting the M.S.T.A. Charter from those who wanted to take over the ‘Temple'” or “was he one of the ones vying for the highest position?” I mean someone had to report to the media (newspaper) that Supreme Business Manager Attorney Aaron Payne-El was going to be the “new head” of the society?” And besides, he was one of the ones in the room when the Prophet veiled form. “Was the Prophet possibly poisoned?” There were reports that he was poisoned. Despite the official report, many of his followers speculated that his death was caused by injuries from the police or from temple members vying for Ali’s position had him killed. One Moor told the Chicago Defender, “The Prophet was not ill; his work was done and he laid his head upon the lap of one of his followers and passed out.” According to the “ORAL STATEMENTS AND PROPHECIES OF PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI” Bro. I. Cook-Bey, G.G. (Emeritus) of Illinois said that the Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali said, “If I cannot teach you here, I will teach you on the soul-plane.” Bro. Edward Mealy-El stated that the Holy Prophet said “I have my number, and my work of redeeming you people is finished, and I must now go, or I can’t return; and if I don’t return, I can’t deliver you, and if I don’t deliver you, then my coming is in vain.” Even so, an autopsy was never conducted and neither was a full-scale police investigation. Consequently, the Prophet’s body was taken to the Frank Edwards Funeral Parlor at 4136 Michigan Ave. and the funeral services were held on Friday, July 26th, 1929 at 1:30 P.M. in the Pythian Temple on 37th Place and State Street, the Prophets’ body was laid to rest at Burr Oak cemetery, Acacia Lawn, Lot 44, Grave 7.
Allegedly, Charles Kirkman-Bey of Temple #9, conducted the funeral ritual of Prophet Noble Drew Ali.
In letter from Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El to Supreme Business Manager Aaron Payne-El dated August 14th, 1929.
In reading your letter to brother Thompson-El a few minutes ago, and in view of the wishes of The Prophet, as laid down in his laws to me, by himself, I wish to call your attention to the fact that it was his will that we hold the coming convention of 1929, beginning September the 15th to the 20th of the same month.
My objection is only that the date which was made by The Prophet be considered as law with me, and remembering also that he said: “As long as you do what I tell you, you will be alright, but when you fail to obey my orders, you will have trouble”, having talked the matter over with all the Governors, I find them all in favor of supporting the date of the convention as laid down by our PROPHET. Now, as business Manager, I am asking you to give away to the time of the PROPHETS choice and arrange your dates accordingly, which begins September 15th to September 20th inclusive. This will also give them more time for Preparation for the same. We must do all we can for Peace, that a progressive advance may manifest itself in all of our actions. This done, all else is well. Trusting this meets your approval,
I am, your brother in Islam,
E. Mealy El.
In another letter dated August 29th, 1929, Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El had to warn Supreme Business Manager Aaron Payne-El to stay in line with the Prophet’s structure and practices, from the time of the National Convention, to holding their Adept Chamber meetings. At the 2nd Moorish Science Temple of America Annual National Convention, Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El nominated Charles Kirkman-Bey to the position of Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator. Even so, it was approved by 2/3 of the votes. Many loyal followers of Prophet Noble Drew Ali stormed out 1929 Convention, Supreme Business Manager Aaron Payne-El even took the MSTA Charter with him. Ira Johnson-Bey was highly upset with Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El for not nominating him for the position Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator, so he was trying to take charge of the Movement, starting with the people who had the paperwork first and foremost. He had some of his followers go after Aaron Payne-El (at 3722 Prairie Ave.) who took the MSTA Charter (on September 23rd, 1929), these men were J. Mosbey-El, J. Davis-El, G. Johnson-Bey, and S. Gibbons-Bey. On September 25th, 1929, Ira Johnson-Bey had more of his followers kidnap Charles Kirkman-Bey to get the certificate that Charles Kirkman-Bey had been given when appointed Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator, which is said to have 21 Governors (the original title of the Grand Sheiks) signatures upon it, from the said 21 Temples. He also claimed to possess Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s last will and testament, Ira Johnson-Bey told them that “BROTHER KIRKMAN BEY MUST BE BROUGHT IN” and “I WANT YOU SHEIKS TO GO AFTER HIM AND YOU BETTER ARM YOURSELVES, AND IN CASE HE REFUSES TO COME VOLUNTARILY YOU CAN USE FORCE”, and “BRING BACK KIRKMAN, DEAD OR ALIVE, AND BY ALL MEANS GET THE CERTIFICATE!” They went to Charles Kirkman-Bey’s’ house (442 W. Elm Street), and took him right in front of his wife in broad daylight, and forced him into a waiting taxicab, then they took him back to Ira Johnson-Bey at 4137 South Parkway (home of Compton Johnson-Bey), some of these men were D. Francis Jackson-Bey, Mose Jackson-Bey, Eugene Jackson-Bey (Father) and J. Stevenson-Bey (who was killed by Sgt. Frank Reynolds). It was Mose Jackson-Bey, Eugene Jackson-Bey (Father) that actually took Charles Kirkman-Bey physically out of his home. A member at 3140 Indiana Ave. told the police about Mose Jackson-Bey’s, involvement, and they went to his house at 1297 Townsend St., from there Mose Jackson-Bey led the police to where Charles Kirkman-Bey was being held. The police arrived around 11:00 AM to rescue Bro. Charles Kirkman-Bey. It was Sgt, O’Toole that finally found Charles Kirkman-Bey who yelled out “DONT SHOOT, I AM THE MAN YOUR LOOKING FOR, PLEASE SAVE ME!”
Ira Johnson-Bey
Nevertheless, Ira Johnson-Bey was finally arrested after a shoot out with the Police. Over 1,000 police officers surrounded the home. Ira Johnson-Bey refused to release Charles Kirkman-Bey and when police tried to break in and rescue him, a shoot-out ensued. Subsequently,
approximately 64 members were arrested, especially leaders, including Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El. It was reported over 100 bullets were fired least three dead (one being a follower of Ira Johnson-Bey). Ira Johnson-Bey was charged with murdering a police officer (William Gallagher) and the other police officer’s (Jesse D. Hults) killer is unknown. “Ira Johnson-Bey refused to testify on the stand. ‘I’ll do my talking at the right time,’” Later while in prison, he started calling himself “Allah-El,” and gained a small following from there. Adept John Given-El stayed in contact with him until he passed form on December 5th, 1949.
In 1929, Sis. Mary Drew-Ali (the Prophets’ second wife) began writing letters to the members,
In 1929, Sis. Mary Drew-Ali (the Prophets’ second wife) began writing letters to the members, hoping to bring everything back together as it was under the Prophet. In one of the letters she wrote that “Our Grand Sheik is in the Lion’s Den, and the Demons are everywhere, trying to tear down the Movement!” the Grand Sheik she was referring to at that moment was Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El, who had not been released from jail just yet and the ‘Demons’? All of the TRAITORS now being led by Charles Kirkman-Bey and his rebels (later known as, the “MSTA, INC.”). By 1934, Mary Drew-Ali feeling nothing was left to do to fight the Demons (as she referred to them as), under her fathers’ (Bro. Foreman-Bey) direct request Mary Drew-Ali gave in to the Charles Kirkman and his MSTA INC. group gave them all of her official paperwork. This gave Charles Kirkman-Bey even more determination.
Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator Charles Kirkman-Bey attempts to take over the Moorish Movement from Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El. On September 26th, 1930, Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El sent Charles Kirkman-Bey an official Temple letter and to other Temples, that the credentials of those listed (below) were REVOKED;
1. Charles Kirkman-Bey
2. M. Dove-El
3. T.W. Owsley-Bey
4. F. Nelson-Bey
5. E. Menter-Bey
6. M. Cliff-Bey
7. C. Childs-Bey
8. H. Glover-El
9. C. Smith-Bey
10. H. Dove-El
11. J. Traylor-Bey
12. J. Williams-Bey
13. W. Smith-Bey
14. G. Cook-Bey
15. I. Cook-Bey
16. M.I. Washington-Bey and etc…
Therefore, between 1930-1934, Charles Kirkman-Bey tried to upsurp Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El. In 1934, he set up his M.S.T.A. Inc. under new set of Rules and Regulation. He held this office from 1934 until 1959, when he passed away. Later (after 1930), once the Charles Kirkman-Bey fraction began to strengthen itself, there were (3) three petitions filed to the courts against Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El’s M.H.T.S. / M.S.T.A. leadership;
1. FEB. 13th, 1931, by J. Jones-Bey
2. FEB. 23rd, 1932, by Charles Kirkman-Bey
3. 1933, by S. Lovett-Bey and T. Crumbey-Bey, this was vacated on Nov. 22, 1933.
All of these petitions were to remove Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El, and place Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator Charles Kirkman-Bey at the head of the Moorish Movement. ALL OF THEM FAILED!
J. Shelby-El (of TEMPLE NO. 1) even tried to get the LEADERSHIP of TEMPLE NO. 1 from Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El on JAN. 22, 1935 by filing with the courts an injunction against Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El, and he failed, but he took some members with him, that started their own temple group. Attached to the injunction was a resolution against not just Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El, but Jackson-Bey, Kirkman-Bey, Foreman-Bey, Crumby-Bey and Lovett-Bey calling for their disbandment and reorganization under “his” leadership. The Resolution
went on to state:
That the Moors had wandered away from the Prophet’s Movement and had begun teaching military training (Mufti Force) and other innovations; establishing insurance where stock were sold; added such offices as Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator, Grand Recording Secretary and other offices not originally created by the Prophet; ceased to hold monthly meetings of the Adept Chambers, where an accounting of money taken in from thevarious taxes, sales of stocks, supplies, etc. Even the “The aforementioned Moors have wandered away from the rules and usages of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. The dates of the National Convention was changed from October 15th thru 20th to September 15th thru 20th of each year.” The resolution concluded by naming, “J. Shebly-El as Governor; N.Gores-Bey as Grand Sheik; C. Highbough-Bey as Assistant Grand Sheik and W. Cobb-Bey as Chairman of the Moorish Science Temple of America – Grand Temple #1.This would create a fourth fraction/group of the Moorish Movement. Following Sheik J. Shebly-El would be Sheik C. Highbought-Bey, followed by Sheik L. Barnes-El. Headquarters would be established at 4333 Calumet St., Chicago, Ill).
Even so, by this time, the only thing that Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El had left was temple #1, and his legal possessions (Moorish documents), which everyone was still after. In late 1935, Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El died on a business trip, and his wife Sis. Delia-El received his possessions. Even so, to dishonor and belittle the late Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El, the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. under former Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator Charles Kirkman-Bey started saying he died in a mental institution (read, “THE CONTROVERSIAL YEARS OF THE MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA” by Chief Minister Dr. Ra Saadi El).
Here is a letter typed from Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El to Charles Kirkman-Bey dated Sept.
26th, 1930.
C. Kirkman Bey Bro. C. Kirkman Bey, this is to notify you, that the above named organization, MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA, in convention, Sept.15th to 20th, rescinded by voting out the mistake made by the second Annual Convention, of 1929. And in so doing, you hold your membership roll, as when our Prophet was here, and we hope you will cooperate with the organization under the five
principles. We hope further, that you will comply with this notice, and govern yourself accordingly.
As there is but one Supreme Grand Advisor, in THE MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA, that being NOBLE DREW ALI. And any one else attempting to be, from now on, is assuming authority of himself, and
is liable to the Penalties of the LAW.
E. MEALY EL. Chairman.
To the left is the actual court document of the verdict in favor of Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El by Judge Eberhart on May 7, 1931, case number 1746990 against Charles Kirkman-Bey and his Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. Here is a letter from May 12, 1931 verifying the judgment.
(20) Twenty days later after winning the court case (see above) Supreme Grand Sheik writes MAY 27th, 1931 Moorish Science Temple of America NOBLE DREW ALI, Founder Home Office: 3718 Prairie Ave. — Tel. Douglas 2725 Send all official Business to the Home Office in 5 Chicago, Ill. 5 / 27 / 1931
Many were there when the decision was handed down. Now they claim the Judge has never passed his decision. There is no cause for them to be like that, only they don’t want to be governed by the Truth now, since the Prophet passed, and that is the only hope of our security.
One great hindrance to my people is, they don’t understand the Words of Truth, Peace & Love as set before them by the Great PROPHET, He said so when he was here. And told them if they Understood Language, they would be alright. I am sorry for them, because not knowing, they blame me for all that has happen.
Yet when the Prophet was here, He told them, He Brought The divine Plans of the Ages. And they can’t
be Changed. And the Plans are called the plans of Redemption. And was brought only by A REDEEMER.
And this REDEEMER, called Me, Ordained Me, Commissioned Me, and Then Appointed Me to My Station, And Instructed Me That I was There to stay, At His absence. And that all wanted that place, But said, I know who I want there. I know who I want to handle My Money. He further said, You are to collect all money, and Pay off all bills, He still said. And you will have to do what I Am doing,. You will have to go around to all Temples, and report Back to Me.
Time and space won’t permit me to say all you want to know, or what I would like to tell you. But I say as I have, to give you who Don’t know, or have not had the chance to know the Prophet, or be With Him as I was, I had and Have a reason for Everything I did Or have done. And can and will prove my Authority. By His HOLY KORAN AND CONSTITUTION, AND HIS GENERAL AND BY-LAWS. But the idea is this, THE PLANS ARE DIVINE, and we are going through a crisis and conflict, that must be, before we can be redeemed. I hope I have made my self clear. If I haven’t write me. I love all I haven’t a pet any place. No special favors for any; considerate with any; under the five great principles.
I hope to hear from all soon. And if we expect to meet the prince of Peace, in peace and with joy to our souls, we had better begin to think, talk, walk and act different. He was made in secret, in the public, He was unmade. Get a program of 1929’s convention. If you haven’t one, send for one; read, think, and you will (find/figure) out that the programs are printed before the convention convienes. Now trust in ALLAH through his PROPHET, and live on. follow anyone else and perish.
Peace. Love to all; E. Mealy El S.G.S.
Bro. Edward Mealy-El stated that the Holy prophet told him “YOU DO WHAT I TELL YOU, NEVER MIND WHAT THEY SAY, I HAVE GIVEN YOU LAW, KORAN, AND CONSTITUTION, AND I EXPECT YOU TO ENFORCE MY LAW, AND DO WHAT I SAY, NEVER MIND WHAT THEY SAY OR DO. THEY CAN DO NOTHING BUT DIE!” Dealia Mealy-El, the wife of Supreme Grand Sheik, Edward Mealy-El tried to use Supreme Grand Sheik, Edward Mealy-El’s paperwork (Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealey-El’s possessed the original Moorish Seals, original Koran Questions, Adept book, early convention minutes, Rules and Regulations and corporate files for the years 1928 to 1933) to introduce William Morris-El (her lover) in 1935, as Supreme Grand Sheik, Edward Mealy-El’s successor, but this failed, as William Morris-El was rejected by the remaining members of TEMPLE NO. 1. over time. Sis. Dealia would refuse to turn these items over to Kirkman-Bey. However, later on several member took what was left of the lawful temple paperwork (the original “Articles of Incorporation) and gave it to Charles Kirkman-Bey’s group, the “MSTA, INC.”, thus solidifying his / their position even more.
There were some more distrubing things in which occurred after Prophet Noble Drew Ali passed form, but before the 2nd Moorish Science Temple of America Annual National Convention that caused further splits. Sheik Adept John Givens-El publicly announced that he was the “Re-incarnate” Prophet Noble Drew Ali (August 7, 1929), at a meeting held at Pythian Hall, 3737 South State Street in Chicago. Three weeks later on September 19th, 1929, during the 2nd Annual National Convention of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Givens-El would once again make his declaration of reincarnation. The Moorish convention was entering its final hours, lengthy discussions had been held concerning the Prophet’s last instructions. It was around this time that Givens-El entered the convention hall, walking straight to the platform, he seated himself in the “Vacant Chair” and declared, “I am back.” He then said, “I am Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Reincarnated and Prophet Noble Drew Ali, the Founder. We two are one in the same.” A silence fell over the convention hall. However, when a vote was finally taken, two-thirds of the delegates voted Charles Kirkman-Bey, the Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator (Assistant) to the Edward Mealy-El, Supreme Grand Sheik and official head of the Moorish Movement. Nevertheless, by the end of September, a number of subordinate temples would begin to follow Givens-El, “the Reincarnated Prophet.” This faction developed into the Reincarnated (Moorish Holy Temple of Science) Moorish Science Temple of America, later Moorish Science Temple, The Divine and National Movement of North America, Inc.
In a letter to his followers in 1933, Sheik J. Givens-El, would write:
447 E. 40th Street Chicago, Illinois
August 19,1933
Moorish Science Temple of America; Instructions from the Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Reincarnated
This is to all Moors. I have reincarnated back on August 7, 1929, which now is four years and I am having meetings three times a week just like I have always did. I didn ‘t come to die, I came to redeem you all from sin. The time is no depression. This is the end of time and the fulfilling of the Prophesies. I want you all to know that I Noble Drew All your Prophet is still in Chicago. I live at 447 E. 40th Street, now three years. This message is from Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Reincarnated. All that believes this message that I am sending by Brother Rossen-El will be blessed by Allah. I just want you all to know that I mean to carry out my mission. Any information that you want to know just write to 447 E. 40th Street to your Prophet Noble Drew AIi It is my duty to let you all know that I am here.
I will say peace, [SIGNED]
Prophet Noble Drew Ali, Reincarnated
In response to this letter, C. Kirkman-Bey filed a series of affidavits and injunctions against John Givens-El in the Cook County Court to stop all activities of the rival fraction. Nevertheless, Givens-El continued to teach from his home and through the mail for more than 15 years. It is reported that when he was preparing to die he directed his followers to a brother known as “Allah-El”. It is taught among his followers that Allah-El aka Ira Johnson-Bey.
John Givens-El (born George Givens) was a native of Sumpter, South Carolina. He was born December 6, 1904. Upon coming of age Givens El travelled west, finally settling in Chicago, IL, May 14, 1925. Shortly thereafter he embraced the teachings of Noble Drew Ali and joined and became a member of Chicago’s subordinate temple #1 in 1926. After a brief period in the temple, he was initiated into its Adept Chambers. He also became the chauffer-mechanic for the Prophet Noble Drew Ali. It was reported that one day while working on the Prophet’s automobile, shortly after his death, Givens-El fainted. When his eyes were examined: “He had the sign of the star and crescent in one eye and the circle seven in the other…right then, they knew that the Prophet had reincarnated into his chauffeur” (Excerpt from “MUQARRABEEN FILES VOL 1” by Brother R. Edwards-El, A.S.D.M., Author Brother J. Barnes-Bey, Co-Author).
Another stange event occurred a month before the death of Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Prophet Noble Drew Ali, while out on bail waiting indictment, he appoints David Ford-El acting “Supreme Grand Chairman” of Moorish Science Temple of America (some say it was merely over Temple #1 Chicago). But, if it was just over temple #1, normally, when the Prophet went on tour to visit subordinate Temples, he left, Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El in charge. Where was Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El? Obviously, Edward Mealy-El was not around during that time period and Prophet Noble Drew Ali had to appoint someone he knew and trusted. Prophet Noble Drew Ali stated, “If you want European Grand Sheiks, I can
give them to you.” From one of brother’s H. Bey educational pamphlets. –> “Keep in mind that European freemasonry was a secret operation of the Moorish Masters whose purpose was to make a group of Europeans custodians, and keepers for a time of Moorish Science, Codes and Ciphers until now, the time of our resurrection. Even so, David Ford-El claimed Drew Ali had left him in charge, and declared himself the reincarnation of Noble Drew Ali. Arguments erupted over the issue of the proper successor. Those who had been loyal to Claude D. Greene-Bey argued that David Ford-El had not been with the MSTA long enough to succeed Drew Ali, and insisted that Charles Kirkman-Bey, former school mate of Prophet Noble Drew Ali, but one of Greene’s closest allies, wanted to assume the leadership. Another faction, headed by Ira Johnson-Bey, claimed that Kirkman-Bey was unfit. The MSTA remained a “house divided.” Thousands of members swore their allegiance to David Ford-El (Fard), but the majority rejected him and decided to be loyal to Charles Kirkman-Bey. The inner violence, the arrests of several prominent members, and the boiling scandal that followed prompted David Ford-El (Fard) to break away from MSTA. Fearful for his own safety, David Ford-El (Master Fard Muhammad etc…) moved to Detroit, Michigan (see below). Note: On October 15th, 1925 the “First Temple” in Chicago was established at 3603 Indiana Avenue, and was a new beginning for the Moorish Divine Movement as a whole. this first Temple was honorarily called the “Temple of Islam” by the original members. In 1930, Fard named his group of followers the “Temple of Islam,” or “ALLAH’s Temple of Islam” which later became the“Lost-Found Nation of Islam in the Wilderness of the North America.” The below information demonstrates the prior connection between Timothy Drew (Prophet Noble Drew Ali) and David Ford-El (Master Fard Muhammad etc…).
Note: The name Ford is mentioned twice in the 2nd paragraph. “MOORISH LITERTURE: THE
INDUSTRIOUS ACTS OF THE MOSLEMS” by Prophet Noble Drew Ali / Professor Drew, The Egyptian Adept wrties, “The primitive colors alone were used, says Ford, by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Arabs…Ford is inclined to give them great antiquity… In “THE ORIGINS OF THE NATION OF ISLAM (The Farrakhan Controversy-Part IV)” by Sergeant Sam Smith, “Fard told his host tales of great African and Asian empires.”
This Professor Ford, who was part of the (Old) Canaanite Temple 1913. He was also a former member of the Ahmadiyya Muslim sect.
Thus, according to the ‘Lessons’ David Ford-El (W.D. Fard), is said to have come in contact with Noble Drew Ali in his first appearance in 1910.The Most Honorable Elijah Muhammad states, in 1910 Master Fard Muhammad appeared in the United States in New York. After, the death of Prophet Noble Drew Ali at the 1929 Moorish Science Temple of America Annual National Convention. ‘David Ford-El [W.D. Fard] is reported to have said, ‘He would bring America to its knees’ for the death of Noble Drew Ali and the attacks made on the Moorish-Americans by local police in 1929. One month later the stock market crashed and many of the former Moors saw this man as a ‘Prophet’ and followed him to Detroit where the Nation of Islam was born. During this time David Ford-El started referring to himself as the Re-incarnated Prophet Noble Drew Ali. In the beginning stages of the movement he was known as ‘Prophet W.D. Fard.’ The Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated in an interview with Buzz Anderson in 1971 that in 1930, Master Fard Muhammad used the name Wallace D. Fard, often signing it W.D. Fard. Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated that he didn’t know what the “D” stood for. In the third year (1933), he signed His name W.F. Muhammad, which stands for Wallace Fard Muhammad.” Elijah Muhammad said this about his teacher, in his book “MESSAGE TO THE BLACKMAN” “Allah (God) came to us from the Holy City Mecca, Arabia, in 1930. He used the name Wallace D. Fard, often signing it W.D. Fard. In the third year (1933), he signed His name W.F. Muhammad, which stands for Wallace Fard Muhammad. The FBI has photographs and fingerprints of Wallace Dodd Ford on file. The FBI alleged that Ford used 58 aliases during his lifetime. He went by such names as David Ford-El, Wali Farad, Farrad Mohammed, W.D. Fard, and F. Mohammed Ali. However, he is generally known within the Nation of Islam as Master Fard Muhammad. Using the names Wallace D. Fard and Wallace D. Fard Muhammad, he renamed the faction he controlled the Allah’s Temple of Islam converting the Detroit Moorish Science Temple of America formerly under Supreme Grand Governor / Grand Sheik Lomax-Bey and renamed it the Allah’s Temple of Islam (also known as the Temple of the Lost-Found People of Islam; note: “Allah’s Temple of Islam were also another name from the MHTS in 1925). The first Temple of the Allah’s Temple of Islam was situated at 11529 Linwood Ave. Detroit, Michigan. In other words, the NOI was founded as the Allah’s Temple of Islam…1929 that same building was called Moorish Science Temple! Coincidence?!!!
(Note: According to the “WASHITAW POST” April 1997 issue “WE
ARE NOT AFRO-AMERICANS; WE ARE THE WASHITAW” photo from Her Highness Empress Verdiacee ‘Tiari’ Washitaw (Washington) Tunica (Turner) Goston El-Bey collection, shows W.D. Fard, Timothy Drew and Corrella Drew all seating together as children. Hence, Timothy Drew later known as Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali did know Wallace D. Ford later known as David Ford-El (Master Fard Muhammad) and this would account for Prophet Noble Drew Ali trust factor of David Ford-El (Wali[d] Abdul Farrad Muhammad Ali as he was known in 1916-1918 or so, was heavily influenced by the Ahmadiyya Islamic group. Therefore, this would account for the forgiveness of the split that took place in 1916. By 1928, in “THE INDUSTRIOUS ACTS OF THE MOSLEMS” Prophet Noble Drew Ali, receives the teaches of ‘Ford’ and in the “MOORISH LEADER’S HISTORICAL MESSAGE TO AMERICA,” Prophet Noble Drew Ali goes into the connection between the Moorish Science Temple of America and (said) the Mohammadean religion. So, it was not watered down, it was in increments or degrees. The following are excerpts…
“In connection with the aims, objects, rules and regulations of the Moorish Science Temple of America. I deem It proper to submit to you a brief statement of our organization, covering Its inception, rise and progress and of the Mohammedan religion, which I hope will be satisfactory to you and be the means of causing you at all times to adhere to the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice in your relations with mankind in general… Inspired by the lofty teachings of the Koran, we have it as the revealed word of God Allah. We shall foster the principles of its teachings among our members. This is our religious privilege as American citizens, under the laws of one of the greatest documents
of all time—the American Constitution. The Mohammedan religion is the least appreciated and probably the most misunderstood of the world’s great religions. This is especially true in our western world. Try to understand what Mohammedanism stands for, and some of the things it has contributed to the world. Mohammed was the founder of the Mohammedan religion. It originated thirteen centuries ago on Arabian Peninsula…Today this religion is acknowledged by nearly two hundred and fifty million souls and extends over an area equal to one-third of the globe. From Arabia it spread eastward over Persia, Turkestan, Afghanistan, westward across Syria, Asia Minor, Turkey, southward to Africa, covering more than half of that continent. It found its way to India, and beyond, to the Islands of Sumatra. Java, and
Borneo. To the early representatives of this faith the world’s debt is incalculably great. For it was they who transmitted the treasures of Greek literature from the middle ages to the Renaissance; they who originated the graceful forms of which the Tajmahal and the Alham-bra are the most famous examples. It was they who contributed to the sciences of algebra and chemistry, astronomy, and medicine; they who dotted the Sarcen Empire with universities and who built at Bagdad and Cairo the most renowned universities of the world. During those centuries of ecclesiastical despotism when the Christian church suppressed all intellectual activities save those that were theological, causing the talent that reproduces to supplant the genius that creates. Mohammedans did all in their power to encourage and stimulate research in every branch of human inquiry. The Moors or Mohammedans added to the beauty and grandeur of Spain. For centuries art, science, literature, and chivalry flourished among them, while the rest of Europe was still sunk in the gloom of the Dark Ages. The Moors were the most ingenious and industrious of the subjects of Spain. Their expulsion from Spain in 1610, was one of the chief causes of decadence of that country, for both agriculture and industry fell into decay after their departure. Mohammedanism makes no distinction between high and low, rich and poor; it is like the sky, it has room for all. The Koran should be of interest to all readers. It is the Bible of the Mohammedans, ruling over the customs and actions of over 200 millions of people. It is a work of importance whether considered from a religious philosophical, or literary viewpoint… The Moorish Science Temple of America has received some opposition and criticism. In the main the opposition has come from certain Christian ministers. They have expressed themselves as being opposed to our propagation of the Mohammedan religion. Possibly because the promotion of the Mohammedan faith among our people in the United States is considered by them in terms as something new. Whatever the reasons may be for their opposition, the legal right to oppose citizens, individuals and organizations alike for their religious belief does not exist in the United States. The door of religious freedom made by the American Constitution swings open to all, and people may enter through it and worship as they desire. Without religious freedom, no search for truth would be possible; without religious freedom, no discovery of truth would be useful; without religious freedom, religious progress would be checked and we would no longer march forward toward the nobler life which the future holds for the races of men; without religious freedom, there would be no inspiration to lift our heads and gaze with fearlessness into the vast beyond, seeking a hope eternal…
NOBLE DREW ALI, The Moorish Guide Oct-26-1928
So, Prophet Noble Drew Ali told the Moorish Americans, “The Koran should be of interest to all readers. It is the Bible of the Mohammedans, ruling over the customs and actions of over 200 millions of people.”
This article was taken from “THE UNIVERSAL TRUTH” Vol 2, No. 3, Editor: Prince A. Cuba
Note: This information is taken from “THE MESSAGE TO THE BLACK MAN” written by Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Please notice that Honorable Elijah Muhammad stated in the last sentence shown…”He was persecuted, sent to jail in 1932…ordered out of Detroit, on May 26, 1933. Now look at the dates in the article above. They correlates perfectly with this quote.
MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD AND WALLACE DAVID FORD IS THE SAME PERSON. NOTE: THE SAME HAIRLINE, JAWLINE, EARS AND ETC…Today, the Nation of Islam reject the notion that Wallace Dodd Ford and W.F. Fard is the same person.
Note: Both photos depicts a mole on the lower front left cheek
Note: Hazel Barton-Ford in the above picture
According to “THE BIOGRAPHY OF NOBLE DREW ALI; EXHUMING OF A NATION” by Elihu N. Pleasant-Bey, in the upper left-hand corner is Farrad Mohamet-El of Detroit, Michigan Temple #4 aka David Ford-El. This is also confirmed in “REPARATIONS = WAR WHAT WILL FREE AND UNITE BLACK PEOPLE?” by Dr. Ali Muhammad, former member of the (NOI) Nation of Islam states, Master Fard Muhammad under the alias David Ford-El pictured in the upper left-hand corner… However, the above picture gives you the dates October 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 of 1928. On January 20, 1926, Fard was arrested for violating the California Prohibition law and a month later on February 15, 1926 for violation of the State Poison Act. He was sentenced to six months to six years at San Quentin Penitentiary on June 12, 1926 for ‘allegedly’ selling narcotics in his restaurant. Presumingly, he had served three years in San Quentin before gaining release on May 27, 1929. (See Dr. Wesley Muhammad, “MASTER FARD MUHAMMAD, WHO IS HE, WHO IS HE NOT”, pg. 39). However, based on the above picture this ‘may’ have happen several (at least 7) months earlier or maybe, it is just a case of look-a-like? (Note:The FBI Case No.56062, Matches The Fingerprints Of The Person Known As W.F. Mohammad. The Federal Bureau Of Investigation, United States Department Of Justice has this In Chicago Illinois, On February 9, 1943 A.D. And Ford was arrested by the Detroit Police Department On 5/26/33, With Case No. 45138). Even so,
Wallace (Warith Deen) Muhammad
The Messenger’s son, Wallace (Warith Deen) Muhammad, who took over the NOI (Nation of Islam) in 1975, said in several speeches that he was in communication with the founder, saying, “Master Fard
Muhammad is not dead, brothers
and sisters, he is physically alive and I talk with him whenever I get ready. I don’t talk to him in any spooky way. I go to the telephone and dial his number.”
Nevertheless, Warith Deen Muhammad claimed that Fard had returned to the United States under the name Muhammad Abdullah. In 1976, W.D. had appointed Muhammad Abdullah as Imam of Muhammad’s Mosque #77 in Oakland, California. The November 26, 1976, issue of the NOI journal Bilalian News reports Muhammad Abdullah’s first khutbah at the mosque and shows a photo. [“BILALIAN NEWS,” Nov 26, 1976, pdf] W.D. Mohammad did not state that Muhammad Abdullah was Fard until after Abdullah’s death in 1992, and Abdullah himself never publicly claimed to be Fard. Muhammad Abdullah himself denied that he was Fard, saying “It is all right to say I am Fard Muhammad for Wallace (Warith) D. Muhammad. I taught him some lessons. But I am not the same person who taught Elijah Muhammad and I am not God.” However, in 1981, a Pakistani scholar Z.I. Alsari researched Fard’s life and claimed that Fard was identical with Muhammad Abdullah, a Pakistani Ahmadiyya Muslim who had been an advisor of Elijah Muhammad’s since the late 1950s and who was the tutor of his son and eventual successor Warith Deen Muhammad. In 1991, there was a report in an orthodox Muslim newspaper that carried a story that Fard was alive and living in California and worshipped as an orthodox Muslim. W.D. Mohammad did not state that Muhammad Abdullah was Fard until after Abdullah’s death in 1992, and Abdullah himself never publicly claimed to be Fard. In Fayetteville, North Carolina during the summer of 2006, Bro. Michael Wortham aka Michael El Babasuut Onkiba Bey video taped Bilal Muhammad, who was in his early 70’s at the time told us that he knew Master Fard Muhammad personally and that he worked with Fard in his restaurant in Oakland, California during the late 1960s. He was taught and trained by Master Fard Muhammad.
Claude Andrew Clegg III’s “AN ORIGINAL MAN: The Life and Times of Elijah Muhammad” states,
“In Detroit, he joined a variety of organizations-notably, Marcus Garvey’s proto-black-nationalist
movement, the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), and the Black Shriners; but neither of these kept his allegiance. In a further effort to improve himself, Poole also joined the Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA) and converted to its vaguely Islam-like religion, Founded in 1913 by a Black Shriner named Timothy Drew (who renamed himself Noble Drew Ali), the MSTA introduced such Islam-like features as the crescent-and-star motif, the use of Arabic personal names, and the prohibition of pork, but it also foretold the destruction of all whites and promoted Drew as a prophet.”
Bro. Hakim H.Y. Bey told us in January 8th, 2011 at the Prophet Noble Drew Ali Celebration that there is empirical evidence that shows that Robert Pool(e)-Bey (later known as Elijah Muhammad), his wife Clara, and his two brothers, John and Edward were indeed members and Adepts of the Moorish Science Temple of America in Detroit, Michigan under Supreme Grand Governor / Sheik Lomax-Bey (read “NOBLE DREW ALI AND THE MOORISH SCIENCE TEMPLE OF AMERICA: THE MOVEMENT THAT STARTED IT ALL” by Sheik Way-El). According to “THE MUQARRABEEN FILE BOOK VOL 1.” by Brother
R. Edwards-El, A.S.D.M., Author Brother J. Barnes-Bey, Co-Author, it states, “There are alleged documents that claims that Elijah Muhammad was a member of Moorish temple number four in Detroit Michigan where he is listed under the name of “R. (Robert) Pool Bey”, along with a “D. (David) Ford El.”
Honorable Elijah Muhammad
Note: Honorable Elijah Muhammad’s feet are at a 45 degree angle or the Master Mason stance.
“Islam has been practiced in said secrecy call Higher Masonry, Shriner, that is a small degree of his knowledge of Islam taught in said secrecy by that society”. However, the real secret to Freemasonry, is that there is no secret, it’s about you…Hiram Abiff, the Sun People (Kushites – Melanites), or Children of the Light (Phree Messens) and anyone who is willing to take the time to investigate this subject could get a working knowledge of the order from the first degree (Entered Apprentice) to the thirty-third (Sovereign Grand Inspector General of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry) and / or the Knight Templar of the York Rite Side…Muhammad stated: “I will not go into the history of the Masons since I was a Mason myself once and I swore, too, not reveal the secrets. Masons who have reached such degrees as 32nd and 33rd are not called Masons. They are called Moslem Shriners…When you take the 33rd degree you are taught to greet each other; ‘As- Salaam Alaikum’. You are taught Islam from then on because you become a Muslim when that degree is conferred on you. At least you are supposed to be a believer in Islam. They teach you, almost from the start, to turn your face to the east.” Elijah Muhammad stated” “Only in higher freemasonry is there a little teachings at the top, mostly of this particular order that mentions the teachings of Almighty God Allah, but (you have to pay a lot of money to become a 33’rd degree Mason… A Mason cannot be a good Mason unless he knows the Holy Qur’an and follow its teachings … “Muhammad further states: “You don’t need to join Masonry to be a Muslim. It is free and why would you buy that or spend money for that which brings you know gain? Regardless to how high you go in Masonry, you are still a Negro. And you are not treated as equal to white masons. But if you accept Islam, you are forcing all to recognize you”. “If you come and follow me (Elijah Muhammad), I will give to you the meaning of all those degrees and your ritual…Don’t go and buy anymore Masonry, come and accept free Islam. I’ve been waiting on the Masons to come over and join me for years and now I’m going to tell on you if you don’t. You won’t get anymore members if I start telling the truth as I know it. I know your First Degree to the Thirty Third Degrees. I know exactly what it means but you don’t know what it means. I also have a few more degrees than that.”
According to “MOORISH CIRCLE 7:The Rise of The Islamic Faith Among Blacks in America and it’s Masonic Origins” by Keith Moore, 32 states on pgs.122 and 123 After the collapse of the temple, a new organization called the Nation of Islam was formed. The organization was founded by Wallace D. Fard who was a follower of Ali (Noble Drew Ali), though some would later say otherwise. Fard founded the temple of Islam in Detroit, Michigan around 1930. At least one source notes that both he and his protégé, Elijah Muhammad were members of the Moorish Science Temple and exposed to the teachings of Ali (Noble Drew Ali). Originally Muhammad was known as Elijah Poole Bey, a Moorish name.
Moorish Science Temple of America).
Elijah Muhammad was born Robert “Elijah” Pool(e) in Sandersville, Georgia, the seventh of thirteen children to William Poole, Sr. (1868–1942), a Baptist lay preacher and member of the UNIA under Marcus Garvey, and Mariah Hall (1873–1958), a homemaker and sharecropper. Elijah and his family migrated north to Detroit from Georgia in 1923. Elijah moved north to escape the racism of the south. He worked
in several industrial plants and joined a variety of African-American organizations including the Black Shriners. Elijah later incorporated several Masonic Lodge beliefs into the doctrines of the Nation of Islam (NOI). Elijah Poole also joined Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa Movement.”He accepted Garvey’s
ideology of black pride, self-help, and race separation; all later became major tenants of the (NOI) Nation of Islam. Elijah Poole rose to the rank of corporal in the Chicago / Detroit division of the UNIA within two years of joining. Poole also became a member of the Timothy Drew Ali’s Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA). Ironically, Elijah‘s first experience with Islam came at the urging of his father, a Baptist minister, who was already familiar with Black Islam. He urged him to attend lectures of the Moorish Science Temple because he respected the Moors’ doctrines of racial solidarity and black economic development. Elijah attended the meetings at the advice of his father and as a result he left the Baptist church and became a Black Muslim. By 1930, Wallace Muhammad had come to Detroit and formed Allah’s Temple of Islam. He attracted as many as 25,000 members with his proto-Islamic, Afro-centric teachings.[7] But, Muhammad taught dogma that differed greatly from orthodox Islam and added elements from Marcus Garvey’s black nationalist movement (read, “THE RISE AND FALL OF ELIJAH MUHAMMAD” by Karl Evanzz).
Elijah Muhammad was no newcomer to so-called black separatist movements. His father had been an organizer for Marcus Garvey’s “Back to Africa” movement, which reached its zenith in the 1920s. Robert ‘Elijah’ Poole traveled to Chicago to hear Garvey speak and was greatly moved by his words. He joined Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association and became a corporal in the Chicago UNIA (ccnmtl.columbia.edu/projects/mmt/mxp/people/753_I.html). Robert ‘Elijah’ Poole joined the Moorish Science Temple of America (MSTA) in 1928, becoming Elijah Poole-Bey. Moreover, as mentioned previously, “according to Hakim H.Y. Bey, his name and several family members names were on the MSTA Detroit Temple #4 enrollment under Supreme Grand Governor / Grand Sheik James Lomax-Bey.” In, “THE RISE AND FALL OF ELIJAH MUHAMMAD” by Karl Evanzz, pg 67-69. “Interestingly, Elijah Muhammad reportedly attended meetings at an MSTA temple in Detroit. Though he consistently denied joining the group founded by Noble Drew Ali (at least publically).” Even so, within a year of the arrival of Fard Muhammad in Detroit 1930, Clara Poole, Elijah Poole and two of his brothers joined Fard’s Nation of Islam. Poole became one Fard’s most trusted and ardent followers and rose swiftly through the ranks to become the Nation of Islam’s chief Lieutenant. He was appointed as a Minister of Islam in early 1934. Elijah Muhammad took control of Temple No. 1, but only after battles with other potential leaders, including his brother. In 1935, as these battles became increasingly fierce, Muhammad left Detroit and settled his family in Chicago. Still facing death threats, Muhammad left his family there and traveled to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where he founded Temple No. 3, and eventually to Washington, D.C., where he founded Temple No. 4. Following his return to Chicago, Elijah Muhammad was firmly in charge of the Nation of Islam. The organization had retained its membership level during his imprisonment, and its membership increased after his return. From four temples in 1946, the Nation of Islam grew to 15 by 1955. By 1959, there were 50 temples in 22 states. By the time Elijah Muhammad passed form in 1975, there were 75 Temples across America. Also by the 1970s, the Nation of Islam owned bakeries, barber shops, coffee shops, grocery stores, laundromats, a printing plant, retail stores, numerous real estate holdings, and a fleet of tractor trailers, plus farmland in Michigan, Alabama, and Georgia. In 1972 the Nation of Islam took controlling interest in a bank, the Guaranty Bank and Trust Co. Nation of Islam-owned schools expanded until, by 1974, the group had established schools in 47 cities throughout the United States. In 1972, Muhammad told followers that the Nation of Islam had a net worth of $75 million.
According to former National Grand Sheik of the Moorish Science Temple Divine and National Movement of North America, Inc. and author of “THE NEGRO, THE BLACK, THE MOOR!” Clarence Reynolds-El, now known as, Rommani M. Amenu-El, has stated that around 1984 Minister Farrakhan told him personally, that his teacher Honorable Elijah Muhammad was a member of the Moorish Science Temple of America under Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Rommani M. Amenu-El also stated that Bro. Wajid Bey, who is 81 now, told him that he meet Honorable Elijah Muhammad around 1955 and that the Honorable Elijah Muhammad told him face to face that he was a member of the Moorish Science Temple of America under Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Although the Nation of Islam denies any historical connection with the Moorish Science Temple.
“THEOLOGY OF TIME” The Messenger of Allah states, “I have always had a very high opinion of both the late Noble Drew Ali and Marcus Garvey and admired their courage in helping our people (the so-called Negroes) and appreciated their work, both of these men were fine Muslims. The followers of Noble Drew Ali and Marcus Garvey should now follow me and co-operate with us in our work because we are only trying to finish up what those before us had started. In Islam alone we shall find the success we desire, so join on to the Nation now and give us a chance to help all of our people in America… “The Black Muslims learned much from Marcus Garvey and Noble Drew Ali. Like those earlier prophets of black nationalism, they capitalize on the lower-class Black Man’s despair and reservations about the white man, and they have developed black consciousness into a confession of faith.”
Excerpted from a message delivered by Minister Louis Farrakhan on July 27, 2003. It is as follows: “Before Elijah Muhammad, you looked at yourself as a Negro. One of our most wonderful Black organizations was the United Negro Improvement Association, which showed that we still had growing to do. What a wonderful, wonderful teacher Marcus Mosiah Garvey was. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad loved and admired him. Noble Drew Ali is the father of what you call the Moorish Americans or the Moorish Scientists. Noble Drew Ali was admired by the Honorable Elijah Muhammad because he said that Noble Drew Ali gave us a start in the direction toward Islam. The Moorish brothers wore fezzes with the crescent and the tassels swinging freely and they wore the name Bey or El.”
The Allah Temple of Islam, precursor of the modern NOI, was more radical than the Moorish Temple of Science. Many of the males still wore the distinctive red fezzes, and dressed themselves in smart suits. Like Drew Ali, Fard charged believers to have their names changed from their “slave names” to Muslim names and were issued with “identification cards” (2ndphilolog.wordpress.com/nation-of-islam/).
The Nation of Islam and MSTA shared similar beliefs and practices. One tradition, men wearing the
maroon fez, was outlawed by Muhammad in 1935 (“THE RISE AND FALL OF ELIJAH MUHAMMAD” by Karl Evanzz, n. 33, p. 528). ELIJAH MUHAMMAD aka SHEIK ROBERT ‘ELIJAH’ POOL[E] BEY IN HIS OWN WORDS… taken from “THE THEOLOGY OF TIME”…
” We have a group of Muslims called Moorish Americans. They wrote Me a letter not so long ago saying that they were coming over to join up with us. They waited so long that I wrote and asked them to come on. THEY WERE WELCOME BECAUSE I HAVE KNOWN THEM FOR A LONG TIME. In Baltimore they stopped Me from coming into a Temple of theirs. In Newark, New Jersey , they rejected Me twice. They were so afraid and jealous of that which Noble Drew Ali gave them that they thought that MY STRONG TEACHINGS OF GOD AND ISLAM may put some of them out of office. One of their Brothers followed Me out there in Newark and said, ” I just wish I were the Sheik , I would let you teach all night because you were telling us things that we never heard. I know it is the Truth, but our Sheik is so narrow about it that he doesn’t want to hear you say anything. But , that is who we want to say something; the One who knows more than we. ” I said , ” That is the way it should be.”
I went on for another year and I happened to be in Hartford , Connecticut , when I ran up on some other Moorish Americans. One Brother took me to his house for dinner. He was a little more common than the other brother and he could reason along with Truth better. After I had dinner with him , he went around and got some of his brothers and had them come to listen to Me talk and teach Islam. He wanted Me back the next night and he said that he was going to have a greater number of people. So I went back. The group that second night asked Me to come down to the Temple and let their Sheik give Me a chance to talk to the Temple. I went there and the Sheik told Me I could have something to say but make it quick. So I did just as he told Me. I stood up and saw all those red fezes so that was My subject , right away. They all were real happy.
One older brother sat there and cried because he was so happy for Me to interpret the meaning of his fez. This was Wednesday and they invited Me to come back Sunday. I promised them that I would, and I did go back. The Sheik had a brother down at the door to tell Me that he has changed his mind. He said he did’t want Me at his meetings because I taught some strange teachings. “SOME OF THAT EGYPTIAN WISDOM” , AND HIS FOLLOWERS WERE NOT ABLE TO TAKE THAT KIND OF TEACHING NOW. So , I went back home. Finally, two brothers came to the place where I was rooming and told Me that the Sheik had changed his mind again and that I was welcome to come into the Temple Of Islam wherever he is teaching , just like anyone else , but I could not say anything. I went , sat down , and listen to him like any other visitor. When I went back to my room , some of his followers came. They had learned where I was rooming and they came to ask Me if I would come and talk to them at a brother’s house. I said , ” yes ” and I did so. The brothers wanted Me to come back the next night also , so I went back to talk with them again. They began to like Me so well that the chief , hearing that they were listening to Me teach at a brother’s house , sent a warning out against the brother. I stayed around there and listened and the brothers came over. They would not accept his warning. I all but got the house of the brother so full that they could not find standing room because they wanted to hear. One or two of the brothers said, ” If we had a Sheik like Him , we would get some place. ” I listened to him and I knew he was right. They were very nice to Me.
ALLAH told Me to go ahead and teach them whatever they would like that I teach them. I must say that I have a lots of experience among different groups of people, not only trying to teach Islam , but other teachings also. I would go around to see what was going on and I learned a lot about our people in those days. THEY DIDN’T KNOW WHO I WAS. I would tell them that My name was this or My name was that. I carried a little notebook around with Me so that when I reached a city , I would remember what I told them My name was.”
Ugan Ali
Ugan Ali – 1st Secretary of ALLAH’s Temple of Islam (later became the Nation of Islam). The fact that Ugan (Eugene) used the last name (surname) Ali would appear that he too was an affiliate or member of the MSTA. When Master Fard Muhammad and his secretary Ugan Ali first visited Elijah at his home in the fall of 1931, according to the Hon. Elijah Muhammad, “(Fard) said that he was Mahadiah (Mahdi) and that he was Allah who everyone expected to come two thousand years after Christ who was crucified at Jerusalem.” Ugan Ali was arrested after Robert Harris (Kareem) human sacrifice of James Josef Smith on November 21, 1932, claimed that he was ordered to do so by the “Gods of Islam,” by which he is believed to have meant Master Fard Muhammad (who wrote about “sacrificing four devils” in his book, “SECRET RITUALS OF THE LOST-FOUND NATION OF ISLAM” and Ugan Ali (Note: The Fez / Tarbush).
Here sits “The Pope,” who came to New York — the Empire State, and sat under the Royal Crest of the Moors Head, while those who are descendants of Moors, debate as to the impacting validity of the honor of THEIR direct ancestors.” Taj Tarik Bey
There is plenty of more pieces of this puzzle that are needed, but one thing for certain all of our major leaders were part of the occult, whether it was Phree Messen Re (Free Masonry), Shrinerism, Rosicrucian, Theosophy, Sufism or etc…our greatest teachers were involved. The Honorable Elijah Muhammad inherited the leadership from Master Fard Muhammad who was, himself, believed to have succeeded Noble Drew Ali. All of these men held Masonic titles, i.e., noble, honorable and master. As masons, they’d taken vows of secrecy and could not reveal the deeper wisdom to the uninitiated. So they spoke in codes. So deep and multilayered were those codes that few, to this day, have a notion of what they were really teaching.
In the late 1920’s, when there were thousands of Moors in the Moorish Science Temple of America, the Holy Prophet told the Moors “The membership is going to dwindle down to a handful, but keep the doors open, and I will drive the Asiatics in.” The Holy Prophet said, “When I drive the Asiatics in, it’s going to take 10 secretaries, just to write the names down.”
Thus, the original (MSTA) Moorish Science Temple of America died with Prophet Noble Drew Ali, the rightful successor Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El allegedly never appointed a successor. His possessions were turned over to his wife Sis. Delia Mealy-El, who attempted to keep the one MSTA left Chicago Temple #1. Edward Mealy-El’s portion later fell because Sis. Delia Mealy-El attempted to put her lover William Morris-El in office, as head of the MSTA Chicago temple #1. Even, Sis. Delia is reported to have said “there is no more MSTA”. All in all, the various factions of the Great Schism are thus disconnected from the original 1928 body (the MSTA-incorporated religious society), and therefore cannot be connected to its head, The Prophet Noble Drew Ali, who is the founder of the MHTS (Moorish Holy Temple of Science), which was later incorporated as the MSTA (Moorish Science Temple of America). This is why the U.S. government allowed Charles Kirkman-Bey to start his own organization called the MSTA Inc. it is not the MSTA or the MHTS, but a copy of them (a religious belief can not be copy written), yet still has many of the same religious laws and tenants. This is the reason that Charles Kirkman-Bey lost in court to Supreme Sheik Edward Mealy-El, as the authentic head of the MSTA, because Charles Kirkman-Bey demonstration (MSTA, Inc.) is not the MSTA, nor is it under “Our Authority” nor the Constitution and By-Laws, nor the Moorish Charter, etc. Therefore, the MSTA, Inc. is a completely separate body all together from the MHTS and its incorporation MSTA. Charles Kirkman-Bey’s group the MSTA, Inc. were still using the MHTS (Moorish Holy Temple of Science) name also in 1934, but later that year or so, began to distant itself from the MHTS civic side (see Prince Ka Saadi El).
Regardless, Charles Kirkman-Bey became the head of what would eventually be the largest group, and which currently claims the name “Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc”. Reportedly the largest faction, as of 1996 MSTA Inc. had over 130 temples. The Reincarnated Temples, led by the Adept John Givens-El, who thereafter called himself “Noble Drew Ali, Reincarnated”. This faction has since reportedly split into seven factions, and as of 1994 were represented over 30 affiliated temples. The third and smallest faction was lead by Bro. Edward Mealy-El, as the Supreme Grand Sheik. This faction is still in existence, but with the fewest adherents out of the three. This group began with a few temples. But throughout the country the Prophet’s temples are reappearing throughout the US and abroad. Their quoted mission is to broadcast the Prophet’s original authority to all 4 corners of the Earth. In addition, are continuing the works of Noble Drew Ali. Temple #1, #7, #16, #21, #23, #24, #25, #33 and other study groups through out America and Abroad and they included in the States of Alabama, Maryland, Washington D.C., Virginia, Louisiana, New York, California, Ohio, Missouri. Illinois, Florida, New Jersey, and Wisconsin etc.
There are several problems with the Supreme Grand Sheik lineage, especially, from those who follow Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El.
According to Supreme Grand Sheik David Bailey-El, Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El’s step-grandson states the lineage as follows:
Bro. E. Mealy-El (Deceased)
Bro. W. Morris-El (Deceased)
Bro. E. Walton-Bey (Deceased)
Bro. W. Harlan-Bey (Deceased)
Bro. O. Lewis-El (Deceased)
Bro. D. Bailey-El (Retired Oct. 1992)
Bro. E. Braswell-Bey (Removed from office on April 10th, 2005 AD. – as per Affidavit #0612218011 filed for record: May 2nd, 2005 AD.)
Bro. D. Bailey-El – Present Supreme Grand Sheik
However, according to Supreme Grand Sheik Emanuel Braswell-Bey, allegedly this is the correct Supreme Grand Sheik lineage…
E Mealy-El was appointed the Supreme Grand Sheik October 17th, 1928 by the Prophet and before E Mealy -El veiled the form, on November 15th, 1934, Brother William Morris-El was appointed Supreme Grand Sheik. Brother William Morris-El was the Supreme Grand Sheik from Nov. 1934 to October 1935. Brother E Walton-Bey was appointed Supreme Grand Sheik from Oct. 1935 to August 1936. Brother W. Harlan-Bey was appointed the Supreme Grand Sheik by the Supreme Grand Council from Aug. 1936 to June 1944. Brother O. Lewis-El was appointed the Supreme Grand Sheik from June 1944 to Nov. 1968. Brother D. Bailey-El was appointed Supreme Grand Sheik from Nov. 1968 to Oct. 1992. Brother P. Davis-El was appointed the Supreme Grand Sheik from Oct. 1992 to Nov. 1997. Brother E. Braswell-Bey was appointed from Nov. 1997 to the present day.
Nevertheless, according to the Supreme Grand Sheik Chief Minister Ra Saadi-Bey of the MSTA – 1928 the proper lineage is as follows:
*Prophet Noble Drew Ali
1st Supreme Grand Sheik Saint E. Mealy-El
2nd Supreme Grand Sheik W. Morris-El
3rd Supreme Grand Sheik P. Davis-El
4th Supreme Grand Sheik (Shaykh) Waleed A. Naeem Bey (Deceased)
5th Supreme Grand Sheik (Shaykh) Ra Saadi El (We recognize the following! Brother R. Jones-Bey – 1934; John Given-El [Reincarnated] Temple – 1934; Bro. E. Braswell-Bey [Original Temple #1 – 1928]; Bro. C. Jackson-Bey – 1975; those formerly under Bro. Barne-El – 1958; Frederick Turner-El – 1934-1974 www.motheriscallingforallmoors.com) (Note: Supreme Grand Sheik (Shaykh) Ra Saadi El’s son Prince Ka Saadi El is also Supreme Grand Sheik of the Moorish Science Temple of America (Allah’s Temple).
Then, we have the position of National Grand Sheik of the MSTA under the leadership of Adept Sheik John Given-El
*Prophet Noble Drew Ali
Adept John Given-El (Moorish Holy Temple of Science later called the Reincarnated Moorish Science Temple of America) (Note: We agree with Supreme Grand Sheik (Shaykh) Ra Saadi El’s statement, “We give much credit to Bro. John Givens El as he kept to the pure teachings of Islam and under his leadership there was many Moorish Business established such as Moorish cafeteria, Moorish schools, Moorish grocery stores, Moorish shoe shops and many other Moorish business his Moorish community was a tight nit group.”
1. Grand Sheik Hommett Anderson-El, the Moderater / Teacher of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science, Inc.
2. & 3. The Dingle-El Brothers (Grand Sheik Richardson Dingle-El continued the Reincarnated Moorish Science Temple of America and even started calling himself the “Reincarnated Prophet” and his brother Grand Sheik Timothy Dingle-El formed the Resurrection Moorish Science Temple of America Inc.).
Richardson Dingle-El
4. Brother J. Plummer-El, National Grand Sheik
5. Grand Sheik Clarence Reynolds-El, former National Grand Sheik now named Rommani M. Amenu-El
a. (Offshoot) Grand Sheik Joel Bratton Bey, The Moorish Science Temple Divine and National Movement, of North America, Inc., No. 13. The Moorish American National Republic.
(Note: *The Present National head of the Reincarnated Moorish Science Temples are Bro. Willie-Bey headquarters 3810 Wabash Ave, Chicago, Illinois and Bro. Ronald-Bey located in Atlanta, Georgia).
Timothy Dingle-El, in his book “THE RESURRECTION: MOORISH SCIENCE
title “Supreme Grand Sheik (for Timothy Dingle-El) is used. Timothy Dingle-El died in 1980 and was succeeded by his wife Louise Dingle-El, as Prophetess” from his group came at least five separate leaderships;
1. Grand Sheikess / Governess Sis. L. Dingle-El, who took charge of Temple 13-A (and 13-B) from the original Temple #13 founded by G. Cook Bey-G.G. From the work of the Dingle El brothers came the splits of the Temple No. 13, and the creation of a fraction headed in Baltimore, MD, called the Noble Order of
Moorish Sufis in Baltimore. Sultan Rafi Sharif Bey on July 7, 1957, this group later lead to the founding of the Moorish Orthodox Church and the Moorish League. The Order of the Resurrection with its Second Heaven Order of four degrees was co-written by Sheik Rafi Sharif Bey and Sheik Timothy Dingle El.
2. Grand Sheik William Rice-Bey
3. Grand Sheik Hayus Sample-Bey, who now calls himself “The Prophet”
4. Grand Sheik Jerome Graham-Bey
5. Grand Sheik Clarance Prather-El
Then of course, you have Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator of the MSTA Inc.
*Prophet Noble Drew Ali – According to Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El, the only Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator is the Prophet, the Supreme Grand Chairman etc…
1st Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator Charles Kirkman-Bey (1929-1959), actually On September 26th, 1930, Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El sent Charles Kirkman-Bey an official Temple letter and to other Temples, that the credentials of those listed were REVOKED; Charles Kirkman-Bey and F.
Nelson-Bey, also several others as mentioned above), by 1934, Charles Kirkman-Bey formed the MSTA Inc. and continue using the title until his death in 1959). (Note: Bro. Kirkman Bey was never made a Sheik or given any official position by Prophet Drew Ali; he however was made an Adept due to him being place within the affairs of the Prophet due to his visit in Cuba).
2nd Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator F. Nelson-Bey (1959-1962)
3rd Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator J. Blakely-Bey (1963-1971)
4th Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator R. Love-El – He became the 4th Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator in 1971, a title later changed to (National) Grand Sheik and Moderator of the Moorish Science Temple of America Inc.
5th (National) Grand Sheik & Moderator Brother R. Jones-Bey,
(Note: Grand Sheik Kudjo El of the Canaanland Moors M.H.T.S. / M.S.T.A. pointed out “We do not follow ‘sovereignty,’” said Brother R. Jones Bey, grand sheik of the Moorish Science Temple. “The prophet never talked about that. Our organization has been misunderstood by people who see the value of our religion but don’t want to conform. They are not members of our organization.”-http://www.rawstory.com/…/sovereign-citizens-express-fears…/. Moreover, the Albions (so-called Europeans) are NOT and can NOT be Sovereigns here due to the fact they are immigrants / aliens. They can ONLY obtain “Titled Sovereigns” and that is by way of the original / aboriginal / indigenous / native people who’s bloodlines and lineages were already here prior to the European invasion and colonization.
Chapter 29 Holy Koran of MSTA prepared by Prophet Noble Drew Ali
1. 0 thou, the favorite of Heaven, whom the sons of men, thy equals, have agreed to raise to SOVEREIGN power and set as a ruler over themselves; consider the ends and importance of their trust, fax more than the dignity and height of thy station).
Therefore, who to believe? We have never seen letters of credentials for the Supreme Grand Sheik position under Supreme Grand Sheik Edward Mealy-El in concession for any of the above alleged lineages and since it is documented that Edward Mealy-El was chosen by Prophet Noble Drew Ali to be the Supreme Grand Sheik, the position next to him, then it would only be right to show the letters of credentals to prove which lineage is the said one true lineage. Common sense, tells us that obviously the leadership of the MSTA Inc. under (National) Grand Sheik & Modertor Brother R. Jones-Bey doesn’t have the proof. The MSTA Inc. do not even used the “Supreme Grand Sheik” title, as well as, neither does the MSTA fraction(s) under John Given-El. They all uses the “Natonal Grand Sheik” title instead. However, upon investigation, we find that the Prophet never appointed a National Grand Sheik. Also, neither John Given-El, nor Charles Kirkman-Bey were ever given the title ‘Sheik’, eventhough, they both were ‘Adepts’ meaning the two went through the Moorish Holy Temple of Science “Adept Chambers” by Prophet Noble Drew Ali. Of course, none of this would make a difference, if it was not for the constant reference to others being “bootleg groups.” We would not have to expose these truths and blatant facts. Therefore, relinquish your egos and lets’ really form a “United Moorish Divine and National Movement!”
Even, so, there are nearly 260 temples between the (3) major groups. This is an excellent work, however, as you see the Moorish National Divine Movement is not immune from fragmentation and many are claiming to be the ‘ONLY’ True Moorish Science Temple of America. The ‘ONLY’ Truth of the matter is that there is ”NO’ one True Moorish Science Temple of America, seemingly, this died with Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali, the Supreme Grand Chairman and Edward Mealey-El, the Supreme Grand Sheik of the M.S.T.A.. Also, there is a serious problem in which that needs to be corrected. In 1934, the late Supreme Grand Advisor and Moderator Charles Kirkman-Bey changed the status of the movement from a religious organization to a non-profit organization, hence, MSTA, Inc. But many other MHTS / MSTA and etc…has followed the same path and have become merely non-profit organizations. The Charter of the Temple “IS” the Mandate. The Charter for the Temples have the words “Charter Warrant & Dispensation” on it. In International law, Charters are seen as Treaties. Through some investigation some Moors did, there is only three organizations that has “Charter Warrant & Dispensation” on their charter. That’s the Vatican, the Masons and the Moorish Science Temple of America. The Vatican copied what Prophet Noble Drew Ali did with setting up the Moorish Science Temple of America. After 1963, no other organization was able to do what the Vatican and the Moorish Science Temple of America did. Any church that want real power have to be under the Vatican umbrella, all Moorish Science Temples are “suppose” to be under the original formula that Prophet Noble Drew Ali put the Temple in, which was the “Hurds-Smith Revised Statute”. The Hurds-Smith Revised Statute is thousands of pages long and shows every single aspect of running a nation and government. ECCLESIASTICAL SOCIETY: “The American system of church-state relations presupposes that there are two realms in civil society, the sacerdotum and the regnum. Each is distinct from and independent of the other. Each is its own center of authority, not one derived from or existing at the sufferance of the other. This division of powers is embodied in the opening phrase of the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and is enforceable by the judiciary to, inter alia, protect churches from government when the latter exceeds its limited powers. Corporation = Corpus = Body = Organism = Organization= Body Politic= Government = Nation The question may arise; how can the Moorish Science Temple of America, which is filed as a “Religious Corporation” be a government? This is a valid question, for there are many who think that a “Religious Corporation” cannot be considered a government. However, a nation or government is in fact an organization of powers and authority the same as the word “organism” (body) is an organization of cells and organs. Organization (organism) is the same as body. Thus you also have the word “corporation” from the word “corpus” meaning body. This is also why you have the phrase “body politic” when referring to a nation or a government. “Religious Corporation” simply means a “Divine Government”, or a Divine organization of powers and authority (Divine Organization, Divine Organism / Body). (see “BLACK’S LAW DICTIONARY” and “WEBSTER’S DICTIONARY”). The Moorish Science Temples that are 501c3 “CAN NOT” “activate” the Mandate, which “IS” the Temple Charter because they are under the “jurisdiction” of the de facto Federal government, the I.R.S., the said Crown and the Vatican with “privileges” (http://www.irs.gov/charities/charitable/article/0,,id=96099,00.html). Temples that “are under” the Hurds-Smith Revised Statute “CAN” do real nation building, make political moves, and set up “processes” to help re-educate the lost de-nationalized people about law, history, their divine creed, birth rights / divine rights (quote, Moorish Brooklyn Intelligence).
The Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali also said, “This is no social organization, it is a divine and national movement.”
But, yet this is exactly what many said Grand Sheiks has turned this into, especially those that fall under the 501c3 status. Once again, the Moorish Science Temples that are 501c3 “CAN NOT” “activate” the Mandate, which “IS” the Temple Charter under the Hurds-Smith Revised Statutes, because they are under the “jurisdiction” of the de facto Federal government, the I.R.S., the Crown and the Vatican with
“privileges” (http://www.irs.gov/charities/charitable/article/0,,id=96099,00.html). U.S.A. is a RELIGIOUS CORPORATION managed by Queen Elizabeth and UNDER CONTROL OF THE VATICAN. Therefore, ALL said MOORS contracting with the U.S. / U.S.A. are Chattel Property of the Vatican. Go to the www.manta.com website, owned by Dunn & Bradstreet. If you research the private corporation called ‘the UNITED STATES Government’, you will find that the ‘OWNER’ is listed as being ‘Archbishop Deric J. McLeod, of The Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, of Washington, D.C. Since Archbishops of the Vatican are sworn to poverty, then, the Archbishop can only be the named agent for the secular (so-called) Roman Empire, situate in the city/state called the Vatican. According to “ELEMENTS OF ECCLESIASTIAL LAW” 20: The Pope can abolish any law in the United States. Why, because, it is a Religious Corporation, a said Christian Society (see dvd / video “HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE vs. ROMAN EMPIRE” by True Master. He states that were two said Empires, one the said “Black Noblity” of the “HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE [COPTIC MOORS]” and the other, the said Roman Empire [NOT really an Empire, but a Republic or nation state] and when the said Roman Empire got out of line, the OTTOMAN EMPIRE of Sovereign Moors came in to nearly shut it down). Furthermore, here is partial list of various MSTAs and etc…being under the control of the Vatican (see Nanya Akh Heru El).
There it is either out of ignorance or conspiracy? This is the prime example of Prophet Noble Drew Ali’s statement “If you are not careful, your own brothers will try to put you in slavery.”
We, of the Moorish (Holy) Temple of Science (of the World) (civic organization) have adopted as its corporate name the Moorish Science Temple of America (foreign corporation / religious organization) under the religious charter. The Prophet put our movement under the protection of the First Amendment of the organic Constitution for the united States ‘Republic’ of (North) America. Under this protection no one could challenge what he taught to his followers. The (MHTS) Moorish Holy Temple of Science (civic organization) / (MSTA) Moorish Science of America (religious organization) called the (MNDM) Moorish National Divine Movement of North America (Moorish National and Divine Movement / Moorish Divine and National Movement) is a NOT for Profit, Theocratic Constitutional Monarchy, a separate body-politic, a lawful incorporate political unit (nation or organized state or society by nature) having such a form of (De Jure) Government it is to the (MNDM) Moorish National and Divine Movement that we pledge our Allegiance while obeying the laws, Articles of Association (1774), Declaration of Independence (1776), Articles of Confederation (1781), Barbary Treaties (1786-1816), Treaty of Peace and Friendship between Morocco and united States, Constitution for united States ‘Republic’ of (North) America (1787-1791), Treaty of Camp Holmes (1835) and etc…
Our Divine and national Movement stands for the specific grand principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justcie, and I, The Prophet, am applying to all loyal, faithful Moors, members, and the American citizens to help me in my great uplifting acts of uplifting fallen humanity among the Asiatic race and nation. for I have suffered and severely in the past through misunderstandings of what the movement was dedicated to.
It is the Great God Allah, alone that guides the destiny of this Divine and National Movement. I know all true American citizens are identified by national descent names to answer and apply to the free national constitution of this free National Republic of the United States of America. That’s why I am calling on all true national citizens to help me morally and financially in my great work I am looking to help this national divine title of the government in which we live. For without a free national name, with a descent flag of your forefathers, there is not a national divine title of the government in which we live. This is from your true and Divine Prophet unto all American and foreign sympathizers.
PROPHET NOBLE DREW ALI, The Moorish Guide Feb-15-1929
I am hereby calling on all true citizens that stand for a National Free Government, and the enforcement of the constitution to help me in my great mis-sionarv work because I need all support from all true American citizens of the United States of America. Help me to save my people who have fallen from the constitutional laws of the government. I am depending on your support to get them back to the constitutional fold again that they will learn to love instead of hate, and will live according to Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom, and Justice, supporting our free national constitution of the United States of America.
I love my people and I desire their unity and mind back to their own free National and Divine standard because day by day they have been violating the national and constitutional laws of their government by claiming names and principles that are unconstitutional. It Italians. Greeks. English. Chinese. Japanese, Turks, and Arabians are forced to proclaim their free national name and religion before the constitutional government of the United States of America, it is no more than right that the law should be enforced upon all other American citizens alike. In all other government when man is born and raised there and asked for his national descent name and if he fails to give it. he is misused, imprisoned, or exiled. Any group of people that fail to answer up to the constitutional standards of law by name and principles, because to be a citizen of any government you must claim your national descent name. Because they place their trust upon issue and name formed by their forefathers.”
We, of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World are the Moors that Holy Prophet Noble Drew Ali spoke of… “There are going to be new Moors that are going to come in with their eyes wide open, seeing and knowing, that are going to take you old Moors, seat you in the back, and carry out my law.”
Prophet Noble Drew Ali Declared “Nationality Is Free, Not Only Here But All Over The World”… “If You Don’t Do Anything Else…Declare Your Nationality!”
Therefore, we offer civic and religious instructions on nationality, birthright and divine creed etc…Prophet Noble Drew Ali taught “all members must proclaim their nationality and their Divine Creed that they may know that they are a part and a parcel (The original Divine Constitution of the Moorish Holy Temple of Science” states the legal term: “Part and Parcel” … The altered “Divine Constitution of the Moorish Science Temple of America” reads: “Part and Partial”) of this said government, and know that they are not Negroes, Colored Folks, Black People or Ethiopians, because these names were given to slaves by slave holders in 1779 and lasted until 1865 during the time of slavery, but this is a new era of time now, and all men now must proclaim their free national name to be recognized by the government in which they live and the nations of the Earth. The Moorish Americans are the descendants of the ancient Moabites whom inhabited the Northern Western and South Western shores of Africa.” For further information about Temple membership (Adept Chamber 3rd Heaven), nationality cards, and dues (donations, contributions) call the Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World, Temple #2 Grand Sheik Asaru: Alim El-Bey @910-364-9099 (G) & 252-767-5213 (C).
Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World
MHTS Public Record Affidavits / Notices – $100.00 We make PUBLIC DECLARATION of our Moorish / Moroccan Nationality and Birthrights. In other words, the forms are NOT just kept in the Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World filing system. The appropiate affidavits and / or notices recorded at the Register of Deeds or Civil Filing Section of the Clerk of Superior Court and / or placed in the MOORISH GUIDE POST etc… and if needs to be notices are sent to the ‘color’ authorities. It is part of the lawful Moorish Nationalization Bureau (not Naturalization, because you are a Natural Person or Being = Indigenous, based on Natural Law and Universal Principles).
MHTS Nationality Card – $35.00 “Prophet Noble Drew Ali said “Your Nationality Card is going to change on you in your pocket.” The Nationality Card is made of hard stock plastic with lamination and with security features. Your weight, height, hair color, eye color, location (address), and date of birth.
Nationality Defined; And Its Legal Status Implications Nationality is that quality which arises from the fact of a person’s belonging to a nation or state. Nationality determines the political status of the individual, especially with reference to allegiance; while domicile determines one’s civil status. Nationality arises either by birth or by naturalization. Prophet Noble Drew Ali introduced `Nationalization’ (NOT ‘Naturalization’ for you are already a “Natural Person” [Indigenous]) with “Natural Rights” which are those inherent rights that cannot be granted or given as privileges from a government) to the Moors of North America and instructed (the Moors) to go by, and obey, the laws of the federal, state, and county governments. This statement must be qualified by those who know law – due to the fact that many, among the masses, are lacking important details of civil – liberties knowledge and of their inalienable birthrights. During that time period within the Moorish Movement (1920s) when the Prophet made that statement, the individual states of the United States of America, were Sovereign. Local and state Governments, by the Constitution law, and operated according to the states’ constitutions. No state constitution was at variance to the National Constitution. The state and the federal, both, were to function (with written, delegated power limitations) according to the National Constitution for the United States Republic. See Article VI of the Constitution. And this is the `Supreme Law of the Land’. Counter to the Supreme Law of the Land, the form of governance for the United States Republic was, `under color of law’, changed. This came about, progressively, after some deviant political acts took place. One of the deviant and negating political acts has come to being historically called, the `New Deal’. These acts took place under the administration of the Franklin D. Roosevelt in the year 1933. This date (1933) calculates three (3) years and eight (8) months after the Prophet Noble Drew Ali veiled his form.
MHTS Tax-Exempt Card – $50.00 Prophet Noble Drew Ali warned us that “We Are Going To Be Taxed To Death!” The Moorish Holy Temple of Science of the World Tax-Exempt card gives a (natural) person the ability to be tax-exempted from corporations, such as, Wal-Mart, Lowes, Home Depot and etc…Today, the average hard working American has become so accustomed to paying “Taxes” until they coined the phrase “The only things certain in life is death and taxes.” Following list of today’s Local, State and Federal Taxes … remember, none of these taxes existed 100 years ago: Accounts Receivable Tax, Building Permit Tax, CDL License Tax, Cigarette Tax, Corporate Income Tax, Federal Income Tax, Federal Unemployment Tax, Fishing License Tax, Food License Tax, Fuel Tax, Gasoline Tax (42 cents per gallon), Hunting License Tax, Inheritance Tax, Inventory Tax, Liquor Tax, Marriage License Tax, Medicare Tax, Property Tax, Real Estate Tax, Service Charge Taxes, Social Security Tax, Road Usage Taxes, Sales Tax, Recreational Vehicle Tax, School Tax, State Income Tax, Telephone Federal Excise Tax, Telephone State and Local Tax, Telephone Usage Charge Tax, Utility Taxes, Vehicle License Registration, Tax Vehicle Sales Tax, Well Permit Tax, Workers Compensation Tax, and etc… (Unofficially) since 1871 THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA (USA) HAS BEEN CORPORATION but by 1933 it became official (New Deal). So, under “color of law” taxes are the European corporate (Business) investment designed for her Western European Settlers to pay homage to the said Crown. According to the Constitution for the united States of America Article 1, Section 2, states, Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons.
The 3/5 Compromise was reached, stating so-called negroes were counted as 3/5 of a person when taking census to determine representation in the 18-19th Century alledgely, until the 13, 14, and 15th amendments extended suffrage, granting so-called negroes ‘alleged’ full citizenship (although discrimination in other forms occurred) and now every 30 years we change our names…in the early 1900’s we were called negroes, by the 1930’s we were called coloreds by the 1960’s we were called blacks and by the 1990’s we were called African-Americans…all “color of law” labels. The dreaded Dred Scott Supreme Court Decision sustained the original “3/5 Clause” as a perpetual fact of law. This is why the 14th Amendment is an Ex post facto Law to the 13th; a hoax and a sham that, under color of law, suddenly transforms negro said slaves into U.S. citizens. This violation of suppressing their nationality and divine creed is only equaled by the process of “denationalization” in the 14th and 15th Amendment. These two ex post facto Amendments were keeping the Moorish buried in a shallow grave of the United States with such an iron hand until the Holy Prophet instructed the Moors to go through them to regain their national and religious status. He said “So, there isn’t but one supreme issue for my people to use to redeem that which was lost, and that is to prove there is no need for the application of the 14th and 15th Amendments for the salvation of our people and citizens.” The violations of ACT-5 via various MSTAs Officials work hand in hand with the oppressive denationalization activities of the 14th and 15th Amendments. Denationalization ranks high on the list of international crimes; with ‘Genocide’, and ‘Treason’. Preventing the Moorish from proclaiming themselves as a Nation of People, by any means, is also to overthrow their Divine Constitutional Right to autonomy. Every Human Being has an unalienable and divine right to have a nationality. Prophet Noble Drew Ali said “You are what your ancient forefathers and foremothers were…Cushite (Moabite / Moorish)!”
Posted By: ArthurD
Date: 28, February 08, at 7:49 p.m.
MOORS [Blacks] being the original race once occupied virtually every corner of the globe. Britain was no exception. The Grimaldi African man is known to have occupied Europe in ancient times. Moors have been living in Britain from prehistoric times to the present era.
Irish tradition tells of a giant-like race of Africans headed by a king with a retinue of priests called Fomorians. They were depicted as gloomy sea giants who brought their skills from Africa via Spain. The original Celtic priesthood were Blacks. The White Druids had nothing to do with the construction of Stonehenge since it predated their emergence by several centuries.
The Roman historian, Tacitus, mentioned “the dark complexion and unusually curly hair” of the Silures, or Black Celts who he believed migrated there from Spain. When Julius Caesar invaded Britain he met these Blacks. Julius Caesar’s army was itself composed of prominent Blacks. In fact Blacks have served as Roman emperors on a number of occasions.
The Scots are themselves of Black origin. Ireland was once known as Scotia Magna and Scotland was called Caledonia until about the third century A.D. when a tribe invaded Caledonia and the name was changed to Scotia. The Irish are said to have derived the name Scotia from the daughter of an Egyptian Pharaoh named Scota.
The construction of Stonehenge has been attributed to giants who sailed from Africa bringing their skills with them. The presence of giants may not necessarily be a figment of the imagination. Giants have been mentioned in the Bible. There was a Black Canaanite race called Anakim. When the Black Hebrews first saw them they realized how small they were themselves: “And there we saw the giants, the sons of Anak, which come of the giants: and we were in our own sight as grasshoppers, and so we were in their sight.” (Numbers 13:33).
Anak was a Black giant, a descendant of Canaan, the youngest son of Ham. Ham is widely believed to be the ancestor of the Black race. There are other Black giants mentioned in the Bible. These are the Enim and Zamzummin, from which group Goliath and his brother emerged.
The Formorians are believed to be Carthaginian pirates and/or traders. Carthage was a Phoenician colony. Attempts have been made to classify them as Semites. They belonged to the Black race. Phoenicia or Canaan was a Black civilization before the migration of Indo-Europeans. After the dispersal from the Tower of Babel, Canaan, Ham’s youngest son, moved to Palestine which was then uninhabited. They called the land Canaan. The Canaanites were a very gifted people who built great cities such as Jericho. Canaan’s first son, Sidon, became the father of the Sidonians or Phoenicians. When the Black Hebrews invaded their land most of the Canaanites fled Palestine to Africa.
Because of their seafaring prowess the Black Egyptians entrusted them with the responsibility of providing them with their materials. They sailed to Cyprus for copper, the Iberian Peninsula for silver, to the Americas before the birth of Columbus and as far as Britain for tin.
C.A. Diop in his work, The African Origin of Civilization made reference to the megaliths. He said, “These are found only in lands inhabited by Negroes or Negroids, or in places that they have frequented, the area that Speiser calls “the great megalithic civilization,” which extends from Africa to India, Australia, South America, Spain and Brittany. It is known that the menhirs and dolmens of Brittany date back to an epoch of an agricultural and copper civilization.
Moreover, Spain and Brittany were stopovers for the Phoenicians, a Negroid group, en route to pick up tin from the British mines. That megalithic civilization in Brittany belongs to the second millennium, the period when the Phoenicians frequented those regions. This combination of facts should leave no doubt on the
southern and Negro origin of the megaliths in Brittany.”
The Phoenicians were also commissioned by the Egyptian King Necho II (Nekau II) to sail around Africa. This was 2100 years before Vasco da Gama attempted a similar feat when in 1497 and 1499 he sailed from Portugal to India and back again around the Cape of Good Hope.
According to Herodotus, “. . .the Egyptian King Neco. . . sent out a fleet manned by a Phoenician crew with orders to sail round and return to Egypt and the Mediterranean by the pillars of Heracles. The Phoenicians sailed from the Red Sea into the southern ocean… and after two full years rounded the Pillars of Heracles in the course of the third, and returned to Egypt.”
The Basques in Spain are considered to be a branch of the colony founded there by Black Africans. Their language is totally different from any in Spain and for that matter in Europe. Blacks are also mentioned in Welsh folk.-tales, such as in the story of Peredur in The Mabinogion. They are sometimes referred to in unflattering terms, as ugly, giants, misshapen and oppressors.
The original knights of Europe including the Knights of King Arthur’s round table were Blacks. There was an African, Gormund who ruled Ireland at the time of the Anglo-Saxons. There were also Blacks among the Vikings. The first King to unite Norway was Black. He was known as Halfdan the Black.
He was not called Black simply because of the color of his hair but because he was dark-skinned. The Roman Emperor Septimius Severus who led a conquest of Britain was a full-blooded African, born in North Africa.
One of the Black Vikings was known as Thorhall, living at the time of Eric the Red. He was among the crew that took the Vikings to the shores of North America before the birth of Columbus. He has been described as “a large man, and strong, black and like a giant, silent and foul-mouthed in his speech, and always egged on Eric to the worst, he was a bad Christian.”
The Black Britons were sometimes referred to as “shameless Irish robbers,” and the word “Scot” came to be synonymous with “vagabond.” On the origin of the word “Blackmail,” David MacRitchie tells us that, “the expression applied by the inhabitants of Wales to the tribute exacted from their prince, Meredith, by the Danish pirates [Black Danes] of the year 987 A.D., virtually signified “black-mail.” And, moreover, “the tribute of the blacke armie” precisely phrases the tax paid by Theodosius to Rugilas, King of the Huns, five centuries before. It was black-mail. That is the origin of the term. Dane-gelt was black-mail, equally with the tribute paid to the black Huns by the Romans.”
However, Whites did not consider Blacks in Early Europe as being all evil and dangerous. David MacRitchie cites a writer in Ancient and Modern Britons, who claimed that, “in so far as I have been able to observe, the black race is superior to the fair in stature and strength…in respect to intellect, they are acute, accurate observers of natural phenomena, quick of apprehension and fluent in
speech. In their moral character they are at least much superior to the population of most of the lowland parishes.”
The Scottish historian David MacRitchie, further tells us that Alpin, the father of Kenneth MacAlpine (Mac means son of) was half Scottish Black and half Pictish Black. Kenneth (the son) was the first to unite the two primary branches of Blacks in Scotland.
In the African Origin of Civilization by Cheikh Anta Diop, we are told that “The King of Ghana was called Maga,” and that the word could have originated as far back as the Third Century B.C. like the Sarakole language. In the second volume of Ancient and Modern Britons, were are presented with “Maga Dubh,” which in the Scottish language of the time meant “Black King.”
Two British writers, Gerald Massey and Godfrey Higgins believe that Blacks built Stonehenge. Gerald Massey (In Volume I of his work, A Book of the Beginnings claims that Stonehenge was built by a Black architect known s Morien. He says, “Now, as a Negro is still known as a MORIEN in English, may not this indicate that MORIEN belonged to the black race, the Kushite builders?”
Godfrey Higgins says in the first Volume of Anacalypsis, “In my Essay on The Celtic Druids, I have shewn, that a great nation called the Celtae, of whom the Druids were the priests, spread themselves almost over the whole earth, and are to be traced in their rude gigantic monuments from India to the extremity of Britain. Who these can have been but the early individuals of the black nation of whom
we have been treating I know not, and in this opinion I am not singular. The learned Maurice says, “Cushites, i.e. Celts, built the great temples in India and Britain, and excavated the caves of the former.” And the learned Mathematician, Ruben Burrow, has no hesitation in pronouncing Stonehenge to be a temple of the black, curly-headed Buddha.”
The Nation of Islam
By Carlton & John January
World Religions 110-DO1
Understanding the NOI’s Beliefs
- “The movements’ doctrine cannot be truly understood without studying the sociological and cultural soil from which the NOI grew.” ~ The Nation of Islam: Understanding the Black Muslims by Steven Tsoukalas
- Also, the NOI’s basic beliefs cannot be understood without mention of slavery among certain black people or without a study of a few black leaders who promoted “black nationalism” and those that preceded the rise of the NOI.
Black Nationalism
- Black Nationalism: Consciousness of who blacks are as a people; knowledge of their true origin (knowledge of self); a sense of their ultimate purpose or destiny; in some cases a desire to set up an independent state in Africa for the emigration of African Americans, with an independent economy, commerce, and political power.
- Black Nationalist Credo: “Red for the blood of the race, black for the color of the race, and green for an independent homeland.”
Black Nationalist Credo: “Red for the blood of the race, black for the color of the race, and green for an independent homeland.”
- The 19th century’s cultural, political, and religious soil produced two early 20th century black nationalist activists – Marcus Garvey and Noble Drew Ali, who in turn influenced the social and religious belief system of the NOI.
- Marcus Garvey’s Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) and the Moorish Science Temple of Noble Drew Ali were, in essence, the political and religious forerunners of the NOI. Some scholars believe that Garvey’s movement emphasized more the political and social, while Ali’s group was largely religious and esoteric.
Marcus Garvey – “The Black Moses”(1887-1940)
- Marcus Garvey, who was born on August 17th, 1887 in St. Ann’s Bay, Jamaica, is most known as the man who had fashioned “the largest mass movement in the history of the African American.” In 1914, he founded the United Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) to help bring millions of lower-class African Americans to a sense of racial pride and self containment both commercially and educationally.
- Though Garvey did not possess a theology that identified with his movement, his goal was to ally himself with theologians of different faiths who shared his view that anything “white” was no good for blacks. He joined and practiced Prince Hall Freemasonry (masonry for blacks) which played an important role in molding his organization of the UNIA.
- Garvey’s vision was to move African Americans back to their homeland of Africa in a fifty-year time span. He firmly believed in “One God! One aim! One destiny!” and that all Africans were the true heirs of the ancient Egyptian civilization.
- Of all the black leaders, Marcus Garvey would be the most influential upon leaders of the NOI. His independent commerce and industry, his desire for a separate state, his ideology that saw white Europeans as an inferior race, and his support of a black God were all to become trademarks of the NOI.
Noble Drew Ali – “The Prophet” (1886-1929)
- Timothy Drew was born on January 8th, 1886 in Clinton, Sampson County, North Carolina. Accounts of Drew’s ancestry describe him being the adopted son of a tribe of Cherokee Native Americans.
- In 1902, during his early teenage years, he became a merchant sea mariner and traveled to Egypt where he became known as “The Prophet”. He also traveled to Saudi Arabia and Morocco to “study mystical Islam among the great Imams of North Africa.” Tradition has it that on a visit to North Africa, Timothy Drew “received a mission from the King of Morocco to teach Islam to the Negroes in the United States.”
- In 1913, the Moorish Science Temple of America was established after Ali moved to Newark, New Jersey. In the late 1920’s, it was estimated to have over 35,000 members with 17 temples in cities across the Midwest and upper South. Considering numbers alone, the Moorish Science Temple was not as influential as the Garveyite movement.
- Early on, Ali was obsessed with the esoteric philosophies of the East. He was initiated into Freemasonry, ascending past the 33rd Degree to become an honorary member of the Shriners and the Rosicrucians.
- According to Ali, Morocco was the place of origin for all blacks, who he called Asiatics, and that all white people were of European decent. He taught that blacks were, in reality, the Moors – a tribe of Africans (Moabites) that inhabited the north and south western shores of Africa. In the 8th century C.E., they conquered Spain and brought with them the religion of Islam to the West. He taught that the Moors were tasked with being the “custodians of African culture and the ancient Egyptian mysteries”.
- Noble Drew Ali’s institution of a Moorish heritage for blacks, separation in the context of religion, and the ultimate destruction of the oppressors were all answers to the fundamental problem facing black people in his time. Through his movement, he went on to give thousands of African Americans identity, social and religious adhesion, and hope for the future. He is known by the Moorish Science Temple and latter-day members of the NOI simply as “The Prophet” of Allah.
Moorish Science Temple Of America: Beliefs & Practices that influenced the NOI
- The Moorish Science Temple did not teach classical Islam, but instead mixes the Islamic expressions of Ismailiyya, Ahmadiyya, and Sufism with Freemasonic symbolism, the Gnosticism of Eliphas Levi, the curriculum of the ancient Egyptian mystery system, Buddhism, Taoism, Rosicrucianism, and black nationalism.
- Members of the Moorish Science Temple believed that Noble Drew Ali was the 3rd reincarnation of Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, who was a reincarnation of Jesus. They also believed that Marcus Garvey was a forerunner to “plant the seed in the people and prepare them to be received by Noble Drew Ali.”
- They call themselves Moors (of “Moorish Nobility”) and reject labels they conside derogatory, such as “Black”, “colored”, and “Negro”.
- For Ali and his followers, the white man is the Devil (one cannot read material from the NOI for long and not find this teaching).
- Interracial marriages are forbidden.
- Women are separated from men during worship services and prayed 3 times a day while facing Mecca.
- Newly initiated members are given I.D. cards with new names (one of the 99 names of Allah), usually a suffix attached to their surnames like “Ali, El, Karriem, Abdul, Shabazz, Muhammad or Bey” (The same thing is done today in the NOI).
- The Grand Sheikh or Governor of the temple wore a black fez on their heads symbolizing that they were of the highest rank. Males also wore the fez (color variations indicated other meanings and social order positions). Females would wear turbans with clothing that covered up their bodies.
- Members must abide by a strict moral code and dietary sanctions (infidelity, slothfulness, alcohol, meat, and eggs are taboo).
- Sacred Text: The Holy Koran of the Moorish Science Temple of America (not to be confused with the orthodox Islamic Qur’an), also known as “Circle 7 Koran” because of its cover design. Made in 1927, the Koran is a work of more than 60 pages containing the core teachings of Noble Drew Ali. It’s philosophy is much akin to gnostic, esoteric thought.
Wallace D. Fard – “The Stranger of the East”(1877-1934)
- Wallace D. Fard (pronounced “Farrad”) is the founder of the Nation of Islam. Very little is actually known about his life; there are many theories and speculations. According to the NOI, he was born February 26th, 1877. Because he born half-black and white, his followers believed that he had “mastered the two opposing natures found in people”.
- Fard arrived in Detroit, Michigan on July 4th, 1930 with a mysterious background and used several different aliases. He set up the first Temple in Detroit where it is said he had as many as 8,000 followers between 1930-34. He disappeared in 1934 under unknown circumstances.
- During his first appearance in 1910, before coming to Detroit, he most likely came under the influence of Marcus Garvey and was in direct contact with Noble Drew Ali (Fard claimed to be a reincarnation of Ali). To some, he was a charlatan who capitalized on the absence of Garvey and Ali. To others, he was a messenger sent by Allah to continue the work of these two men (The NOI held the latter view).
- Fard said that he was a descendant from the Quaryish tribe in the holy city of Mecca and that he came among the blacks of Detroit as a messenger of Allah to set his people on the road to freedom, and newfound identity.
- Contrary to popular belief, not all blacks were supportive of Fard’s NOI. Black leaders from other organizations saw Fard as a cult leader who was dangerous to the well-being of society. They encouraged the Detroit police to keep pressure on him and his movement.
- Whatever may be said of W. D. Fard, one thing is for certain – he started a massive black nationalist movement from the humble beginnings of a silk peddler and became a Christ figure of the black community in the span of a few years. To the post-Fardian NOI, he is Master Fard Muhammad, “Allah in person, God in the flesh”.
Teachings of W. D. Fard
- Marcus Garvey and Noble Drew Ali had a profound impact upon Fard’s Nation of Islam. He incorporated their biblical prophecies, various books on Freemasonic symbolism, mystical Islam, the Jehovah’s witness writings of Judge Joseph Rutherford, and Christian Baptist fundamentalism through the preacher Frank Norris into his theological framework.
- His message was characterized by his ability to utilize to the fullest measure the environment of his followers. Their physical and socio-economic difficulties alike were used to illustrate a new teaching that, in their opinion, came directly from the divine.
- Fard taught that blacks are “actually a lost Asiatic tribe, wandering in the wilderness (hells) of North America”. To him, they are the original people of the Earth and are ontologically superior to the white European “devils” who he thought to be “an inferior race that had been grafted from the black man and lost their original color”. He believed the original homeland of black people was Mecca and taught that Arabic was their native language with Islam as their true religion.
- Fard’s controversial remarks about white people are grounded not only in the influence of Noble Drew Ali and Marcus Garvey. There is an interesting “history” of the white race in the doctrinal annals of W. D. Fard that is the central concept of the NOI – the creation of the white race by the evil scientist Yakub.
Yakub: Creation of the White Race
- The story of Yakub is the central myth of the NOI. It explains the origin of the white race and offers the reason for its “hateful and domineering nature”. It also provides the theological ground for the NOI to state that Allah will one day destroy the whites in the battle of Armageddon.
- W. D. Fard taught Elijah Muhammad that the history of the gods and the black race goes back about 76 trillion years. Throughout this history there were experiments performed by rebellious gods and other personages. 66 trillion years ago, one of the gods attempted to destroy the Earth with a mighty explosion. The experiment failed but did crack off a huge chunk, which became the moon. During this time, taught Fard, the Asiatic black nation (called the Tribe of Shabazz) discovered the rich valley of the Nile River and settled there.
- According to Master Fard Muhammad, Yakub was born 6,600 years ago 20 miles outside of Mecca. Later on in his life, he became an evil scientist, who, in rebellion against his people, started a series of genetic experiments to “create a new man from the original man”.
- According to the story of Yakub, the first white man appeared only about 6,000 year ago on the island of Patmos in the Aegean Sea after a 600 year breeding and birth-control process called “grafting”. Supposedly, all black people have another nature along with their divine nature. This “lower nature” is in opposition to the divine nature and was grafted out from the original man (the black race) to produce the white race.
The Honorable Elijah Muhammad – ‘’The Messenger”(1897-1975)
- Elijah Poole was born October 7th, 1897, in Sandersville, GA as one of 13 siblings. Since both his parents were sharecroppers, he grew up during the oppression of blacks by whites. His formal education was minimal, only learning “the bare rudiments of reading, writing, and arithmetic before he had to go to the fields to help his family earn a living”.
- Since his father was a Baptist Minister, he grew up as “the preacher’s son” and received special treatment from people in the churches where his father preached. Elijah came to love the Bible through his father’s sermons and studied the Bible frequently, often to the point of despair for not being able to understand it as he would have liked.
- Occasionally, he and his father engaged in theological debates when Elijah discovered “flaws in logic and biblical errors”. He believed something was missing, from his father’s preaching, some hidden truth that had not been made clear.
- As a youth, Elijah exhibited a “tell it like it is” mentality when it came to Christianity. Theological disagreements with his father resulted in him not wanting to become a member of the church unless he fully understood the church’s doctrine.
- During this time Elijah grew up quickly, unfortunately being exposed to the evils of white society and its violent treatment of blacks, which played an important role in his view of Christianity and American society. These traumatic experiences produced psychological wounds on Elijah and did much to validate what his teacher, W. D. Fard, would later instill in him.
- After moving to Detroit, Michigan with his family in 1923, Elijah joined Garvey’s UNIA where he had found identity, purpose, and an avenue through which he could interpret his experiences in Georgia and Detroit. Sometime in 1924, He was initiated into the Prince Hall Masonic Lodge (many of the early converts to Fard’s NOI were either Black Masons or Moors).
- Elijah Muhammad is to all NOI members a human success story. He went from poor beginnings in Georgia to leading a mass movement in Chicago, Illinois. He would lead this movement until his death in 1975. Slavery, white racist violence, and an inherent desire to seek for truth brought him from Sandersville, GA, into the Lost-Found NOI of Master Fard Muhammad, who he recognized as Allah in person.
- Given the mysterious appearance and disappearance of W. D. Fard along with his relatively short time of leadership, the name of Elijah Muhammad has, in the eyes of many outside the movement, become synonymous with the NOI. His 40-year long ministry as head of the organization and his forthright style of oratory combined to make him a staple of the movement and popular in the media, which considered him to be “the most powerful black man in America”.
Teachings of Elijah Muhammad
- Elijah’s experiences as a child at the hands of white racism, his economic and emotional suffering as a young man trying to support his family, his distaste for Christianity, and his meeting W. D. Fard, all contributed to his interpretation of the world around him.
- Most of his teachings were drawn from the doctrinal well of Noble Drew Ali (sometimes with variations) and his teacher, W. D. Fard. Elijah did not believe in the Allah of the Qur’an and traditional Islam. Additionally, he wasted no time in attacking Christianity. Elijah taught that Christianity is the white man’s religion and that it only served the white man’s oppression of “so-called Negroes”; justifying their brutality and violence of Allah’s people.
- His temple speeches and books are filled with mockery of basic Christian doctrinal teachings, replacing Jesus with Fard, prophecies of his return, the destruction of the white race by the Mother Plane at the end of days, and the ressurrection of the “mentally dead” Asiatic black nation by Allah. Ultimately his teachings are neither Christianity nor traditional Islam.
Malcolm X – “El Hajj Malik El Shabazz”(1925-1965)
- Malcolm Little was born May 19th, 1925 in Omaha, Nebraska. His childhood was filled with misery as he and his 8 siblings suffered from abuse by their parents. At the age of 6, his father died in a streetcar accident. Four of his six brothers died violent deaths, three at the hands of white men. Malcolm’s childhood experiences played a profound part in shaping his ideology and preparing him for conversion to Elijah Muhammad’s Lost-Found NOI.
- Troubled by his experiences as a youth, he moved from foster home to foster home, finally ending up in Boston, Massachusetts, in 1941 where he became involved in underworld crime (he was known on the streets as “Big Red”). In 1946, he was sentenced to 6-10 years in prison.
- It was in prison in 1947-48 that he had come into contact with the teachings of the Honorable Elijah Muhammad, studied widely in philosophy, Christian/Islamic theology, world religions, and Jehovah’s Witnesses’ literature.
- While lying in bed in his cell on night, Malcolm had a vision of a spiritual presence. Someone, he claims, was sitting beside him in his cell. This man had on a dark suit and was “Asiatic” in appearance. Malcolm was convinced that it was the spirit of the deceased Master Fard Muhammad that appeared to him.
- For the next 3-4 years, Malcolm was instrumental in converting fellow inmates to Fard’s teachings. He utilized prison-sanctioned debate competitions to hone his skills toward one day becoming the premier spokesperson and apologist for the NOI.
- In August 1952, Malcolm received parole and traveled to Chicago to hear Elijah Muhammad preach. He changed his name to Malcolm X (the “X” meant he no long identified with his slave name). Two years later, he became the minister of Temple #12 in Philadelphia and Temple #7 in New York.
- On June 5, 1959, Malcolm embarked on a Middle Eastern tour of the Muslim world. Evidencing his importance and rise to power within the NOI, he was treated as a dignitary while in Egypt.
- Malcolm moved to Saudi Arabia where he was rudely awakened by the first seeds of contradiction as he witnessed the legal enslavement of Africans by Saudis.
- The combination of putting up with contradictions between traditional Islam and the NOI, fighting the turmoil caused by Elijah Muhammad’s “infidelity”, his unsuccessful plea for reinstatement after he was suspended from his position in the NOI in 1963, and reports of threats on his life and family by members of the NOI left Malcolm with no choice but to leave the organization.
- After his departure, he formed two groups in response: The Muslim Mosque, Inc., and the Organization of Afro-American Unity (OAAU).
- On April 13, 1964, Malcolm set out to make the Hajj (sacred pilgrimage to Mecca). Not long after this, his name was changed to El Hajj Malik El Shabazz and converted from Fardian Islam to Sunni Islam, emphasizing that Islam embraced all people of every race and color.
Teachings of Malcolm X
- As a temple speaker, Malcolm was explosive. His offensive remarks about white people and Christianity soon won him recognition as a leader.
- From Malcolm’s perspective, his prison-time study of religious text, especially the Bible, led him to believe that Jesus was a black man, Ezekiel’s Wheel is the Mother Plane (a half-mile-by-half-mile spaceship carrying bombs for Armageddon), and the Book of Revelation foretells the total destruction of white “devils” through Allah’s (Fard’s) use of the Mother Plane.
- Malcolm’s social, political, and theological teachings continued throughout the 1950’s and early 1960’s. He rejected integration, ridiculed the white man’s government, and attacked the central doctrines of Christianity.
- Likening the Honorable Elijah Muhammad to the biblical Moses, Malcolm praised him as the one who showed the way to freedom and deliverance, as well as the one who led them away from integrating with the white system.
- He taught that the three gods (the Trinity) of the Christian religion were an abomination in Allah’s sight, and the Christian religion revered only the white man’s desire to enslave the original man, the black Asiatic race.
Minister Louis Farrakhan – Current Leader Of The NOI
- Malcolm X was assassinated when Farrakhan (at the time known as Louis X) was minister of the Boston Mosque and a rising star in the movement. In 1967, Elijah Muhammad made Farrakhan the national spokesperson for the NOI.
- Through Farrakhan, Elijah campaigned to attract the upper echelons of black society. As the NOI rose in land holdings, commercial businesses, and national-scale industries in the early 1970’s, the image that Elijah Muhammad brought to his movement was even more appealing in the public eye than when the movement began to flourish from the mid-1940’s into the 1950’s.
- Farrakhan’s speeches and sermons were characterized by the usual rhetoric about white devils, their destruction in the coming war of Armageddon, the fall of America, the uselessness of the white man’s religion, the teachings of Allah (Fard) and his chosen messenger (Elijah Muhammad), and the need of all NOI followers to live healthy and clean lives.
- Known today as Minister Louis Farrakhan, he continues his role as head of the Lost-Found Nation of Islam, claiming to be divinely chosen to carry on the work of W. D. Fard and Elijah Muhammad.
Other Leaders & Splinter Groups of the NOI
- In the years when Elijah Muhammad was still alive and following his death, several splinter groups formed. The leaders of these sects, for one reason or another felt the need to break away from the Messenger’s teachings or to restore the Messenger’s teachings after his death.
- Under Warith Deen Muhammad’s leadership Fard was de-deified, whites were allowed to join, the Mother Plane did not exist, the Fruit of Islam was abolished, and the NOI’s stand on racial separation was a thing of the past. He renamed the Nation of Islam the “World Community of Islam in the West”. His father, Elijah Muhammad, was no longer considered the Messenger of Allah. He auctioned off the movement’s newspaper, farming projects, and other properties to bring his father’s organization out of debt.
- John Muhammad’s Nation of Islam claims to be the original NOI. He states that since he is Elijah Muhammad’s brother, he therefor is the lawful heir and leader of Fard’s NOI. John Muhammad continues faithful to the Messenger’s teachings and claims to have seen Fard, who continues to speak through him.
- Silas Muhammad leads the Lost-Found Nation of Islam in Atlanta, Georgia. The group broke away from the NOI when Elijah Muhammad died.
- The Hanafi Muslims follow Sunni Islam, breaking away from Elijah Muhammad’s teachings while he was still alive.
- Clarence 13X broke away from the Messenger to form The Five-Percent Nation (also known as The Five Percenters or The Nation of Gods and Earths), which is probably the most popular among all the groups that split away from the NOI because it’s influence gave rise to the entire genre of Hip-Hop music and culture in the 1980’s up until now.
- The United Nation of Islam was founded by a man named Solomon. It continues the “Allah in the flesh” theology but instead names Solomon as Almighty God in person.
The Bible & Qur’an of the NOI
- The NOI’s theology starts with the social condition in which its theology was birthed. It could be interpreted as an expression of protest against the white establishment.
- The NOI’s theology is a mixture mainly of Christianity and Islam, but it is neither Christianity or Islam. It utilizes Christian and Islamic terms and draws from the Bible and the Qur’an, but its definitions of many of those terms are not those of the Bible or the Qur’an. For this reason, it is protested by Christians and orthodox Muslims.
- Elijah Muhammad and his disciples have no regard about the historical contexts of either the Bible or the Qur’an; the scriptures are not regarded as being literal or historical events of the past. They say the Bible is a corrupt and poison book, while the Qur’an is perfect and holy, but both can teach truth if interpreted by the Messenger (Elijah Muhammad), who in turn received proper interpretation from Allah (Fard).
The Theology of Time: God(s) of the NOI
- Straying very far away from traditional Islam, the NOI claims that God is a finite being with human characteristics. In the beginning, the black God created himself out of total darkness. He/She was the only being in the universe. In Elijah’s cosmology, the Earth was created about 76 trillion years ago. This is also around the time when the first atom that birthed God moved in time.
- God as the Original Man: The first God was a man – he is the original black man, the first God and the first human being to ever exist. Alluding to Genesis 1:26, Elijah Muhammad reasons that since God created man in his own image and likeness, God must then be a man. Muhammad reasons further that in the scriptures God acts with all five senses. God, then, must be a human being.
- God as the Black Race: Allah is the “Black Race” in a collective sense. On the one hand, it refers to the first God, a black man who came into existence eons ago out of darkness. On the other hand, the original man is the black race. For this reason, all NOI followers believe themselves to be Gods.
- Fard as The Supreme God Allah: According to Elijah Muhammad, W. D. Fard is “the present God”. His wisdom is infinite and he came to end the 6,000 year rule of the white race. Today’s NOI worships “Almighty God, Allah, who appeared in the person of Master Fard Muhammad”. The NOI draws parallels between W. D. Fard’s ministry and Jesus’ ministry. Any interpretations of Jesus being the fulfillment of Old Testament prophecies predicting his birth and ministry are removed and replaced with Fard.
The Fruit of Islam (FOI)
- The Fruit of Islam is the name given to the military training of the men (predominantly young males) that belong to Islam in North America. It was created by W. D. Fard in 1933 to help defend the members of the NOI and all others.
- The FOI existed until the death of Elijah Muhammad in 1975. When Warith Deen Muhammad took control of the Nation of Islam he disbanded the Fruit. The organization was then reorganized by Farrakhan when he reestablished the NOI.
- According to one Nation of Islam website: “The responsibility of the FOI is that of head of the house: protection, provision and maintenance of the Nation of Islam (all original people).
Saviours’ Day
- Saviour’s Day is a holiday of the NOI established by Elijah Muhammad to celebrate the birth and ministry of it’s founder, W. D. Fard. To members of the NOI, It symbolizes the beginning of black people’s independence from the rule of white civilization.
- Under Farrakhan’s leadership, the annual commemoration has become a three-day gathering with speakers, seminars and workshops.
- Over the years, the event has showcased prized items such as a Holy Qur’an owned by Elijah Muhammad, historic photos, old organizational uniforms and garments, paper documents and expensive collectables that were given to the NOI by leaders of foreign countries.
- When Elijah Muhammad started the celebration, he called it Saviour’s Day. Farrakhan moved the apostrophe, changing it to Saviours’ Day to add Elijah Muhammad as a saviour along with Master Fard Muhammad.
The Million Man March
- The Million Man March was a massive gathering of African Americans in Washington D.C. on October 16, 1995. The National African American Leadership Summit and the Nation of Islam worked in conjunction alongside local chapters of the NAACP to make the March a reality.
- This assembly of black men was organized and hosted by Farrakhan who called for all able-bodied African American men to come to the nation’s capital to address the problems of the black community and call for unity and revitalization of African American communities.
- Besides the keynote address by Minister Farrakhan, several prominent speakers addressed those that gathered at the Washington Mall including civil rights activists and musicians.
- The message of most of the speeches called for black men to “bring the spirit of God back into your lives.” These marchers were also encouraged to register to vote to build black political power.
“The Supreme Wisdom: Solution To The So-Called Negroes Problems” by Elijah Muhammad
“Yakub: The Father of Mankind” by Elijah Muhammad
“The Theology of Time” by Elijah Muhammad
“The Fall of America” by Elijah Muhammad
“The Secrets of Freemasonry” by Elijah Muhammad
“The God Tribe of Shabazz – The True History” by Elijah Muhammad
“The Mother Plane” by Elijah Muhammad
“The True History of Master Fard Muhammad” by Elijah Muhammad
“The Golden Age of the Moors” by Ivan Van Sertima
“The Sufis” by Idries Shah
“The Five Percenters: Islam, Hip-Hop and the Gods of New York” by Michael
Muhammad Knight
“Selected Writings and Speeches of Marcus Garvey” by Marcus Garvey
“By Any Means Necessary (Malcolm X Speeches and Writings)“ by Malcolm X
“Servants of Allah: African Muslims enslaved in the Americas” by Slyviane A. Diouf
Christopher Wren argued that it had been borrowed from the Saracens.
The Oxford History of Islam – Page 322 – Google Books Result
John L. Esposito – 1999 – History
… two segments of society differed considerably, westerners in general shared an underlying attitude toward those described as Saracens, Moors, and Turks.
Idols in the East: European Representations of Islam and …
Suzanne Conklin Akbari – 2012 – History
During the early modern period, however, the term Saracen was largely replaced by two much more common terms: Turk and Moor. It is certainly the …
Saracens, monsters, and medieval German literature
by CR Follmer – 2011 – Cited by 1 – Related articles
“Finding the familiar in the foreign: Saracens, monsters, and medieval German literature. …… legendary character of Ogier the Dane at various points in the text.
Christianity and Romance in Medieval England
Rosalind Field, Phillipa Hardman, Michelle Sweeney – 2010 – Literary Criticism
In this way the Danes are directly associated with the Saracens of the … She writes of the ‘average, plodding medieval writer’ who ‘took his material ready made …
The Exploitations of Medieval Romance
Laura Ashe, Ivana Djordjevi, Judith Elizabeth Weiss – 2010 – Literary Criticism
… conflict between the ‘English’ and the Danes.21 The impression is confirmed by … for calling invading Danes Saracens but for insisting on their African origin too, … of this statement does leave room 34 The Exploitations of Medieval Romance.
Saracens and Black Knights
by M KEITA – 2006 – Cited by 3 – Related articles
Saracens are Danes as well* than in the idea that some medieval. Europeans may have been Africans.3 And certainly,some Danes may be ‘Saracens’ when.
From “Saracen Scourge” to “terrible Turk”: Medieval, …
Paul T. Levin – 2007
190 The image of Saracens as pagans became so entrenched that the two words … the Saracens are Saxons and Danes and in the Gloucester Chronicle they …
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Moors, Saracens, and Turks: Islam and Europe’s Deep History. January 19, 2015 by Thomas Albert Howard. Several years ago I was being interviewed by a …
The Anatolian – Google Books Result
Edward Grochowski – 2009 – Fiction
The Hittite audience could nothelp but be impressedat my mother’s royalcommand of both languages, Hatti and Scythian, and their faces beamed with pride.
The Annals of Ireland, Translated from the Original Irish …
Owen Connellan, Philip Mac Dermott – 1846
The Fomorians are called by the Irish writers Fomoraigh, which signifies sea … writers to have been famous builders in stone, and are mentioned by Keating and …
Ireland’s Mysterious Lands and Sunken Cities: Legends and …
Jon Douglas Singer – 2001 – History
Lewis Spence, in The History ofAtlantis, described the Formorians or Fomors as … that the Fomorians were the megalith builders, the tribes who built the stone …
The Annals of Ireland by the Four Masters Translated Into …
Michael O’Cleary – 2003 – History
The Fomorians are represented as African pirates of the race of Ham, who had … writers to have been famous builders in stone, and are mentioned by Keating …
Transactions of the Royal Historical Society
1892 – Great Britain
The apparent similarity of the names Getae and Goth has led some persons to …Hittites or not is a question which we cannot answer till we know more about the …
The Hittites: Their Inscriptions and Their History
John Campbell – 1891 – Hittite language
He has said enough, however, to indicate without any doubt the fact that the so-calledScythians were Hittites with a few intermingled Celtic and Japhetic tribes.
the Romans, the Dacians and the Vlachs
According to German researcher Eichwald, Thyrsagetae are the ‘Getae of the Tyras … In the middle of the 14th century, the resurgent Hittite Empire under …
The Rise of Man in the Gardens of Sumeria: A Biography of …
Christine Preston – 2009 – Biography & Autobiography
In support of this theory the Romans called the Goths ‘Getae’ (for Scyths) and ancient Khatti people (Hittites) were depicted on sculptures in Gothic dress.
Thread: Are Dacians descendants of Scythians?
http://www.twcenter.net … Vestigia Vetustatis
Total War Center
Feb 19, 2007 – 20 posts – 14 authors
Still what of Getae(tribus Getae) then whose place Dacians occupied in time of Roman expansion? I place Getae being ancestors of Hittites( or …
The Hittites: Their Inscriptions and Their History
John Campbell – 1891 – Hittite language
of the old Pelasgic speech of Philistia and Caria, and this language the Goths imposed upon many Hittite tribes, some of which are known in history as the …
Contributions Toward a History of Arabico-Gothic Culture
Leo Wiener – 1920 – Comparative linguistics
… blood relationship between the Goths and the Moors, or Berbers.1 This sentiment … when the conquering Berbers tried to claim a relationship with the Goths.
Vexillogy of the Moorish American Flag
Hotep Moorish Kin!
This is the continuation of a series of numbered articles on the Vexillogy of the Moorish American Flag. The original document composed and written by Swift Angel #1 is entitled The Paradox of National Flags a.k.a. Vexillogy of the Moorish Flag 2012 Master Edition.
Master words will be defined to provide a starting point for the Moors to get a good drawing on the true significance our National Flag and the true meaning of what a flag represents.
Vexillogy- the study and collection of information about flags.
Nation- a body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own; the territory or country itself.
Nationality- The status of belonging to a particular nation by origin, birth, or naturalization; a people having common origins or traditions and often constituting a nation; existence as a politically autonomous entity; national independence; National character; Nationalism; the state or fact of being a citizen of a particular nation; a body of people sharing common descent, history, language, etc; a nation; national status.
Other Historical Facts About The Star:
In 3500 BC at Ur of the Chaldees, birth place of Abraham, the star was used to represent nobility. Abraham, through his sons Ishmael and Isaac, became the Great Father of today’s Muslims and Jews.
The Star became a symbol of Truth amongst the Hebrews, and the original Seal of Solomon.
The star did not take a turn for the worst, from divine to naught, from upright to upside down and from positive to negative until its European perception. It has been in the nature of European hierarchy to destroy, dilute or reverse African contributions to the world. It almost seems as though they get pissed off, to the lowest level of piss-tivity, just to know people of hue were the first to people the Earth (go figure). Anyway, this is when the star went from sugar to shucks! To them, it became known as:
- Underground womb (Egypt)
- Godhead (Druids)
- Underground Goddess (Celts)
- Chi-rho Symbol (Constantine)
- Endless knot (medieval)
- Goat’s Head, Horned God and Witch’s Foot (Christian Concept)
- The Goat ‘Baphomet’ (Eliphas Levi)
- Inverted Star (Eastern Stars)
The Moors used this banner again after they circumnavigated the continent of Africa, when it included Havilah (Arabia), over ten thousand years ago. But, with the aforementioned invasions, the whiteness of the original Banner was turned Red in defense of its Principles. Moorish blood began to pour like rain from the Islamic infiltration of Arab conquest that began in the Seventh Century.
The Divinity Of The Moorish Flag
The divinity of the Moorish Flag is the assuredness of man, Spirit Man, will reach deific life; that the sum of his life is spent to build the temple of perfected man. It represents the meaningfulness and resolve of People of God. {People of God should never be equated with carnal man’s fad of “God having a chosen People”. This term was contrived by lesser gods, drunk on the wines of the ego, to suggest The Creator of all Humans is a racist and needs to discriminate from among His perfections.} The Creation, fall and omnipotent exaltation of every man and woman is personified in the world’s oldest flag because Spirit Man is an absolute thought and perfect essence of The Father of the universe. Of the Seven Created Certainties, the essence of Man being made in the image and likeness of The Creator is the most resolved. The First flag illustrates this universality and boundlessness of The Great God’s Love.
At the dawning of the First Civilization, when man realized his human state had fallen earthbound, the pattern of the flag was designed from the form of feeding from his native (Spirit) plane. When the flag was first flown into existence it was the embodiment of man’s circle of life divine and immutability of man himself the truth. The plane of soul, Earth and flesh are manifest of the sluggish wills. These wills became lethargic when the plane of thought reached the rate of atmosphere where all living manifests had a dependence upon the breath for existence. In these slower rhythms the stronger began to consume the weaker manifest and what we now know as survival of the fittest became a fact. The Moorish were the first Gods to people the Earth and became known as “The Torchbearers Of Civilization”.
After the Great Earthquake, when the Earth had to undergo a Second Civilization, their descendants would become the world’s first “Seafarers.” With The Great Banner flying at high noon the Ancient Ones founded the world’s first Religious Creed for the redemption and salvation of mankind on Earth, to open wide the doors of civilization. Today their Children, The Moorish Americans, hold the key of civilization which was and is in the hands of the Asiatic nations. The Moorish, who were the ancient Moabites and Founders of the Holy City of Mecca, developed space travel, air communications, architecture, agriculture, governments and all sciences currently used by man since the days of Atlantis, LaMuria and latter day Kemet, the capitol of the dominion of Africa. The divinity of these wonders and mysteries were all encompassed in the insignia of The Moorish Flag, the true “Old Glory.”
Why Does The Saudi Family Have “The Moorish Flag”?
The Scimitar and Star Symbol of the Moorish Flag is embedded on the walls of the Royal Palace of The Saudi Family in Saudi Arabia. So, why does the Saudi family have “Our Flag”. Answer: The Arabians have been stealing pure Africans since Arabs have claimed to be the seed of Hagar. No other olive-skin Nation has a more notorious history of capturing and enslaving Africans, longer and with more business like efficiency, than Arabians? From the job-specs of Professional Slavery, no self respecting Slaver will steal another national of the Human Family without knowing his and her historical value. Arabs have always known the Gods of Africa are the Mothers and Fathers of the Human Family, Asiatics and Moslems.
In addition to allowing Europeans to enter Africa through their East gate, Arabs were the first African Nation to hide the true Hametic-Cushite History and Moorish scientific contributions from the pale skin Nations of the North. Europeans received their first injection of African Slavery from the bloody spike of Arab Slave Addicts. What nation of African People would know the true history of the so-called NBC better than those who have been stealing and selling them for over 3,000 years? It was through Arabia the European invaders would view the sun-kissed brethrens as worthless. In fact, there is another lost-found Nation of “Siddis” Africans in India (See: Who are the Siddis of India) and millions of Sudanese who are victims of the Arab National Slaving Business.The Arabians have stolen so many Moors from Africa until the slaves have formed themselves into whole nations e.g. Haitians, Jamaicans, Cubans, Nicaraguans, San Salvadorians and Moorish Americans in the United States. All of these are Moorish Moslems stolen by Arabians during the East and West African Slave Trades. And like the little boy, who threw the rock then hid his Holy Qur’an behind his back, Arab Governments, to this day, has denied any knowledge of African enslavements. Ironically, like all oppressed people who suffer from Stockholm Syndrome, the NBC are the only people who accept this denial.
After Noble Drew Ali proved His Prophet-hood before Hierophants of Egypt he made his only pilgrimage to Mecca. While there, He met with Sultan Abdul Aziz Ibu Suad, who was the head of the holy city of Mecca and a direct descendant of Hagar. The great Prophet of Ali honored The Sultan as a true descendant of Hagar and chief protector of the Islamic Creed of Mecca, which began with Mohammed The First, the founder of the uniting of Islam. Ali proclaimed “The Key of Civilization was and is in the hands of the Asiatic nations. The Moorish, who were the ancient Moabites, are the founders of the Holy City Of Mecca. His forefathers are the true and divine founders of “Islamism”, the first religious creed for the redemption and salvation of mankind on earth. We, the Moorish Americans are returning to Islam, which was founded by our forefathers for our earthly and divine salvation.” With this Drew Ali retrieved the Moorish Flag from the Saudi Family and returned it to the Moorish of the Americas. Ali later honored the Sultan by placing his image in the first edition of the Book Of The Seven Seals, The Holy Koran Of The Moorish Science Temple of America. Those who have seen the 2004 film “FAHRENHEIT 9/11” by, Michael Moore, also saw two brief scenes of The Moorish National Flag. These scenes were cast with the first President Bush and the Sultan in council in the Grand Palace. Who can witness these things and not know Noble Drew Ali is Allah’s Prophet?
(Continued in Part 10: Drew Ali Returns The Unbroken “Circle”)
The authors/submitters alone is responsible for what is expressed
The Third Great Race War: The Moors Invade Europe Spain under the Moors
The Journal of the Moorish Paradigm Homepage
Blacked Out by White Wash p. 6
Moors. The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition. 2001
Moors and Arabs Muslim Spain and European Culture
The Moors Who were the Moors in Spain: Moorish Invasion
Empire of the Moors – African History – Origins of The Nation Brilliance of the Moors Moorish History
TUSPAIN – Travel – Fiestas of Spain – Moors & Christians All About Spain: History Moors – Sephardim and their History
Encyclopedia.com – Moors Cavalhadas Spanish’s Arab Connection: Spanish Words Derived from Arabic
The Moors in Europe “Notes on Al-Andalus: A Search for Traces of Spain’s Islamic Past
“Mitsawokett: The Moors of Delaware” W. African Civilizations The Electronic Passport to the Moors
Dr. Ivan Van Sertima The Civilization of the Renaissance in Italy Muslim Scientists and Islamic Civilization
Correcting_Rewritten_History A DNA Test to Measure Racial Mix Italy – Italian Renaissance – Zoological studies
From Revolution to Reconstruction: Essays: Civilizations under … African Presence in the Americas 1492 – 1992
MindStation X : Renaissance A History of Native American and African
African Moors and the European Renaissance www.10-10-50.org/indexhtml
Moors – Sephardim and their History
The future of africa-The future of africa is a nightmare Who were the Moors in Spain: Quotations on Moorish Civilization
HISTORY OF LATIN MUSIC Hispanic Magazine April 2000 Forum Honor Our African Roots
History Today: Brazil’s African legacy.
Brother Ahmed Deedat talking about the names of God and Zulu http://jamaat.net/name/name2.html
Believe me, this is almost a word for word translation of Sura Ikhlas, Chapter 112 of the Holy Qur’an.
Now, compare the above verses with my free translation of what the Zulu actually said:
“Oh Sir! He is a pure and Holy Spirit, He does not beget and He is not begotten, and further there is nothing like Him.”
Every African tribe, South of the Zambesi River, that is, in Southern Africa, have given different names to the Almighty – Tixo, Modimo, UNkulunkulu, etc., and each and every African language group will take pains to explain the same pure and holy concept as the Zulu. It is to the glory of the African nations that though they had no written languages, and hence no written records, therefore not being able to recount the names of their respective prophets, yet not a single one of the tribes ever stooped down to worshipping idols or images of either of men or animals, until the White man first introduced his religion and gave the African his anthropomorphic concept of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost, and brought the African down to bowing before the statues of Jesus, Mary, St. Joseph, St. Christopher and so on.
Out of the dozens of African tribes inhabiting this part of the world, not a single one of them ever made “Umfanegisos” (images) of their God. Yet they were capable of carving out of wood, elephants and lions, and reproducing men and women also, in clay. Besides, the Zulus also had some knowledge of metallurgy. When questioned an old Zulu as to the reason, why the Africans did not make Umfanegisos of their Gods, he replied, “How could we make images of Him (God Almighty) when we know that He is not like a man, He is not like a monkey, or an elephant or a snake: He is not like anything we can think of or imagine. He is a pure and Holy Spirit.”
This term, UMVELINQANGI, though well known to the Zulus, was not commonly used. Again they were like the pagan Qureish of Pre-Islamic Arabia who knew the name Allah, but passed Him by, because they felt that He was too High, too Pure, too Holy to be approached, so they went for their substitutary and imaginary gods – their Al- Lats, AI-Uzzas and Al-Manats and a hundred besides. The Zulus too would not call upon UMvelinqangi directly, but he was better than the Arab of the Ayyam-ul-jahiliyya (days of ignorance), because he did not go after false gods; he only invoked the spirits of his ancestors to intercede with UMvelinqangi on his behalf, exactly as the Catholics do in invoking the Virgin Mary and the Saints.
The more common term used by the Zulus for their God is UNKULUNKULU which literally means – the Greatest of the Great or the Mightiest of the Mighty (Almighty). More colloquially when taking oath, they would exclaim “INkosi phe-Zulu” meaning – the Lord Above (knows), or the God in Heaven (knows), or Heaven knows, that I am speaking the truth. The word “Zulu” in the language of the Zulu literally means High Heaven, and they consider themselves to be Superior to the numerous other tribes of Southern Africa, being in this respect like the Querish among the dwellers of the desert before Islam.
The Most Mystical Question In America Is… Who Is Noble Drew Ali?
Noble Drew Ali
Noble Drew Ali told the Moorish Americans, “He is an Angel of Allah sent to bring them the everlasting Gospel of Allah.” Indeed, the Angel was born amongst the very nation He was sent to redeem. Noble Drew Ali was full ordained by The Great God to be their Prophet. Some may say, “He doesn’t look like any angel I have seen.” Most western psychics would not know an Angel if they were to kiss them in the mouth. However, if someone make this statement it is probably because they speak more from what they do not know then what they know e.g. all Biblical Angels were Messengers of God, Sun-kissed People in human forms and rich in melanin. They were not little pale skin European infants with wings from a bird on their backs. Truth is, Europe has never produced Prophets or Angels. Drew Ali is an Angel.
The Illustrious Noble Drew Ali, Holding the Flags of Morocco and United States, Registering The Moorish Americans as a New Nation while Attending the 1928 Pan American Conference For Indigenous Nations, Hosted by Havana, Cuba. Bro. Charles Kirkman-Bey, Master Polyglot (speaking 92 languages), was the Chief Interpreter for The Holy Prophet. Also in attendance was several Tribal Chiefs of Continental Nations and the United States were represented by Secretary of State Hughes who was in awe of the well-established Constitution of the Moorish American Delegates. There were Free National Delegates from Central and South Americas and other Islands. During the Conference Noble Drew Ali was given The Mandate for the Land, which the United States was occupying on an expired Mandate. After this Pan American Conference of Human Nations the United States refusal to yield hallowed soil would result in a severe warning by The Holy Prophet: “Until my Moors are free in their own home the worst is yet to come. The United States owe the Moors a great debt, they must pay in compound interest and have one more war to win”. The next year Drew Ali left the body saying, “I can better fight the rest of this battle on the soul plane”. Within twelve years the Stock Market had Crashed, Illuminati’s Federal Reserve Bank had taken over the sovereign powers of the U.S. and an economical drought called “The Great Depression” was felt by every Citizen except the elite few. As if it was not enough to soften her harden heart, the USA would be functioning under perpetual Maritime Law that went into effect in 1933 and has not won another War since World War II. The Prophet showed the Mandate to many Officials of the Adept Chamber of The MST of A that He founded in 1913. Still, by the year 2003, the Moors had not been redeemed from the wrath of feigned Citizenry in the USA’s 14th and 15th Amendment. While the United States has never been without her staple of African Slaves, the Manumission of the Moorish is infinitely inevitable; at the end of time and the fulfilling of the prophecies.
The above picture on this web-page was taken during the first National Conference Representation of the Ex-Slaves, by their one free National Name of “Moorish Americans”, since the abolishment of U. S. Slavery. This event is a reflection of one of the many miracles illustrated by Prophet Noble Drew Ali during his brief 16-year Ministry. This reflection was taken in Havana Cuba, with the gift of a “Panama” on the head of Drew Ali which was presented to him by the Cuban Government. This great national representation occurred about one year before He left His body. This is how “He began to uplift the Moorish Americans by teaching them to be themselves.” This event marked the first and last time the so-called Negro was duly recognized as being a new nation, according to their one true free national name, of Moorish Americans. Noble Drew Ali declared, “This is a new era of time now and all men now must proclaim their free national name to be recognized by the government and the nations of the earth.” With this international proclamation of Independence, Drew Ali paved the way which would demonstrate the inevitability of freedom for the Moorish Americans, etc. But they must finish freeing themselves in order to assure the immutableness which rest in true freedom.
For any man to perform the divine miracle of breaking the Old Masonic Roman Seal, that has declared all Negroes, Colored Folks and Blacks into perpetual mental slavery, now, into one clean and pure nation of people, thus reattaching them to the human family of nations, has proved beyond all reasonable doubts, Ali is a Holy Prophet ordained by the great God. Still, there are those who denounce the Prophethood of Noble Drew Ali. Even though His duties and saving Powers of salvation are clearly in the line genealogy of all Major and Minor Prophets sent before him. Needfultosay, this unholy onslaught is lead by those who call themselves ‘Sunni’ or ‘Shiite’ Muslims under the Post-Mohammed Arab-version of Islam. Pleeese. Aren’t these the same pagans who’s GNP has been The African Slave Trade for centuries before the advent of Prophet Mohammed? Albeit the truth, Allah did raise a Holy Prophet from amongst those infidels of Havilah, but it did little good to deter the Arabian lust for African Slaves (see: Who Are The Siddis Of India?). To this day they will not admit that man’s enslavement of man is merely the will of man and not The Will Of The Great Universal God, Allah! What does anyone really expect a Muslim to say when it comes to the same God, according to His Word, ordaining another Holy Prophet to the Negro heathens they sold to the west? Didn’t the Arabs know the true origin of the West African nationals before they stole and sold them into European slavery? Why ask a Muslim for the worthiness of those they enslaved, “In the name of Allah”? Isn’t that like asking the criminal to describe the crime?
by Elihu N. Pleasant-Bey
PUBLIC NOTICEHear Now All Peoples, Governments and Nations of The Earth:

The Flag Of Morocco

The Moorish Flag“What Your Forefathers Were, You Are Today, Without Doubt Or Contradiction.
There Is No One Who Is Able To Change Man From The Descendant Nature Of His Forefathers;Unless His Power Extends Beyond The Great Universal Creator Allah Himself.”
Noble Drew Ali
The Paradox Of: The Flag of Morocco, Africa and The Moorish Flag, Americas(Their Myths, Jurisdictional Distinctions and Acceptances)
The true history of The Moroccan Flag and now its Mother flag, The Moorish Flag, has been covered in mystery and ages of darkness is because their rightful owners, the noble Nationals extracted from North West and South West Africa, have also been denationalized and misnomered. Today they are largely labeled and accepted as Negroes, Blacks, Colored and African Americans (NBC). Yet, this fragmented, powerless and Nationless People are the true possessors of a lofty heritage and most glorious prosperity to be revealed unto the Human family. The problem is their true status and contributions of wisdom, yet to be taught to the world, is considered as “New.” Still, it is quite normal for a people, freshly freed from slavery, to be apprehensive of ‘new’ possessions. The Honorable Noble Drew Ali said: “In the promotion of plans for the betterment of mankind, there has ever been some kind of opposition. And strange as it may seem, such opposition has come from sources where there were no ideas or the lack of courage to force attention to ideas. Whether in church, state or the social community, any attempt to do anything out of the usual way, seldom fails to receive criticism. Not because the course cannot be pursued legally or that it is unreasonable, but because it has been considered in terms as ‘NEW’… A beggar people cannot develop the highest in them, nor can they attain to a genuine enjoyment of the spiritualities of life … It is a sad weakness in us as a people that we have withheld the very encouragement, support and patronage that would have made some of our worthy business ventures a grand success. And worst of all, have joined in the condemnations of them when they failed.”
To most Moorish Americans the Flag of Morocco is assumed to be over ten thousand years old and The Moorish Flag (or knowledge thereof) is considered as ‘New.’ For those who think this way, their thoughts are wrong. The Flag of Morocco is not over 10,000 years old and The Moorish Flag is not new. Through the grace of The Great God, all wrongs can be up righted when thoughts are raised to infinite wisdom. We ask each Reader to sojourn with Seven Seals Publications into the ordained duty of a Prophet to resolve these myths and mysteries.
After about four hundred years in slavery there has always been a paradox in the psychic of the freshly freed People. The ‘free thinking’ of sudden independence can as easily open new doors of fears, doubts and distrust as opportunity, assurances and faith. The Holy Prophet of Ali described the 150-year lull between the Abolishment of U. S. Slavery and The Moorish Americans “Coming into their own as a nation” as “Mental Slavery is the only slavery you have now.” There has been a little reluctance, fear and confusion amongst a few Moorish Americans about the re-introduction of “The Moorish Flag”; through The Swift Angel. Most of this opposition comes from my Brothers and Sisters who have been lying in the fraternal beds with European Freemasonry and eating previously prepared Greek-Roman meals of Sororities. Know, not withstanding, these are Gods of Europe, prepared by their forefathers for their earthly salvation. These gods are made of air and clothed in the shadow of a thought. They possess no ears to hear, no eyes to see, no heart to sympathize and no power to save. Freemasonry, though not a religion, is guised to the hoi polloi as the Church and Christianity by those that accept their teachings. Yet, it was never designed with the freedom of Africans in mind. Evidence of this exists today in the form of sixty million Moorish who still believe they are Negro, Black and African American. From Prince Hall of the first Negro Masonic Order to the present day Grand Moorish Masonic Temples whom have been claiming to be Free, Ancient and Accepted while remaining Nationless, without autonomy and no power to save. Truth be told, no one is independent while flying another man’s flag. When someone tell the NBC they are free, yet leave them as NBC still, has simply lied to them.
These few Moors, whom I hold dear to my heart, have grossly underestimated the power of old Jubelum’s Setting Maul. It took more than a ‘Sunday Punch’ to KO an African God and knock him silly into a coma. It is at the very height of foolish thinking to, swear allegiance to anyone clever enough to give himself your title of “God”, or believe they would teach a slave to be greater than his master. The foundation of the entire African Slave Trade rests upon European Freemasonry. Its laws alone, including the fork-tongued 14th and 15th Amendments, have kept us buried as a people after abolishing slavery. The majority of the Grand Sheik Moorish Leaders, who were also sworn Masons, for the past 75 years, have buried their separate groups deeper into this shallow grave of denationalized nation-less-ness. This is why the Moorish have not been able to come in unity of their one free national name of Moorish American. This Author is not making radical speeches or apologies about the World’s largest Secret Society. Indeed, freemasonry has more than fulfilled its Chartered blessings for the nations of Europe. What I am bringing to light is the fact all those African descendants who have been and are looking into the orders of Freemasonry for their freedom, maybe, perhaps on the right track … but are surely headed in the wrong direction!
Damn!! Wake up!! Stand up!! The NBC Masons have been scratching-digging-and-flashing signs for three hundred (300) years and not one of them has a pot of freedom to piss in or own sovereign land to pour it out on! In fact, they have eaten everything about that Capricorn except its secret (which is the true identity of the so-called NBC) and still can’t tell it is Goat!!! Anyway. These Orders have nothing good to offer into a clean and pure nation. Sadly, history bears witness “due to the fact that we honored not the creed and principles of our forefathers is why the nationality of the Moors was taken away from them in 1774 for straying after the gods of Europe of whom we knew nothing.” One who sees the paradox of the Moorish would have to ask a basic question: What does one, who is fresh out from slavery, truly know about nationhood? A Divine Constitution? A free national name? Or, in this case, what kind of flag is the Moorish?
Only Noble Drew Ali, nothing, nobody and no one else, brought the Moorish their own game; their game of The Great God where there is no failure for the human soul. He not only taught us how to play but also gave us Seven Divine Ways to Act as we play “Our Game.” Meanwhile, the paradox between the Moroccan Flag, the flag of our forefathers and “Our Flag”, The Moorish Flag is on time and historically in order.
Inshallah, this brief excerpt on The Vexillology of The Moorish Flag will lighten their burdens so they can be about the business of being themselves.
Noble Drew Ali, made the so-called NBC conscious of the 2/5ths (Nationality and Divine Creed) stolen from their Birthrights by the United States. Equally as indispensable, He taught them they are a new, clean and pure Nation. Drew Ali is the last Prophet in these days and the only Holy Messiah born from amongst the fallen Sons and Daughters of North America. He taught them how to draw from the inherent powers of their ancient forefathers. Drew Ali left the Moors with an infinite wealth of wisdom.
Armistead, Dred Scott Case and Noble Drew Ali all cited the status of NBC deludes to slavery and can not become a true citizen of The United States or any free national government of the earth. Why have Moorish Leaders been pointing for Moors to seek conformity under the flag of the USA? And anyone with any international education will surely attest the Flag of Morocco and its Treaty with the USA can not muster enough autonomy to salvage the NBC or Moorish Americans as long as they are under the jurisdiction of the Status Quo. Where is the constituted government of the Moorish Americans? Why have we not proclaimed our free national name to be recognized by the (said) in which we (are suppose to be) living in and (recognized before) the nations of the earth? Noble Drew Ali wrote: being NBC People are sinful ways. This is why Allah, the Great God of the universe, ordained Our Prophet to redeem his people. There are some who claim to know Noble Drew Ali, as the Founder of a mostly religious organization, but only a very few that know he is a Holy Prophet. It is this Holy Prophet, ordained by Allah that has raised millions of Moorish Americans by the sound of his voice to hearing their free national name. It is they that will recognize Our Flag and its own sovereign land to be planted in. When? Now. Let us begin with the Vexillology of the two flags with the three master questions and answers from the Questionary for Moorish Children as written by Noble Drew Ali:
The Infinite Moorish Flag
#19. What kind of a flag is the Moorish?
It is a red flag with a five pointed green star in the center.
#20. What do the five the five points represent?
Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice.
#21. How old is our flag?
It is over 10,000 years old.
What kind of flag is the Moorish? “Our (Moorish) Flag” must be the same ‘Kind of flag’ as the Flag of Morocco. This word “kind” also gives heritage, roots and nobility to the new nation of Moorish Americans because it links them to all contributions and marks of civilization achieved by our forefathers. (It should be pointed out the NBC, being a man-made man, has no true history, no accomplishments and no worth in prosperity). It must also have a kind of five-pointed green star centered in a red banner and the points of the star must represent Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice. What kind of flag is the Moorish? It would have to be a flag free of foreign and alien jurisdiction. The Moorish Flag is not the kind of flag to be under another country’s Protectorate. As in the pure nature of its people, it must be perpetually free and infinitely independent of human and ungodly control. Equally so, The Moorish Flag is also the kind of national flag which represent the freedom of its people to write their own history and be themselves.
Whenever Noble Drew Ali uses the terms, “Our”, “Us”, “You, “Your” or “We”, in his questionnaire, he is referring purely to himself and the Moorish Americans as a nation of People; by rightful possession or responsibility (See: Q-A #1, 13,14,17,21,22,35,40,50,63, etc.). Here, “Our flag” is the flag of the Moorish Americans, as a New Nation of Indigenous People, not the Moroccan flag of Morocco. The Moorish American Flag is the Circled Scimitar and Star. It shines forth their five Principles above the Pentagram and below. The Star also represents the “Head” or “the Power of Authority”. In this regard, the Moorish Americans are the rejected cornerstone of the human family – returned to their rightful place: the Headlight. There is so much to be revealed about this Ensign for the Moorish Americans, most of which will unfold as their consciousness unfolds. However, as all national flags express the spirit of each especial nation, so does the Moorish American National Flag depict the glory of a mighty God-Conscious people. At a single glimpse its revelation shows the historical “Moorish Torchbearers of Civilization” and the prophesied era to the “Uplifting of Fallen Humanity”.
Although Noble Drew Ali often spoke of ‘The Moorish Flag”, he only wrote directly about “our flag” twice. Indirectly, The Holy Prophet referred to the flag of His People every time he reminded them they are a nation. Once in the Moorish Questionnaire (20-21) and, again, in his “Supreme Laws”. The Supreme Laws are: The Great Quran of Mohammed and the founding, of the Moorish Americans, as a Clean and Pure Nation. The latter is mostly revealed in the course of these opuses for first time to the public (See: MHK 45:1).
The Circled Scimitar and Star was originally centered on a pure white banner; White as driven snow. White means Purity; Purity means God; and God means the Ruler of the Land (Q# 93). The quadrants of the circle and the three parts of the Scimitar are polished gold. The color gold represents Nobility, royalty and wealth. The polished coat shows the nation grown strong by buffeting and Maafa of every kind (MHK 13:5). A nation still rich with much wisdom to be learned, in these days for the redemption of the sons of men under Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice (MHK 48:5). The Circle, Principles, Scimitar and Star are all laid in a tapestry of emerald evergreen. The green represents fresh life, life everlasting. All of this grandness is in the center of a pure white banner. This is the composition of what Noble Drew Ali calls, “Our Flag”. The Letters “L.T.P.F.” are the High Principles of Love, Truth, Peace and Freedom with “Justice” secured omnipotently in the Scimitar. Although the letters of the principles are green, they still burn with the force of “fire”. “The Fire of the Five” which will burn and destroy Hatred, Falsehood, Wars, Maya and inharmonies in life. The Moorish Flag is One Flag for One Clean and Pure Nation bearing One free National Name. This is the true uniting of the Moorish Americans, etc
The Divine Vexillology Of THE MOORISH FLAG“A True National Flag Represents The Heritage, Natural Strife, and Principle Staple Of Its Especial Nation”
Swift Angel #1
Of all sciences known to man, history has become the least exact. Nevertheless the divine origin and true history to the Flag of America’s Mystery-People is about to unfold. This long awaited revealing of THE MOORISH FLAG and its mysteries, into public domain, is another fulfilling to the prophecies of Noble Drew Ali. The Moorish Flag is the unsung banner of a new, clean and pure Nation, yet it is as old as the fall of man. The Moorish American Nation was conceived in divinity and legally brought forth on this Continent in 1865 at the Congressional ending of slavery in The United States of America. As this new nation awaken, from the most devastating blow of Chattelization in human history, a search for its flag would inevitably follow the consciousness of its new name. A true national flag represents the heritage, natural strife and principle staple of its especial nation. Therefore, the true flag of this new nation should not contain the same stripes, bars, crosses, predators and closed-stars of their oppressors. “Our Flag”, as distinguished by The Holy Prophet, is the ancient flag of our Forefathers and well over 10,000 years old. In fact, The Moorish Flag is as old as the fall of man itself. from a comprehensive prespective, this was a modest date account by Noble Drew Ali. Since The Moorish Flag represents the prehistoric plight of the first gods on earth, The Holy Prophet could have placed the date at over 100,000 years old. But, finite mind can not cromprehend those things infinite.
The author has taken into account this ancient Kemetian saying “No finite mind can comprehend things infinite”. The minds and hearts of men have evolved to a higher consciousness and are ripe to receive ‘Peace’ through strife. The timely release of The Moorish Flag is accordance to the prophetic return of the Rejected Cornerstone of immutable truth and justice. During an age of information, that which is old appears as new and the new is discovered as old. Although The Moorish Flag will appear as new as Drew Ali’s New Era of Time, it has been known by the National Vanguards of The Moorish, ‘Our flag’ will bewilder many, peek the curiosity of millions, raise the doubts of unbelievers and still fulfill the prophecies as its deliverance answers the prayers of untold billions. Noble Drew Ali said, “For they (true American Citizens) will be happy to see me bring you (The Moorish) out of darkness into the marvelous light.”
Oppositions, Oppositions, Oppositions
Albeit The Moorish Flag will bring to surface those who have been working like moles, to keep the so-called Negroes, Blacks and Colored (NBC) People permanently detached from all other nationalities. They will reluctantly come to surface, from the lodges, Churches and Temples of the pretended wise, with the dirt of doubt on their heads. These lesser Gods will question the origin and authenticity of ‘The Moorish Flag’ mainly for two reasons: (1) they are still caught-up on the ‘Red, Black and Green’ Banner of Marcus Garvey’s Enterprises. Or, they frivolously hoist the Flag of Morocco, Africa and/or the flag of The United States as their very own. Sadly, they have no stately command of either aforementioned flags nor are such flags their National Banner. (2) If this is not The Moorish Flag, as described by Noble Drew Ali in his Questionary for Moorish Children, than where is The Moorish Flag for The Moorish American Nation? If either of the aforementioned flags were truly their own … what is the name of the people from which to match the land where said flag is to be planted? What spurious answers will they give to the rise of the inevitable international questions of Independence? Autonomy? Constitution? Sovereignty? And Jurisdiction of Government? These lawful questions should render the historical support needed to hoist the true flag of any recognized nation. In order to comprehend “What kind of Flag is the Moorish?” it must be researched by its principles, purpose and what it represents.Whenever a stronger manifest eats a weaker manifest, under the auspices of “survival of the fittest”, it is a reenactment of the Great Fall. Subsequently, the primary reason the greatest of flags has not been known is because it has been shrouded in as much mystery and secrecy as the glorious identity of The Moorish People themselves. When the lion eats the lamb, it shows no gratitude for the grass that gave life to the lamb. When the conqueror relishes in its victory over the conquered, rarely does it consider the history, contributions and noble strife which has sustained the life of their victim. For this reason, it is in the nature the current Ruler to distort, cloth, or eradicate the illustrious history of the dominated hoi polloi. This is because the security which gives history its value has been violated. Ultimately, this usually leaves the description of a crime to be propagated only by the criminal. For over 2,000 years, intensified by the later half-millennium, the European nations have been relentless in their efforts to either distort, cover-up, ignore and destroy the true history of the mightiest of all African Nations.
Selfish Members of various Moorish Science Temples Of America, who have built a 75-year wall in the compliant belief of “Noble Drew Ali is mine and mine alone” have forgotten his call exclaimed: “Come all ye Asiatics of America to learn and hear to learn the truth about your nationality and birthrights because you are not Negroes.” Each one of several hundred said temples claims to be “the only right Organization”. In truth, each temple is so shrouded in it’s own holy smoke of piety and self-authorization until neither can see; it is they who have caused confusion in the mist of today’s chaos. It has been said, “You are either part of the problem or part of the solution.” This places nearly all temples in such heavy violation of Act-5; they fail to see it is they alone who have been overthrowing the laws and constitution of the Moorish American Government. Although this ‘said Government’ has not publicly proclaimed itself before the nations of the Earth (until now), it will dispel the silly beliefs and carnal superstition of such Organizations, under the color of law, as having the assumable power of changing man into and out of the descendant nature of his Forefathers.
Brothers and Sisters, who call themselves Sheiks/Sheikesses of the temple but have sworn oaths to a Greek-based secret society, are in fact disguising their religious allegiances to the Church and Christianity. When a person’s eyes are wide open, they should be afraid of blindfolds and hoodwinks. This ritual has the same effects of a free man submitting him self to the enslavement of his brother. Whether knowingly or unknowingly, while they serve these gods of Europe, of whom they know nothing, the lamb remain a staple parcel for the lion. Having sworn their will to these European Masonic Orders, they have no honest will remaining to submit to Allah. As Drew Ali warned in His Holy Instructions: “If you are honest, oaths are unnecessary.” These people and those that accept their teachings, place opposition after opposition to the proclamation of the new Moorish Americans as a nation. One can not serve two masters. The divide is simple, either one is free to be a God or made a Slave by man for the greedy sake of mankind. European freemasonry is founded upon a murder under the code name “Hiram Abiff”. He was and is the African God Man of the Nile, the descendants of the Ancient Moabites whom later inhabited the Northwestern and Southwestern shores of Africa. Hiram Abiff is buried in the Northwestern graveyard under the RIP epitaph of “Blacks”. The grand purpose of the world’s largest Secret Society is to “Never allow them, Negro, Blacks and Colored People (NBC) to become a nation”. Now, compare this grand purpose with those who have sustained the NATIONLESSNESS status of the Moorish Americans since July, 1929.
The Flag Of The Kingdom Of Morocco (Modern History)
The Flag of The Kingdom Of Morocco is a red flag with a five pointed green star in the center. Still, the Flag of Morocco is not our 10,000 year old flag which Drew Ali referred to in His Questionary. Prophet Noble Drew Ali reintroduced this flag to the Asiatics of North America who were under the assumable jurisdiction of the United States Government. These are those who no longer knew who they were and thought they were ‘Negroes’, ‘blacks’ and ‘Colored People’. In describing or displaying the Flag of Morocco, Noble Drew Ali never failed to teach His Moors: “This is the flag of your Forefathers.” Time and time again he said … “His nationality is Moorish American” and “Your nationality is Moorish American” Drew Ali, a Master Etymologist, never failed to make the definitive description between “Morocco”, “Moroccan”, “Moors” and “Moorish”. When referring to us, our state, name and status, Drew Ali always use the noun ‘M o o r i s h’. Moorish was always applicable to us, the descendants of the ancient Moabites. This term has always referred to the comity of kingdoms, Tribes, Countries, Lands and Tongues of the Hametic inhabitants of west Africa. In His Divine Constitution for an example: “The Moorish Americans are the descendants of the ancient Moabites whom inhabited the North Western and South Western shores of Africa.” Here, it must be remembered “To save nations from the wrath of the Great God” is the utmost duty of a Prophet.
The Flag of Morocco is the present day flag of the forefathers of the Moorish. Morocco was the capitol of the old Moorish Empire and has been ruled under various influential cultural names as Carthaginian, Ottoman, Phoenician and Arabian. True Moroccans were the pride of West Africa because of their steadfastness to the Ancient Egyptian Mystery System (Called “Islamism”, “The Old Time Religion” by Noble Drew Ali). Since the eras of the west African bound Hametic Tribes sojourning and inhabiting of Tunis, Tripoli, Algeria etc. Morocco, by any name, was well known amongst Africans as being the Egyptian Capitol in the west and Seat of The Moorish Empire (1500 to 1908). Prior to the Almoravide Dynasty (1062-1125), with the spread of the Arabian version of Islam, an all white silk Banner, with the green Arabic scriptures “There Is No God But Allah And Mohammed Is His Prophet” was used to represent the Moorish. 702 AD marked the first Moorish Banner was seen by the pale skinned People across the Mediterranean Sea as they were introduced to civilization e.g. streetlights, Universities, Sciences, Architectures, Astrology, cooking and baths for the first time.
The Almoravide Moors handed the white flag custom down to succeeding dynasties (the Merinides and the Saadiens) which signified a platoon of about 100 Muftis (Islamic Soldiers-Scholars) In later years the banner became a symbol of the state until it created confusion in the ranks of the Moors which were divided by the Arab Invasion of Islam. This invasion, under the Ottoman Turkish Rule, demanded strict ‘Denationalization’ of all national name descent and to assume Arabian Islamic (Nationless) genealogy. This lead to the 1492 bloody Arab-Christian Vice-War (El-Cid) against Moors in Granada Spain. This brought an end to 800 years of Moorish Civilization to South Central and Western Europe hosted by Spain, France and Italy. The few hundred surviving Moorish POW’s were used to begin what is now known as the West African Slave Trade; compliments of the military bond between Arab Muslims, king Ferdinand and Queen Isabella.
The Moorish Empire, especially it’s uppermost northern kingdoms above the Sahara, suffered a magnanimous lost of tribal Beys, Els, Duns, Deys and Ali Caliphs, Sheiks Ambassadors and other officials at the onslaught of the Catholic Crusades. Morocco’s ruling Sultans, The Alaouites Tribe, added the green Sulayman (Suleiman or Solomon) Star to the White Banner during the reign of “Sulayman The Magnificent” (Sultan the Law Giver) 1494-1566; (see: Divine Origin Of The Star). The Pentagram was flown in commemoration of the African God-Men of The Nile (Moors) that had sacrificed their lives for the ancient principles of Love, truth, peace, freedom and justice. The Green has always represented “Life, Fresh Life and Life Everlasting” and was later accepted by Prophet Mohammed as the color of Islam. Meanwhile, Sulayman, to the dislike of most Arabs, use the star to remember those of his nationals, while in advancing the land of infidels, whose spirits went to Allah, inherent souls to the hereafter and bodies would never indigenously return. Through the royal line of the Alaouites came the ancestors of His Majesty King Hassan (I) (II) who decreed the banner from “White” to the “Moroccan Red.” This especial red, made into a dye for clothes, leather and fezzes was later worn by Moroccan Noblemen and Citizens alike. The new Moroccan Flag was raised every morning at first light and lowered each evening at sundown on the fortress at Rabat and Sale.
The Moorish was the first Gods on Earth to make a graphic representation of the North Star as an entryway to his Universe. The Head, R-Arm, L-Arm, R-Leg and L-Leg of the Pentagram are the only star shape oneness that can be drawn unicursally, in the expression of a single line. When these organs are written in reverse, as English is to Arabic, the letter spell A-L-L-A-H; Allah. This captures the boundlessness of Immanuel (The Great God In Man). This is why The Holy Prophet in all his teachings, sermons and laws, always kept the principles of Love, Truth, Peace, freedom and Justice out front. They are woven in every fiber of the Moorish American being; from their Constitution to their By-Laws, from their Holy Koran to the Proclamations, from the Moorish American Prayer to The Moorish Flag, Moorish Seal and every hall of learning. Therefore, it is standard to expect the Five Highest Principles ever known to Man to be personified in the hearts and minds of every Moorish American.
Noble Drew Ali said these Moors “… were driven out of the land of Canaan, by Joshua, and received permission from the Pharaohs of Egypt to settle in that portion of Egypt” (MHK p.3). When the Ancient Moabites originally inhabited the land called Morocco, they were guided by the brightest morning star called Venus. Venus rotates from East to West. Venus is the most brilliant of planets in this Solar System; because it is closer to the Sun yet, nearly the same size as Earth. Venus is seen in the Eastern skies immediately, before and sometimes during sunrise. It is not a “Fixed” star due to its orbital rotation around the Sun. Still, the Moors, traveling from East to West, kept this “Eastern Star” at their backs until they reached the Western extremities. It was not uncommon for Moors to travel by the stars. They were the world’s first Astronomers and Navigators, (Moor means “Navigator”). Nevertheless, this is how the symbol of the Pentagram received its beginning by the Ancient Moors. It was not just a diagram but also indeed, a national tool of science for the “Torchbearers of Civilization”.
Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali (Noble Drew Ali) said of our flag: “What kind of flag is the Moorish? It is a red flag with a five-pointed green star in the center”. When the Ancient Moabites first established their Banner, it was a replica of their journey of peace and plight of civilization with new life. Therefore, the original flag was as “White as the purity of god” with an open Green Pentagram in the center. “White” representing God’s Universal Creativity and “Green” meaning the manifest of that Creative Fate in through the God-Man on Earth.
The Center (Circle) represented man as the most favored of god’s creations. The All-Seeing Eye of Allah.
The White Circle represented purity; purity means God and God means ruler of the land. (Q. 93).
The Green of the star represents, “New Life, Life Everlasting”.
The Openness of the Star represents the Spirit of Freedom, infinite powers to create and to govern; El’s and Bey’s.
The Singleness of the Star represents its independence, oneness of humanity, which precludes the idea of One Great God.
The Uprightness of the Star represents its fearless balance and perpendicular stand in deific life (God Man); Man’s receptiveness from force to self-empowerment.
The Points of the star are called Pentagrams. They always represent Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice, as long as the Star is in its perfect upright position.
Pentagrams are the expressions of the Science that breeds from the Higher Self of every Moor’s mind. These points encompass 72 degrees x 5 of the Highest Principles known to man and this Star describes man’s every phase of life in a single expression.
The singleness of the Star represents its freedom, independence and obedience (harmony) to the Great God. The North Star, of the Moorish American Flag, is also a sign of their constancy and polarity to the human family; the fixed stability of the Seraphim. Still, all of these great things of divinity evolve 360 degrees around the executive principle of Love. Love is always the first point. Yet, these five Divine Principles are not a new philosophy. The Ancient Moors practiced them holistically on a daily basis. Today, the constancy of an ancient holistic life has been replaced with a once-a-week, Friday-go-to-a-meeting and Sunday School ritual.
During the latter ten thousand years, in olden Kemet (Egypt), the antediluvian Order of “MAAT” was foundated upon the three steps of:
Divine Order
Natural Order
Social Order
The destiny of Man, Spirit Man, was fixed by the Triune Allah of Wisdom, Will and Love in the days of Creation. The Principles of MAAT were: Harmony, Truth, Balance, Right Order and Justice.
Noble Drew Ali, an Egyptian Adept Master Prophet, returned these ancient Principles to the Moorish and sealed them in the omnipotence of their flag. Note and Analyze:
Moorish (Adept) Principles
Egyptian (Maat) Principles
Right Order
The Openness of The Five Pointed Upright Star Represents Freedom In A Single Expression. The Interlocking of The Five Pointed Star Represents The Infinite Perfection of The Circle.
Historically the European psychic has never been able to understand the infinite and spiritual circles-of-life in Africa. They could only pillage the nationalized tangibles of Africa, never its truths and spirits. Subsequently this ignorance is always coated with taboos, paganisms and scholastically refurbished as meaningless versions of cultural cults. Unfortunately these White man’s words are digested as gospel among the sons and daughters of former slaves.
Here, are the return of the ancient principles, which were taught to Abraham, Moses, Solomon, Jesus and Mohammed being emblematized in the five points of the Moorish Star, by Sheik Sharif Abdul Ali (Arabic for Noble Drew Ali). These grand moral guidelines are displayed twice in the Moorish American Flag. Once above the Star, upward from the Scimitar, and again represented by the five points of the Star (Q# 20). This is due to the fact these Divine Principles are the original attributes of Allah and they are breath into the soul of every ancient Moor; in essence, As Above, So Below. This is also the North Star because it is the only light of stability in the Northern hemisphere. Like so, the Moors are also the only light, transferred from the East and buried in the shallow grave of the Northwest continental Americas.
The Principles above are the Holy Spirit (Truth) found in Sura 2:87 of the Great Quran. The Moors call this Truth “Allah” or “Holy Breath” (Q#50). It is the life in Man. He, himself must be The Truth in order to be himself, Free (John 8:32).
The Sword is also the level, or balance of equality, from which the star is plumbed. The contact point, centered at the convex of the Scimitar and the Head of the Pentagram, represents the fruition of a Moor’s consciousness. This is the consciousness of “The Deification of Man” and the wisdom that Allah and Man are one (MHK 7:23). It means the will of a conscious Moor is to forever be in harmony with the Will of Allah. This is how man truly receives his divine nectar; from which cometh his strength. A Moor, no matter the gender, is ever mindful (conscious) that to not be upright and aligned with the Father of the Universe is to beckon the wrath, which men call “Hell”.
The profound Vexillology of the Moroccan Flag is its origin is squarely rooted in The Moorish Flag. The Flag of the Moorish is the Mother of all Flags. It is critical for all Moorish Americans to learn this trivia because it was this Flag which represented them as “Torchbearers Of Civilization.” It personifies and warns all other nations of the purpose of this new, pure and clean nation identified as the Moorish Americans. When speaking about the true existence and plight of the Moorish American nation, Noble Drew Ali warned: “All nations of the earth in these modern days are seeking peace, but there is but one true and divine way that peace may be obtained in these days and it is through Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice being taught universally to all nations, in all lands.” (MHK 46:9;See: APPENDIX).
The true purpose of this new Moorish National is to re-civilize and to free all other nations of the earth with Truth: as they, themselves have become free. Then men shall see the new Heaven and the new Earth as foretold by the Prophets. Moors are the Vanguards of Peace on Earth. Those who display the Scimitar and Star are the people who represent the Higher Self. It is also the symbol of Angels manifested in human flesh. Their sole purpose is to restore peace among the nations of the earth (Q#39). Peace is the true flow of spirit life; it is harmoniously active yet never passive.
“Our Flag” is to be flown throughout the Moorish American Government; all of the said government’s Nationalized properties and businesses and with all nations and all lands where the Holy Principles of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice are practiced.
“Our Flag” is the only National insignia to the freedom of the Moorish Americans, etc. It clearly sounds the long awaited return of the Moors!! “The Return Of The Ancient Ones”!! It further proclaims the end of mental slavery and the light of still much wisdom to be learned. Indeed, it is impossible to enslave a conscious people. “Our Flag” also says, We, the Moorish Americans, are the major writers of Moorish history and only the assurors that our contributions to humanity will be written right. But, in order to understand the divine and worldwide significance of the Moorish American Banner, one must examine each of its symbols with care.
The Scimitar and Star of the Moorish Americans and Ancient Adepts have been grossly misunderstood and often confused with the “Jewel” of the “Shriners”, the elite, Masonic organization established in the U.S.A. However, the pendant jewel of the Shriners has a lot of other symbols between the Scimitar of The Great God and the Pentagram of man, e.g. Egyptian Sphinx’s head, Fez and the Crescent Moon of Africa’s Islam. In fact, if one were to remove all the pillaged African symbols from the European Shriners logo, it would completely disappear!!
Only two kinds of men lay claim to the Great Scimitar: those who inherited this Angelic symbol of Universal Justice from The Great God through their ancient forefathers and those who “Borrowed” it. The latter secretly whispers it’s prescience under the cloak of oaths, while the true owners laid still in a comatose from the assault of three Ruffians. This criminal attack was so devastating until many semiconscious Moorish Americans today, even after the advent of Their Savior Noble Drew Ali, are still dazed into believing the stolen ‘Jewels’ now belong to the thief! Thoughts of this nature derive from the MAYA of mental slavery, in which the ‘9/10ths possession’ appear as law. Thus allowing the criminal to describe the crime Some of these true owners, who have forgotten they are the victims, have gone so far as to identify their Holy Prophet as a member of the same vile seditious band of Jubelo, Jubela and Jubelum, which are the culprits that put their light out! Their sole assignment being to not just put out the light in Africa but to stand Tyler over the shallow grave where the light is buried (See: Freemasonry). No conscious and holy man or woman could equate a Moslem, such as Prophet Noble Drew Ali, in the same breath as being a ‘Shriner’. Therefore, let us forget the falsehood and go with mind of fleshless things to examine the Emblem of the Moorish American Flag because it, indeed, has an ancient history. We began with the Circle, Scimitar, and then the Star:
The Moors, known as “Imazighen” (Men of Noble Origin), were the true indigenous people of Morocco. They had no objection to the religion of Islam, as perfected by Prophet Mohammed as a completed favor to his people (Sura 5:3). After all, they recognized their own “Old Time Religion”, (Q. 16 –17-18), founded by their Ancient Forefathers. In fact, Moors accepted Islam, (Hotep, Islamism), as early as drinking water (See: Religious Controversy). The conflict came, not with West Africans submitting to Islam, but in the Arabs demanding Moors to denounce their heritage and Moorish genealogy and profess being “Arabians”. Under the color of ‘Islam’ these Mohammedans were actually imposing Arabian Nationalism. Those Moors who complied were made Caliphs, Sheiks and assorted rulers. Those who bucked were slandered as infidels, heathens and non-believers; considered as outcasts and only worthy of slavery or death. Especially, the Moors whom had brought culture, sciences, architecture and civilization to Spain, Portugal, Italy and France. They were called Morocco (lat. Spanish) and Moro (Maurus) in French.
Actually that (683) invasion marked another step down into the Great Maafa, the African Slave trade (See: Freemasonry and Why Are We Moorish Americans?). Now, the Flag of the Moorish, a Red Flag with the five pointed Star in the center, like the Great Moroccan Kingdom itself, would be destined for shrinking alterations. These changes of its boundaries, histories and powers would be exchanged from the Arabs to the European new world orders or as the U.S. Marines sing, “From the Halls of Montezuma to the shore of Tripoli” (Africa). After the Sultan of Morocco financed the 13 Colonies to win their Revolutionary War to become the United States, he signed the first treaty with General/President George Washington. Although this treaty, (still in effect), was written to protect the Moorish Nationals enslaved here; old “Slave owner, George W.” put the Moorish flag away in a Philadelphia vault. This Congressional Denationalization of the West African Moors is steeped in symbolism and high levels of judicial etymology. To this day, the Red and Green flag is noted as: “George Washington chopping down the proverbial Cherry Tree” (brilliantly revealed in the 2004 Movie Production of the United States’ secret burial of the Moorish, entitled: “NATIONAL TREASURE”). Needfultosay, being Freemason, old George Washington “could not tell a lie”!! Yeah, right!!
Naturally, the world famous “Forked Tongue” of European Nations deceived the Moorish-Arab Sultan, as they had for a thousand years. So, after the United States (Jubelum) came to power, it was Portugal and France (Jubela), her “Lodge Brothers”, who would conquer Morocco (See: Freemasonry). Under this conquest, (which lasted past it’s regained 3-2-56 Independence into the 1990’s control of Morocco’s Western Sahara by the “Polisario front”), the Great Moroccan Empire had lost its Five-Pointed Star from its Red Flag. The Holy Green Pentagram was not returned to its plain Red Banner until the advent of Noble Drew Ali.
Between the years of 1905, 1911 – 12, the Europeans of Germany, Spain, Portugal and France were in a serious tug-of-war to the Anglo-French entente over Morocco. This, coupled with Moroccan tribal rivalries, lead to the ouster of Germany and, to Morocco under French (rule) Protectorate.
Prophet Noble Drew Ali, in August of 1912, with full authority of Sultan Abdul Aziz Ibu Saud of the Holy City of Mecca, Sultan Fuad of Egypt and the Grand Lodge of England-France, told “Our Ruler in Morocco” – Sultan Hassan I (Q# 34), there would be no peace until the “Star is returned”. Albeit European’s heart was hardened in Morocco. 1914 marked the outbreak of Europe’s First World War, which claimed 10 million lives and over 20 million wounded. In 1915 AD, the sacred Five Pointed Star was placed back in the center of the Moroccan Red Flag, in Fez, Morocco. The Prophet had retrieved the original Moorish flag from the congressional vault during the Gubernatorial Campaign for the Presidency of Woodrow Wilson in 1913. It was a great wonder that Noble Drew Ali actually displayed the Moroccan Flag, here in the United States, two years before it was actually returned to the sovereign soil of Morocco. He displayed it upside down, beside a backward-turned United States Flag, as a sign they both were in adversity of their principles. There is a picture of Noble Drew Ali with Secretary Sheikess, Christina Price Bey).
Speaking of the U.S. flag, the term “Old Glory” was first applied to Moorish Flag because of its heavenly brightness by Venus and its ancient history of being the Mother of all flags. “Old Glory” could never intelligently be applied to a flag that’s only been around for a historical minute; and changed numerous times between 1780 and 1960.
Oh! How the mice played as the great African lion of Judah slept at mid-day.
The degree (day) of Venus is Friday. This day is also the Holy Day for Moslems (Monads) all over the world (See: Act-2). Venus is also symbolic of the Great God’s love in placing Man above the Angels and all other living things in all worlds, seen and unseen. This is the First Flag and it was called ‘Glory to God’ or ‘God’s Glory’. To the Ancient Moors, Torch Bearers of Civilization, it symbolized the consciousness of God in Man. The Flag of the Moorish:
The Divinity Of The Moorish Flag
The divinity of the Moorish Flag is the assuredness of man, Spirit Man, will reach deific life; that the sum of his life is spent to build the temple of perfected man. The Creation, fall and omnipotent exaltation of every man and woman is personified in the world’s oldest flag because…. Spirit Man is an absolute thought and perfect essence of The Father of the universe. Of the Seven Created Certainties, the essence of Man being made in the image and likeness of The Creator is the most resolved. The First flag illustrates this universality and boundlessness of The Great God’s Love.At the dawning of the First Civilization, when man realized his human state had fallen earthbound, the pattern of the flag was designed from the form of feeding from his native (Spirit) plane. When the flag was first flown into existence it was the embodiment of man’s circle of life divine and immutability of man himself the truth. The plane of soul, Earth and flesh are manifest of the sluggish wills. These wills became lethargic when the plane of thought reached the rate of atmosphere where all living manifests had a dependence upon the breath for existence. In these slower rhythms the stronger began to consume the weaker manifest and what we now know as survival of the fittest became a fact. The Moorish were the first Gods to people the Earth and became known as “The Torchbearers Of civilization”. After the Great Earthquake, when the Earth had to undergo a Second Civilization, their descendants would become the world’s first “Seafarers.” With The Great Banner flying at high noon the Ancient Ones founded the world’s first Religious Creed for the redemption and salvation of mankind on Earth, to open wide the doors of civilization. Today their Children, The Moorish Americans, hold the key of civilization which was and is in the hands of the Asiatic nations. The Moorish, who were the ancient Moabites and Founders of the Holy City of Mecca. The Moorish developed space travel, air communications, architect, agricultural, governments and all sciences currently used by man since the days of Atlantis, LaMuria and latter day Kemet, the capitol of the dominion of Africa. The divinity of these wonders and mysteries were all encompassed in insignia of The Moorish Flag, the true ‘Old Glory.’
Other Historical Facts About The Star:
In 3500 BC at Ur of the Chaldees, birth place of Abraham, the star was used to represent nobility. Abraham, through his sons Ishmael and Isaac, became the Great Father of today’s Muslims and Jews. The Star became a symbol of Truth amongst the Hebrews, and the original Seal of Solomon. The star did not take a turn for the worst, from divine to naught, from upright to upside down and from positive to negative until its European perception. It has been in the nature of European hierarchy to destroy, dilute or reverse African contributions to the world. It almost seem as though they get pissed off, to the lowest level of pisstivity, just to know people of hue was the first to people the Earth. Anyway, this is when the star went from sugar to shucks. To them it became known as;
- Underground womb (Egypt)
- Godhead (druids)
- Underground Goddess (Celts)
- Chi-rho Symbol (Constantine)
- Endless knot (medieval)
- Goat’s Head, Horned God and Witch’s Foot (Christian Concept)
- The Goat ‘Baphomet’ (Eliphas Levi)
- Inverted Star (Eastern Stars)
The Moors used this banner again after they circumnavigated the continent of Africa, when it included Havilah (Arabia), over ten thousand years ago. But, with the aforementioned invasions, the whiteness of the original Banner was turned Red in defense of its Principles. Moorish blood began to pour like rain from the Islamic infiltration of Arab conquest that began in the Seventh Century.
Why Does The Saudi Family Have “Our Flag”?
The Symbol of the Moorish Flag is embedded on the walls of the Royal Palace of The Saudi Family in Saudi Arabia. So, why do the Saudi family have “Our Flag”. Answer: the Arabians have been stealing pure Africans since they have claimed to be the seed of Hagar. Who have been capturing and enslaving Africans longer and with more business like efficiency than Arabians? From a view point of a professional Slaver, no man enslaves another without knowing his value. What nation of African People would know the true history of the so-called NBC better than those who have been stealing and selling them for over 3,000 years?
After Noble Drew Ali proved His Prophethood before Hierophants of Egypt he made his only pilgrimage to Mecca. While there He met with Sultan Abdul Aziz Ibu Suad, who was the head of the holy city of Mecca and direct descendant of Hagar. The great Prophet of Ali honored The Sultan as a true descendant of Hagar and chief protector of the Islamic Creed of Mecca, which begin with Mohammed The First, the founder of the uniting of Islam. Ali proclaimed “The key of civilization was and is in the hands of the Asiatic nations. The Moorish, who were the ancient Moabites, are the founders of the Holy City Of Mecca. His forefathers are the true and divine founders of “Islamism”, the first religious creed for the redemption and salvation of mankind on earth. We, the Moorish Americans are returning to Islam, which was founded by our forefathers for our earthly and divine salvation.” With this Drew Ali retrieved The Moorish Flag from the Saudi Family and returned it to the Moorish of the Americas. Ali later honored the Sultan by placing his image in the first edition of the Book Of The Seven Seals, The Holy Koran Of The Moorish Science Temple of America. Those who have seen the 2004 film “FAHRENHEIT 9/11” by, Michael Moore, also saw two brief scenes of The Moorish National Flag. These scenes were cast with the first President Bush and the Sultan in council in the grand Palace. Who can witness these things and not know Noble Drew Ali is Allah’s Prophet?
Drew Ali Returns The Unbroken Circle
The ‘Circle’ is the most perfect of all symbols. The Circle symbolizes Man’s recognition of the monotheistic universe and his throne upon the order of all living things. The “Truth Circle” began with the illimitable thoughts foundated in all the Great God’s creations. Noble Drew Ali described the circle as “The Elohim” or “The Seven Eyes of Allah”. Within this circle, of created fate, are the Seven Days wherein all creation and science are super temporally circumscribed (Appendix: Q: 97-101).The divine origin of the “Circle” was first used by the god-men of Akubu-Lan (Afrika). Akubu-Lan’s first true and divine name is “Amexem” (See Appendix; MHK 47:3). The circle is the first symbol reciprocated by the Afrikan man to denote the perdurable bond deifying Allah and man. The circle is man’s utmost symbol of perfection. It represents the conscious completion of each of the great Seven Days of Creation. The circumference of the circle perpetuates its immutable design and unending thought activity. It is the totality of alpha and omega in motion. For this reason, enslaved African Nationals were strictly forbidden to form a circle of two or more. The European Slavemasters’ greatest fear was a circle of Moors. This is because whenever African eyes met they would see The God in each other. Virtually all Slavers feared the infinite abyss housed deep in an African’s eyes; so the “Don’t be eyeballing me boy/gal” became a way of life in Slavesville USA. The Master made the Slaves believe his personage was too godly to be looked upon. Needfultosay, here the truth is reversed. He was more afraid of the ‘God’ his Slaves did not see in him as opposed to the greatness they may have seen in each other. The potentiality of his subordinate being able to recognize their own omnipresence was too great for Ol’Massa to handle. This gave strength to today’s “Standing around”, “gatherings” and “loitering” laws. The unity found in a circle could become a weapon of mass destruction.
The circle’s earliest use was a reminder of the deathless god-state of man and the boundlessness of his Creator. There is no other symbol that encompasses both the divinity of Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom and Justice with the universal aptitude of man in a single expression. All worlds, the universe and orbital life forms are foundated in various circles of a single life. This is why Jesus said, “By the sweet breath of Allah, all life is bound in one” (MHK 10:5). The circle is the only emblem, which transcends all sciences studied by man, e.g. geometry, astrology, chemistry, psychology, religion, death and governments, etc. All laws are communicated through the circle – hence, law governs all events. This power of karmic jurisprudence is often referred to as ‘What goes around comes around’. The diameter of a circle can also house the sum total of a manifest or any of the man-made things, which he developed from thought. For example: a corral, circus ring, an encampment, a body of desires or passions, a law or structure (See: Compass).
The great Circle cannot be improved upon. Although there are some Westerners who will die by their Zodiac Sign. Most do not know the prefix “Zo”, according to Science (Etymology), means ‘Animal’. Hence the word Zodiac means “World (or circle) of The Little Animals”. The Universal Zodiac is a Chart of Twelve Cycle Ages. The twelve-month calendar year, which draws its powers from the force of the Cycle Ages, is represented by a different animal at the cusp of each month. Each age is about 2100 years and is represented by one animal per cycle. Men and women of the human family, who have lost their consciousness of God-in-Man, believe heavily upon their “Zodiac Sign” for guidance. It is now the job of Master Minds to teach these wayward souls their perfection rests within the circle and there is no failure for the human soul. The wise know there is no saving power for a God in the world of animals. Besides, where on earth can an animal lead a God? Should man strive to be a perfect crab, fish, lion or Great God? When man leaves the oneness of his circle of universal life, he faces the perpetual realms of “Why?” The Ancient Moorish Civilizers of Atlantis, Mu and Americas diagrammed and used the circle as a universal emblem nearly twenty thousand years before teaching “Fred, Barney and Wilma” how to make a wheel. Even at that, the rebellious Flintstones later made “the old rugged Cross” in direct defiance of the circle and opposition to God’s creative order. It must also be remembered, our animated friends recently ‘discovered’ the Earth was a circle in orbit, not flat, in 1492.
The Quadrants Of The Circle
Notice the absence of the cross and Christianity from these ancient Holy Circles (See: Diagram of “ISLAMISM”, The World’s First Religious Creed). This is because neither The Cross, Doubled Cross, Triple Cross nor Christianity is requisite for the salvation of the Moors. There are unlimited reasoning to the quadrant circles of Drew Ali. The circles are broken into quadrants around both the Circle Seven and the Scimitar and Star emblems. Being an Egyptian Adept Master, The Prophet presented the broken circle to the Moors as four gateways to perfection, to the deific life and to the oneness of God In Man. This is in accord with the first religious creed, Islamism (Hotep) founded by the Ancient Moorish Fathers. The Moorish of Ancient Kemet later called this “The Egyptian Mystery System” because it dealt with “… the surety of the omnipotence of Allah and man; the certainty that man will reach deific life” (MHK 7:26).
These gateways of East, West, North and South or Longitude and Latitude, all lead from the center to the outer bounds of life (See: Diagram). The gateways are also the four elements of Fire, Water, Air and Earth centrifugal from their ethereal planes. Without the science of these four gateways, the knowledge of manifested Life, as known to Man, would be incomprehensible for lack of thinking and reasoning. The four quadrants are also present in the square foundation of the ancient Pyramids. When the pyramid is viewed from the top, its base is perfectly squared and forms the four 90 degree angles. Within the 90-degree angles, are the same elements. At its corners are the four directions (N-E-S-W).
The apex or capstone of the pyramid is indicative of the spiritual heart (wisdom) of man. In fact, it is from this top view when the “Center” (of the circle) is most pronounced. Men call this, “The All Seeing Eye” because it captures all directions and elements at once. Yet, no carnal man can see all sides of the pyramid at once; from a finite point of view. Like so, neither can man understand the unbroken perfection of the circle. Hence, the science of the quadrants, by Drew Ali. Since the Khufu Pyramid is perfectly aligned with the Orion’s Belt, it is easy to see how the 90-degree angles of the square are synonymous with the 90-degree quadrants of the circle. In both the Moorish National Seal (the Circle Seven) and the Moorish American Banner (the Scimitar and Star), the absolute center is found. This center is the heart. It is found in the center of the Number Seven and at the “Contact Point” between the convex of the Scimitar and the Head pentagram of the five-pointed Star.
(Its Divine Origin and Purpose)
The Illustrious Prophet Sharif Abdul Ali returned the Scimitar to the Moorish Tribes of the Americas. This great emblem of Justice (‘Justice’ is also the 5th of the five great Principles for the Moorish Americans) is yet another inherent saving power from their ancient forefathers. The Ancient Moabites were the first to materialize the sword in harmony with universal laws.
Justice is one of the infinite attributes of the Great God, Allah. A sign always precedes Justice. The Scimitar is the only member of the sword family with an ancient history. The symbol of the Scimitar originated in the consciousness of the first physical man; uniting his divinity with manifested matters around himself. The spiritual purpose of the sword is conquest of Truth over Maya, as it was first used by the Cherubim, the Arch Angel of the stations of the sun (Zodiac), (See: MHK 1 and Gen. 3:24). The ancient Moors used the Scimitar to subdue the earth, conquering the wild beasts so civilizations could come in.
Scimitars are the only swords recognized by its distinctive convex. This curved exterior surface represents the perfect circle, omnipotence and the continuous, never ending presence of the Creator. The curved blade, with the shape edge on the convex side, has it weight balanced from the center to the outer most point above the cutting edge. This is in alliance with the centrifugal unfoldment of man’s deific life. Every part of the Scimitar is designed by men of understanding for all men to understand. The Great Scimitar, as returned by Drew Ali, is in the utmost trinity of sections; the Barrel, the Guard and the Blade.
The Barrel or handle represents the Great God, Divine Rule and the Government in all creations. It is omnipotent laws, which govern all events. The Guard, represents the Angels, e.g. the Cherubim, Seraphim, Death, Michael, Gabriel, ethereal and cosmic planes which defend stations between infinite wisdom and human knowledge. The Guard delineates the deific will and the course of truth.
The Blade is balance, equality and the level from which the plumb line of man’s consciousness is suspended to the plummet of his actions (See: Tools). The Ancient Ones knew, Equality can only be found in Justice The Scimitar is the sign of the spirit of Allah’s jurisprudence.
The Hindu uses the Sanskrit word, “Karma” to describe the fixed course of justice; man reaps what man sows. Or, what goes around comes around, etc.
The Scimitar also represents Force. Jesus, whose name means Justice (Q#36), said, Force is the will of Allah and is omnipotent. Force changes not, but power changes as the ethers change. Man, and other thinking things, directs the force; when it has done its work the power is no more (MHK 7:14018). Justice is the principle, used by Force, which keeps the creations of Allah in their designated harmony. Freemasons, with no eye for divinity, assume the Scimitar to mean power – “the power of the pale skin god” and their ideal of force is their Armies, Navy, Air Force and ‘a few good men’; The Armed Forces?!?!! O’ look what they have done to our song, Man!???
The Turks and Arabs made the Scimitar renowned to the modern nations of the earth. Prophet Mohammed used a two-edged Scimitar in his re-civilizing of the world; one convex for Force and the other for power. In the 4th Century, B.C, old Damocles had a sword, hanging by a hair above his head, during a feast. It reminded him that the power to a ruler of men is not greater than the force of his Creator. Today, in the Holy City of Mecca, and other Islamic countries, the Scimitar is used for castrations and decapitations of those convicted of various sins and crimes. It is used by a Mufti on Friday, immediately after Juma Services. And, with the chant of “Allah U Ark bar!” he uses the Scimitar to send the body to earth and the soul to its Creator. These public maiming and murders are performed under the governmental glass of “State Executions.” State authorized murders, be they crucifixions, hangings, decapitations or lethal injections are all in defiance of life which man did not give. To carnal man, who have forgotten he is made in the image of The Great God, the threat of death give the illusion of power and fear but cannot command love.
Contrary to modern belief and usage, the Scimitar is not a weapon. Weapons are instruments of destruction and murder (See: The Cross). The Scimitar, in its purest sense is a symbol foundated upon the indestructible soul, consciousness and remembrance of man to be God. The constant swing of the Scimitar carries the due course of justice and has the force to separate divinity from matter. Being Human is a built-in consequence for opposing reason. The mighty Scimitar is not controlled by passions, emotions, desires and other weaknesses of carnal man. Nevertheless, the Islamic and Masonic worlds adopted the Scimitar from the Ancient Moors of Africa. Its symbolic use in their holistic way of life represented their faith. They founded the first religious creed, “Hotep, Seauton Gnothi” (Islamism, Man Know thyself) (MHK 48:6-8). The Adept uses the Scimitar Symbol to the swiftness of infinite thought communicated between the Spirit Father and Spirit Man.
The Scimitar still holds much more wisdom to be learned by the descendants of the ancient Moors, born here in America. “What your ancient forefathers were, you are today without doubt or contradiction” (MHK 47:10). The Scimitar is a Moor’s heritage. No other nation, religious group or secret society can rightfully claim the Scimitar Noble Drew Ali brought it to light from the Seal of the Moorish American Nation. Like moles thrive in darkness, the warlike nature of the European is powered nocturnally. Likeso, the nations of Europe acquired their new world dominance under falsehood, ignorance, fear and death. But these things would not have been empowered without first placing the light of African civilization under a shroud of darkness.
It is said, “The darkest hour is just before dawn.” This is true of the latter 300 years, of the Piscean Age (2,000 years). Never before in the history of man have billions of people been so deceived as to the consciousness that man is truth; that the Great God and man are one (MHK 7:23). The Scimitar also has been tarnished to appear as a weapon, an instrument of murder and a symbol of fear. As the Moorish hordes awaken slowly in the western hemisphere, the symbol of the Scimitar appeared in the hands of their pale skin conquerors (the Shriners of the York and Scottish Rites of the Free Masonic Orders). And, because this was falsehood, who had dawned the clothing of truth, e.g. names like Medina, Mecca, Arabian and Egyptian; plus attired with symbols and dress of Ancient African Mastery and Islamic conquest… the Moorish were hoodwinked into believing, “Freemasonry” to be their god. And today, many precious souls are seeking ‘the light’ where truth is not immutable.
The Moorish had no one to tell them, it was indeed their own forefathers who were the founders of the Holy City of Mecca (MHK 45:2); and the founders and true possessors of the present Moroccan Empire (MHK 46:6). Also, they are the rightful heirs of turbans, Fezzes and the Scimitar. That was until the advent of Noble Drew Ali So, for the first time in ages, the Great Sword of Civilization is in the hands of the Moorish Americans (MHK 45:2).
What people are experiencing today is not civilization. A world where it’s a shame to enter the world and the destructive departure is glorified! To give, life a man hides his face but if he kills thousands, he’s honored. But, “…custom cannot alter the nature of truth; neither can the opinion of man destroy justice; the glory and the shame are misplaced” (MHK 44:4-6). The Scimitar has been ill used and misrepresented since out of the hands of its rightful owners. The Moorish Americans need not fear the Scimitar because it is their soul’s best friend. A conscious Man would never look upon the Scimitar as a weapon or anything other than a bearer of life. The truth is in the origin and purpose, with the wisdom to know the use. The Scimitar is now in the hands (minds) of the Asiatics of North America. Only they, through their deific will in tune with the Father’s will, can activate the services of the Great Scimitar.
The National of the Moorish Americans, also returned by Noble Drew Ali, is “The Scimitar And Star”. Equally important as The Scimitar and Star is “Our Flag”. The Prophet speaks of “our Flag” in Questions Numbered 19, 20 and 21 in His Moorish Questionary. This symbol personifies the divine inherent traits of the Moorish Peoples and tribes of all times and climes. To understand the Great Moorish Flag, it is necessary to identify the components within the Circle.
“Our Flag” … (Q. #21)
The Holy Prophet speaks of three distinct Nations and their flags in His Moorish Questionnaire for Moorish Children:
1. The Moorish Flag (Q. #19). Our Flag (Q. #21).
2. Morocco (Q. #34), Moroccans (Q. #32)
3. The American Flag (Act-4, of Additional Laws).
Most Moorish American Scholars assume “Our Flag” is also the Flag of Morocco. However, Noble Drew Ali taught the Moors time and time again “This (The Moroccan Flag) is the flag of our Forefathers”, meaning the modern day inhabitants of Morocco. And like Father-Like-Son, “Our Flag” is also ‘A Red Flag with a five-pointed green star in the center’. It should be understood ‘Our (Moorish American’s) Flag’ couldn’t be the same flag as the Country of Morocco because ‘We’ are descendants of Moroccans and born in America. Therefore ‘Our Flag’ must be ‘Our Own Flag’; the flag of a new ‘Clean and Pure Nation’. Our Flag must also be over ten thousand years old and a true banner of our civil achievements of those times and climes. Further, ‘Our Flag’ must be staffed and hoisted in ‘Our Country’ of Moorish America in observance of our own Divine Constitution and National Movement. Yes. The Moorish Americans possess their own Flag. The incomprehensibility of this fact draws its strength from the assumed ignorance that the Moorish Americans do legally exist as a clean Nation of People. Still, it is not the Flag of Morocco but of Moorish America! One thing for certain, if the Moorish do not accept this flag as their own, they will soon find out the worst is yet to come, as they remain subjugated beneath the flags of their oppressors.
Peacefully Submitted by, Swift Angel #1
The promotions of these lessons by the Seven Seals Publications are free. We pray the world wants to hear and know the truth about Noble Drew Ali and His nation. Albeit “A Servant is worthy of his hire” and we ask these credits for the Author to be included with all reproductions of his works.
1.We are a group of individuals who love The Supreme Force, To whom is called by many names, but do not get caught up on trick knowledgy to kill other Humans Beings, because they call The Supreme Force by other names of Greatness or Divine.
2. We are individuals who stand on and strive for Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom, Right Understanding, Right Innerstanding for we can Overstand on Sound Right Reasoning. Factology versus Beliefs.
3.We are individuals who check out everything that’s anything and anything that’s everything.Whatever truths that you bring to us as truths, We The Universal Zulu Kemetic Muurs will check what you bring to us is facts, myths, or just straight out lies. We are thinkers, researchers, and doers of the Words. But we can have faults like any other Humans on this planet so called Earth.
4. We are into The Kemetic Mystery Schools of Thoughts as well as into whatever knowledge that is Infinite in our Universe and beyond to other Universes.
5. We respect all Beings seen or unseen as long as what is seen or unseen do not bring harm to any of our members. If any harm comes our way , we are taught to call on The Supreme Force Almighty Amen Ra (Allah) ect. Then to fight like a Being of Heaven to bring Hell upon whomever comes against Gods and Goddesses.
6. We wish Peace, Unity, Love, Truth, Respect, Freedom, Justice, Equality, Work, Fun, and a roof over your head with food to eat for all on Earth and in our Universe (Universes).
7. We are of The Great Universe that Almighty Amuun Ra, The Supreme Force Has made for all first. We are of The Great Zulus, The People of The Heavens second. We are of our Great People who came as the Nubians, Kemites of Kemet, who showed the world a Great civilization called Kemet with roots also in Atlantis and Lemuria. We know our story is bigger than Atlantis, Lemuria (MU), Kemet (Egypt) or any other Place on this planet so called Earth.
8. Our wisdom teaches us that wherever our people are at, we are at and know that something went wrong somewhere in time on this planet so called Earth and that many Humans were put under a spell of ignorance (sleep) to be blind, death and dumb to His-story, My-story, Our-story, Misery not knowing who they are or who stole their knowledge and their Souls.
9. We The Universal Zulu Kemetic Muurs are in your world so called Earth, but not of your world-that our Mind is Infinite as The Supreme Force Infinite Self. All Praise Due To The Supreme Force, To Whom is call by many names Atum Amen Ra Ptah Allah.
10. We give respect to where respect is due at all times and try not to judge, because we all will be judge by The Supreme Force, when that right time comes.
11. We know that all Major Religions on this planet so called Earth all took knowledge from the Great Kemet to create their religions but never give credit due back to The Ancient of Ancients, Kemet their foundation of what they stand on today.
12. We recognize all Gods and Goddesses of Ancient Kemet just as your recognize The 99 Attributes Names of Allah or any of the other names that leads up to the Great Supreme Force of All The Worlds.
This is just a touch of who we are of The Universal Zulu Kemetic Muurs
All Praise Is Due To Allah (Amun Ra)
The Lord Of All The Worlds
Islam Moors (Muurs)
The Fez is worn as a symbol of the womb. The top of it has a nipple like shape that symbolizes the navel. The strands of the tassle are 360, as in 360 degrees of knowledge. The tassle is not pinned down as it is in the secret societies. Properly, one who is born of the womb he/she begins to navigate upon the earth, and is endowed with 360 degrees of knowledge that is not pinned down, or kept secret, however it is sacred. Even the 4 sets of breathing holes, if you count them equal to the number of wombman, a 9. One set I believe adds up to 13, the number of times a woman cycles per year.
Summitted by Sister RV Bey
The following is an explanation, found in “Lesson Book Number1”, by Taj Tarik Bey of the Moors Order Of The Roundtable:
Fez: The National Headdress of the Asiatic Moorish Nation Of North, South and Central Al Morocs (Americas), including the adjoining Islands.
The Fez is red felt, with an indigo black tassel. Fez: The Headdress of the Ancient Ones – The Moabite/ Moors – also spelled – Muur. It is geometrically formed to represent the eternal Zodiac. The BODY at the FEZ symbolizes the WOMB of the COSMOS and the WOMB of WOMAN – MOTHER. The 1 inch FINIAL which extends out of the center of the FEZ is the NUMBER 1 and the 9th letter in the Phonetic Moorish alphabet — I. This also symbolizes the NAVEL (Eye).
The cord extending from the I (Eye) symbolizes the Universal Umbilical Cord of Universal Umbilical cord of Universal Life and represents the Oneness of all life. It also represents the tie to the source of Humanity – ZUDIACUS – the FIRST WOMAN.
The Circular (round) ball of the tassel represents the MUNDANE CIRCLE or EARTH. The cord wrapped about the tassel strands, hold the form of the Circle arid represent the Unity of Life through the Zodiac Constitution of Humanity. It also represents the Cyclical and reciprocal nature of Life. The STRANDS of the TASSEL represent the 360 DEGREES of the ZODIAC… The highest LAW arid AUTHORITY in CIVILIZATION. The ZODIAC CROWN OF LIGHT the National Headdress of the MOTHERS and FATHERS of the HUMAN FAMILY FOUNDERS of CIVILIZATION, AND MASTERS of the COSMOS SCIENCE. 3RD 33RD AND 360 Degree MASTER MASONS and EASTERN STARS. This is a part of the hidden truth which has been buried in the dark corner of the NORTH GATE. The FEZ – symbol of the Eternal Zodiac is also called a tarbush, a Tiara, a Corona Sol and other names, which describe its Royal Status.
Peace & Blissings to All
A General Report from the Last Freedom 101 History and Civics Class
Books and Sources used for discussion:
America B.C.by Barry Fell
Saga America by Barry Fell
A Star in the West by Elias Boudinot
Know Your America by the American Legion
National Archives & Records Administration – Government Archives
Reparations=War What Will Free & Unite Black People by Ali
Benjamin Bannak Ka : A True Founding Father by Ali
The Secret Architecture of Our Nation’s Capital by David Ovason
The Constitution of the United States of America
Uniform Commerical Code
United States Code
Natural Rights vs. Civil Rights
Natutal Rights are those inherent rights that cannot be granted or given as privileges from a government, especially one that styles itself in this instance as a Republic [See Article VI, Section 4 Constitution]. A Republic is the most Ancient form of Government and is government where the power of government is derived from the people. Black People taught the white people the Republic System of Government [Order the DVD from Freedom 101:contact this e-mail address
Benjamin Banna Ka and the Black Rite
Founders of the Ideals of the American Republic
Civil Rights are granted rights or privileges granted from a Governmental incorporated body, to a citizenry that is subject to the governmental entity because the people’s Status is CREATED by the Governmental incorporated body [Ex post fact Law or Law after the facts: [See 13th, 14th, 15th amendments]
The Constitutional Government cannot grant privileges to anyone unless the people accept the granted privileges. The Constitutional Government can only guarantee and secure the natural rights of the people who are the government [Republic].
Some of our ancestors were ‘Naturalized by Congress’ as citizens by way of the 14th amendment [As Foreigners with granted citizenship] and now nearly all citizens by ignorance and deception agree to contracts that put them in a class of receiving grants and privileges as opposed to natural guaranteed and protected rights.
***Black People are in fact THE Aboriginal Indigenous Peoples of America defined by blood type, land artifacts, original language scripts, engraved facial depictions, and general culture… So why have we been naturalized as foreigners with granted citizenship… Ignorance of Heritage & History.***
The Whys to Our DIVISION: Ignorance of True
We talked about Language and ‘Phonetic Science’, which is apart of the ancient culture of Black People as opposed to ‘relative use of words and meanings as given by the Caucasian and we talked about the concept of absolute use of language vs.relative use.
Examples: The word natural has many etymological roots in Latin, Old English etc. however the oldest root is Medu Neter also called Hieroglphics or the Demotic/hieretic script of our ancient Black ancestors.
It [natural] is derived from ‘NTR’ and ‘YL’ which both mean an aspect of power and force of the Omniscent God. A Modern concept would be ‘angels’ or ‘angles’ of God.
NTR or NTCHR is where the word Niger, or NEGRO. In our ancient languages the vowels were not originally written down, so NEGRO would be N-GR- or NATURAL would be NTR-L.
We talked about the etym-ology ‘etym [atym or ‘tm’ meaning to create, move or carve as in TiMe, aTuM, aToM. Logy from Logos (Greek) meaning [Mind-wave] or Lagat (Arabic- meaning [Word].
The words:
all etymologically explain something about our origin, genetics, and divine lineage, so there is no need for division.
The Law
None of Our People should accept grants and privileges, instead we should activate a Free natural status at law which means that our inherent rights are guaranteed and protected.
The benefits of the class discussion for all organizations: BLUEPRINT [DNA] for your entity.
1) Avoid being contractually liable for selective service and draft**
2) Do not give Our Children Birth Certificates from a Corporate Fiction. Instead given a Private Record of Birth, witnessed and notarized and authenticated by the County [Contact Freedom 101)
3) Have at least one or more persons in your organization/ institution/national community that can deliver children as opposed to the deathspitals… who issue the contracts that begin the slave status.
4) Avoid vaccinations lawfully and legally protecting the health of our people on the chromosomal level.
5) Do not invest in social Security Trust Fund. Instead reinvest this money into your organizations [Contact Freedom 101 to learn about this process [Form 4029 or Affidavit Declaration -Authenticated]
6) All Ministries, [Islam, Christianity, Israelite, Khemetic, African Spiritualists, Indigenous] that are Tax Exempt Institutions can gain Individual Tax Exemption for all of their Ministers through a variety of methods. Reinvest this money into your organization/ institution/national community/ family.
7) Create a jural society in your institution/ community to deal with protection of the community, to learn PROPER PROGRESSIVE civic and political education.
8) Create educational curriculums in
a) simple herbal identification in your communities, most of our communities are filled with natural herbs that grow right on our blocks. Learn to use these jewels sitting right in our face
b) Dietary guidance
c) Civics and Law
d) Communal Economics- Each Person/ family should have at least three ways to bring in the $,
e) Cultural family paradigms
This was apart of the discussion for last Sunday
Any questions please contact alleyeseeing19@yahoo.com
Peace Ali
Dr Edward Scobie: African Presence in Early Britian: Dominica political figureCUBAN RELIGIOUS BELIEFS OF AFRICAN ORIGIN African Americans – Black Indians
Black Thorn Manifesto by Hakim Bey Moorish Tag Day Update Our Latino Legacy
Race Relations and the Denial of African Heritage Henry the Navigator www.alternet.org/story/15154/
www.blacksandjews.com/Quotes_and_Facts.html www.divine-design.net/blackstonian/dreaditorial.html
www.afromerica.com/knowledge/justice/system/sentencehim.php www.seeingblack.com/
www.stayfreemagazine.org/archives/19/fbi.html www.angelfire.com/geek/APRACE/glossary.html
www.angelfire.com/mo2/blackmormon/000H6.html http://100777.com/ brneurosci.org/smallpox.html
www.icdc.com/~paulwolf/cointelpro/cointel.htm www.english.uiuc.edu/maps/poets/g_l/lynching/lynching.htm
www.danielnpaul.com/TheRealThanksgiving.html www.fordham.edu/halsall/mod/smallpox1.html
www.trinicenter.com/WorldNews/ghandi5.htm www.etext.org/Politics/MIM/bpp/
www.chazznet.net/News/newsview.htm www.godonthe.net/wasblack.htm
NSM-46: U.S. Public Policy to Destory Black leadership, the Black Community and Africa
Here is National Security Council Memorandum-46, an official policy statement issued in 1978 during the Jimmy Carter administration of U.S. policy on undermining Black leaders, the Black community and Afrika:The document reprinted below is Exhibit 10 of U.S. Supreme Court Case No.00-9587 Boyd E. Graves v. The President of the United States of America
MARCH 17, 1978
Interdepartmental Review Memorandum NSCM-46
TO: The Secretary of State
The Secretary of Defense
The Director of Central Intelligence
SUBJECT: Black Africa and the U.S. Black Movement
The President has directed that a comprehensive review be made of current developments in Black Africa from the point of view of their possible impacts on the black movement in the United States. The review should consider:
Long-term tendencies of social and political developments and the degree to which they are consistent with or contradict the U.S. interests.
Proposals for durable contacts between radical African leaders and leftist leaders of the U.S. black community.
Appropriate steps to be taken inside and outside the country in order to inhibit any pressure by radical African leaders and organizations on the U.S. black community for the latter to exert influence on the policy of the Administration toward Africa.
The President has directed that the NSC Interdepartmental Group for Africa perform this review. The review should be forwarded to the NSC Political Analysis Committee by April 20.
Zbigniew Brezinski
cc: The Secretary of the Treasury
The Secretary of Commerce
The Attorney General
The Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff
I. (most text blacked out) . . .and whose importance for the United States is on the increase.II. A. U.S. INTERESTS IN BLACK AFRICA A multiplicity of interests influences the U.S. attitude toward black Africa. The most important of these interests can be summarized as follows:
1. POLITICAL If black African states assume attitudes hostile to the U.S. national interest, our policy toward the white regimes; which is a key element in our relations with the black states, may be subjected by the latter to great pressure for fundamental change. Thus the West may face a real danger of being deprived of access to the enormous raw material resources of southern Africa which are vital for our defense needs as well as losing control over the Cape sea routes by which approximately 65% of Middle Eastern oil is supplied to Western Europe. Moreover, such a development may bring about internal political difficulties by intensifying the activity of the black movement in the United States itself. It should also be borne in mind that black Africa is an integral part of a continent here tribal and regional discord, economic backwardness, inadequate infrastructures, drought, and famine, are constant features of the scene. In conjunction with the artificial borders imposed by the former colonial powers, guerilla warfare in Rhodesia and widespread indignation against apartheid in South Africa, the above factors provide the communist states with ample opportunities for furthering their aims. This must necessarily redound to the detriment of U.S. political interests.
2. ECONOMIC Black Africa is increasingly becoming an outlet for U.S. exports and investment. The mineral resources of the area continue to be of great value for the normal functioning of industry in the United States and allied countries. In 1977, U.S. direct investment in black Africa totaled about $1.8 billion and exports $2.2 billion. New prospect of substantial profits would continue to develop in the countries concerned.
IV. BLACK AFRICA AND THE U.S. BLACK MOVEMENT Apart from the above-mentioned factors adverse to U.S. strategic interests, the nationalist liberation movement in black Africa can act as a catalyst with far reaching effects on the American black community by stimulating its organizational consolidation and by inducing radical actions. Such a result would be likely as Zaire went the way of Angola and Mozambique. An occurrence of the events of 1967-68 would do grievous harm to U.S. prestige, especially in view of the concern of the present Administration with human rights issues. Moreover, the Administration would have to take specific steps to stabilize the situation. Such steps might be misunderstood both inside and outside the United States.
In order to prevent such a trend and protect U.S. national security interests, it would appear essential to (text missing) African Nationalist Movement.
In elaborating U.S. policy toward black Africa, due weight must be given to the fact that there are 25 millions American blacks whose roots are African and who consciously or subconsciously sympathies with African nationalism.
The living conditions of the black population should also be taken into account. Immense advances in the field are accompanied by a long-lasting high rate of unemployment, especially among the youth and by poverty and dissatisfaction with government social welfare standards. These factors taken together may provide a basis for joint actions of a concrete nature by the African nationalist movement and the U.S. black community. Basically, actions would take the form of demonstrations and public protests, but the likelihood of violence cannot be excluded.There would also be attempts to coordinate their political activity both locally and in international organizations.
Inside the United States these actions could include protest demonstrations against our policy toward South Africa accompanied by demand for boycotting corporations and banks which maintain links with that country; attempts to establish a permanent black lobby in Congress including activist leftist radical groups and black legislators; the reemergence of Pan-African ideals; resumption of protest marches recalling the days of Martin Luther King;renewal of the extremist idea national idea of establishing an “African Republic” on American soil. Finally, leftist radical elements of the black community could resume extremist actions in the style of the defunct Black Panther Party.
Internationally, damage could be done to the United States by coordinated activity of African states designed to condemn U.S. policy toward South Africa, and initiate discussions on the U.S. racial issue at the United Nations where the African representation constitutes a powerful bloc with about one third of all the votes.
A menace to U.S. economic interests, though not a critical one, could be posed by a boycott by Black African states against American companies which maintain contact with South Africa and Rhodesia. If the idea of economic assistance to black Americans shared by some African regimes could be realized by their placing orders in the United States mainly with companies owned by blacks, they could gain a limited influence on the U.S. black community.
In the above context, we must envisage the possibility, however remote, that black Americans interested in African affairs may refocus their attention on the Arab-Israeli conflict. Taking into account; the African descent of American blacks it is reasonable to anticipate that their sympathies would lie with the Arabs who are closer to them in spirit and in some case related to them by blood. Black involvement in lobbying to support the Arabs may lead to serious dissention between American black and Jews. The likelihood of extremist actions by either side is negligible, but . . . .(Text cut)
3. Political Options In the context of long-term strategy, the United States can not afford a radical change in the fundamentals of its African policy, which is designed for maximum protection of national security. In the present case, emphasis is laid on the importance of Black Africa for U.S. political, economic and military interests.
In weighing the range of U.S. interests in Black Africa, basic recommendations arranged without intent to imply priority are:
Specific steps should be taken with the help of appropriate government agencies to inhibit coordinated activity of the Black Movement in the United States.
Special clandestine operations should be launched by the CIA to generate mistrust and hostility in American and world opinion against joint activity of the two forces (insert: blacks and Arabs) , and (foster?) division among Black African radical national groups and their leaders.
U.S. embassies to Black African countries specially interested in southern Africa must be highly circumspect in view of the activity of certain political circles and influential individuals opposing the objectives and methods of U.S. policy toward South Africa. It must be kept in mind that the failure of U.S. strategy in South Africa would adversely affect American standing throughout the world. In addition, this would mean a significant diminution of U.S. influence in Africa and the emergence of new difficulties in our internal situation due to worsening economic prospects.
The FBI should mount surveillance operations against Black African representatives and collect sensitive information on those, especially at the U.N., who oppose U.S. policy toward South Africa. The information should include facts on their links with the leaders of the Black movement in the United States, thus making possible at least partial neutralization of the adverse effects of their activity.
In connection with our African policy, it is highly important to evaluate correctly the present state of the Black movement in the Untied States and basing ourselves on all available information, to try to devise a course for its future development. Such an approach is strongly suggested by our perception of the fact that American Blacks form a single ethnic group potentially capable of causing extreme instability in our strategy toward South Africa. This may lead to critical differences between the United States and Black Africa in particular. It would also encourage the Soviet Union to step up its interference in the region. Finally, it would pose a serious threat to the delicate structure of race relations within the United States. All the above considerations give rise to concern for the future security of the United States.
Since the mid-1960s, when legislation on the human rights was passed and Martin Luther King murdered, federal and local measures to improve black welfare have been taken, as a result of which the U.S. black movement has undergone considerable changes.
The principle changes are as follows:
-Social and economic issues have supplanted political aims as the main preoccupations of the movement. ( ) actions formerly planned on a nationwide scale are now being organized locally.
-Fragmentation and a lack of organizational unity within movement.
-Sharp social stratification of the Black population and lack of policy options which could reunite them.
-Want of a national leader of standing comparable to Martin Luther King.
B. THE RANGE OF POLICY OPTIONS The concern for the future security of the United States makes necessary the range of policy options. Arranged without intent imply priority they are:
(a) to enlarge programs, within the framework of the present budget, for the improvement of the social and economic welfare of American Blacks in order to ensure continuing development of present trends in the Black movement;
(b) to elaborate and bring into effect a special program designed to perpetuate division in the Black movement and neutralize the most active groups of leftist radical organizations representing different social strata of the Black community: to encourage division in Black circles;
(c) to preserve the present climate which inhibits the emergence from within the Black leadership of a person capable of exerting nationwide appeal;
(d) to work out and realize preventive operations in order to impede durable ties between U.S Black organizations and radical groups in African states;
(e) to support actions designed to sharpen social stratification in the Black community which would lead to the widening and perpetuation of the gap between successful educated Blacks and the poor, giving rise to growing antagonism between different Black groups and a weakening of the movement as a whole;
(f) to facilitate the greatest possible expansion of Black business by granting government contracts and loans with favorable terms to Black businessmen;
(g) to take every possible means through the AFL-CIO leaders to counteract the increasing influence of Black labor organizations which function in all major unions and in particular, the National Coalition of Black Trade Union and its leadership including the creation of real preference for adverse and hostile reaction among White trade unionists to demands for improvement of social and economic welfare of the Blacks;
(h) to support the nomination at federal and local levels of loyal Black public figures to elective offices, to government agencies and the Court. This would promote the achievement of a twofold purpose: first, it would be easier to control the activity of loyal black representatives within existing institution; second, the idea of an independent black political party now under dicussion within black leadership circles would soon lose all support
https://www.trinicenter.com/WorldNews/ghandi4.htmHere you will see Gandhi’s racist views towards the blacks.
SUMMARY: To understand Gandhi’s role towards the blacks, one requires a knowledge of Hinduism. Within the constraints, a few words on Hinduism will suffice: The caste is the bedrock of Hinduism. The Hindu term for caste is varna; which means arranging the society on a four-level hierarchy based on the skin color: The darker-skinned relegated to the lowest level, the lighter-skinned to the top three levels of the apartheid scale called the Caste System. The race factor underlies the intricate workings of Hinduism, not to mention the countless evil practices embedded within. Have no doubt, Gandhi loved the Caste system.
Gandhi lived in South Africa for roughly twenty one years from 1893 to 1914. In 1906, he joined the military with a rank of Sergeant-Major and actively participated in the war against the blacks. Gandhi’s racist ideas are also evident in his writings of these periods. One should ask a question : Were our American Black leaders including Dr. King aware of Gandhi’s anti-black activities? Painfully, we have researched the literature and the answer is, no. For this lapse, the blame lies on the Afro-American newspapers which portrayed Gandhi in ever glowing terms, setting the stage for African-American leaders Howard Thurman, Sue Baily Thurman, Reverend Edward Carroll, Benjamin E. Mays, Channing H. Tobias, and William Stuart Nelson to visit India at different time periods to meet Gandhi in person. None of these leaders had any deeper understanding of Hinduism, British India, or the complexities of Gandhi’s convoluted multi-layered Hindu mind. Frankly speaking, these leaders were !
no match to Gandhi’s deceit; Gandhi hoodwinked them all, and that too, with great ease. Understanding of Hindu India with our black leaders never really improved even considering years later in March 1959, much after Gandhi’s death, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., his wife, and Professor Lawrence D. Reddick visited India and to our way of analysis, they fared no better than their predecessors. We are certain, had Dr. King known Gandhi’s anti-black and other criminal activities, he would have distanced his civil-rights movement away from the name of Gandhi. We recommend the following:
1. Grenier, Richard. The Gandhi Nobody Knows published in Commentary March 1983; pages 59 to 72. This is the best article on Gandhi briefly outlining his war activities against the blacks.
2. Kapur, Sudarshan. Raising up a Prophet: The African-American Encounter with Gandhi; Boston: Beacon Press, 1992 Excellent research book into the perspective of distant American blacks with respect to their new hero, Gandhi. However, this book has one major flaw: The author seems to be unaware of Gandhi’s anti-black activities in South Africa.
3. Huq, Fazlul. Gandhi: Saint or Sinner? Bangalore: Dalit Sahitya Akademy, 1992.
Superb book. Really gets into the Gandhi’s anti-black ideology with a sense of history setting intact. This book can be purchased from the International Dalit Support Group, P.O Box 842066, Houston, Tx 77284-2066.
This book’s second chapteróGandhi’s Anti-African Racismóis a superb analysis of Gandhi’s anti-black thinking. We bring to you the whole chapter for your review:
Gandhi was not a whit less racist than the white racists of South Africa. When Gandhi formed the Natal Indian Congress on August 22, 1894, the no. 1 objective he declared was: “To promote concord and harmony among the Indians and Europeans in the Colony.” [Collected Works (CW)1 pp. 132-33]
He launched his Indian Opinion on June 4 1904: “The object of Indian Opinion was to bring the European and the Indian subjects of the King Edward closer together.” (CW. IV P. 320)
What was the harm in making an effort to bring understanding among all people, irrespective of colour, creed or religion? Did not Gandhi know that a huge population of blacks and coloured lived there? Perhaps to Gandhi they were less than human beings.
Addressing a public meeting in Bombay on Sept. 26 1896 (CW II p. 74), Gandhi said:
Ours is one continued struggle against degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the European, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir, whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness.
In 1904, he wrote (CW. IV p. 193):
It is one thing to register natives who would not work, and whom it is very difficult to find out if they absent themselves, but it is another thingó-and most insultingó-to expect decent, hard-working, and respectable Indians, whose only fault is that they work too much, to have themselves registered and carry with them registration badges.
In its editorial on the Natal Municipal Corporation Bill, the Indian Opinion of March 18 1905 wrote:
Clause 200 makes provision for registration of persons belonging to uncivilized races (meaning the local Africans), resident and employed within the Borough. One can understand the necessity of registration of Kaffirs who will not work, but why should registration be required for indentured Indians who have become free, and for their descendants about whom the general complaint is that they work too much? (Italic portion is added)
The Indian Opinion published an editorial on September 9 1905 under the heading, “The relative Value of the Natives and the Indians in Natal”. In it Gandhi referred to a speech made by Rev. Dube, a most accomplished African, who said that an African had the capacity for improvement, if only the Colonials would look upon him as better than dirt, and give him a chance to develop self-respect. Gandhi suggested that “A little judicious extra taxation would do no harm; in the majority of cases it compels the native to work for at least a few days a year.” Then he added:
Now let us turn our attention to another and entirely unrepresented communityó-the Indian. He is in striking contrast with the native. While the native has been of little benefit to the State, it owes its prosperity largely to the Indians. While native loafers abound on every side, that species of humanity is almost unknown among Indians here.
Nothing could be further from the truth, that Gandhi fought against Apartheid, which many propagandists in later years wanted people to believe. He was all in favour of continuation of white domination and oppression of the blacks in South Africa.
In the Government Gazette of Natal for Feb. 28 1905, a Bill was published regulating the use of fire-arms by the natives and Asiatics. Commenting on the Bill, the Indian Opinion of March 25 1905 stated:
In this instance of the fire-arms, the Asiatic has been most improperly bracketed with the natives. The British Indian does not need any such restrictions as are imposed by the Bill on the natives regarding the carrying of fire-arms. The prominent race can remain so by preventing the native from arming himself. Is there a slightest vestige of justification for so preventing the British Indian?
Here is the budding Mahatma telling the white racists how they can perpetuate their Nazi domination over the vast majority of Africans.
In the British imperialist scheme, one important strategy was to divide and rule. Gandhi advised Indians not to align with other political groups in either coloured or African communities. In 1906 the coloured people in the colonies of Good Hope, the Transvaal and the Orange River colony, addressed a petition to the King Emperor demanding franchise rights. The petitioners showed clearly that, in one part of South Africa, namely the Cape of Good Hope, they had enjoyed the franchise ever since the introduction of representative institutions.
Commenting on the petition, the Indian Opinion of March 24 1906, declaring that “British Indians have, in order that they may never be misunderstood, made it clear that they do not aspire to any political power,” added:
It seems that the petition is being widely circulated, and signatures are being taken of all coloured people in the three colonies named. The petition is non-Indian in character, although British Indians, being coloured people, are very largely affected by it. We consider that it was a wise policy on the part of the British Indians throughout South Africa, to have kept themselves apart and distinct from the other coloured communities in this country.
In a statement made in 1906 to the Constitution Committee, the British Indian Association led by Gandhi (CW. V p.335) said:
The British Indian Association has always admitted the principle of white domination and has, therefore, no desire, on behalf of the community it represents, for any political rights just for the sake of them.
Commenting on a court case, the Indian Opinion of June 2 1906, in its Gujrati section, stated:
You say that the magistrate’s decision is unsatisfactory because it would enable a person, however unclean, to travel by a tram, and that even the Kaffirs would be able to do so. But the magistrate’s decision is quite different. The Court declared that the Kaffirs have no legal right to travel by tram. And according to tram regulations, those in an unclean dress or in a drunken state are prohibited from boarding a tram. Thanks to the Court’s decision, only clean Indians (meaning upper caste Hindu Indians) or coloured people other than Kaffirs, can now travel in the trams. (Italic portion is added)
Apartheid defended: Gandhi accepted racial segregation, not only because it was politically expedient as his Imperial masters had already drawn such a blueprint, it also conformed with his own attitude to the caste system. In his own mind he fitted Apartheid into the caste system: whites in the position of Brahmins, Indian merchants and professionals as Sudras, and all other non-whites as Untouchables.
Though Gandhi was strongly opposed to the comingling of races, the working-class Indians did not share his distaste. There were many areas where Indians, Chinese, Coloured, Africans and poor whites lived together. On February 15 1905, Gandhi wrote to Dr. Porter, the Medical Officer of Health, Johannesburg (CW. IV p.244, and “Indian Opinion” 9 April 1904):
Why, of all places in Johannesburg, the Indian location should be chosen for dumping down all kaffirs of the town, passes my comprehension.
Of course, under my suggestion, the Town Council must withdraw the Kaffirs from the Location. About this mixing of the Kaffirs with the Indians I must confess I feel most strongly. I think it is very unfair to the Indian population, and it is an undue tax on even the proverbial patience of my countrymen.
Dr. Porter replied that it was the Indians who sub-let to Africans.
Commenting on the White League’s agitation, Gandhi wrote in his Indian Opinion of September 24 1903:
We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race.
Again, on December 24 1903, Indian Opinion stated:
The petition dwells upon `the comingling of the coloured and white races’. May we inform the members of the Conference that so far as British Indians are concerned, such a thing is particularly unknown. If there is one thing which the Indian cherishes more than any other, it is the purity of type.
In his farewell speech at a meeting held in the house of Dr. Gool in Capetown, which was reported in the Indian Opinion of July 1 1914, Gandhi said:
The Indians knew perfectly well which was the dominant and governing race. They aspired to no social equality with Europeans. They felt that the path of their development was separate. They did not even aspire to the franchise, or, if the aspiration exists, it was with no idea of its having a present effect.
Gandhi joined in the orgy of Zulu slaughter when the Bambata Rebellion broke out. It is essential to discuss the background of the Bambata Rebellion, to place Gandhi’s Nazi war crime in its proper perspective.
The Bambatta Rebellion–Background
The spiritual foundation of Nazism was the superiority of the Aryan race or its modern version, the Anglo-Saxon race. When Disraeli was Prime Minister, Britain enunciated a doctrine, like the Monroe Doctrine, warning other European powers that Africa would be a British preserve, and that from the Cape to the Limpopo, if not to Cairo, only white people would have local political power. Successive British Governments pursued this policy.
In the 1870s, the Zulu Kingdom was by far the most powerful African State of the Limpopo. Cetewayo, who succeeded his father in 1872, was an able and popular ruler. He united the kingdom and built up a most efficient army. He followed a policy of alliance with the British Colony of Natal. The Zulu Kingdom and the Boer Republic of the Transvaal had been feuding for a long time. The Zulus were defeated twice by the Boers, in 1838 and 1840. By 1877 Cetewayo was ready to invade the Transvaal. But the British stepped in and annexed the Transvaal in 1877, only to prevent Cetewayo from doing it first and becoming powerful and a challenge to white supremacy.
Some contemporary reports throw light on the relative strength of the Zulus and their Boer enemies. Colonel A.W. Durnford wrote in a memorandum on July 5 (“The Secret History of South Africa” by Abercrombe. The Central News Agency Ltd., Johannesburg South Africa. 1951 p.6):
About this time (April 10th) Cetewayo had massed his forces in three corps on the borders, and would undoubtedly have swept the Transvaal, at least up to the Vaal River if not to Pretoria itself, had the country not been taken over by the English. In my opinion he would have cleared the country to Pretoria.
Shepstone, the British Administrator, himself wrote concerning the reality of the danger on Dec. 25 1877:
The Boers are still flying, and I think by this time there must be a belt of more than a hundred miles long and thirty broad in which, with three insignificant exceptions, there is nothing but absolute desolation. This will give some idea of the mischief which Cetewayo’s conduct has caused.(Ibid p.7).
The above facts explode the myth that the British protected the Zulus from the Boers.
British barbarity on Blacks: After annexing the Transvaal, Shepstone turned his attention to destroying all the independent African states in that region, particularly the Zulu Kingdom. Before annexation of the Transvaal, Shepstone sided with the Zulus in their border disputes with the Transvaal. After annexation he made a volte-face and used those disputes as excuses to invade Zululand. The British public was told that the Zulu War was to liberate the Zulu people from a tyrannical ruler, and South Africa from a menace to “christianity and civilisation”.
In 1879, the British invaded the Zulu Kingdom and defeated Cetawayo. Then they started their complete subjugation. First the army was broken, thus destroying their ability to defend themselves. The country was then split into thirteen separate units under the nominal control of the chiefs, salaried by the Government. The white magistrates supplanted the chiefs as the most powerful men in their districts. Most important of all, the land was partitioned. Before the war, Shepstone had expressed the hope that Cetewayo’s warriors would be “changed to labourers working for wages”. It makes a sad story, how this was accomplished. In 1902-4, the Land Commission delineated a number of locations for the Zulus, and threw open the rest of the country to white settlement. Out of a total acreage of more than 12 million acres, the Africans held some 2 million acres. They numbered, at the lowest reckoning, over three hundred thousand. The Europeans, who were less than 20,000, owned most of !
the best land. A large proportion of the African population was forced to live upon land to which it had no legal claim. Where the Africans lived upon private or crown lands, they lived there entirely upon sufferance and without legal title. By this time, other independent African states in that region were also destroyed by the British army. Wheresoever, they marched, in Basutoland, Zululand or Bechuanaland, the Queen’s horses and the Queen’s men were like unto a “Salvation Army” ministering to the welfare of the colonists. The sufferers were the Africans.
Gandhi wrote in his Satyagraha in South Africa (p.15):
The Boers are simple, frank and religious. They settle in the midst of extensive farms. We can have no idea of the extent of these farms. A farm with us means generally an acre or two, and sometimes even less. In South Africa, a single farmer has hundreds or thousands of acres of land in his possession. He is not anxious to put all this under cultivation at once, and if any one argues with him he will say, `Let it lie fallow; lands which are now fallow will be cultivated by our children’.
Also in his Indian Opinion (March 15 1913), he wrote:
General Botha has thousands of acres of land … (there is) a big company in Natal which has hundreds of thousands of acres of land.
Thou shalt not steal but rob.
It did not seem to occur to Gandhi how these people came into possession of thousands of acres of land, whereas Africans were cooped in locations like chicken in pens.
Grabbing the land was not enough: it needed manpower to cultivate that land. The cry of the farmers was for labour. Naturally it found a favourite response from Shepstone, whose dream it was to convert Cetewayo’s warriors into labourers for white men. His native policy was to meet the demands of the European farmers. He agreed that Europeans could not expand or grow in wealth unless they could draw more fully upon the reservoirs of labour in the African reserves.
In the process of European colonisation, the swiftly expanding land-hungry Europeans turned the bulk of the African population into a proletariat. Due to the congestion and landlessness in the reserves, created deliberately by the white rulers, their agricultural return was not sufficient for bare existence. Then there were the taxes on huts, cattle and what not. On the other hand, working for white men did not provide them with adequate sustenance. In Natal, the sugar farmers of the coast relied upon the Indian indentured labour, whereas the stock farmers of the interior relied exclusively on Africans, and regarded the failure of Africans to work for them as a criminal offence. In a report to the Chief Commissioner of Police in 1903, the Police Inspector W.F. Fairley wrote: “With regard to crime, the principal complaints made by Dutch farmers to patrols was of the refusal to work on the part of the natives.” (Department Reports 1903 p.67 cited “Reluctant Rebellion” by Marks!
p.17. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1970). Complaints about the shortage of African labour were voiced in all parts of the country. The farmers were later joined by the mining industries. The most obvious change was the broadening of the economic base from being entirely agricultural to one in which mining played a more and more important part. Diamond, gold, coal became major industries, and with this development, the deeper involvement of the big finance houses, particularly Rothschilds. So the fate of the Africans as the source of cheap labour, and the fat dividends derived from mining by the British ruling class, became interlinked. This still continues in a modified form. Now it is Anglo-American corporations.
Cheap labour from India: Europeans assumed that Africans lived only to meet their requirements of cheap labour, and as such they had no right to establish themselves as self-sufficient and independent farmers because this conflicted with European interests. Famines in India facilitates the recruitment of indentured Indian labourers for white employers in the Colonies. It was no different in relation to Africans. In a Report of the Native Affairs Commission, (Native Affairs Commission Report 1939-40 cited “Oxford History of South Africa” p.182. Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1969) it was admitted that “African reserves were regarded by whites as reservoirs of labour, and congestion, landlessness and crop failure were welcomed as stimulants to the labour supply”. Similar situations among whites were viewed as national calamities. The Government lent millions of pounds to white farmers, gave them tax relief in times of famine, paid subsidies, facilitated the export of their produce, !
and wrote off their debts. But what about Africans? Famine would be rampant, crops ruined, food exhausted, thousands of Africans and their cattle would starve to death, but the government would not raise a finger.
The whites not only stole the land from the Africans, and used them as cheap labour, but also looked to them for revenue. They drew a relatively large and growing income from the Africans. “The Native population of Natal”, Shepstone admitted (“Imperial Factor” by De Kieweit p.193. Clarendon Press, Oxford 1970), “contribute to the revenue annually a sum equal, at least, to that necessary to maintain the whole fixed establishment of the Colony for the government of the whites as well as themselves.” Taxation is a financial measure to gather revenue to meet the expenditure of the state. But in South Africa it was used to reduce Africans to slavery. The sole motive behind the extra taxation imposed on Africans was to force the Africans to work on terms dictated by the whites.
Always there was resentment against any measure which would allow the Africans to settle in locations instead of keeping them as labourers. It was not only the farmers’ conferences, the press owned by the mining magnates joined the outcry of the farmers to enact special laws to compel the Africans to come out of their locations and work for the whites. The press was in the forefront to arouse the sentiments that Africans not in European service were necessarily living in idleness. Gandhi’s Indian Opinion played second fiddle to the white press in this respect. To Gandhi, the imposition of taxes upon the Africans to compel them to work for the white employers was “gentle persuasion”.
By a stroke of the pen, the major part of the available land was taken away from the Zulus and given to Europeans. Some of the dispossessed Zulus were allotted locations and others remained on the land of European landlords on sufferance. Bambata was one of these unfortunate chiefs. He became Chief in 1890 and he and his people were placed in private locations on very high rents. The land was useless for any agricultural purpose. To make things worse, the Boer farmers suspected Bambata of informing the British about their pro-Boer activities, and naturally they tried to victimise him and his people. But after the war, the British rulers leaned backwards and went out of their way to kiss and hug the Boers. So Bambata was caught in a cleft stick. By 1905 the tension between Bambata and his white landlords reached crisis point. The Assistant Magistrate of Greytown, H. Von Gerard, wrote to the Under Secretary of Native Affairs recommending the allocation of a location for his pe!
ople. Gerard described how people were being oppressed and squeezed by the landlords, what useless land it was for agricultural purposes, and how summons after summons was being issued against people who were unable to pay high rents. Finally he remarked (“Reluctant Rebellion” by Marks. P.201):
A most desperate state of affairs, the more so as there seems no remedy for it….My sympathies with Bambata’s people…but I see no way out of the difficulty.
The military and civilian leaders of Natal were consciously developing a picture as if an uprising was imminent. Not that they could foresee one, but they wanted to foresee one because that would give them a golden opportunity to inflict severe punishments on Zulus who, according to the colonists, were growing insolent. They drew up a plan to deal with this imaginary uprising swiftly, and all agreed that was the way they could save not only Natal but North Africa from the “barbarities which only the savage mind can conceive.” (Ibid p. Xvii)
Zulu Revolt: But outside Natal, people were not so sure. Styne, President of the Orange Free State, called it “hysteria”. Smuts, Botha and Merriman expressed concern as to whether the whites of Natal would spur a rebellion. Some churchmen and many radical humanitarians in Natal, as well as England, produced volumes of irrefutable evidence proving that it was a conspiracy to goad the Zulus into rebellion and then massacre them. In this, Hariette Colenso, the famous daughter of a famous father, Bishop Colenso, made the most outstanding contribution. There was a cry of imminent native revolt in the press long before active rebellion broke out.
As far back as 1902, Lieu. G.A. Mills in his report (GH18/02. Cited “Reluctant Rebellion” p.158) to the Chief of Staff, Natal, on July 1 informed him:
Every Boer expresses the most bitter hatred of the Zulus. They all express a wish that the Zulus would rise now while the British troops are in the country so that they may be practically wiped out. The Boers all say that in the event of the rising, every one of them would join the British troops in order to have a chance of paying off old scores against the Zulus. When I first came here, I visited farms and asked the Boers what they thought of the advisability of keeping troops here. They all said it was most necessary, as they were afraid of the Kaffirs and it would not be safe to stay on their farms if the troops withdrew…. Taking everything into consideration, I cannot help being forced to the opinion that many Boers intend to provoke a Zulu rising if they can do so.
It was Colonel Mackenzie, the military supremo before the rebellion, who was prophesying a native uprising and cleaning the barrels of his guns to use the “golden opportunity” to inflict “the most drastic punishment” on leading natives he found guilty of treason, and to “instill a proper respect for the white man”. (C.O. 179/233/12460. Dispatch 9.3.06 cited “Reluctant Rebellion” p. 188).
On June 14, Charles Saunders, Chief Magistrate and Civil Commissioner in Zululand (1899-1909) wrote to C.J. Hignet, the magistrate of Nqutu (“Reluctant Rebellion” p.241):
I quite agree with your conclusions as to our men trying to goad the whole population into rebellion, and you have no idea of the difficulties we had in Nkandha in trying to protect people one knew perfectly well were faithful to us.
In his communication of July 10 1906 to the Prime Minister, (PM 61/15/66 Governor to PM 10.7.06) the Governor described the “sweeping actions and the mopping-up operations as continued slaughter. Fred Graham, a permanent civil servant in the Colonial Office, in his Minute of July 10, described it as “massacre”.
Nazism & racism: The most revealing was the long letter of July 24 1906 (CO 179/236/24787 minute 10-7-06) sent by the Anglican Archdeacon, Charles Johnson, from St. Augustine’s in Nqutu division, to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospels in London. He was a man of the British establishment and not known to have excessive zeal for standing up for the rights of the Africans. He wrote (cited “Reluctant Rebellion” p. 241):
Many thinking people have been asking themselves, what are we going to do with his teeming population? Some strong-handed men have thought the time was ripe for solving the great question. They knew that there was a general widespread spirit of disaffection among the natives of Natal, the Free State and the Transvaal, but specially in Natal, and they commenced the suppression of the rebellion in the fierce hope that the rebellion might so spread throughout the land and engender a war of practical extermination. I fully believe that they were imbued with the conviction that this was the only safe way of dealing with the native question, and they are greatly disappointed that the spirit of rebellion was not strong enough to bring more than a moiety of the native peoples under the influence of the rifle. Over and over again it was said, `They are only sitting on the fence, it shall be our endeavour to bring them over’; and again, speaking of the big chiefs, `We must endeavour t!
o bring them in if possible! Yes, they have been honest and outspoken enoughó-the wish being father to the thoughtó-they prophesied the rebellion would spread throughout South Africa; had they been true prophets, no doubt the necessity of solving the native question would have been solved for this generation at least.
John Merriman was a veteran Cape politician. He was one of those so-called liberals who accepted Nazism as a doctrine, or in other words Anglo-Saxon superiority, but regretted its consequent atrocities and thus fumigated their consciences. He wrote to Goldwin Smith (Merriman papers NHo. 202, 16.9.06 cited “Reluctant Rebellion” p.246) in September 1906:
We have had a horrible business in Natal with the natives. I suppose the whole truth will never be known, but enough comes out to make us see how thin the crust is that keeps our christian civilisation from the old-fashioned savageryómachine-guns and modern rifles against knobsticks and assagais are heavy odds and do not add much to the glory of the superior race.
In the letter of the Archdeacon the expression “practical extermination”, and in a letter of Lieutenant Mills “practically wiped out”, have been used. This was what the German Nazis wanted to do to the Jews: to exterminate them. Does it make any difference whether the victims of racial slaughter are Jews or blacks?
Conspiracy to massacre Blacks: Gandhi was well aware of the conspiracy to massacre the Africans. When there was war hysteria in the colonial press, this prophet of non-violence did not apply his mind as to how to stop such a conflict. On the contrary, he did not want Indians to be left behind, but wanted them to take a full part in this genocide.
In his editorial in the Indian Opinion of Nov. 18 1905, long before the actual rebellion broke out, Gandhi complained that the Government simply did not wish to give Indians an opportunity of showing that they were as capable as any other community of taking their share in the defence of the colony. He suggested that a volunteer corps should be formed from colonial-born Indians, which would be useful in actual service.
Indentured Indians lived in conditions worse than slavery. Gandhi during his 20 years’ stay in South Africa, did not raise a finger to ease their sufferings. But he was quick to suggest using them as cannon fodder for racists against Africans.
In his Indian Opinion in Dec. 2 1905 he referred to Law 25 of 1875 which was specially passed to increase “the maximum strength of the volunteer force in the colony adding thereto a force of Indian immigrant volunteer infantry”. To assure the Europeans that such Indians would only kill Africans, he pointed out that “section 83 of the Militia Act states that no ordinary member of the coloured contingent shall be armed with weapons of precision, unless such contingent is called to operate against other than Europeans”.
Gandhi defends massacre: Many years later, he wrote (p.233) in his autobiography:
The Boer War had not brought home to me the horrors of war with anything like the vividness that the `rebellion’ did. This was no war but a man-hunt, not only in my opinion but also in that of many Englishmen with whom I had occasion to talk. To hear every morning reports of the soldiers’ rifles exploding like crackers in innocent hamlets, and to live in the midst of them, was a trial.
Then to justify his participation in this massacre, he went on (Autobiography p. 231):
I bore no grudge against the Zulus, they had harmed no Indian. I had doubts about the `rebellion’ itself, but I then believed that the British Empire existed for the welfare of the world. A genuine sense of loyalty prevented me from even wishing ill to the Empire. The righteness or otherwise of the `rebellion’ was therefore not likely to affect my decision.
What about the Nazi war criminals? Did they not have a genuine sense of loyalty to Hitler and Nazism?
In Great Britain another storm of protest was raised against the atrocities perpetrated in Natal. The only time Gandhi mentioned the Zulu suppression was on August 4 1906, when he wrote in his Indian Opinion:
A controversy is going on in England about what the Natal Army did during the Kaffir rebellion. The people here believe that the whites of Natal perpetrated great atrocities on the Kaffirs. In reply to such critics, the Star has pointed to the doings of the Imperial Army in Egypt. Those among the Egyptian rebels who had been captured were ordered to be flogged. The flogging was continued to the limits of the victim’s endurance; it took place in public and was watched by thousands of people. Those sentenced to death were also hanged at the same time. While those sentenced to death were hanging, the flogging of others was taken up. While the sentences were being executed, the relatives of the victims cried and wept until many of them swooned. If this is true, there is no reason why there should be such an outcry in England against Natal outrages.
One may notice that the article was very cleverly written. First Gandhi stated that people in England believed that the whites of Natal perpetrated great atrocities on Africans, as if he himself did not know what happened, and also gave the impression that it was the local Natal Army and not the Imperial Army which was involved in the atrocities, which is not true. Even at this stage, he was not willing to tell the simple truth, that atrocities were committed. Then he borrowed the description of hanging and flogging in Egypt from the Star as if he did not know about that either. Did or did not Gandhi know that those Egyptians were not common criminals to be flogged and hangedóthat they were the patriots, the flowers of the Egyptian nation?
If Gandhi unequivocally accepted or found out that the Imperial Army committed those atrocities, then he could not claim that he believed the British Empire existed for the welfare of mankind. The last and the vilest of all was the subtle suggestion that if the Imperial Army did what they were accused of doing, then there was no reason why there should be such an outcry in England against the Natal outrage. Why could this Imperialist-manufactured Mahatma not say clearly that both were crimes against humanity?
“I would rather be a member of this [Afrikan] race than a Greek in the time of Alexander, a Roman in the Augustan period, or Anglo-Saxon in the nineteenth century.” – Edward Wilmot Blyden
“However much we may detest admitting it, the fact remains that there would be no exploitation if people refused to obey the exploiter. But self comes in and we hug the chains that bind us. This must cease.” – Mohandas Gandhi
The Drum Collective – http://www.thedrum.org
Assata Shakur Forum – http://www.assatashakur.org/forum
AAPRP – http://members.aol.com/aaprp
InPDUM – http://www.inpdum.com
The Talking Drum – http://www.thetalkingdrum.com
The Origins of African Country Names or What They Mean
http://www.raceandhistory.com/historicalviews/africa.htmAlgeria – Named after the capital city Algiers or Al-Jazair (“The Island”) in Arabic. A reference to the small islands that once dotted the bay of the city.
Angola – When Portuguese mariner Diego Cao landed at the mouth of the Congo River in 1483, two distinct Kingdoms ruled the region. The Kingdom of the Bakongo reigned in the north. The Quimbundos Kingdom, also known as Ndongo, dominated in the western and central areas. The king of the Quimbundos was called “Ngola”. The region, taking its name from the king, became Angola.
Benin – (Formerly Dahomey) named after the ancient Nigerian Kingdom of Benin. The former name Dahomey, pronounced Dan Ho Me (“on the belly of Dan”) was an ancient
Kingdom located in the south of what is modern-day Benin Republic.
Botswana – A name used to collectively describe the Tswana, the country’s dominant ethnic group. Formerly known as Bechuanaland, Bechauna being an alternative spelling for Botswana.
Burkina Fasso – Mossi for “Land of Incorruptible Men” was changed to this from Upper Volta in 1984. Upper Volta reffered to its geographical location in relation to the Volta river.
Burundi – Derives from Rundi (Kirundi) the language universally spoken throughout Burundi.
Cameroon (also Cameroun in French) – The name is derived from Rio de Camarões (the River of Prawns) the name given to River Wouri by Portuguese Explorers in the 15th century.
Cape Verde (Cabo Verde) – Named after the westernmost point in mainland Africa. The nearest point on the continent to this Island Nation.
Central African Republic – It’s in Central Africa! Africa is believed to have originated from either the Latin word aprica (“Sunny”) or greek aphrike (“without cold”) and originally applied to North Africa. However as Europe discovered the extent of continental Africa, the term came to match its modern day usage.
Chad – The name appears to derive from the Lake which forms it South-Western border with Nigeria.
Comoros – The name “Comoros” is derived from the Arabic kamar or kumr, meaning “moon,” although this name was first applied by Arab geographers to Madagascar. It was adopted by French Colonialists to describe the Islands.
Congo – Named after the 15th Kingdom of Kongo which thrived on both banks of the River Congo, extending into Modern day Congo, Congo DR, Angola and Zambia.
Congo DR – As Above. Also formerly known as Zaire a traditional local name for River Congo.
Cote d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast) – The Reference by European traders to the availabiilty of Ivory Tusks.
Djibouti – (Fomerly Territory of the Afars and Issas) Named after the Port capital.
Egypt – Direct geographical descendent of Ancient Egypt.
Equatorial Guinea – Guinea derives from the berber word aguinaw, or gnawa (“black man”), which Berbers (Nomadic Saharan Peoples) have used to describe most of West Africa.
Eritrea – The Latin phrase Mare Erythraeum (“Red Sea”) was used by Italy to describe its colonies in the horn of Africa. This later became Eritrea and was adopted by the country on independence from Ethiopia.
Ethiopia – Direct geographical descendent of Ancient Ethiopia.
Gabon – Gabon’s first European visitors were Portuguese traders who arrived in the 15th century and subsequent Portuguese references refered to it as Gabon after the Portuguese word gabao, a coat with sleeves and hood resembling the shape of the Como River estuary, where they first explored.
Gambia – Named after the River Gambia which flows through the Country.
Ghana – Named after the Ancient West African Kingdom of Ghana. See Ancient Ghana.
Guinea – See Equatorial Guinea.
Guinea-Bissau – See Equatorial Guinea.
Kenya – Named after the mountain of the same name. and this in turn derives it name from The Kikuyu, who refer to the mountain as Kirinyaga, or Kere-Nyaga (“Mountain of Whiteness”).
Lesotho – Named after the Sotho People, the dominant Ethnic Group. Formerly known as Basutoland.
Liberia – Derived from the Latin word liber (“Free”) – Reference to the return of Freed American Slaves who founded the modern Republic of Liberia.
Libya – In 1934, Italy adopted the name “Libya” (used by the ancient Greeks for all of North Africa, except Egypt) as the official name of their new colony, which consisted of the
Provinces of Cyrenaica, Tripolitania, and Fezzan.
Madagascar – The origin of the Madagascar is uncertain, some people believe the European Traveller Marco Polo (who never visted the island) confused it with Mogadishu in present – day Somalia. Hence Early reference to the Island as Madeigascar or Mogelasio, this eventually became Madagascar about the 16th centruty. Others believe that the Madagascar may be a local reference to the “Country of Malagasy”. However, the Kings of Malagasy tended to refer to the whole Island by “Izao will rehetra izao ” or ” Izao tontolo izao (“this entire country”).
Malawi – Derived from Marawi – A confederacy of states that existed in the area of present day Malawi.
Mali – Named after the ancient West African Kingdom of Mali. See Ancient Mali.
Mauritania – The name is derived from Spanish description of the area as the land of the Moors, a term used to describe Arab rulers of Southern Spain. It was also the name of an ancient Berber Kingdom.
Mauritius – The island was named in honor of Prince Maurice of Nassau by Dutch explorers. The French claimed Mauritius in 1715 and renamed it Ile de France. In 1810, Mauritius was captured by the British and renamed back to Mauritius.
Mayotte – Most of the people are Moharais of Malagasy origin. Mayotte(French), Maore or Mahore(Comoran) describes the land of the Moharais.
Morocco – Direct geographical descendent of Ancient Morocco.
Mozambique – Named after Mouzinho de Alburquerque , 19th Century Portuguese colonalist who put down nationalist rebellions in the territory and thus established effective Portuguese control.
Namibia – derived from the Namib, the desert that runs along the namibia coast. Namib in turn means “an area where there is nothing” in the local Nama language.
Niger – Derived from the River Niger, and meaning Black in Latin.
Nigeria – Meaning the Area of the Niger. As Above
I see some of you are interested in the origin of the name ‘Nigeria’.
It was defined below in the following:
Nigeria – Meaning the Area of the Niger.
I will add the following:
A river was discovered where it was forming at the foot of the Futa Jalon Mountains in Sierra Leone by the English explorer named Mungo Park. Because of the dark coloration imparted by fallen dead leaves in the young river, Mungo Park named the river ‘black’ river.
He used the Latin word, niger, for black instead.
Thus, the Niger River was born. And at the time of the almalgation, to Lord Lugard (or Lady Lugard), Nigeria was, simply, the land through which the Niger River flowed. Thus, Nigeria has nothing to do with the word ‘nigger’, which a derogatory word to decribe negroes.
Negro, itself, is derived from the Portuguese or Spanish word for black, ‘negro’.
Reunion – An overseas Department of France, The Islands are named Reunion in 1848 after several name changes and temporary occupation by the British.
Rwanda – Named after the Laguage spoken throught out the country, Ruanda (also called Kinyarwanda).
Sao Tome and Principe – Portuguese names for the Islands. Actual Origin unknown.
Senegal – Derived from the River Senegal.
Seychelles – In 1756, Seychelles became a French colony under the name of Séchelles, named after the Moreau of Séchelles, Minister of Finance under the kingdom of Louis XV. During the 19th Century, under British rule the name was anglicised to Seychelles.
Sierra Leone – Sierra Leone’s name dates back to 1462, when a Portuguese explorer, Pedro da Cintra, sailed down the coast of West Africa and saw the long range of mountains of what is now the Freetown Peninsula. As a result of shape and climatic conditions experienced by the explorer, he called the lands ‘Sierra Lyoa’ meaning ‘Lion Mountains’. Sixteenth century English sailors called it ‘Sierra Leoa’; by the seventeenth it was ‘Sierra Leona’, and by 1787, under British Rule it had became Sierra Leone.
Somalia – The Land of the Somali, the dominant Ethnic group in the country.
South Africa – See Central African Republic.
Sudan – Sudan (a name derived from the Arabic phrase – bilad as-sudan, “land of the blacks”). Used by Arabs to describe what is today Sub-Sahran Africa, i.e. Africa excluding Morocco, Tunisia, Libya, Algeria and Egypt.
Swaziland – The Land of the Swazi’s who form 97% of the population.
Tanzania – A name derived from the union of Mainland Tanganyika and the Islands of Zanzibar which together form the United Republic of Tanzania.
Togo – Named after Togoville in Germany, where Germany declared a “protectorate” over the area that came to be Togo.
Tunisia – Named after Tunis the present-day capital, but in ancient times a powerful city-state and successor to ancient Carthage.
Uganda – Derived from the Buganda, the country’s largest Ethnic Group.
Western Sahara (SADR) – Named after is location. Also known as the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic after its people, the Sahrawi Arabs.
Zambia – Derived from the Zambezi River which flows along its southern borders.
Zimbabwe – Zimbabwe was named after Great Zimbabwe an ancient trading empire dating back to the Iron Age. Zimbabwe means Stone Houses in the local Shona Language. The word zimbabwe is derived from the Shona language, and means houses of stone.
Taken From: ————————————————————————
“I would rather be a member of this race than a Greek in the time of Alexander, a Roman in the Augustan period, or Anglo-Saxon in the nineteenth century.” – Edward Wilmot Blyden
“However much we may detest admitting it, the fact remains that there would be no exploitation if people refused to obey the exploiter. But self comes in and we hug the chains that bind us. This must cease.” – Mohandas Gandhi
The Drum Collective – http://www.thedrum.org
Assata Shakur Forum – http://www.assatashakur.org/forum
AAPRP – http://members.aol.com/aaprp
InPDUM – http://www.inpdum.com
The Talking Drum – http://www.thetalkingdrum.com
food fish called “Sardines”. Pending where they are caught the fish are then denationalized, commercialized and advertised as South African Sardine, Pacific Sardine and (of course) European Sardine. Young Herrings, which only grow from 9 to 12 inches, are packed without heads or tails. Naturally, being without head and tail, who can trace the past status or future of the fish? Consequently, without these identifications, “Sardine” is what they are called now! There are a variety of packaging operandi to the finale which people call “Sardines”. They are often smoked, packed in oil, water, mustard or hot sauce, etc. Either way, the result is the true identity of the fish is legally concealed from the public under the marketing label “Sardines”. Speaking about the general public…not many people notice there is Tuna in cans of Tuna, Salmon in cans of Salmon and Mackerel in cans of Mackerel. BUT! What on Earth (that was once in the sea) is in cans of Sardines? So how does the Negro fit into all this? As The Great God did not create ‘Sardines’ nor placed them in the sea, like so, The Creator did not create ‘Negroes’, ‘Indians’, ‘Chicanos’, ‘Blacks’, ‘White Folks’, ‘Latinos’, ‘Colored People’ or ‘African Americans’ nor place them on the Earth. The many Moorish Nationals in today’s Western Hemisphere are a caucus of Nations, Tribes and Countries of the Ancient Moorish Empire of Northwestern and Southwestern shores of Africa; direct Descendants of Old Man Ham. All Members of the Human Family are indigenous to the Earth by divine origin. These West Africans did not become Negro, Blacks and Colored People until the advent of slavery in the Americas and associated “Slave Breaking Islands” in the Atlantic. As a paradigm, ‘Sardines’ and ‘Negroes’ are evil brand names and labels, placed upon deities captured in garbs of flesh, which would otherwise be autonomous in their true state and natural status. Tragically, whereas many seaside countries produce and export Sardines from their nationalized Fishing Industries, the so-called “NBC” People are made only in America. Negroes are never imported. And whether they are exported by way of The United States Military, or her Businesses, for her Schools, Churches, and Sports or spurious pleasures and vacations the Negro, mass produced in America, will go and return still in the same psychological “NBC” cans of slavery from which they departed. The term “Black People” is a misnomer identifying a programmed and processed People. In the computer world a person learns the greatest of programs are limited to the capacity of the computer’s memory. “Mental Slavery” is when the Soul or thinking faculties of Man, that consist of divine gifts of thinking, reasoning, willing, understanding and remembrance has been minimized into an unnatural state to function centripetally against it’s true God Self. Man’s mind is not capable of forgetfulness but his future is limited by his recorded history. It is in the nature of the mind to become what it thinks. And since the State Officials of their birth have certified the African Descendants born in America,, to be either Negro, Black or Colored they remain complacent in a feigned Citizen status to the United States. There is very little distinction between the Negro and the Sardine. This is because unlike countless Sardines, which are decapitated and canned, it is the head (mind) of the Africans that has been bound, processed and canned. Rarely do the NBC look deep enough into his mind to see The Self as the very image of God. As the tail of the Sardine is removed, so is the true history of the West African Nationals. Now neither the fish nor the man can be properly identified without head or tail. This mental canning process takes place in the United States Judicial Industries on a conveyer belt called the Reconstruction Amendments (13th, 14th and 15th). Through the powers of the 14th Amendment the head of the African remains physically attached although his true history and future are severed by the misnomers “NBC” that is hidden in the deceptive words “All Persons Born …”. Hence, they never realize their personage has been certified to be that of a slave since birth.
The canning and misnaming of herrings and the certified misidentification and denationalization of the West African Moors are too similar to ignore. Birth Certifications are authorized by the states wherein all persons (commercial properties) are born or reside”. All one has to do is read the 14th Amendment and their State-issued Certificate of Live Birth. If the latter has Negro, Black or Colored sanctioned by the State’s Seal…chances are, immediately after their divine birth, they had been processed to be a Slave. This is the beginning of the “Canning Operandi” to the finale of today’s so-called “African Americans”. It matters very little whether they were labeled N, B or C, or Afro, or Coon, etc. The one free National Name has been concealed under the grand marketing label of “American Citizen”. Needfultosay, no NBC can ever be a first class citizen to any Nation because NBC were/are names given to U.S. Slaves, in the U.S. and for the U.S. The great Dred Scott Supreme Court Decision sustained this as a perpetual fact of law. This is why the 14th Amendment is an Ex post facto Law, hoax and a sham that pretends to suddenly transform Negro Slaves into U. S. Citizens. Or, is that making Herrings into Sardines? All true and sacred records reveal it is the Great God alone that makes Men and Fishes. But being in a likeness of God, it is in the power of man to make slaves of other men and Sardines of Sprats and Pilchards. The canning of Sardines and the Denationalization Processing of the African descendants, like a bad beat, is still going on! And On! And On! Nevertheless, the carnal customs of Man does not alter the nature of truth. Like the powerful aroma steeped from the deaths of millions of Herrings under the disguise of “Sardines”, anyone can sense there is an ungodly stench cast off from the same people acting as Coloreds in the 40’s, Negroes in the 50’s, Blacks in the 60’s, Afro in the 70’s, Afro-Americans (Nubians, Bilalians) Blacks in the 80’s then African Americans in the 90’s. Do these Man-made Marketing Labels likewise serve the same identifying purposes as the various brand names of sardines? Know, not withstanding, no one has a lasting power to change Man from his descendant nature. Still, it is in the nature of the mind to become what it thinks. And the Man who thinks he is NBC can never attain a free national status because of his mind has been processed to the limitations of property. As the vision of a Goldfish is confined to the jurisdiction of its aquarium, the thought pattern of the Negro cannot think beyond its blackness. Without a doubt, these misnomers are concealing the one and only Free National Name to a Clean and Pure Nation of people. This hallowed Name of the Ex-slaves has been known esoterically for 135 years. It is now the greatest secret kept in America to date. Yet, it cannot be denied in 1865 the U.S. Congressional 13th Amendment brought forth on this Continent the Nationality of a 2nd new Nation. From finite and infinite points of view, the judicial question must again rise from the dust: Without removing its head and tail can a Herring be a Sardine? Without proclaiming his proper status by his and her one free National Name, can a Negro be a Citizen of any Government? Hummm. There is something mighty, mighty fishy going on in The United States. By Elihu N. Pleasant-Bey, Author of The Biography of Noble Drew Ali / The Exhuming Of A Nation www.pleasantbey.net or e-mail: drewali@pleasantbey.netA BLUEPRINT TO CREATE THE AFRICAN/BLACK WORLD RENAISSANCE
African People and ResponsibilityAnother Issue We Must Address In Our Tentatively Planned Meeting of African People
By: Emmanuel AfrakaIn a message dated 6/25/2004 10:23:47 AM Eastern Standard Time, EMANSMYRNA writes:
As the first born of Creation, and the first loved of the Heavenly Father Heru, African people naturally possess the Birthright of the first born. However, along with that Birthright comes great responsibility. A part of that responsibility is to empower ourselves to be able to enlighten our younger sibling members of the human race. For the gifts of God to humanity, both the biological gift of human life, and the spiritual gift of a Heavenly Father (the soul of Heru) entered into the world through African people. Thus true African spirituality will help us to realize and appreciate the gifts of God to humanity from the soul of Heru to the soul of Jesus, from the prophecies of our Hamitic/Cushite Ethiopian ancestors and the prophecies of the Great Pyramid to the Ethiopian Hebrew prophets. Once we understand all of that, we should then realize that God has one more gift to give to humanity that must also enter into the world through African for the benefit of all humanity. That gift is a new educational system called the Morning Star–designed to educate man back toward the God that created him, and toward truly understanding the god that the soul of man truly is as its on deliverer and redeemer–Africa’s final and everlasting gift to humanity (Revelation 21:3).
“In the foregoing chapters we have seen how the awareness of a Messianic World Plan–whether it derives from some ancient folk-memory or actual preconnition–permeates much of the Ancient World’s mythology. I particular we have observed its presence in the Hebrew, Egyptian, and Mayan traditions, and have discovered clear evidence that it lies at the very root of the design of the Great Pyramid. Indeed, the further back in time we explore, the clearer man’s awareness of the Plan appears to have been–for the Pyramid antedates by some millennia the available written records, and yet it is in the Pyramid that the Plan’s details are revealed most clearly and explicitly. This in itself would seem to contribute a measure of confirmatory evidence for the supposition that The Plan Was Once Known In Its Entirety By A Race of Men Who Were Unable or Unwilling To Measure Up To Its Standards In Practice, and whose civilization [which was the Most High order of civilization called Pe and Ethiopia] was subsequently–or perhaps consequently–overwhelmed by some gigantic cataclysm which left few traces, apart from the knowledge enshrined in the Great Pyramid and a number of obscure folk-memories and esoteeric traditions.
Page 332, “The Great Pyramid Decoded,” Peter Lemesurier
“And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother’s eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?”
“Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye?”
“Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother’s eye.”
How do the three above quotes relate to African people and the things that must shortly be done to restore African divinity, and thereby re-establish the equality of the black race on earth? Though no entire race has known the Messianic World Plan in it entirety, Heru, the founder of the concept of Ptah as the architect of the Most High order of civilization, and his most immediate descendants did indeed know this Plan in its entirety. However, maintaining such a High Order of civilization required that its citizens be willing and able to take responsibility for their own fate and destiny by the Grace of God–the Grace of God being the pure and perfect harmony and unity that exist between the spiritual universe and the physical and natural universe, or the pure and perfect harmony and unity that exist between the Pure and Perfect Mind of God, the Maa-Shua, and the soul of man. As the descendant of Heru propagated the concept of Ptah throughout Africa and Southern Asia, it was discovered that the overwhelming majority of African and Asian people were unwilling and/or unable to live up to such high standards in practice. Therefore, since the collapse of the Most High order of civilization called Pe and Ethiopia, both African and Asian people began to find it much easier to allow the youngest sibling member of the human family, the Europeans, to take responsibility for the advancement of civilization, and to set the moral and legal standards that humanity should live by. Thus, in the process of time, African people have become some of the most irresponsible people on earth when it comes to assuming responsibility for their own fate and destiny by the Grace of God.
As African people, we have become a race of people who always seek the easiest way out, a people who always choose the path of least resistance. Choosing the path of least resistance works very well for electricity, but it does not work very well for producing true manhood and womanhood. It does not work very well in creating the souls of man and woman in the image of God. In observing how irresponsible African people have become concerning becoming the masters of their own fate and destiny by the Grace of God, it is little wonder that the works of Jesus, a descendant of Heru who lived up the standards of the concept of Ptah in practice, fell into the hands of the Europeans. That phenomenon was effectively the same as African people saying to their younger siblings, “Please take this responsibility from us and carry it upon your shoulders.” Thus the phenomenon of us being either unwilling and/or unable to assume responsibility for our own fate and destiny is a boulder in our own eyes more so than in the eyes of the Europeans. Truly it makes it crystal clear why African religion would teach us to shun the name Jesus and the title Christ, which were only derived by the Greeks from the Hamitic Ethiopian name He-sa or He-sa-u, and the Hamitic Ethiopian title Maa-shua. Just the thought of having to live up to the standards of the Most High order of civilization called Pe and Ethiopia, and just the thought of having to assume responsibility for their own fate and destiny is a source of torment for the overwhelming majority of African people, which is why Matthew 24:30 is written such as it is.
“And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and Then Shall All TheTribes of The Earth Mourn [which includes tribes of African people], and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory [or when they shall see at least a few African people, under the works of the Son of Man, living up to the standards of the Most High order of civilization called Pe and Ethiopia].”
Therefore, on the other hand, African spirituality would teach us to embrace this name and title, in any given translation, as proof of the power and glory of the Most High order of civilization called Pe and Ethiopia, proof of the concept of Ptah. Thus this is indeed an issue that we must address in our tentatively planned meeting of African people. Until we cast this boulder out of our own eyes, we dare not even think of casting any pecks out of the eyes of the Europeans.
Furthermore, the education of our children should be our responsibility as parents, and not the responsibility of the European/American State. However, being as irresponsible as we have become, we find it much easier for the European/American State to assume this responsibility, and just sit back a register complaints when we feel their educational system does not address all our needs and concerns. That is the easy way out, and it does not required any true manhood or womanhood to accomplish it. Resisting the temptation of just allowing the younger sibling members of the human family assume responsibility for everything is truly a very hard temptation to resist for a people who wish not to be held responsible for their own fate and destiny.
I’m fully aware that, in this age of extremely advanced science and technology, it would be most difficult, if not impossible, for each set of parents to assume such responsibility. However, as a nation of extended families, or a nonprofit corporation made up of extended families, this can be accomplished. All is required is the willingness and ability of those extended families to become the masters of their own fate and destiny by the Grace of God.
HERE IS WISDOM:U.S. returns sovereignty to Iraq
Surprise ceremony comes two days earlyMonday, June 28, 2004 Posted: 1:42 PM EDT (1742 GMT)
BAGHDAD, Iraq (CNN) — Members of Iraq’s interim government took an oath of office Monday just hours after the United States returned the nation’s sovereignty, two days ahead of schedule.
Led by Iraq’s interim Prime Minister Ayad Allawi, each member of the new government placed a hand on the Koran and promised to serve with sincerity and impartiality. Iraqi flags lined the wall behind them.
Allawi called national unity “a sacred duty” and called for the international community, including Arab nations, “to work together to handle problems in the area in a civilized manner.”
“We will not forget who stood by and against us,” Allawi said at the swearing in ceremony, a clear warning to insurgents trying to topple the government.
But, he said, “the transformation from dictatorship to civil society” is “a major task” likely to take many years.
At a NATO summit in Turkey on Monday, President Bush said it was a day of “great hope for Iraqis.”
“After decades of brutal rule by a terror regime, the Iraqi people have their country back,” Bush said. The handover “begins a new phase in Iraq’s progress toward full democracy.”
The news article above marks the beginning of the fulfillment of the following prophecy:
“And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great river Euphrates; and the water thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the east might be prepared.”
As I’m sure you know, both the Islamic world of the white Indo-European Arabs and the Christian world of the white power structure of Europe wish to maintain their control of any and all religious, political, and economic developments in Africa, as well as educational developments. Thus the ax was laid at the root of the tree of corruption in Babylon, out of which the Islamic world was born, versus the Tree of Life in Africa, out of which the Most High order of civilization was born.
“And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.”
Because the ax has been laid at the root of the tree of corruption in Babylon versus the Tree of Life, whose roots are in Africa, the Islamic world must now focus on getting the boulder out of its own eyes concerning how to live among nations as civilized human beings. Thus the Islamic world will have less time to concern itself with controlling religious, political, economic, and educational developments in Africa. Because the Islamic world has brought forth no fruit worthy of repentance for committing such evils against the tree of life, the Islamic tree of corruption must be hewed down among those African people with the courage, will, and ability to become the masters of their own fate and destiny by the Grace of God. Thus it is written in Revelation 16:12 that the waters in the great river Euphrates were dried up–meaning the waters that allowed the Islamic world to claim some Koranic, Biblical, and other rights to control, by force and invasion, religious, political, economic, and educational developments in Africa. Any and all such claims are now clearly seen as a violation of the human rights of African people to be the masters of their own fate and destiny by the Grace of God.
Furthermore, the drying up of the waters in the great river Euphrates also represent clearing up an error found in Genesis 2:14 of the Bible. This error states that the Euphrates being one of the four rivers that flowed out of the Garden of Eden. Though it may have seasonally appeared as a garden after its annual flooding, the Garden of Eden was not a garden at all, but rather the harsh land of the Nuer tribe, in the midst of the greatest swamp on earth called the Sudd. Out of this harsh land flows four rivers, which today are known as Bahr el Jebel, Bahr ez Zarat, Bahr el Ghazal, and the Sabot River. Therefore, it is geographically impossible for the Euphrates to have been one of the four rivers that flowed from the Garden of Eden. Thus neither could have Mesopotamia, which developed along the Euphrates have been the cradle of true civilization. True civilization was born directly out of the Garden of Eden, as the Most High order of civilization called Pe and Ethiopia.
Once the Islamic world has transformed Iraq into what the world views as a civilized nation, maybe then the Islamic world will bring forth some fruit worthy of repentance for taking such unfair advantage of this error (or lie). Maybe then it will develop a much deeper appreciation and respect for the much higher order of civilization called Pe and Ethiopia.
POSITIVELY BLACK By Junious Ricardo StantonThe Power Behind The Haitian Revolution
“Voodoo was the medium of the conspiracy. In spite of all prohibitions, the slaves travelled miles to sing and dance and practise the rites and talk and now since the revolution, to hear the political news and make their plans. Boukman, a Papaloi or High Priest, a gigantic Negro was the leader. He was the headman of a plantation and followed the political situation both among the whites and the Mulattoes.” The Black Jacobins by C.L.R. James page 86As we celebrate Black history Month and mark the two hundredth anniversary of the Haitian revolution let us not merely marvel at the fact courageous, determined strong willed Africans fought for twelve long years against French colonists, a Spanish invasion, a British military force of 60,000 men, another French contingent of over 60,000 men under the leadership of Napoleon Bonaparte’s brother in law and contended with the political intrigue and duplicity of the United States of AmeriKKKa to win and maintain their freedom. Let’s not just cheer the memory of those brave souls who expelled the barbaric Europeans, or honor those Africans on that island whose bravery and valor sparked hope in the hearts of their brethren scattered throughout the hemisphere. Let us not detach Haiti from ourselves and merely consign what these heroic men and women did to the bowels of dusty history books. Let us also believe in ourselves that we too possess the power to transform our reality. Let’s believe we too can achieve liberation in our time. Instead of just cheering the Haitians’ accomplishments, let us examine the Haitian freedom struggle to glean how and why they were so immensely successful. Saint Dominique as it was called then was the richest colony in the west Indies single handedly providing France with massive wealth. It was the envy of all the other European imperialist nations. Was the success of the Haitian revolution purely the result of the overwhelming numbers of Africans, despite Europeans having greater numbers of superior weapons? Were the Africans successful because of their leadership, despite the fact they were spread out all over the island? Did the Africans win because they fought a guerilla, hit and run’ slash and burn style war? How did the slaves, Maroons and Mulattoes coalesce into a cohesive fighting force despite the divide and conquer MO of the Europeans? Did France lose because it was fighting on too many fronts at one time, in the Caribbean and Europe? (Could AmeriKKKa learn lessons from both France and England in this regard?) Or were there other factors at work? As bold a leader and tactician as Toussaint L’Ouverture was, as strong willed and unmerciful as Jean-Jacques Dessalines was, as determined as Henri Christophe was; is it possible there was another factor, another power that enabled and ennobled those Africans to fight and win against overwhelming odds and materiel. Was it the result of the Europeans being ravaged by the heat, mosquitoes and yellow fever as some suggest? Or did the French just get their behinds kicked royally by determined Africans, Mulattoes and Maroons? We need to look at that revolution with an open mind, search for the common denominator, the factor or factors that enabled the leaders of the Haitian revolution to unify and rally the Africans on Saint Dominique to humiliate, defeat and expel the imperialist powers of Europe so much so they still hate them to this very day.
Could the power of Voodoo and the Papaloi, the High Voodoo Priest, have been the X factor that galvanized the masses and served as the glue that held the early revolution together? By all accounts in the beginning of the revolution it was the Papaloi Boukman who inspired the masses and urged them on by exhorting them to cast off the god of the oppressor and embrace their own African concept of deity, justice and victory. We would do well to study and meditate upon Boukman’s words and apply them in our daily lives. ‘The god who created the sun which gives us light, who rouses the waves and rules the storm, though hidden in the clouds he watches us. He sees all the white man does. The god of the white man inspires him with crime but our god calls upon us to do good works. Our god who is good to us orders us to revenge our wrongs. He will direct our arms and aid us. Throw away the symbol of the god of the whites who has so often caused us to weep and listen to the voice of liberty, which speaks in the hearts of us all.” – The Black Jacobins C.L.R. James page 87. Many of our best thinkers have told us how psychologically debilitating and self-sabotaging it is for us to internalize the images, iconography and conceptualization of an anthropomorphic god that is the spitting image, psychology and behavior of our oppressors. Stop and think about this, their idea of god told Joshua the leader of the Hebrews to slaughter all the men, women, children and livestock of the people who inhabited “the promised land”. Here we see the precedent of Eurasians claiming their god commanded them to kill and expropriate other people’s lands after having commanded them not to kill, covet and steal among other things. Sounds like their god is a bit schizophrenic to me. Recently George W Bush said his god told him to invade Iraq?!!
By all accounts Toussaint L’Ouverture, Jean-Jacques Dessalines and Henri Christophe were capable tacticians and generals but the Maroons fought the French to a standstill before the revolution. There was anger and a fervor for freedom on the part of Africans throughout the hemisphere way before the AmeriKKKan or French Revolutions. Africans in the New World rumbled fiercely against their European captures/oppressors everywhere they were, including North AmeriKKKa; so what was it that prompted the Haitian revolution in 1791? In reviewing the most resilient and successful campaigns against European hegemony by the masses in Haiti, the Maroons in Jamaica, the Palmares and Quilombos in South America and the Black and Native American Seminoles in the Southern portion of the US, one common factor was they all retained some of their African culture and ways. They knew who they were and refused to acquiesce their humanity or their freedom. Looking at our situation today we seem to have capitulated and internalized the Europeans specious ideas about African and Africans. Perhaps it is time we regrouped and took a page from the Haitians, Maroons, Palmares and Seminoles book; if we have to go out, at least go out like authentic African warriors rather than chumps, punks, caricatures or pathetic melanin imitators of our oppressors.
The Real Haiti Dilemma By Kwaku Person-Lynn, Ph.D.
The significance of the Republic of Haiti goes far beyond anything currently reported in the news. It is almost an unwritten code by America and France that Haiti remains destabilized and the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Its anguish began with the first European contact by Columbus in 1492. Within a 25 year period after his arrival, the indigenous Arawak of Haiti virtually disappeared under Spanish genocide. It is no coincidence that 2004 is the 200 year celebration of Haiti’s independence (1804), and the same year a democratically elected president, Jean-Bertrand Aristide, was forcefully removed by American military.The sequence of events started on France soil. The French Revolution of 1789 involved almost all of Europe, but ironically inspired slave rebellions all over the Caribbean. In Haiti, there was an extra incentive created by a law passed in the National Assembly of France entitled the “Declaration of the Rights of Man.” This guaranteed citizenship to people of color. Haiti, then called Saint Dominque, was France’s wealthiest producing colony. The wealth was generated from a plantation system based on the labor of enslaved Afrikans. Beneficiaries of the wealth were mainly French planters and gens de couleur of African and French descent, Creoles. Its main crops were sugar cane, cocoa, cotton, and coffee.
When France reneged on its promise, rebellions began. This sparked a multifaceted thirteen year revolution. The planters wanted independence from France, the free Creoles wanted full citizenship, while the enslaved Afrikans wanted freedom. The dominating equation is that Afrikans outnumbered all the other groups reaching approximately one half million.
In August 22, 1791, what ultimately became known as the “Haitian Revolution,” was ignited by an enormous slave revolt led by a high priest named Boukman. General Toussaint L’Ouverture of Haiti, a former slave, fought with Spain and Britain against the French until they abolished slavery. He then switched sides and fought with the French believing this would help bring freedom and independence. Other Haitian Afrikan leaders figured prominently and maybe more importantly, generals Jacques Dessalines and Henri Christophe. Haiti was beginning to function as an independent state, much to the displeasure of the French elite.
In 1801, Napoleon Bonaparte, self-described Emperor of France, set out to restore order in his wealthiest colony by dispatching General Leclerc, his brother-in-law, along with thirty thousand of his best troops to arrest Toussaint, reinstate slavery, and restore French rule. This turned out to be Napoleon’s greatest tactical error. His troops were bitterly defeated. As a result, on January 1, 1804, Dessalines declared the nation independent, under its indigenous given name of Haiti (‘higher place’), thus, making it the first black republic in the world and the first independent nation in Latin America.
This brings us to the central point why western nations of European descent withhold loans from the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund to Haiti and keep it destabilized through three decades of dictatorship and a current head of state who as been overthrown two times. The real hidden issue, the West is never going to forgive this tiny Black nation defeating a powerful European nation that dispatched its best troops, and then had the gall to form their own independent government in the Western Hemisphere. Haiti represented a potent example of successful Black power. The fallout of France’s defeat had international implications.
Plantation owners in the United States feared the worst. Afrikans in Haiti destroyed some 200 sugar plantations, 600 coffee plantations, 220 indigo and cotton plantations and killed most of the Europeans (Dr. Edward Scobie). If it could happen in Haiti, it could happen on their plantations. President Thomas Jefferson enacted an economic embargo against Haiti, with America and Europe refusing to acknowledge its independence for decades. Tighter codes were enacted against enslaved Afrikans in America. Stricter security and harsher punishments were given for the slightest offense. Not having the resources or the troops to maintain it, France eventually loss the Louisiana Territory. In addition, there were over 250 recorded slave revolts in the United States, not including those that were not reported. In racial terms, a small island controlled by Blacks defeated one of Europe’s strongest White nations. This was totally unacceptable in the Western world. Though this is the undercurrent of Haiti’s problems, the only seemingly viable solution is for Haiti to rely on the land of its ancestors for financial relief, until it can create an economy allowing it to become self-sufficient once again. Maybe there are other solutions, but history has not favored any of them thus far.
Kwaku Person-Lynn is the author of On My Journey Now – The Narrative And Works Of Dr. John Henrik Clarke, The Knowledge Revolutionary. E-mail address: DrKwaku@hotmail.com. Website: www.drkwaku.com
The Modern English Alphabet’s Evolution from Egyptian Hieroglyphs
About eight symbols from the modern alphabet can be traced back in an unbroken line to Egyptian hieroglyphs. It is surmised that the other symbols were inspired by Egyptian glyphs or newly invented. Most symbols morphed to a greater or lesser degree as they went from alphabet to alphabet, confounded by writing and letters often having no fixed direction. A number of signs were dropped when the new people didn’t have a certain sound, and new signs were derived, or an old sign was employed to express a new sound. http://www.peak.org/~jeremy/dictionary/chapters/alphabet/
A, first letter and first vowel of the English alphabet and most alphabets of the Indo-European languages. The A shape apparently originated in an Egyptian hieroglyph of an eagle (ahom) in cursive hieratic writing. The Phoenicians renamed the letter aleph (“ox”), from a fancied resemblance to the head and horns of that animal. In the earliest Greek alphabet, aleph became the letter alpha; in turn, this became the Roman A, the form and general value of which were passed on to the peoples who later adopted the Roman alphabet. At present the sound of the a in “late” (long a) is the name of the letter in English. The English a may indicate many other sounds, as in “bat” (short a), “care,” and “sofa.” Modifications of its sound appear also in other modern languages.
B, second letter and first consonant in the English alphabet; a corresponding symbol has the same place in the Greek, Hebrew, and Arabic alphabets, among others. Today the name of the Greek letter b (beta, like the Phoenician beth) is used in association with alpha, in the word alphabet. The letter was derived by the Phoenicians from the Egyptian hieroglyph for “crane,” but when taken over by them it was called beth, “house.”
C, third letter in the English- and Romance-language alphabets. The symbol is derived from Latin C, a rounding of the Greek G, gamma, which was derived from a Phoenician symbol called gimel or camel, which was in turn developed from an Egyptian symbol.
Latin c had both a g and a k sound. In Anglo-Saxon, c had at first only the k sound, the modern word child having been spelled cild. By the 12th century c had the sound of s in a number of words. From this arose the modern rule that c has the s or sh sound before e, i, y ae, and oe, and the k sound in all other cases.
D, fourth letter in the alphabets derived from Greek and Latin. It originated in an Egyptian hieroglyph that represented a hand. When adopted by the Phoenicians, this sign was called daleth (“door”) from its resemblance to the aperture of a tent. The resemblance may be traced in the Greek letter D, the name of which, delta, was derived from daleth. In English, the sound of d is the voiced alveolar stop.
N, 14th letter in the English alphabet, derived from the Latin, which in turn was based on a Greek letter. It was called nu by the Greeks, from its Semitic and Phoenician name, nun, signifying “fish,” which was based on an Egyptian hieroglyph representing a waterline.
Q, 17th letter of the English alphabet, derived through Latin and Greek from the Phoenician qoph, which was in turn developed from an Egyptian hieroglyph. In the Semitic languages, qoph represents a plosive sound, very different from the less energetic Greek sound.
In the Romance languages and modern English, q is usually followed by u except in transliterations of the Semitic qoph, as in the word Iraq. In French, qu generally stands for the k sound, as in coquette. In English words derived from French, when the vowel preceding q is short, the original French que is generally replaced by c, ck, or k, as in the words music, barracks, and bank (French musique, baraque, banque).
R, 18th letter of the English alphabet. The capital, or uppercase, R first appeared in its modern form in the Roman alphabet as an adaptation of the Greek letter rho. The Greek character corresponded to the Phoenician resh, which was in turn developed from an Egyptian hieroglyph.
T, 20th letter of the English alphabet. It was derived from the Roman character called te, which was taken from the Greek tau. The Greek character was derived from taw, the last letter of the Phoenician alphabet, representing a cross or mark of ownership. This in turn was derived from an Egyptian hieroglyph.
Microsoft® Encarta® 98 Encyclopedia. © 1993-1997 Microsoft Corporation.
The ninth letter that can be traced back to it roots in the Egyptian hieroglyphs is the letter H. However, its trail is a little bit harder to follow due to Babylonian influence on Chaldee Hebrew concerning that letter, which was not present in the Paleo Cushite Hebrew of Nubia (the Land of Cush), which was cultivated by the Pheonicians and became known as Pheonician Hebrew. After Babel fell because cause of Nimrods efforts to make himself a God on earth under the philosophy of Hamitic Ethiopian superiority, the Hamitic language ceased to be the chosen means of propagating the Everlasting Gospel of Heru to the future generations. While the confounding of the langauges put an end to Nimrods efforts, a new form of alphabetic writing was being developed in Nubia that would maintian a direct relationship with the Hamitic language of the hieroglyphs. Therein names like Hehu, Heru, and Heru-sa-tem would still be the same though spelt with alphabets instead of hieroglyphs. This would become the Paleo Cushite Hebrew langauge of the original He-hu-ba-ru. Seeing that the original He-hu-ba-ru where made up of a mix race of people, Ethiopians and East-Indians, surely it would not be used to promote a philosophy of racial superiority. Thus Hebrew became the chosen means by which the Everlasting Gospel of Heru would be propagated to the future generations.
Under Babylonian influence, the Hamitic H sound was very often replaced with a J sound. Though the letter J was not originally added, the J sound was produced using the existing letters. This pattern was set long before English translators began to change many of the Hebrew Y’s to J. This created a dilemma for translators that force them to develop the idea of a silent H, such as the silent H’s in Yahweh. Because the Y appeared with the H in YHWH, the I sound of Y became the basis for changing the Hamitic H sound to a J sound. Seeing that neither Paleo Cushite Hebrew or Phoenician Hebrew alphabets had enough characters to accommodate all the sounds of the Hamitic languages of the hieroglyphs, commonsense should tell us that neither of them would waste time writing letters that carried no sound, which why the written language took so long to develop. During his trip to Egypt, Abraham adopted both the Hebrew faith and the Cushite Hebrew written language and introduced both of them in the Middle-East around 2600 B.C. More than a thousand years passed before the Phoenicians cultivated the language and made it popular.
The True Elohim is Ehyeh! You may change the “y” into a “J” for it ancient times the “y and i” had also the “J” sound. The rule of ancient grammar, is that when the letter “i” is followed by a consonant it has the “i” sound. When it is followed by a vowel it has the “J” sound.
Did not the letter “J” get invented just 500 years ago? Yes, the letter “figure” was invented about 500 years ago. But do not take that half-truth and go wild like other idiots.
From what letter did the “J” figure derive when it was developed? It was developed from the letter “I”.
Now is that a coincidence or is it the evidence that the letter “I” contained both the “I” sound and the “J” sound and a distinction when the “I” was used as a “J” sound needed to be identified?
So what did they do? They took the letter “I” and put a small tail on the bottom and curved it to the left forming the “J” letter. Now, when the sound of the “J” was to be identified it had its own alphabet character.
Here is the simple historical fact: the letter “J” sound has always existed, even back to the time of the Egyptian hieroglyphics.
= J, as in jelly or Jesus, and G, as in generous and Genesis
What was not in existence in the genealogy of Paleo-Hebrew and the Semitic languages was a letter character to identify the sound. The “J’ sound existed many millenial before the letter character was finally attributed to the sound. When this was done, the letter “I” no longer was used to represent both the “I” sound and the “J” sound. So, if any idiot tells you the “J” sound did not exist until 500 years ago when the letter “J” was created from the letter “I”, just consider his/her ignorance and walk away.
Not a single European nation, tribe or kingdom is responsible for the presence of Blacks in the Americas. The very first people of Negroid/African race arrived in the Americas over thirty thousand years ago, according to National Geographic’s article on THE PEOPLING OF AMERICA and the revelation that more than fifty skulls representing Africans and people of Africoid-Aboriginal type similar to that of Melanesia and Australia were found in Brazil.Furthermore, according to the Gladwin Thesis, the first Blacks may have arrived in the Americas as early as about 75,000 B.C. and they were called “Dimunitive Blacks” or people similar to the Pygmies of Africa and Agta of the Philipines. A Black Australoid type, an Black African type, A Black Melanesian type also migrated to the Americas according to the Gladwin Thesis (see the text, “A History of the African-Olmecs,” pub. by 1stBooks Library, www.1stbooks.com
One of the most ancient Black nations of the Americas lives right here in the State of Louisiana, they are called the Waschitaw Nation and before the Louisiana Territory was illegally sold by France for three cents an acrem, knowing that the Waschitaw owned about one million square miles, the entire region belonged to the Moundbuilding Waschitaw who were recognized by both Spain and France. Yet, the hunt for Black slaves in the Americas and for the “Descendants of Ham” who were to be enslaved brought about the taking of the lands of the Waschitaw and other Black nations and the enslavement of many of them.
According to I. Rafinesque (American Friends, 1833 “Black Nations of America,’ a number of Black nations existed in North America and when Louis and Clarke explored west of the Mississippi, some were seen. Two well known Black nations were the Jamassee who had a sizable kindgom in what is today Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama and Northern Florida. The Black Calafians of California (Black Mojave) also owned lots of land and fought with the settlers up to the 1880’s (see the pictures at http://community.webtv.net/paulnubiaempire “BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA.” Many others existed as well and they are all listed in the logs of some of the very early explorers who were either French or Spanish, or fur trappers.
So, the idea that the white man brought Blacks to this continent after Columbus is one of the biggest lies of history. The fact is they were looking for slaves in Brazil even before Columbus and the saw Blacks along the South American coast, in the Caribbean and in parts of the Southern U.S.
As for Black civilization in the Americas, it is a fact that the Olmec or Mende-Shi, are of African origins and they contributed to the building of the Olmec civilization in Central America and Mexico. This occurred from about 3113 B.C. to about 400 A.D.
While about half a million slaves were brought to the U.S. and many millions to Latin America and the Caribbean, there were large numbers of Blacks in the Americas who had been here for thousands of years and who also fell victim to slave raiders and invaders.
Read more on this from the text, “A History of the African-Olmecs,” pub. by http://www.1stbooks.com
See pictures of the Olmecs, Black Mojave, Afro-Darienite, Olmecs and other Blacks of the Americas who existed here before Columbus
http://community.webtv.net/paulnubiaempire “BLACK CIVILIZATIONS OF ANCIENT AMERICA.”
A case of too much interferenceIn a three-part article, KOFI MATE-KOLE looks at whether African countries have indeed attained full sovereignty after decades of fighting colonial forces and post-independence imperial interests.
“WHO says Africa is independent?”
This rhetorical question was asked by Malawi’s President Dr Bakili Muluzi in a recent interview with the New African magazine (Issue Number 420 of July 2003).
Why would a sitting democratically elected president of a sovereign African country pose such a question?
The answer given by Dr Muluzi was: “The situation in Africa, in terms of economic reform, is not changing. There has been too much interference (by the West) when we have tried to do something for our own good.
“(We are told) Oh no, don’t do that because we must tell you what to do, but the question is, why did we become independent?”
To answer this question we must start looking at the birth of the spark that brought independence to the continent.
Some oppressors, most notably Rhodesia’s Ian Smith, declared publicly that it would not happen in a thousand years, others predicted that it would not happen in the 20th century and assured their constituents that it would not happen at least during their lifetime.
Yet on March 6 1957 there was Dr Nkrumah proclaiming Ghana’s independence and throwing the gauntlet at the feet of all imperialists with the proclamation that the independence of Ghana was meaningless unless it was linked to the total liberation of Africa.
Nkrumah was a committed Pan-Africanist and thus in April 1958, barely a year after Ghana’s independence, he called a conference of the independent African countries at that time which were Liberia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Morocco, Sudan and Ghana.
It was resolved by all present at the meeting to support the liberation struggle on the continent by diplomatic and material resources.
December 1958 was the real landmark in the African continental struggle for independence.
Nkrumah convened the All-African People’s Conference in Accra and most known nationalist politicians and trade unionists were assembled in the Ghanaian capital. Unnoticed at that time was the quiet arrival of a Southern Rhodesian educationist coming to be a lecturer at a teachers’ college in Takoradi, Ghana, with the initials of R. G. M!
The purpose of the meeting was to map a strategy on how Africa would be totally liberated from colonialism and some of the delegates at the conference were Julius Nyerere, Patrice Lumumba, Joshua Nkomo, Harry Nkhumbula and Tom Mboya.
The chairman of the conference, Mboya, summed up the task of the conference saying: “We have all come here to fight for independence, the question is
France, Portugal and Belgium, the other major colonisers in Africa, were caught napping by Ghana’s independence.
In the first place the French colonial policy of assimilation assumed that the French colonial countries were integral parts of metropolitan France.
In fact, that meant that no French colony could in principle get independence just as it is impossible for New York State to get independence from the US.
Already events on the ground were making it impossible to maintain the principle that French colonies were integral parts of France.
In 1954, at Dienbienphu in Vietnam, nationalist guerillas under Ho Chin Minh had defeated the French army and captured their Christmas champagne to boot!
In Algeria, North Africa, another vicious colonial war was sapping French financial, moral and political resolve.
General Charles de Gaulle had to come out of retirement and return to active French politics to resolve the crisis.
De Gaulle proposed a new constitution for “Loi fundamentale” for all French colonies. A referendum was organised for French colonies to vote “yes” for autonomy within the French community or “no” for complete independence. As it was, Sekon Tonves Guinea alone opted for complete independence from
Guinea was granted independence in 1958, but France dismantled every machine that was movable and shipped them back home to France, the same thing Portugal did to Mozambique in 1975.
Nkrumah immediately gave Guinea a £10 million loan, electrical generators, broadcasting equipment plus technicians to fix the machinery. To seal it all, Ghana and Guinea signed a political union known as the Ghana Guinea Union.
France was so determined to give independence to its colonies in 1960 that it forced Felix Houphuet-Boigny of Ivory Coast to accept independence although he had refused independence earlier.
The stress, conflict and crises that the Algerian colonial war was causing the French body politic was so severe that France decided to get rid of all
her colonies if it meant forcing Boigny to accept independence.
So it came to pass that 14 French colonies attained political independence in 1960. Britain also gave independence to Nigeria, Africa’s most populous nation.
The Belgian Congo (present-day DRC) was also given independence on June 30 1960. In fact, 1960 is regarded as the year of African independence because 17 African countries attained nationhood and joined the United Nations; suddenly the biggest bloc of votes in its General Assembly came from Africa.
To all African countries it seemed the whole African continent would soon be liberated. This optimism was never realised because of what Nkrumah termed
the “Challenge of the Congo”.
The Congo crisis put paid to any dreams of quick and dramatic liberation of the continent.
The Congo story will be told elsewhere, but suffice it to say that the Congo was the least prepared country for political independence.
This vast Central African country, five times the size of Zimbabwe stretching from Sudan and Uganda in the north-east going south-west into Zambia and westwards to the Atlantic seaboard, did not have the political apprenticeship that the British gave their colonial subjects.
Neither did the Congo have representatives in the Belgian parliament like the French subjects such as Boigny. Barely three days after independence, the Congo plunged into chaos and anarchy.
Belgium, the departing colonial power, intervened militarily and Lumumba had no choice but to call Nkrumah for help and the Ghanaian leader advised Lumumba to call the UN for assistance.
Lumumba contacted the UN and the then Soviet Union for military assistance and in the chilly political climate of the Cold War era, that was a fatal error!
Lumumba was branded a communist by the West and plans were immediately hatched to kill him and rescue the Congo from communism.
Lumumba was murdered, Katanga seceded and Dag Hammerskjold, the UN Secretary-General, was killed when his plane was shot down over Zambia when he was trying to negotiate with Tshombe.
Everyone intervened in the Congo: the United Nations, the West, Ghana, the Cubans, South Africa and mercenaries.
At the end of the Congo crisis in 1965, the country had become a test case of the UN’s peacekeeping and nation-building efforts. The crisis split the solid Pan-African front into two camps, namely the Monrovia powers and the Casablanca powers.
Suddenly, dormant countries such as Liberia became active and started organising ”moderate” African nations, mainly Francophone countries and Nigeria. These countries felt that there was too much interference in the internal affairs of the Congo and there was the fear that the East-West ideological conflict was being brought into African affairs.
The Casablanca powers led by Ghana, Guinea, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Sudan, etc, insisted on the principle of ”Africa for Africans”.
Meanwhile, in East Africa, the then Tanganyika (Tanzania) attained independence in 1961 followed by Uganda and Kenya in 1962 and 1963 respectively. Suddenly, the strategic situation of the anti-colonial struggle had changed dramatically.
Tanzania shared the same border with Mozambique, which was then regarded by Lisbon as an integral part of metropolitan Portugal and therefore impossible to be given independence.
The OAU Charter, which was signed in 1963, was a compromise between the ”moderate” Monrovia powers and the ”radical” Casablanca powers.
Under the OAU liberation committee the liberation of ”white” Africa, which was then Angola, Mozam-bique, Zimbabwe, Namibia and South Africa, was conceptualised, logistically supported and executed.
Tanzania was used as a rear base for Mozam-bique’s Frelimo, Namibia’s Swapo, South Africa’s ANC, Zimbabwe’s Patriotic Front and the MPLA of Angola.
(To be continued)
The Mulindwas Communication Group
[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Arab culture and African culture: ambiguous relations.*
By Prof. Helmi Sharawy (arc@ie.eg.com), Director,
Arab Research Centre for Arab-African Studies & Documentation (ARAASD),
Cairo, Egypt.[Submitted by “Wau” < wau@worldonline.