There will be times from now to the future with people of all races especially the ones so called Black and White to which they will never see what is right and what is wrong. They will spit from their mouth fires of hate ,lies for truth, and plans for each others death. But both side will think that they are doing the work of God on each other but are indeed doing the work of Lucifer in their selves. it is in this hate for each other that will bring negative vibrations that Mother Earth will feel and this vibration of negative thoughts of hate and greed that will cause Mother Earth to cleanse more of her cancer for she can heal herself of her sickness. So be hold the more hate of Human against Humans will bring a wrath from the God of Nature like you never seen before. Be careful cause the wrath is just starting at out doorstep, THE SO CALLED UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Do Death Do Your Part.
A Moorish Prophesy
From: “Islam and The West: The Moriscos”, by Prof. Anwar G. Chejne, p27
In the year 1998 there will come to power briefly a ruler in the region of India and this ruler will be assassinated and it is this assassination which will cause a short, sharp conflict between East and West in the year 1999. This conflict will last less than 72 hours but it could destroy many millions of people. I foresee that this conflict will be brought to a sudden halt by an event that will take place high in the sky. Something will fall out the sky which will make people so afraid that war will stop immediately. I don’t know what will happen here, but I do know that all the major nations of the world will be involved in it. At the end of that conflict several nations in North and South America, which at present are not united, will merge into one super nation to try and counter the Eastern nations, but after that there will be a period of about 30 years of complete peace on this Earth, before another conflict takes place, but this time between people settle on the Moon and people on Earth.
Vusamazulu Credo Mutwa
A thousand years after my death, men would practice what is called forbidden knowledge, and as a result of this forbidden knowledge, the skies would become dark, the vegetation die, the animals vanish, leaving only a few survivors. And then the people out of fear and shame for what they had done, would tunnel into the underground regions of the Earth and there build their cities and villages as refugees from the terrible castastrophe they caused on the surface of Earth.
Pindamulili of the Bachioko nation of Angola.
There will come a time in the millennium of 2000 or 3000 where a great super war will happen between so called Humans, Humens, Humins, Earthlings over religions as well as over the Evil Ones who have put a One World Order over all. This war will be so devastating of lost of life that it will cause Humens to look for shelter in the caverns and holes of the inner worlds of this planet so called Earth. This war will not only be between all Humans from different religions and the One World Order but it will also be a war over the precious survival of clean water to drink and live.
There will be many warners from all over this planet so called Earth, who will try to warn as many Earthlings as possible of what’s to come in these 2 millenniums of 2000 and 3000. There will be hundreds that will heed the calls and thousands that will not heed and will surely head in the past of destruction. There will be many in the scientific communities from all over the planet so called Earth who will know what is coming down and will also be making scientific steps to make flight to other worlds in our Universe(s) as well as to inner earth. There will be terrible mass weapons and New scientific mass weapons used in this battle that has never been use before on this planet so called Earth. Humans will see technology used like they never seen before in this time of war and chaos as well as technology use for good in this time of shock.
When this new technology of new mass weapons of destruction is use upon the planet it will throw the planets nature into chaos and the God of Nature will move upon the earth with floods, fires, tornadoes, earthquakes, radiation, airborne diseases let loose a total mess.
Will humans survive? Yes they will along with some species of animals, but the Earth will not be what you see it to be in the early half of the millennium 2000. Will the earth be destroyed ? Although Humans in their foolishness can cause a serious boom on and in the planet so called earth, only the Supreme Force has the Force to completely destroyed this planet, to wipe it out of existence in this Universe.
What of the UFOS: Ufos called Unidentified Flying Objects, when a UFO or UFOS are seen by any human eyes, they are no longer are unidentified flying objects, they have been spotted (seen) so they become an unexplainable flying objects. In these millenniums of now and what’ s to come, there will be all type of UFO sightings, visits of both manmade UFOS as well as extraterrestrials flying in the Earths atmosphere, around the Earths atmosphere as well as coming from the Inner Earth and from different dimensions. There is so much to our Universe that so many Humans are under a spell and do not want to awaken of the knowledge of this great planet so called Earth and our tremendous Universe and Universes.
I will raise them up a Prophet from among their brethren, like unto thee brethren, like unto thee, and will put my words in his mouth; and he shall speak unto them all that I shall command him.
And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and the spears into pruning hooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.
FIRST ISAIAH(783-687 B.C.E.) IS 2:4
When righteousness is weak and faints and unrighteousness exults in pride, then my Spirit arises on Earth. For the salvation of those who are good, for the destruction of evil in men, for the fulfillment of the kingdom of righteousness, i come to this work in the ages that pass.
KRISHNA (c. 3000 B.C.E.), GITA 4:7-8
Drought, famine disease and war will sweep the world. People will no longer have any religion to which they can turn for solace or liberation: the doctrines of materialism will overwhelm their minds and drive them to struggles for their own selfish ends. The lust for power and wealth will prevail over teachings of compassions and truth. Nations will fight nations, and the larger will devour the smaller.
The Age of Evil has come to the world…. Everyone steals and hoards great wealth, and sensual sin rules the day. The end of the world is at hand— yet men are hard and cruel, and listen not to the doom that is coming….. No one heeds the cries of his neighbor, or lifts a hand to save.
Like a diamond glows the light on the Tower of Shambhala. He is there-Rigden-jyepo, indefatigable, ever vigilant in the cause of mankind. His eyes never close. And in his magic mirror he sees all events of Earth. And the might of his thought penetrates into far off lands. Distance does not exist for him; he can instantaneously bring assistance to worthy ones. His powerful light can destroy all darkness. His immeasurable riches are ready to aid all needy ones who offer to serve the cause of righteousness. He may even change the karma of Human Beings.
I have been born many times, Arjuna, and many times hast thou been born. But I remember my past lives, and thou has forgotten thine. Although I am unborn, everlasting, and I am the Lord of all, I come to my realm of nature and through my wondrous power I am born. When righteousness is weak and faints and unrighteousness exults in pride, then my Spirit arises on Earth. For the salvation of those who are good, for the destruction of evil in men, for the fulfillment of the kingdom of righteousness, I come to this world in the ages that pass. He who knows my birth as God and who knows my sacrifice, when he leaves his mortal body, goes no more from death to death, for he in truth comes to me.
KRISHNA (c. 3000 B.C.E. ), GITA 4:5 – 9
Drought, famine, disease and war will sweep the world. People will no longer have any religion to which they can turn for solace or liberation: the doctrines of materialism will overwhelm their minds and drive them to struggle for their own selfish ends. The lust for power and wealth will prevail over teachings of compassion and truth. Nations will fight nations, and the larger will devour the smaller.
For five full cycles of the Dawn Star, the rule of the warring strangers will go on to greater orgies of destruction…. Their path will lead to the Last Destruction. Know that the end will come in five full cycles, for five, the difference between the Earth’s number and that of Gleaming Dawn Star, is the number of these children of warfare.
Parents shall be hated by their children.
The warlike fall upon peaceful, brothers, and sisters and even children soil one another’s blood.
And there shall be signs in the Sun, and in the Moon, and in the Stars; and upon the Earth distress of nations,with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring.
Y’SHUA (c. 30 C.E.), LK 21:25
In those days the Earth will not be stable, and men will not sail the sea, nor will they know the Stars in Heaven.