Paa Nashad “The Anthem”
1. Anuki Jawef Paa Áashuq Em Paa Paúut
I am in the Divine Love of The All Expanding.
Wu Kalel Áashuq Kawun Jawefnee
And all Divine Love is in me.
2. Anuki Qasam-un Afaf Paa Paúut.
I am a part of the All Expanding
Wu Paa Paúuṫ Kawun Qasam-un Afaf nee.
And The All is a part of me.
3. Anuki Wahu Amma Paa Paúut.
I am one as The All.
Wu Paa Paúut Kawun Wahu Amma-nee.
And the All is one as me.
4. Nakuk Qadur Najuh Amma Qasam-un Em Paa Paúuṫ,
I can succeed as a part of The All Expanding,
Wu Khabub Amma Shakhaṡ-un
And fail as an individual person.
5. Nakuk Qadur Kawun Kalel Pafaf Nakuk Raghub Jawef Paa Paúuṫ,
I can be all that I wish in The All Expanding,
Taalamaa Raghabnee Kawun Baquy Jawef Paa Paúuṫ.
As long as my wish is to stay inside The ALL Expanding.
6. Anuki Yabed Bi Nafasnee.
I am never by myself.
7. Paa Paúut Kawun Anuki
The All is I am.
8. Paa Paúut Qadur, Nakuk Qadur
The All can, I can.
9. Paa Paúut Áamul, Nakuk Áamul.
The All does, I do.
Ley Huum MunenNuun
Ley-Huum MunenNuun.
For them from us.
Amtu Ather Karer Huum.
They are with them.
Amtu Ather Karer Kuum.
They are with you all.
Amtu Ather Karer Nuun.
They are with us.
Amtu Ather Jawefnee.
They are inside me.
Amtu Ather Nee Wu Anuki Huum.
They are me and I am them
Yay Aaashuq Rayay
O Loving RE
Asmuh Jayay Nuun
Listen at us
Yay-u Nadjar-u Aqbulnuun
O Overseers, Accept us.
An-Nuun Ather Kharad-u-kuum.
We are your children.
Yay-u Nadjar-u Aqbulnuun
O Overseers accept us.
Aqbulnuun, Aqbulnuun
Accept Us, Accept Us.
Yay-u Nadjar-u-nuun.
O Our Overseers.
Aaaaaaaaaaa Nun, Aaaaaaaaaaa Tum, Aaaaaaaaaaa Tun,
Aaaaaaaaaaa Muuuuuun.
Namas-uh #1
“Prayer 1”
Yay-u Faáaq-u
“O Supreme Ones”
Yay Huu, Yay Huu, Yay-u Nadjar-u
O Force of Creative Will, O Force of Creative Will, O Overseers.
Yay Sayay, Yay Sayay, Yay-u Nadjar-u
O Perceptive Mind, O Perceptive Mind, O Overseers.
Yay Hi-Kaaah, Yay Hi-Kaaah, Yay-u Nadjar-u
O Supernatural Strength, O Supernatural Strength, O Overseers.
Antkuum Ather Paa Faáaq-u.
You All Are, The Supreme Ones.
Yay Huu, Yay Huu, Yay-u Nadjar-u
O Force of Creative Will, O Force of Creative Will, O Overseers.
Antkuum Ather Paa Faáaq-u.
You All Are, The Supreme Ones.
Wu An-Nuun Ather Kharad-u-Kuum
And we are you all’s Children.
Wu Antkuum Ather Yasar-Nuun
And you all are our family.
Yay Huu, Yay Huu, Yay-u Nadjar-u.
O Force of Creative will, O Force of Creative will, O Overseers.
Akhfush Munqazh-Nuun
Free our Saviour.
Yay Huu, Yay Huu, Yay-u Nadjar-u.
O Force of Creative will, O Force of Creative will, O Overseers.
Namas-uh #2
Prayer #2
Akhfush Huu
Free Him
O Ancient Ones Guard Us
Antkuum Afaf Ladada Salaf-u Nuun
You All of Whom Birthed Our Ancestors,
Wu Yasar-u-Nuun
And Our Families,
Afaf Ather Sawara Paa Baaah
Of Whom Are Made Into The Soul,
Afaf Kawuna Kaaah-u
Of Whom Were Spirits,
Afaf Ather Aakhakh
Of Whom Are Ether
Afaf Kawana Jasad Wu Damam
Who Were Flesh And Blood.
Yay-u Nadjar-u Qadam-u Nuun
O Overseers Our Ancient Ones,
Free Our Redeemer,
Huu Kawun Munzal Munen Paa Nadjar-u
He Is Incarnate From The Overseers,
Akhfush Huu
Free Him.
Huu Kawun Paa Nabab:Yaanuwn
He Is Paa Nabab Yaanuwn
Akhfush Huu
Free Him
Huu Kawun Atum-Rayay
He Is Atum-RE
Akhfush Huu
Free Him.
Huu Kawun Khafush
He Is Free.
Namas-uh #3
Prayer #3
Yay-u Nadjar-u Salaf-u-Nuun
O Overseers our Ancestors
Ahfudznuun Munen Paa Mujwad-u.
Guard us from the wicked ones.
Ahfudznuun Munen Tajhal.
Protect us from ignorance.
Yay-u Nadjar-u Ahfudz-nuun
O Overseers, Guard us.
Munen Saayur Ghayara.
From Becoming Changed.
Ahfudznuun Ahfudznee
Guard us, guard me.
Ahfudznuun Ahfudznee
guard us, guard me.
Yay-u Nadjar-u-nuun
O Our Overseers.
Namas-uh #4
Prayer #4
Paa Tasyan
“The Protection”
Nakuk Nashud Tasyan Bi Paa Nadjar-u
I seek protection by way of The Overseers.
Munen Paa Laáana Lawi-Tanan-u.
From the cursed Dragonians.
Kalel Ranam-aatnee Ather Ley Paa Nadjar-u.
All my chants are for The Overseers.
Wu Kalel Namas-uh-aatnee Ather Leykayad-un Layya Paa Nadjar-u.
And all my prayers are for a certainty to The Overseers
Paa Ṡadaq Wu Paa Taraq
“The Truth and the Way”
1. Panan Ṡafah Kawan.
1. This book is.
2. Paa Ṡadaq Wu Paa Taraq
2. The truth and the Way.
3. Zi Kawuna Nazula Li Kuum.
3. It was sent down for you all
4. Munan Ṡabat-aat Wu Ṡaaah-aat
4. From Sirius and Orion
5. Amma Haday-un wu Shaafah-un
5. As a guidance and a Healing
6. Munan Salaf-uKuum Wu Nadjar-u
6. From you all’s Ancestors and Overseers.
7. Arjua Layya Nafas-u Kuum.
7. Return towards your own selves.
8. Aqbul Shanash Kawan Kuum
8. Accept what is yours (you all’s).
9. Paa Ṡadaq Wu Paa Taraq
9. The Truth and the Way.
1. Enen Tawuh Kuum
1. We thank you all,
2. Li Panan Shaafah Wu Aalaj
2. For this healing and cure.
3. Enen Tawuh Kuum
3. We thank you all,
4. Li Tem NaasayNuun
4. For not forgetting us.
5. Enen Tawuh Kuum,
5. We thank You All.
6. Li Aashuqkuum
6. For You All’s (Divine) love.
7. Antkum Ather Salaf-unuun
7. You All are our Ancestors.
8. Enen Ather Kharad-ukuum
8. We are You All’s children.
9. Enen Talub Naṡarkuum
9. We seek Your help.
10. Enen Talub Naṡarkuum
10. We seek Your help.
11. Anṡur-nuun Antkum Ather Paa Kahen, Nadjar-u
11. Help us Divine Nadjar-u.
12. Anṡur-nuun Salaf-u-nuun
12. Help us our Ancestors.
13. Enen Ather Nuwaup-u
13. We are Nuwaupians.
14. Anun, Atum Atun Amun
14. Anun, Atum Atun Amun
We Amazulus( The Peoples of The Heavens),bare witness to our way of life (Religion) which is Truth,back by facts of the known and not just beliefs although we do have beliefs, we are always seeking,Truth of the Known and the Unseen, which is yet Known.We Amazulus respect The Scriptures of The Force,Who is The Source of us all, who sent down words and written words to all the Prophets, Messengers and Warner’s of The Creator, The Supreme One.
We Amazulus call on The Spirits of all our Ancestors from the past, whom did righteousness, in the Name of The Force, who is The Source, the Angels and other Life Forms,who do righteousness, In The Name of The Force, to watch over all of Amazulus and all Human Beings on this planetso called Earth. We Amazulus call on The Force, who is The Source, to bless The Universal Zulu Nation always, to watch over, Mother Earth and all the Planets and Universes. To keep us always protected from our Earthly enemies, Subterranean Worlds enemies, Interplanetary enemies, Solar Systems enemies, Galactic enemies, Star Systems enemies, Dimensional enemies, Universe and Universes enemies. Oh Great Force, who is The Source, keep us strong and healthy in Mind, Body, and Soul. Keep us on a straight path of righteousness and even if we fall of grace,here and there, keep us always searching for:Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom, Right Understanding,for we can Overstand as Gods and Goddesses and Sound Right Reasoning.
OH Great Supreme Force,To Whom Is Called By Many Names
We Lost a Giant,A Peaceful man,But A Warrior in Times of Need,A Generous Man,A Helper,A Doer of The Word and a Guidance to many who have had console from Our Brother. A Chief in His Own Right. A Organizer and One Who Seen the Gods or Goddess in each and everyone he has come across in His Life Time on Mother Earth. A Caring Brother who will give a Smile letting You Know Things Will Be Good for You if You Keep trying to Succeed. A helper to many as well as a Father to many who needed his guidance. A keeper of history,our-story a living African Griot in his Own Time dealing with Our Hip Hop and African TIANO/Latino Story and teach it to those who will give a Listen to What Our Brother had to say with Wisdom. One Who will Check You,When You Push His Last Nerve of Your disobedience. The Light of Allah was on Him,The Gift of Jah was with Him, The Wonders of God was in Him and The Return to Amen Ra a waits Him. Through Good and Bad,Yin and Yang,agreeable or disagreeable that we all must go through in Life.Our Brother,Leader and Teacher Zulu King Lucky Strike,May Your Light Forever Burn in The Our Story of The Universal Zulu Nation and Hip Hop. May it Be Know That You a Powerful UZN Council Member gave Universal Light To All Whom Came To Sit with You,Learn From You and is Their Duty to Carry The Torch for The Next Generations of Zulus and Hip Hoppers The World Over.
Amuun,Amin, Amun,Amen RA
Go In Peace Zulu King Lucky Strike
Love and Respect to You Always from The Universal Zulu Nation and Afrika Bambaataa
Oh Mystery
We are born into the world a star rising in the night. We shine,We burn. Our Bodies ache with love and longing. Our lives filled with sorrow and joy. Then in a moment,so fast,so fast,that star falls below the horizon. And now,here we are,those who remain. And that flickering light becomes memory Held in our minds and your broad embrace. May we cherish the preciousness of it all.
By James Ford
I know all humim beings can enhance their lives that’s a fact! “Proper” Prayer is great and action upon our “proper”prayers can be better if one really knows how. If we really want to change ourselves we must ,
Learn Techniques that you’ll need to Uplift your whole being physically mentally & spiritually! We know the thoughts are there and you have been thinking about them Whether it’s Huda, or Egiptian Yoga, or AEO Meditation or anything you think will help you with some of things that are mentioned below that one could ask for…
Make Your Own Happy Holiday This Year!!! (((((KEEP READING BELOW!!!!!))))) In Love with the NUWAUBU:
I asked The Neteru to take away all my bad habits.
The Neteru said, No.
It is not for The Neteru to take away, but for you to give them all up.
I asked The Neteru to make my handicapped child whole
The Neteru said, No.
His spirit is whole, his body is only temporary.
I asked The Neteru to grant me patience.
The Neteru said, No.
Patience is a byproduct of tribulations;
it isn’t granted, it is learned.
I asked The Neteru to give me happiness.
The Neteru said, No.
I give you blessings; Happiness is up to you.
I asked The Neteru to spare me pain.
The Neteru said, No.
Suffering draws you apart from worldliness and brings you closer to The Neteru.
I asked The Neteru to make my spirit grow.
The Neteru said, No. You must grow on your own! but The Neteru will prune you to make you fruitful.
I asked The Neteru for all things that I might enjoy in life.The Neteru said, No.The Neteru will give you life, so that you may enjoy all things.
I ask The Neteru to help me LOVE others, as much as The Neteru loves me.The Neteru said..Ahhhh, finally you have the idea.
“To the world you might be one person, but to one person you just might be the world”
If you don’t believe in “The Neteru” or you are just scientific, that’s fine. This all still applies. Change the word, “The Neteru” to whatever makes you comfortable…
“Go beyond belief. When it comes to promoting physical health, we don’t just study medical texts and read self-help books. We have to put healthy
precepts into practice. Similarly, the peace and inner strength that comes from spiritual wellness depends not only on what we believe but on what we do. Spiritual time management-making room in your day for proper prayer, proper meditation, proper rituals, proper sacred music and other ways to commune with the sacred as you overstand it-can strengthen your spiritual immune system. Voluminous data on meditative disciplines support the importance of regular spiritual practice regardless of one’s faith tradition (or lack of one).
Taking the time for practices that enhance inner peace can be one of
the healthiest lifestyle choices you can make. ”
“A’shug Wa Hotep, Tawuh Antuten, Nefer Wadu’ Hau” “Pa Tased”
The Universal Zulu Nation sends these Prayers out to All on Planet Earth cause as we prepared for any disasters always keep up spirituality with the Universe(s),The Gods and Goddesses of The Supreme Force of All in the All of All that is and ever Was. These are from from different faiths but we as Zulus give Honor and Love and Respect to All Prayers that help,Shape,and Protect All that is All on Earth and our Universe(s).Always remember to Stand Up and Protect yourselves. Send this email to All over the planet and put Love sound word power back in the atmosphere to counter act Evil especially from the Lucerferians mind control of some Humans or other Beings who are bringing Evil and Negativity on our Planet. Save Our Planet or The Planet will Remove You. Love,Truth,Peace,Freedom,Justice to all to help out in Uplifting Fallen Humanity.
In the Name of The Force, who is The Source,whom is called, by many names, ALLAH, JEHOVAH, YAHWEH, JAH, GOD, EL KULUWM, AMEN RA, THE ALL, THE SUPREME ONE FORCE.
We Amazulus( The Peoples of The Heavens), bare witness to our way of life (Religion) which is Truth, back by facts of the known and not just beliefs although we do have beliefs, we are always seeking, Truth of the Known and the Unseen, which is yet Known. We Amazulus respect The Scriptures of The Force, Who is The Source of us all, who sent down words and written words to all the Prophets, Messengers and Warner’s of The Creator, The Supreme One. We Amazulus call on The Spirits of all our Ancestors from the past, whom did righteousness, in theName of The Force, who is The Source, the Angels and other Life Forms,who do righteousness, In The Name of The Force, to watch over all of Amazulus and all Human Beings on this planet so called Earth. We Amazulus call on The Force, who is The Source, to bless The Universal Zulu Nation always, to watch over, Mother Earth and all the Planets and Universes. To keep us always protected from our Earthly enemies, Subterranean Worlds enemies, Interplanetary enemies, Solar Systems enemies, Galactic enemies, Star Systems enemies, Dimensional enemies, Universe and Universes enemies. Oh Great Force, who is The Source, keep us strong and healthy in Mind, Body, and Soul. Keep us on a straight path of righteousness and even if we fall of grace, here and there, keep us always searching for: Right Knowledge, Right Wisdom, Right Understanding, for we can Overstand as Gods and Goddesses and Sound Right Reasoning. ALL PRAISE DUE TO THE FORCE, WHO IS THE SOURCE OF US ALL. US BEING
The Sacred Seven Prayers
O Great Spirit, who art before all else and who dwells in every object, in every person and in every place, we cry unto Thee. We summon Thee from the far places into our present awareness.
O Great Spirit of the North, who gives wings to the waters of the air and rolls the thick snowstorm before Thee, Who covers the Earth with a sparkling crystal carpet above whose deep tranquillity every sound is beautiful. Temper us with strength to withstand the biting blizzards, yet make us thankful for the beauty which follows and lies deep over the warm Earth in its wake.
O Great Spirit of the East, the land of the rising Sun, Who holds in Your right hand the years of our lives and in Your left the opportunities of each day. Brace us that we may not neglect our gifts nor lose in laziness the hopes of each day and the hopes of each year.
O Great Spirit of the South, whose warm breath of compassion melts the ice that gathers round our hearts, whose fragrance speaks of distant springs and summer days, dissolve our fears, melt our hatreds, kindle our love into flames of true and living realities. Teach us that he who is truly strong is also kind, he who is wise tempers justice with mercy, he who is truly brave matches courage with compassion.
O Great Spirit of the West, the land of the setting Sun, with Your soaring mountains and free, wide rolling prairies, bless us with knowledge of the peace which follows purity of striving and the freedom which follows like a flowing robe in the winds of a well-disciplined life. Teach us that the end is better than the beginning and that the setting sun glorifies not in vain.
O Great Spirit of the heavens, in the day’s infinite blue and amid the countless stars of the night season, remind us that you are vast, that you are beautiful and majestic beyond all of our knowing or telling, but also that you are no further from us than the tilting upwards of our heads and the raising of our eyes.
O Great Spirit of Mother Earth beneath our feet, Master of metals, Germinator of seeds and the Storer of the Earth’s unreckoned resources, help us to give thanks unceasingly for Your present bounty.
O Great Spirit of our souls, burning in our heart’s yearning and in our innermost aspirations, speak to us now and always so that we may be aware of the greatness and goodness of Your gift of life and be worthy of this priceless privilege of living.
©1996 Noel Knockwood, B.A. Elder
Prayer for Protection
O God, you are my Lord. There is none worthy of worship except You. I rely upon You, and You are the Great Lord of the Throne. Whatever God wills happens, and whatever He does not will does not happen. There is no power or strength except by God. I know that God is able to do anything, and that God knows all. O God I seek refuge in You from the evil in myself and every creature that You have given power over us. Verily my Lord is on the straight path.
Read more:
God is most great.
Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty.
Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty.
Glory be to my Lord, the Almighty.
Our Lord, praise be to Thee.
God is most great.
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High.
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High.
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High.
God is most great.
Glory be to my Lord, the Most High.
Father, I thank You for what You for Your hand of protection upon my family, friends and myself for this coming New Year. Father, in the Name of Jesus, I thank You that You watch over Your Word to perform it. I thank You that my family, friends and I dwell in the secret place of the Most High and that we remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty, Whose power no foe can withstand. I cover my family, friends and I with the Precious Blood of Jesus, Your Son, thus keeping us safe from the hideous snares of Satan and all his cohorts.
Father, You are our refuge and our fortress. No evil shall befall us – no accident shall overtake us nor shall any plague or calamity come near my home. I release ministering angels to go forth and to encompass over my family, friends and myself, to accompany and defend and preserve us in all our ways of obedience and service. They are encamped around about us. I bind the devil from trying to influence them in any way this holiday. Shelter us in the palm of Your hand and save our homes from all storms.
Keep us close to Your Heart.
Father, You are our confidence, firm and strong. You keep our feet from being caught in a trap or hidden danger. When we lie down, You will give my family, friends and myself peaceful sleep. Father, You give this family safety and ease us – Jesus is our safety! In Jesus Name, AMEN
Ephesians 6:12-18 (NKJV)
12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.
13 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.
14 Stand therefore, having girded your waist with truth, having put on the breastplate of righteousness,
15 and having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel of peace;
16 above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one.
17 And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God;
18 praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit, being watchful to this end with all perseverance and supplication for all the saints–
Next, Lord, I want to put on the Breastplate of Righteousness. Through this, I guard my heart and my emotions. I will not allow my heart to attach itself to anything that is impure. I will not allow my emotions to rule in my decisions. I will set them on what is right and good and just. I will live today by what is true, not by what I feel.
Lord, this morning I put on the Sandals of the Gospel of Peace. I am available to You, Lord. Send me where You will. Guide me to those who need encouragement or physical help of some kind. Use me to solve conflicts wherever they may arise. Make me a calming presence in every circumstance in which You place me. I will not be hurried or rushed, for my schedule is in Your hands. I will not leave a trail of tension and apprehension. I will leave tracks of peace and stability everywhere I go.
I now take up the Shield of Faith, Lord. My faith is in You and You alone. Apart from You, I can do nothing. With You, I can do all things. No temptation that comes my way can penetrate Your protecting hand. I will not be afraid, for You are going with me throughout this day. When I am tempted, I will claim my victory, out loud, ahead of time, for you have promised victory to those who walk in obedience to Your Word. So, by faith, I claim victory even now, because I know there are fiery darts of evil and attacks headed my way even as I pray. Lord, You already know what they are and have already provided the way of escape.
Lord, by faith, I am putting on the Helmet of Salvation. You know how satan can bombard my mind day and night with evil thoughts, doubt, and fear. I put on this helmet that will protect my mind. I may feel the impact of his attacks, but nothing can penetrate this helmet. I choose to stop every impure and negative thought at the door of my mind. And, with theHelmet of Salvation, those thoughts will get no further. I elect to take every thought captive: I will dwell on nothing but what is good and right and pleasing to You.
Lastly, I take up the Sword of the Spirit, which is Your Word, the Holy Bible. Thank You for the precious gift of Your Word. It is strong and powerful and able to defeat even the strongest of satan’s attacks on me. Your Word says that I am not under obligation to my flesh to obey its lusts. Your Word says that He (the Holy Spirit) that is in me is greater than he (satan) that is in the world. So, by faith, I take up the strong and powerfulSword of the Spirit, which is able to defend me in times of attack, comfort me in times of sorrow, teach me in times of meditation, and prevail against the power of the enemy on behalf of others who need the Truth to set them free.
So, Lord, I go now rejoicing that You have chosen me to represent You to this lost and dying world. May others see Jesus in me, and may satan, and his hosts and demons, shudder as Your power is made manifest in me. In Jesus’ Name I pray — Amen.”
Seeking Protection of Allah
- 34:41
They will say, “Glory to Thee! our (tie) is with Thee – as Protector – not with them. Nay, but they worshipped the Jinns: most of them believed in them.”
Qaalu subh.aanaka ‘anta waleynaa min duunihim bal kaanu ya buduun al jinn aktharhum bihim mu’minuun footnote:(62)
- 9:129
But if they turn away, Say: “(Allah) sufficeth me: there is no god but He: On Him is my trust,- He the Lord of the Throne (of Glory) Supreme!”
Fa ‘in tawallaw fa qul h.asbe ‘allaah laa ‘ilaah ‘illaa huwa alayhi tawakkaltu wa huwa rabb al arsh al az.iim footnote:(63)
- 11:47
Noah said: “O my Lord! I do seek refuge with Thee, lest I ask Thee for that of which I have no knowledge. And unless thou forgive me and have Mercy on me, I should indeed be lost!”
Qaala rabbi ‘inniy a uzu bika ‘an as’alka maa laysa liy bihi ilm wa ‘illaa taghfir liy wa tarh.amne akun min al khaasiriinfootnote:(64)
- 12:64
He said: “Shall I trust you with him with any result other than when I trusted you with his brother aforetime? But Allah is the best to take care (of him), and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy!”
Qaala hal ‘aamankum alayhi ‘illaa ka-maa ‘amintukum alaa ‘akhehi min qablu fa ‘allaah khayr h.aafiz.(an) wa huwa ar raah.imiinfootnote:(65)
- 23:97
And say “O my Lord! I seek refuge with Thee from the suggestions of the Evil Ones.
Wa qul rabbi a uzu bika min hamazaat ash shayaat.iin
- 23:98
“And I seek refuge with Thee O my Lord! lest they should come near me.”
Wa a uzu bika rabbi ‘an yah.d.uruun
- 12:101
“O my Lord! Thou hast indeed bestowed on me some power, and taught me something of the interpretation of dreams and events,- O Thou Creator of the heavens and the earth! Thou art my Protector in this world and in the Hereafter. Take Thou my soul (a
Rabbi qad ‘aataytane min al mulk wa allamtane min ta’wel al ah.aadeth as samaawaat wa al ‘ard. ‘Anta waleyi fe ad dunyaa wa al ‘aakhirah tawaffane muslim(an) wa alh.iqne bi as. S.aalih.iinfootnote:(67)
- 12:65
Those who say, “Our Lord! avert from us the Wrath of Hell, for its Wrath is indeed an affliction grievous,-
Wa ‘allaziina yaquluun rabbnaa is.rif annaa azaab jahannam ‘inna azaabhaa kaana gharaam(an)footnote:(68)
- 10:85
They said: “In Allah do we put out trust. Our Lord! make us not a trial for those who practise oppression;
Fa qaalu alaa ‘allaah tawakkalnaa rabbnaa laa taj alnaa fitnah li al qawm az. Z.aalimiin
- 12:65
“And deliver us by Thy Mercy from those who reject (Thee).”
Wa najjinaa bi rah.mahka min al qawm al kaafiriinfootnote:(69)
- 113:1
Say: I seek refuge with the Lord of the Dawn
Qul a uzu bi rabb al falaq
- 113:2
From the mischief of created things;
Min sharr maa khalaqa
- 113:3
From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads;
Wa min sharr ghaasiq ‘izaa waqaba
- 113:4
From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads;
Wa min sharr ghaasiq ‘izaa waqaba
- 113:5
From the mischief of Darkness as it overspreads;
Wa min sharr ghaasiq ‘izaa waqabafootnote:(70)
- 114:1
Say: I seek refuge with the Lord and Cherisher of Mankind,
Qul a uzu bi rabb an naas
- 114:2
The King (or Ruler) of Mankind,
Malik an naas
- 114:3
The Allah (for judge) of Mankind,-
‘Ilaah an naas
- 114:4
From the mischief of the Whisperer (of Evil), who withdraws (after his whisper),-
Min sharr al waswaas al khannaas
- 114:4
(The same) who whispers into the hearts of Mankind,-
‘Allaze yuwaswis fe s.udur an naas
- 113:5
Among Jinns and among men.
Min al jinnah wa an naasfootnote:(71)
Prayers for Help in Times of Trouble
Incline Thine Ear, O HaShem
A Prayer of David. Incline Thine ear, O HaShem, and answer me; for I am poor and needy. Keep my soul, for I am godly; O Thou my God, save Thy servant that trusteth in Thee. Be gracious unto me, O Lord; for unto Thee do I cry all the day. Rejoice the soul of Thy servant; for unto Thee, O Lord, do I lift up my soul. For Thou, L-rd, art good, and ready to pardon, and plenteous in mercy unto all them that call upon Thee. Give ear, O HaShem, unto my prayer; and attend unto the voice of my supplications. In the day of my trouble I call upon Thee; for Thou wilt answer me.
Source: Tanakh (Jewish Publication Society, 1917)
The Peacock’s Prayer (for Protection)
This is the Theravadian version of the Peacock protection prayer. Not a mantra, rather it’s a Paritta…nonetheless still for protection. And below is the story of the peacock. Indeed, the peacock is a symbol of protection aganist illness, poisons and many other negativities not only in Buddhism, but also in other cultures and religions, such as Hinduism. So, it goes back a long long time, not confined to Buddhism.
The Peacock’s Protection Prayer (Mora Paritta)
The Great Being (the Buddha-to-be) was born as a peacock,fufilling the necessary requirements for obtaining Enlightenment, and having arranged protection for himself by means of this protective discourse. Him, the Great Being, although the hunters
Strived for quite a long time, they were not able to capture. This was prescribed by Lord Buddha as an Exalted Charm.Oh thou! Let us recite this protective discourse.
“There he rises, the thousand-eyed king,Making the world bright with his golden light.Thee I worship, Oh glorious wing, with thy golden light, making the world bright.Keep me safe, I pray, through the coming day.
“The saints, the righteous, wise in the entire holy lore,They may protect me and to them I adore Honour be to the wise, honour be to wisdom To freedom, and to those who had achieved freedom.
Having made this protection the peacock went about to seek food.
There he sets, the thousand-eyed king, He that makes the world bright with his golden light.Thee I worship, On glorious wing,With thy golden light making the world bright.Through the night, till the next day; Keep me safe, I pray.
The saints, the righteous, wise in the entire holy lore,They may protect me, and to them I adore.Honour be to the wise, honour be to wisdom.To freedom, and to those who had achieved freedom.Having made this protection, that peacock rested happily at home,
Another version:
The One King, rising, with Vision,Golden-hued, illumining the Earth:I pay homage to you,Golden-hued, illumining the Earth.Guarded today by you, may I live through the day.
Those Brahmans who are knowers of all truths,I pay homage to them; may they keep watch over me.Homage to the Awakened Ones. Homage to Awakening.Homage to the Released Ones. Homage to Release.
Having made this protection, the peacock sets out in search for food.
The One King, setting, with Vision,Golden-hued, illumining the Earth:I pay homage to you,Golden-hued, illumining the Earth.Guarded today by you, may I live through the night.
Those Brahmans who are knowers of all truths,I pay homage to them; may they keep watch over me.Homage to the Awakened Ones, Homage to Awakening.
Homage to the Released Ones, Homage to Release.
Having made this protection, the peacock arranges his nest.
The Prayer
Ode to the daily by the Tenth King :
- Having first remembered God the Almighty, think of Guru Nanak.
- Then of Angad Guru and Amar Das, and Ram Das, may help us.
- Remember Guru Arjan, Guru Har Gobind and the holy Guru Har Rai.
- Let us think of holy Har Krishan whose sight dispels all sorrows.
- Let us remember Tegh Bahadur and the nine treasures shall come hastening to our homes.
- May they all assist us everywhere.
- May the tenth King holy Guru Gobind Singh the lord of hosts and protector of the faith assist us everywhere:
- Turn your thoughts. O, Khalsa to the teachings of Guru Granth Sahib and call on God. (Wonderful Lord !)
- The five Beloved Ones and Master’s four sons, the forty Saved Ones and other righteous steadfast and longsuffering souls : think of their deeds and call on God. (Wonderful Lord !)
- Those men and women who keeping the name in their hearts shared their earnings with others; who piled the sword and practiced charity; who saw other’s faults; but overlooked them : think of their deeds and call on God. (Wonderful Lord !)
- Those who for their religion allowed themselves to be cut up limb by limb had, their scalps scraped off, were broken on the wheel, were sawn of flayed alive : think of their sweet resignation are call on God. (Wonderful Lord !)
- Those who to purge the Gurdwaras of longstanding evils, suffered themselves to be ruthlessly beaten or to imprisoned to be shot, cut up or burnt alive with kerosene oil, but did not make any resistance or utter even a sigh or complaint : think of their patient faith and call on God. (Wonderful Lord !)
- Think of all the different Gurdwaras, thrones of religious authority and other places hallowed by the touch of the Guru’s feet and call on God. (Wonderful Lord !)
- Now the whole Khalsa offers his prayer.
- Let the whole Khalsa bring to his mind the Name of the Wonderful Lord.
- And as he thinks of Him, may be feel completely blessed.
- May God’s protection and grace extend to all the bodies of the Khalsa wherever they are.
- May the Lord’s glory be fulfilled and His dispensation prevail.
- May victory attend our charity and our Arms.
- May God’s sword help us.
- May the Khalsa always triumph.
- May the Sikh choirs, banners, mansions abide for ever and ever.
- The Kingdom of justice come.
- May the Sikhs be united in love.
- May the hearts of the Sikhs be humble, but their wisdom exalted – their wisdom in the keeping of the Lord O Khalsa. Say the Lord is wonderful. (Wonderful Lord !)
- O true King ! O loved Father ! In these ambrosial hours of the morn we have sung. Thy sweet hymns heard They life giving Word and have discoursed on They manifold blessings May these things find a loving place in our hearts and serve to draw our souls towards Thee.
- Save us, O Father, from lust, wrath greed, undue attachment and pride : and keeping us always attached to Thy feet.
- Grant to they Sikhs the gift of Sikhism. The gift of They name, the gift of faith, the gift of confidence in Thee, and the gift of reading and understanding They Holy Word.
- O kind Father, loving Father through. The mercy we have spent the night in peace and happiness : May Thy grace extend to our labors of the day, too, so that we may according to Thy will, do what is right.
- Give us light, give us understanding, so that we may know what pleaseth Thee.
- We offer this prayer in presence, O wonderful Lord.
- Forgive up our sins. Help us keeping ourselves pure.
- Bring us into the fellowship of only those men of love. In whose company, we may remember they name.
- Through Nanak may Thy name for ever be on the increase.
- And may all men prosper by the grace.
The Khalsa belongs to the Wonderful Lord, who is always victorious.
Excerpts taken from these books.The Sikh Prayer by Teja Singh ji. Published by SGPC, Amritsar
Prayer/dedication to Amun-Ra
Today is another day I start in thy name
Thee was reborn as the Lord Khepri
Thee was reborn new and with that thee give us new growth, new births, new in all
May I be reborn each morning with thee with new ideas, new opportunities and new abilities
Thee was the Creator Amun as they created the order and the worlds we walk on
Thee was the Creator Re as thee have created me and those walking beside me
Thee was the Creator Atum as thee created the sunset and the acomplishing of things and events
I now ask for thy right eye to not only to protect me, but to give me courage and the ability to overcome all obstacles and in the undertaking of new endavers
I now ask for thy left eye to protect me against all evils, sicknesses and faults
I ask thee to bless me with the power of order, truth and justice from the Lady Maat
I ask thee to bless me with the knowledge and wisdom of our Lord Thoth
I ask thee to bless me with the protection against poor health from our Lord Horis
I ask thee to bless me with plendour, beauty and happiness from our Lady Hathor
I ask thee then to bless me with the skills to work, to do things as our Lady Isis taught those many centuries ago.
Place the sons of Horus around me in a circle to protect me from that which might harm me
Place the Goddess Tefnut and Shu on my right and left sides, and place the God Aten and the God Geb above and below me to from the magic square of elements protection
Place the Goddess Sekmet on my right shoulder and the God Horus on my left shoulder as my guardian angels, protecting me, healing me and providing me with insight, courage and determination. This is easy as playing pokies games through free online pokies games website where you can learn about how pokies games work.
I walk thy path, I am they servant, I am they student Hear my words as I call upon your mercy, your guidance and your energy to guide me Teach me for I am a student at your feet Bless me for I am your servant
I call on thee to place all which is good on my path and to bless me with what I need
I call on thee to bless me with all which is good and to provide me with all which I need